Read Starlit Ruins Page 55

For the longest time I've felt the same. Can you believe Jaden had a dream he was on another world? That cinched it for me. We're coming home. Um, well, I'm coming home, and bringing my fiancee with me. If you're wondering about the Felynx Alliance, (they've changed the name so many times I'm confused, and that's saying something!), they can't seem to make up their mind about anything. It didn't work out. There was too much concern about my being psychic and an off-worlder. Well, fine. They're so screwed up they can't decide what to do first, rename the towns or start reconstruction! If someone doesn't sort them out, they're going to get into a heap of trouble. This sort of thing is extremely delicate. They don't exactly have the resources to play with.

  Oh well, that's their problem now.

  On the other front, I've completed my KnightsMage training, and have been Knighted. It's Sir Ayana Kino now, Mama-san. The KnightsMage General was somewhat concerned about my request to leave, but dropped it when he remembered where Usagi was. She's still the most powerful KnightsMage next to him. That amazed me. I mean, she's more powerful now, right? I haven't asked since the end of the war, but how are the Neo Senshi? Besides Usagi, they are the only faction of the KnightsMage I'll be able to interact with. I was crushed to learn Nasura was killed. I can only imagine how they're dealing with it.

  There's not much left to tell. We'll be home well before the wedding, which won't be for at least six months. Of course, you can prepare whatever you like! I'm very much looking forward to your cooking. Sapphine is a fine cook, but I miss yours too much! Papa, I love you, and I'm sorry for making you feel sad. I've been trying to stay safe. It hasn't been easy, which is another reason for leaving. Feral Felynx have been rousing things lately. It's scary. Fortunately, Jaden and I are tough enough to take on just about anyone who is foolish enough to try and challenge us.

  As for the rest of your letter, there's so much to say! I won't, since I'm coming back. I'd rather do it in person.