Read Started From The Top Now I'm Here Page 2

  “Cheron, wassup? We still hanging tonight or what?” Sonnet asked.

  “I’m down, what about Lexi?”

  “I’m in traffic; get her on the three-way.”

  Once she was on the line the trio set their plan for the evening, although it was met with hesitation from Lexi.

  “Y’all always trying to go to them bougie ass clubs. A bitch like me can’t afford all that? Y’all the ones with the damn ballers. My ass is over here struggling,” Lexi complained.

  “And yo’ ass stay broke cause you fuck with broke ass niggas” Sonnet chimed in. “It’s just as easy to fuck a rich man as it is a broke one, but you gotta go where they at.”

  Cheron giggled at her friends bickering. “Well I have a man so I’m not looking. I’m just going to get out of the house.”

  “That’s alright Cheron; you can help me school Lexi on how it’s done. You need to write a book girl, especially with that fine, rich ass man of yours.” A smirk spread across Sonnet’s face as she thought about how Kenterris had put the dick on her the night before.

  “That’s right Cheron, yo’ ass done hit the jackpot girl,” Lexi agreed.

  “Yeah he is a good man, I’m lucky to have him,” Cheron stated happily.

  “Alright y’all bitches done got me geeked. I’m rolling, Sonnet you paying for me to get in right?” Lexi asked her.

  “Shit, don’t I always?” she grumbled.

  “So where are you right now?” asked Cheron.

  “Girl just left the salon, ‘bout to pick up Gucci from the groomer then I gotta take my family shopping. It will probably be about 10:30 or 11:00 by the time I’m dressed.”

  “Alright I’ll hit y’all up later” Lexi announced before hanging up.

  “I’ll call you when I’m ready Cheron, wear something cute,” Sonnet told her

  “I will, I’ll talk to you later.”

  Once Sonnet picked Gucci up she decided to call Aintee Maven to finally tell her she was on the way. She had a total of 12 missed calls from Aviare and 4 messages from him that she didn’t even bother checking. The time was now 8:15 and she was just now getting around to the family despite the fact that she originally told them she would be there that morning. Last time she talked to Aintee Maven was around 3pm. There was no doubt in her mind that she would be talking cash shit when she arrived. Ten minutes into her journey she looked down and saw that the oil light had popped on.

  “FUCK!” she wailed as she slammed her fist into the dashboard.

  Normally she would have ignored the light however she had neglected it for the past few weeks. And the last thing she needed was for her shit to run hot on her once she got to the hood. Suddenly she remembered that the garage not too far from her house stayed open late on the weekends. The owner Derrick stayed there sometimes till the wee hours of the morning working on cars.

  “Lemme see if Derrick can hook me up real quick” she thought as she scrolled through her phone looking for his number.

  She didn’t see any reason why he wouldn’t if he was there, especially since his ass been trying to holla since day one. In his mind Sonnet was the most beautiful, sexiest woman that he had ever laid eyes on but she wouldn’t give him the time of day simply because he was a blue collar man.

  “Thanks so much Derrick, that’s so sweet of you. I’m on the way.”

  “Ok Gucci, momma ‘bout to drop you off at home before anything else happens. My baby hasn’t eaten all day. Mommy got you boo.” She glanced in the rear view mirror as she conversed with the freshly groomed canine in baby talk. “They just gon’ have to wait a little while longer. They done waited all day, what’s another hour? Walmart stays open all night.”

  Chapter 4 – Payback Is A Bitch

  “Ok so the plan is set. My girl said that they should be at the club between 11:00 and 12:00. I’m stopping by her house so I will tell you what she’s wearing, plus you already know what she looks like. Its gon’ be three of them,” Kenterris instructed.

  “Yea I know what your girl looks like but you said it would be three of them. How am I supposed to know which one is Sonnet?”

  “Trust me bro’, you will know. She will be the fine one, besides my woman of course. The one they call Lexi is the loud, ignorant one. She’ll probably be dressed like a stripper and you can’t miss that damn fire engine red weave.”

  “Damn man it’s like that? Tyler laughed. “So you sure you ready for me to go through with this?”

  “Nigga I ain’t never been so sure about nothing in my life. She’s a user and she treats people like shit. It’s about time this bitch got a taste of her own medicine.”

  “Alright nigga, I’ll call you once I’m in.”

  Kenterris gritted his teeth in rage each time he thought about the conversation he had overhead between Sonnet and Lexi. He knew that he wasn’t perfect but she had an inflated sense of self- entitlement that couldn’t be denied. Up until now he had ignored her little rants, dismissing them as her being a spoiled brat. However he cringed each time she vented to him about doing something for her family, because despite of his whorish ways, family meant everything to him. And although he was a successful self-made millionaire now, he knew what it was like to do without.

  His father walked out of his life when he was just five years old, leaving his mother to raise four children by herself. She held down three jobs at certain points, just to be able to put food on the table and to make sure her babies had everything they needed. He also remembered what it was like to have relatives who had it to give but didn’t.

  Even though Sonnet’s mother had passed away she was beyond blessed. She was living the life most women from her same background could only dream about. She was educated, beautiful, lived in a beautiful home, and drove expensive cars. Not to mention the fact that she didn’t have to work and had a flock of niggas willing to drop a stack in her lap on any given day, but it wasn’t enough….

  Once Kenterris learned of Sonnet’s true intention of taking him for as much as she could possibly get her hands on, her greed pissed him off. And the fact that she wasn’t willing to share with the people closest to her that needed it the most spoke volumes about her character. This bitch drove around in a new vehicle but complained about being asked to take her sick Granny to a doctor’s appointment.

  Seeing Sonnet for who she truly was made Kenterris take a look at himself and his relationship with Cheron. He knew that she was a good woman but like most men in his position of power he had to experiment to see if the grass was greener on the other side. He couldn’t have been more mistaken. Not only was it not greener, the shit was actually a field of weeds. He made a vow to himself from this day forward that he wouldn’t not only stop cheating on Cheron, but he would appreciate her and treat her like the queen that she truly was.

  Chapter 5 – Wishful Thinking

  “That will be $24.99,” Derrick announced as he gave Sonnet the once over. She was even prettier than he last remembered.

  “Here you go, keep the change,” she responded, handing him $40.00.

  “So uhmm you still not trying give up that number?”

  “Nah…. I’m sorry boo but I’m off the market.” Sonnet was lying though her teeth. Derrick was a cutie and he seemed nice enough, but she just couldn’t see herself with a labor worker. True enough he did own the garage but what if that shit fell through? What if his back went out? That nigga couldn’t even bring home a decent paycheck. Plus how would she look with a man on her arm who couldn’t even afford to keep up her basic salon visit? The risk was just too high. She appreciated him letting her drop in on such a short notice but that was as far as it went.

  “Well I hope he’s treating you good. Cause I’ll be right t
here to slide in and take his place.” Derrick handed Sonnet her receipt and shot her a sexy grin.

  In yo’ dreams nigga, is what she was really thinking.

  “Thanks so much for everything Derrick. I really appreciate you. I’m in a hurry so I gotta run boo.” She gave him a wave as she pulled out of the garage.

  Derrick stood in the doorway and watched as she drove away.

  “Damn its hard being the object of these niggas fantasies,” Sonnet smirked as she glanced at him in the mirror and drove off into the darkness.

  Chapter 6 – Don’t Kill My Vibe

  “I know I said I would be there at 3:00 but I got tied up. I have a life too you know. I can’t just drop everything when y’all call. I’m in a hurry so tell Aviare to have his little ass outside,” Sonnet demanded before hanging up on Aintee Maven.

  Upon reaching the house she noticed that Aviare hadn’t come outside. This further infuriated her. It was bad enough she was taking time out of her schedule to run errands for them, but they couldn’t even give her the common courtesy of following directions.

  Sonnet proceeded to lay on the horn with both hands. BEEEEEPPP, BEEEEEPP, BEEEEEP.

  “That’s her Aintee Maven, you sure you don’t want me to go out there?” Aviare asked as he peeped out the blind in the front room. “Dang why she gotta blow up our spot like that? I’m ‘bout to cuss her out right now!”

  “Naw nah I done told you to stay put. Imma have a talk with Sonny. I’ll call you out when I’m done.”

  This had to be the most degrading moment in Maven’s life. Not only had they waited around all day for Sonnet to arrive, she couldn’t even have the satisfaction of telling her to kiss her ass. The truth was, not only did they still need a ride to the market; she also needed to borrow money as well. She hated asking anyone for a hand out. Her pride just wouldn’t allow it. She would just as soon live off of beans and crackers before she stooped to the level she was about to go with her niece.

  One of the worse parts of being broke was trying to explain why she needed the money. If it were anyone else in the world Maven could have asked she would have. Sadly they didn’t have much family and the few friends she did have had fallen on just as hard times as everyone else in the hood. Life was hard in the ghetto. Families did whatever they needed to do to survive. It made it very difficult to ask for help from people who were suffering just as hard as the next. She could have asked her sister or brother but the truth was, she had already borrowed from them several times in the last few months and she didn’t want to wear out a good thing.

  Aintee Maven worked as a meter reader for the city of South Central for 18 years until her hip went out. She ended up going out on disability over three years ago and was still waiting to have replacement surgery. The city had decent benefits that would have covered the surgery; however, she was spooked by one of her coworkers who had recently died from blood clot complications after having the same procedure. She prayed every night for God to help her overcome her fear. Until then she endured the grinding torment of bone against bone with every step she took.

  Come on! What the hell are they doing? Oh God what now? Sonnet thought as she watched Aintee Maven hobble down the front steps and make her way to the car.

  Once she approached the vehicle Sonnet didn’t bother to open the door to let her in. Instead she opted for rolling down the passenger side window.

  “Wassup Aintee, y’all ain’t going?” Sonnet asked in haste.

  “Yes we still need a ride Sonny. We’ve been waiting on you all day. I thought Aviare mentioned to you that we needed some food in the house pretty bad,” Maven responded in a reprimanding tone.

  “Yeah he did, but I didn’t think it was THAT serious. I can’t believe y’all didn’t have anything at all.” She shot a skeptical glance in Maven’s direction before turning her attention to her reflection in the rearview mirror.

  “We made due Sonny, but that’s not the point.”

  “So, what is the point? Are y’all going or not? I got someplace to be.”

  “The point is your family needs you. Aviare needs you. You always got somewhere to be except here. You always putting them damn niggas ahead of your own blood. Well I got news for you baby, a pussy full of tricks ain’t never kept no man. That game you playing is gon’ run out sooner or later, mark my words.”

  “You should know, the way Uncle Leroy ran off and left you,” Sonnet replied, being a straight smart ass. “Look I didn’t come here for no damn sermon. It ain’t like you always been no saint yourself.”

  “Your momma would turn over in her grave if she could see how you done turned out.”

  Sonnet shook her head in disbelief of the conversation that was taking place.

  “Is this why you called me over here, to lecture me? This is some bullshit if I ever seen it. I guess y’all don’t need a ride after all I’m out.”

  Just as she put the car in drive Aintee Maven repositioned herself in the entrance of the rolled down window.

  “Can you please move so that I can leave?”

  “Or what? You gon’ pull off and drag me?”

  Sonnet sighed. “No Aintee Maven I’m not gon’ drag you. What do you want from me?” she asked rolling her eyes in agitation.

  “I want you to stay put ‘till I say what’s on my mind. It kills me to even have to ask you but I need $60.00 to help on the groceries.”

  “$60.00! What are you doing with your money? I know y’all got at least 4 checks coming up in here.” Sonnet narrowed her eyes and gave Maven a grimacing stare. Trying to line her pockets with my money talking ‘bout some damn grocery money. She must think I’m a fool.

  The last thing Maven wanted to do was explain her situation to someone that it wouldn’t make a world of difference to. However these were desperate times and she had to get food in her household any way she could.

  “Chile that ain’t no money, you know that yoself. I’m just trying to get a few thangs till my check come. And if you must know, Granny’s checks go to paying her medical bills and the nurse that comes out. You know she didn’t have the best insurance and Medicare only covers so much. Plus they done put her on this new medication that cost $150.00. I don’t know how we gon’ swing that.”

  Maven dropped her head in depression as she shared the struggles of her household. “You know I can’t work and that little disability I get is barely enough to cover the rent and utilities.”

  “What about that check Aviare gets from momma?”

  “Leave him outta this. That chile needs all the help he can get. He’s a young man Sonny and you know his clothes ain’t cheap. Lawd knows I wish I could give him more. It’s all I can do to keep that baby from selling that stuff. He’s a good boy, trying to do right. He just needs somebody to help him. He’s ‘bout to enter his freshman year in college without a dime. I told you before, he only got a partial scholarship. His check has to pick up the slack. I know he gon’ find him a job, but it’s hard out here.”

  “Ok, I done heard enough. Here take this little $60.00. Imma need you to use $20.00 of it to get y’all a cab though ‘cause I’m really short on time now” Sonnet sneered as she noticed the time on the radio read 9:45. “You gon’ pay me back on the first right? Cause I need my money like everybody else.”

  “Yes Sonny I’ll pay you back on the first.”

  “That’s all I needed to hear. I gotta run. I’ll call y’all tomorrow.”

  Maven stepped away from the car and watched Sonnet drive off. Her bottom lip trembled as she turned to make the long tread back up the walkway. She had never been so humiliated in her entire life. She never imagined she would see the day that she would have to literally beg her own family to help put food on the table. She wr
apped her arms around herself as she choked back the tears. She didn’t want Aviare or Granny to see her upset. She would later cry herself to sleep that night. This would be last time she would ask Sonnet for a dime. If that meant going to the food bank or getting donations from the church then so be it. Nothing or no one was worth her sacrificing her dignity.

  Chapter 7 – Basic Bitches Fall Back

  Sonnet stepped out of her house looking like a bag of money. The Herve Ledger gold metallic bandage dress hugged every curve. And her strappy 6-inch red bottoms boasted her impeccably manicured feet. The scent of Tom Ford lingered in the air as she sashayed to the car and slid in.

  “I hope these hoes ready. I look too damn good to be waiting around for some basic ass bitches who ain’t even on my level…..”

  No matter how much Sonnet complained about her friend’s taste in clothes and overall style, it was that very reason she preferred their company on girls nights out. What she considered to be their shortcomings eased the insecurities she had about herself, regardless of the air she put on.

  Lexi had a killer body; she was a classic pear shape with a fat ass and a tiny waist with a cute face to match. She sported what Sonnet considered to be the classic hood rat uniform of lip and nose rings, numerous visible tatts, and candy colored lace fronts. Her outward appearance closely resembled her personality. Not only was she loud and sharp tonged she always packed heat to back up her mouth.

  Despite growing up in the hood with a hard disposition Lexi had a heart of gold that was stained by learning to suck dick and hands up her skirt when she was only ten years old by two of her uncles. In her adult life she was often taken advantage of by men, and even more often by Sonnet, the only person she ever confided in about the abuse besides her mother.

  Whenever Sonnet needed a favor, Lexi was her go to person because to put it quite simply, Lexi looked up to her. Not only was Lexi her yes woman, she was her flunkie as well. Even when she knew Sonnet was wrong she always took her side, even if it meant her getting the short end of the stick, which she did many times over the course of their friendship. She endured being mistreated basically because she did not want to lose her as a friend.