Read Starburst Page 42

  “There is no comparison,” she whispered to his lips. “Take me to bed,” she added with another thrust of her tongue into his mouth.

  “I need a shower,” he replied and she stood up, taking his hand.

  Peyton wanted more than anything to follow him to the bathroom and join him, but she didn’t, she wanted him in bed and not in the shower and knowing that if she got in there with him, they would never make it back to the bed.

  She instead sat in the chair and picked up the half read book that she had been reading. She read the same paragraph over and over, trying to recollect any of it, and failing miserably.

  Kevin emerged in tight dark blue boxer briefs and her eyebrows rose at the sight of how damn sexy he was. He sat beside of her in the other chair and took her book. He turned it over to see what she was reading and was a little surprised at her book choice.

  “Steven King?” he asked. “I pictured you as a sappy romance kind of person.”

  “I read everything,” she admitted, smiling seductively at him.

  “You’re supposed to be naked,” he said softly and dropped the book to the table between them.

  Peyton didn’t reply and stood up and walked to the bathroom door, where she reached her arm in and turned off the light. She stayed on the other side of the room and unbuttoned one button on her white shirt.

  “Take your clothes off,” he demanded in a soft husky voice.

  She unbuttoned another button and slowly made her way down to the last one. She opened the shirt and revealed her light pink lace bra and then unbuttoned the button on the jean shorts.

  “Keep going,” he demanded, liking the show.

  She slid the shirt off of her shoulders and to the floor and slowly slipped the shorts to the floor and walked out of them.

  Peyton screamed when he jumped up and grabbed her and had her on the bed in a spilt second.

  “You didn’t’ let me finish,” she told him with a serious expression as she placed her hand on his cheek.

  “I tried, it didn’t work,” he replied and kissed her.

  Kevin made love to her, and it was the most emotional love making she had ever experienced in her life. Her head was spiraling, her stomach quivered, and her heart was completer than she thought it had ever been.

  She lay naked in his arms and they fell asleep, tangled in each other’s embrace.

  Peyton woke just before seven and quietly walked out of the room and gently closed the door. Trevas was up as well and was just pouring coffee. She tightened the belt on her robe and sat at the bar across from him.

  “Good morning,” he said, sliding her a cup of coffee.

  “I’m not sure I am talking to you yet,” she stated, sipping the coffee.

  “You are,” he assured her, and she smiled and shook her head.

  “What is the schedule this week?” she wanted to know, mostly because she wanted the house and Kevin to herself for the next week.

  “I am not really sure. I know we have that party tonight, and she has a pretty busy week, but I have no idea where, what, why or when. I just go where she tells me to go.”

  “Are you getting tired of all of this?”

  Trevas shrugged his shoulders. “It’s not so bad. I would be doing this anyway. I just wouldn’t have the benefit of…never mind,” he said, remember that Peyton was Alley’s mother, and he almost said something about sleeping with her.

  “I think she will be glad it’s over. She told me that you guys were going to move to Utah and build a house by your grandparent’s lake.”

  Trevas laughed. “We have discussed it for about five minutes. I don’t know what we are doing yet, but she is pretty set on what we are doing.”

  “If she is set on moving to Utah than you will be moving to Utah,” Peyton replied, knowing Alley always got what Alley wanted, even with Trevas, whether he would admit to it or not.

  “What about you Peyton? Are you going to be moving to Utah?”

  Peyton smiled, thinking about Kevin in her bed asleep. “I don’t know, honestly. I have thought about it, I guess but not too seriously.”

  Peyton’s phone buzzed with the new text message, and she smiled when she saw that it was Kevin.

  “I need breakfast.”

  “Come out here, coffee is ready, and I will make you some breakfast,” she text back.

  “I kind of wanted you for breakfast.”

  Peyton laughed, and Trevas shook his head as he watched her disappear back to bed.


  Trevas, Kevin and Chase stood off to the side, all dressed in suits. They watched the room full of people, mingle, sip wine and pick at the o’rdourves being offered by beautiful women.

  “Did you know that Brooke Austin was going to be here?” Chase asked Trevas as he watched her walk in.

  “No, I didn’t, but I would hope Alley would be over that by now.” He did think she was over it, and thru being mad at her over her impulsive foolishness with her dad, but wanted to warn her just in case.

  “Brooke Austin just walked in,” he texted, and she turned to see for herself, after reading it.

  “Don’t worry my little bodyguard, I will behave.”

  “I will give you my little bodyguard,” he threatened, and she smiled at him. Trevas had hardly taken his off of her since they had gotten there. She was the most beautiful girl there and although she fussed and hated to dress up like that, and fretted even more over wearing her hair up. She was stunning, and he couldn’t keep his eyes from her. She was wearing the leather pants and floral print satin shirt with the boots. Her hair was piled messily on top of her head with dangling soft curls.

  Kevin was having the same problem trying to keep his eyes from Peyton. Her light colored hair was also pulled up, and she wore a creamed colored short dress with a V cut which was well past her breast, and was held up by two thin straps on each shoulder. He winked or smiled a sexy smile, every time she looked at him, and it was driving her crazy. After about thirty minutes, she had had enough and she too, text Kevin.

  “If I come and get you will you mingle with me?” she asked.

  “I feel better over here with Trevas, pretending to be a bodyguard, but if you really want me to then yes I will.”

  “No, I won’t make you. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. We won’t stay too long.”

  “You stay as long as you want sweetie, I love the view from over here, and I cannot wait to take you out of that dress.”

  “You keep talking like that, and we will be leaving now.”

  Kevin laughed when he saw Alley giving her heck for her cellphone.

  “Mom, you’re worse than Trevas and me,” she protested, and Peyton slid it back into her purse.

  Trevas watched as Selena White walked up to him with a hot sexy smile.

  “Damn, who is that?” Kevin asked before she got to them.

  “Trouble,” Trevas replied, returning the smile to Selena.

  “Hey sexy, how are you. I haven’t seen you for a while.”

  “I’m good Selena, and you?” he asked, trying to be polite and hoping that she went about her business before Alley saw her.

  “I am good, been busy. What time you done working here?” she asked, going in for the punch.

  “It’s hard to tell,” he replied, with only that.

  Alley turned just in time for her to put her hand on Trevas’s chest, and reach around him for another glass of wine. She wanted to go right up to her and tell her to get the hell away from him, but her mom noticed what was going on as well.

  “Alley… let it go. He is not interested in her, and you know it.”

  “She needs to get the fuck away from him, like right now,” she demanded.

  They watched as Selena continued to flirt and whisper in his ear. Trevas looked to see the outraged look on her face, but didn’t know how to tell Selena to back off. If this stupid movie would hurry up and premier, he wouldn’t give a shit and come right out and tell her that he was with Alley, but
he couldn’t yet, so he endured the looks from Alley and the seducing of Selena.

  Fletcher walked over to Peyton and Alley. “There’s my two favorite girls,” he said with a big smile.

  “Dad you have about three seconds to get that bitch away from Trevas before I cause a scene,” she demanded, and he looked to see what she was talking about.

  Fletcher didn’t know who she was. He knew he had seen her around but didn’t, know her name.

  “Who is that?” he asked.

  “Selena White, She is a model. She and Trevas used to mess around.”

  “What do you want me to do Alley?” he asked, having no, clue what he was supposed to say to some young hot model the he didn’t even know.

  “I don’t care what you do, but if somebody doesn’t go get her the fuck away from him. I am.”

  “Alley, he is right in front of you. He isn’t going to touch her,” Peyton tried, but knew that Alley was getting madder and madder as they watched her laugh and rub herself all over Trevas.”

  Fletcher walked away and up to Trevas. He was just going to move in and talk to Trevas and hopefully break up their little party.

  “Are you here to work or flirt with the beautiful guest?” Fletcher said and smiled at Selena. God she was more beautiful close up than she was across the room.

  She smiled back at him.

  “Selena this is Nicholas Fletcher,” Trevas introduced them.

  Selena’s mouth dropped open, and she sucked in a deep breath of air. “Nicholas Fletcher, the director? I love your work,” she sucked up, and Trevas rolled his eyes. He knew Fletcher would be more than happy to take her home.

  “Can I get you a drink?” he asked, even though she was already holding one.

  “Sure, I would love one,” she replied, and walked away with him, not giving Trevas a second look.

  Trevas breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against the wall.


  “Was it so hard for you to tell her that you were fucking working and couldn’t talk to her?” Alley yelled on the ride home while Peyton and Kevin rode the back seat.

  “Alley can we discuss this later?”

  “Fuck no, we’re not discussing it later. You think my mom and Kevin didn’t witness the same thing that I did?”

  “You didn’t witness anything. I never touched her, and I am going home with you. Now stop it.”

  “Can you two maybe, fight later, when we don’t have to hear it.”

  “Tell her how ridiculous she is being,” Trevas told Peyton through the rearview mirror.

  “I am staying out of it,” she demanded, “but Alley he was right in front of you.”

  “I don’t care. He was right in front of me, and let her hang all over him for thirty minutes.”

  Trevas groaned and ran his hand through his hair at her, and continued to drive them home, wanting her out of the car.

  Peyton and Kevin went right to her room. She didn’t want Kevin to have to see one of the famous Alley tantrums, and thought it was best to disappear and let Trevas deal with her.

  “Sorry about that,” Peyton told Kevin, once they were quietly in her room.

  Kevin smiled. He wasn’t worried about Alley, and he had already been warned by Kay and Trevas about her overenthusiastic attitude. He removed his suit jacket and dropped it over her vanity chair and moved to her.

  “I am more interested in Alley’s mother than Alley at the moment,” he said, taking her in his arms. He kissed her and unzipped the back of her dress, and within seconds she didn’t care about Alley either, and they were lost in each other.

  Alley kicked the boots off, sending them gliding across the floor. Trevas took his jacket and tie off and just watched letting her throw her little fit.

  “Unzip me,” she demanded, angrily, turning her back for him to help her.

  He looked forward to getting her out of this outfit all night, and she had to go and get crazy on him. He kissed the back of her neck, and she moved away and glared at him.

  “Are you going to unzip it or not?” she asked.

  “Turn around,” he replied, softly and her face softened just a little too.

  He held the zipper and slowly unzipped her dress, and moved in and kissed her neck again. She tried to be mad and move away again, but he wrapped his hand around her waist and held her to him.

  “Take your hair down,” he whispered, kissing her shoulders and neck.

  “I’m mad at you,” she said softly, already losing control from his touch.

  He slid the shirt off her shoulder and moved his fingers between the lace on her bra and squeezed her nipple. She moaned and dropped her head to his chest.

  “Alley I would tell the whole world that you are mine if I could and you know it,” he whispered to her ear.

  She turned to him and knew that he was telling the truth. He wasn’t in the position to tell Selena that he was with her, but he still could have told her to back off.

  “I was so mad at her touching you Trevas.”

  “I know baby, and I probably would have reacted the same way. Well maybe not quite that bad,” he teased and she smiled.


  Alley was back to being a bitch the following morning. She was throwing things in her bag, getting ready to fly to Chicago for a morning show with her costar Jerrod Jackson. She was so sick of traveling; the media’s bull shit and all of the crazy fans that she thought were insane. She just wanted it to be over with and couldn’t wait to get to Utah with Trevas and leave it all behind.

  Peyton, Trevas and Kevin sat at the table and ate breakfast while she put on a show, upstairs cussing and throwing things. Trevas’s name came up several times along with a few choice words, and they laughed and shook their heads at her.

  Trevas and Alley left around noon, and Alley was still as mean as a rattle snake. Peyton was having a hard time being sad that she was leaving, and even felt bad for Trevas.

  “Wow, she is a little pistol,” Kevin said, once they were gone.

  “That is a nice way of putting it,” she spoke. She was thinking of a different word and pistol wasn’t it.

  “I want to take you out tonight Peyton. Let’s go to a nice restaurant and maybe to a movie,” Kevin requested.

  Peyton smiled a warm smile at him. “Kevin we can’t do that here.”

  “Why not? I don’t care about all the craziness if you don’t.”

  “It’s not fun and relaxing like it is in Utah.”

  “Let’s do it anyway Peyton.”

  “Kevin, I am warning you. You will be in the tabloids by the time we make it home if you take me out in public.”

  “Thanks for the warning, now where do you want to go?”

  Peyton smiled and shook her head. “I will call the Château Lamoure. They have awesome food, and the Chef there is incredible, but I am telling you, it’s not going to be pretty. I will call Trevas’s friend Chase and have him send us a driver.”

  “I can drive us,” Kevin said, not wanting anyone but her around.

  “No you can’t Kevin. Trust me, we’ll get a driver.”

  “Okay,” he replied, thinking that she was being way over dramatic.

  Peyton searched the number on her phone, and a pleasant young lady answered.

  “Château Lamoure, how may I direct your call?”

  “Hi, this is Peyton Paxton, and I wanted to get a reservation for two this evening.”

  Peyton heard the girl gasp, astonished that she was talking to Peyton Paxton. “I do have a private table for two at seven, would that work for you Ms. Paxton?”

  “Is seven okay?” she asked Kevin with her hand over the mouth piece, and he shook his head yes.

  “That would be fine, thank you.”

  Peyton called Chase next and he told her that he would be her personal driver, but he did want a couple other cars following just to be safe, and she told him no that between him and Kevin that should be enough.

  “No limousine?” Kevin teased, wrapping hi
s arms around her.

  “I can get a Limo,” she teased back, and he laughed.

  Peyton got a shower after Kevin, and he waited for her already dressed by the pool. She came out in a black pantsuit that was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. Then again he had noticed a lot of sexiest things he had ever seen since he met her. The jacket was short and she didn’t wear a shirt under it, and it showed just enough cleavage. The pants were long and flared a little at the bottom, and the heels with her perfectly manicured toes put her attire over the top.

  “Damn, I don’t want to go out anymore,” he said, rubbing his hand up the back of her leg, and she smiled down at him.

  Her phone rang, and it was Chase letting them know that he was outside and waiting for them.

  Chase opened the back door of the big black SUV with dark tented windows and Kevin got in first. Peyton slid to the middle and placed her hand on the inside of his thigh, and his hand covered hers. This is why Kevin wanted to drive and not have Chase sitting in front of them. He wanted to reach over and kiss her and say things to her that wasn’t proper to say in front of Chase. His apprehensiveness was interrupted by Peyton, leaning forward and turning to him. She moved her lips close to his and he met her in the middle, and she kissed him as though they were about to get it on right there with Chase in front of them.

  He ran his hand up her, side and she turned her head summoning him to kiss her neck, and of course he did. She smelled amazing, and he could feel the desire growing in his now too tight dress pants as she moaned a soft quiet moan. She moved her hand to his crotch and ran it along his now erect shaft. He took her hand away from him, not knowing how far they had until they got there, not wanting to walk to their table with a hard on.

  “You have to stop,” he whispered.

  “I told you, we should have stayed home,” she whispered back, kissing his neck.

  “Two blocks, Mr. Paxton,” Chase announced, and she slid to the other side of the vehicle, and Kevin looked at her confused but had a good idea as to why she did.