Read Starlit Ruins Page 54

I know you've wondered how we made it in the battle against Uraki-Ayo, even after Usagi-san told us we all died. Well sweetie, so have I. Often. Usagi won't question that it came down to her again, just like facing Queen Beryl. This time, I know it's different. Forget the fact that she was pairing off against the very source of the NegaVerse, she didn't have us with her. It wasn't until Galaxia restored Chaos with Usagi's help, to where it should be; in pieces everywhere, that we came back.

  How else can I describe it? We were dead. Well, we didn't exist, and then, we did! I've stopped trying to get my head around it. Not that being an angel actually seems to help me make any sense of it. Go figure.

  I asked her about Uraki. Fighting him made a lot more sense to me. Even though I've been using chi channelling for so much of the war, I can't resist the urge just to hit something. It's just part of who I am. Anyway, Usagi seems to believe that being with our husbands that made the difference. Ami won't admit it, but I think she feels the same. Honestly, I couldn't stand being there without your Papa. Having his strength by my side made me much more comfortable. It always has.

  You probably understand that now, being engaged. As for Rei, she was pretty sure it had something to do with the teleportation that started this whole thing back in Rifts Japan. I said "pretty sure," so there's a fair amount of doubt there. I don't know why, but Minako won't comment. I think she's more concerned about trying to get pregnant.

  I still think it's weird she fell in love with a dragon. But, I think I've gotten used to their being a couple, with their living with us and the Shirinaui family. Oi, not to mention the fact that being an angel seems to make it even. That's even more strange. I know the most important thing is the love, and the relationship, but the difference in race is a little hard to accept. Though I suppose when she gets married I'll have a… dragon for an in-law? Okay, so I haven't explained that yet. We've decided to reform the Silver Clan. The clan itself has been disbanded for long enough now. All of this has brought us closer, if nothing else.

  Not that there isn't. They've had to. Joining the clan means we're all going to be much closer now. We're buying a fair amount of land, and sort of forming our own village. Well, not officially, but you know what's like. It's going to be awhile, but plans are coming together rapidly! We'll really growing together.

  That reminds me that Tristan just started preschool. You should have been there. Your little brother looked so adorable in the denim jumpsuit you sent! I took pictures, so you can see them when you come by for Christmas. We're so looking forward seeing you.

  Maybe you would consider staying?

  Well, we can talk about that later. I don't want to get started, yet. So what else is new? Oh! I just heard from your Aunt Ami. She's with child, and it's a normal pregnancy, thank heavens. She's decided on a water birth, you know that? I think that's so neat! I'm very happy for her, since Natole and she have been trying for so long. It's too bad the four of you decided to stay on Canor, we really miss you over here.

  I guess I'm trying to say something. I mean, I keep on coming back to this. Ah, it can wait. There's still more news.

  Rei and Adolphus are married, and Yin is doing well. He just started walking the day I wrote this letter! Watching him is so much like watching you at that age. He's so gorgeous, very much like his mother. It's no surprise his hair is raven black. They're very proud of him. Not just Rei and Adolphus, but also everyone else. It's amazing, but the children are surrounded by such love. It's a wonder to think they should ever want for family. Funny thing is, it also means there's always a babysitter nearby in an emergency. Actually, it helps. There was so much tension during the war, during the last year, and now we just get to be normal and raise our families. I know you're thinking "but what you are is normal." The idea that what we were during the war might be normal disturbs me. But, I'm not going to dwell on it. There are others things that are definitely more important.

  I get to my own kitchen to cook in after so long! That in itself is a miracle.

  Speaking of miracles, how are you and Jaden? How is Sapphine? Is she recovering? Let me know when we should expect invitations dear. Your wedding is the last thing I would ever want to miss!

  I guess you're wondering about Tenma. It's been difficult for her. Being a single parent, I mean. It has helped a lot that she's back with Mai and Andy, and that we're all providing physical and emotional support for her. She struggles with the fact that men are shunning her because of Tisuro. That kind of shallowness just angers me. She is a sweet, beautiful, warm hearted young woman, and yet men can be so blind! I have faith, however, that she will fall in love. She's destined to be with someone, I know it! A guy who will give her the love, support, and respect she deserves. As I see it, it's just a matter of time.

  As for Kai, she's pushing for her Masters Degree in Holistic Sciences. She's very talented. On a more romantic note, she did just meet this charming Canadian exchange student. His name his Jason! I nearly passed out laughing when I heard that. The name of your puppy-love boyfriend? Absolutely sweet!

  Oh, that brings me to another bit of news! How can you tell Usagi and Mamoru have been busy? She's due in a couple of weeks, and is expecting twins! A pair of bright spirited girls! Amazing. She's so blessed. So was I when I had you. Such a shining light in my life when I so needed it. Oh, all of this and I haven't even asked about you! How is the training? I never wanted to become a KnightsMage. Somehow being an Angel of War was enough. I understand you've been elected to the council of the Felynx Consummate? What do you even do? It must be difficult. I know what it's like to be psychic and live around such unrest. But, I guess rebuilding a society from scratch would be anything but easy.

  I can't hold back any longer! Ayana, Papa and I miss you so terribly! I know I shouldn't pressure you, but in my heart it doesn't feel right that you should be so far from us. I love you with all of my soul, and not having you in the same dimension as me is well, like having a piece of me missing. I think you took an arm and a good chunk my brain when you left. I have prayed at length, for weeks, honestly, to know whether I should ask you to come home. By this, you know the answer I received. I would love you to be here with your family. Papa actually cried last night. It's breaking his heart. He loves you so much, even though he never says it in so many words.

  Yes, that is a guilt trip, sweetie. Sometimes I wish you had been here during the war. At least I could have watched over you myself! It was hard to let you go. But then, I really had little choice. You were in so much danger. We all were.

  Come home darling,


  Makoto Kino Ireson

  Hanlan Ireson

  Dear Mama,