Read Started From The Top Now I'm Here Page 3

  Sonnet had everything that Lexi always dreamed of, beauty, a to die for wardrobe, money and a shitload of men falling all over her. The abuse she had taken from Sonnet over the years in terms of backhanded insults slid off her back like melted butter. In her heart she felt like Sonnet didn’t really mean the snide remarks that she flung at her and Cheron every chance she got. She just took it as constructive criticism and figured she needed to step her game up. After all the bitch did have it going on, so who was she to question perfection?

  Cheron posed a bit more of a threat to Sonnet because not only did her smart ass jabs carry less weight, because she could afford to buy anything Sonnet owned and then some, and with her own money. She also had the very thing that Sonnet wanted badly to possess, Kenterris. Even though the pair had been creeping for over 6 months, no matter what she did she couldn’t convince him to leave Cheron to be with her. She tried everything from cooking for him to living out any freak fantasy he desired. She even had a threesome with another female hoping it would seal the deal but nothing worked, and quite frankly the whole routine was getting old to her.

  Sure she had plenty of other niggas sweating her but what made Kenterris her main target was the fact that not only was he loaded, he was a challenge. She never had to work this hard in her entire life for a man. For the life of her she couldn’t see why he would choose Cheron over her, especially as fine as she was. What Sonnet failed to understand was despite the fact that Cheron was about 20lbs overweight, and was what some considered pretty in the face but thick in the waist, she was wifey material.

  Not only was she well educated, she owned her own business as a distributor of urban greeting cards, a company that she started from the ground up. She had an understated beauty and style about her that oozed class and self-confidence with just the right amount of sex appeal. Her sweet, girl next door persona drove men of all races crazy, and the fact that she was about her business, didn’t run the streets and could put her foot into a pot of collard greens didn’t hurt one bit either. Cheron always seemed to attract men who wanted to take care of her and give her everything, even though she didn’t take them up on their offer. These were the type of men Sonnet could only dream of. True enough she did have her share of men willing to tear her off but they were only temporary. And most of them didn’t stick around.

  For this very reason Sonnet deeply envied Cheron and made it her business to screw many of her men over the years, most of which she never found out about. And the ones that she did bust, she chose her and Sonnet’s friendship over them. Mainly because Sonnet would break down crying and deny everything, claiming that they came on to her. Much to Sonnet’s disappointment each and every one of Cheron’s men she hooked up with dipped out shortly after they either got the pussy or once they got hip to her gold digging ways.

  Somehow Sonnet thought she was above the disrespect these men dished out to her, even though she was fucking her so called best friend’s men. She couldn’t wrap her brain around the fact that not only did they cut her off, but the only reason any of them left Cheron in the first place was because she broke up with them, many of which pleaded to come back.

  Not only did Sonnet hate the fact that her plus sized friend pulled, and kept men who wanted to wife her, all of them chose Cheron over her in the end. The only satisfaction she got was being able to look her in the face and smile, all the while knowing she was fucking one of her men. Putting it plain and simple Sonnet was the type of friend that would smile in your face while twisting the knife deeper in your back.

  Once she Lexi and Cheron arrived at the club she spewed out instructions for them to follow as she pulled up to the valet.

  “Now look, don’t embarrass me when we get in here,” Sonnet told them.

  “What the hell you talkin’ ‘bout don’t embarrass you?” snapped Lexi.

  “Bitch you the main one I’m talkin’ ‘bout. This place is upper elchon. Don’t get yo’ ass up in here ordering up no damn Moscato.”

  “Fuck you; you know that’s my shit. I got paid yesterday so I’m sipping on some Moet tonight.” Lexi giggled and played with the ends of her Matador Red, 24-inch lace front.

  “Leave her alone Sonnet. We’re here to have fun, let her order what she wants,” added Cheron.

  “Yo’, ass got paid then you can pay your own way in, Oh and don’t let me even get started on you Cheron.”

  “Come on Sonnet you said you were paying,” Lexi pleaded.

  As they stepped out of the Lexus Sonnet shot a glance at Cheron’s black stilettos.

  “Hoe, where are you going in some damn Nine West? This ain’t no damn revival.”

  Cheron let Sonnet’s insult fly over her head like she didn’t exist. She was used to getting shade from her friend whenever she got dressed up. Despite the fact that Cheron dressed impeccably, kept her naturally curly hair in tip top condition and her complexion flawless, Sonnet always seemed to have something to say. Deep inside she felt as though Sonnet was secretly jealous of her, but she never confronted her on it.

  Even though Sonnet and Lexi went further back, she and Sonnet had been tight since high school. When Sonnet’s mother was alive Cheron would hang out at their house almost every day to avoid going home to an empty refrigerator and watching her father smoke crack with one of the hoes on the block. Her mother had already died when Cheron was only 5 years old from a brain tumor.

  “Whatever Sonnet, you know that’s not my style,” Cheron responded as she rolled her eyes and adjusted her shrug around her shoulders.

  “I’m just saying girl, why would you even consider wool when cashmere exists? I mean it ain’t like you can’t afford it. I could see if we was talking about Lexi’s broke ass,” Sonnet insulted.

  “Ain’t that a bitch, I bet you will be calling my “broke ass” when you need somebody to do you a favor,” Lexi replied.

  “Girl you know I’m just playing with both of y’all. Y’all know I wouldn’t trade y’all for nothing in the world.” All the while she was thinking, these bitches ain’t bout that rich life.

  Lexi let out a sigh, almost as if she was relieved that Sonnet was reaffirming their friendship.

  “I know you are girl. And I got to tell you those shoes are giving me life!”

  Lexi giggled like a teenager with a crush as she walked ahead with Sonnet. As they approached the door Cheron shook her head in disbelief of the way Lexi was riding her clit. Damn this going to be an interesting night, she thought.

  Chapter 8 – Missing You

  The music bumped in the dimly lit club as the trio made their way to the first available table.

  “Damn it’s some fine ass niggas up in here tonight!” Lexi exclaimed as she switched extra hard, making sure to draw full attention to her ample backside.

  “You a trip!” Sonnet chuckled at the show her friend was putting on. “I ain’t mad at you though, do what you gotta do boo.”

  Once they were seated and placed their drink order Sonnet excused herself to go to the restroom. When Lexi instinctively tried to follow her she reminded her of how men don’t like approaching women in groups and advised that she went after her. Normally whenever Sonnet went out with other females she made sure to distance herself from them in an effort to keep the all attention on herself.

  However that was not the case this time. The real reason she wanted to be alone was so she could call Kenterris for the 10th time that night. She still hadn’t heard from him and the fact that he was ignoring her calls drove her nuts.

  “Who does this punk bitch think he is? Trying to ignore me?” she mumbled to herself as she made her way in a stall, slammed the door behind her and dialed his number.

  “Look Kenterris I don’t know what kind of fucking game you trying to play, but you need to know that you ‘b
out to lose me for good. I know you seen my texts and I know damn well you been getting these messages. If we have a problem call me so we can talk about it. I’m at the club with Lexi and Cheron but you know I’ll drop these hoes in a heartbeat if you wanna get together. I’ll talk to you later. Call me, bye.”

  After she gave herself the once over in the mirror she took the long way back to the table, stopping a few times along the way to chat with people she recognized. It was shame that tonight almost felt like a waste. Despite all the men with the potential to fuel her “project make a million” plan that stepped to her that night, she couldn’t get her mind off of Kenterris.

  “Damn I know this nigga ain’t got me sprung. I must be losing my touch.”

  Chapter 9 – Chocolate Smooth

  “Damn didn’t I tell yo’ ass I was gon call you once I got in?” Tyler grumbled.

  “What’s taking you so long? You in or what nigga? This bitch keeps blowing up my damn phone,” Kenterris replied equally annoyed.

  “Yea I just got here. I can barely hear you over this music.”

  Once Tyler made his way to the men’s restroom, he got the full description of the Sonnet and her friends. He then stepped out in full swag mode. His plan was to sweep Sonnet off her feet right in front of her girls. Kenterris assured him that she would eat up the attention like candy and he couldn’t have been more correct.

  “Damn, who is this luscious piece of chocolate walking this way?” Lexi cooed as she licked her lips and straightened up in her seat.

  “I don’t know, but the brotha is fine as hell,” Cheron agreed.

  Before Sonnet could speak a word Tyler was upon them flashing a sexy smile.

  “How y’all beautiful ladies doing tonight?”

  “We fine, just like you. You got a wife?” Lexi asked bluntly as she eyed him from head to toe.

  Sonnet turned beet red from embarrassment. This bitch was totally killing her vibe.

  “You have to excuse my friend she don’t get out much,” She scolded, giving Lexi the sideeye.

  “It’s all good.” Tyler laughed and introduced himself to the ladies before making his move on Sonnet.

  “I gotta say that I’m impressed. Most brothas don’t step to women while they are with their girls.” For the first time that night Sonnet’s mind was off of Kenterris and on the sexy chiseled frame that was standing in front of her.

  “That’s because I’m not like most brothas. I spotted you from across the room and I wanted to see if you were as fine close up as you are from a distance. And must say now that I’m here you are absolutely gorgeous.

  Lexi and Cheron giggled as Sonnet blushed from the compliment.

  “Alright you can cut the act now. I know you probably spit that line to every woman you meet” she responded with skepticism. This nigga just wanna hit, just like all the rest, she thought.

  “It’s no act. I saw what I wanted and I went for it. And for your information I don’t use this line on every female I meet. If you give me the chance to get to know you, you might be surprised that I’m really a gentleman.” Tyler looked Sonnet directly in her eyes as he spoke softly to her. He had a way about him that made her feel as though no other woman in the room existed except her.

  “Aww shit! You betta snatch his ass up, cause if you don’t I will!” Lexi blurted out.

  Sonnet had to admit this brotha did have game. And not only was he fine as hell, he had money judging by his Armani suit and Audemars Piguet wrist watch. “So what’s so different about you Mr. Tyler?”

  “I can show you better than I can tell you. You ladies mind if I steal her away for a little while?” He asked as he held out his hand for Sonnet to take. She waived bye to her friends as he led her upstairs to the VIP section.

  After a night of being wined and dined by Tyler, Sonnet was completely under his spell. As a matter of fact she didn’t think about calling Kenterris for the rest of the evening. The only reason the pair finally pulled themselves away from one another was because Tyler promised Lexi and Cheron he wouldn’t tie her up for the whole night. In all actuality, Sonnet could have cared less whether or not she ever caught back up with them even though they rode with her.

  As far as she was concerned her mission was accomplished. She had hit the jackpot with Tyler. Come to find out he was one of the youngest attorneys at one of the most prestigious firms in the city. Not to mention, he was also a savvy businessman with an eye for the stock market and growing money in general. The couple exchanged phone numbers and went their separate ways. But not before Sonnet agreed to meet up with him later that night after the club.

  Shit I ain’t got nowhere to be in the morning. I’m fucking this nigga and sealing the deal tonight, Sonnet thought as she made her way back to the table to find it empty. Both Cheron and Lexi were on the dance floor. She was beyond tipsy at this point from one too many glasses of Cristal. As she sat alone reflecting on how Tyler had changed her whole view on men in a matter of a few hours her focus soon switched to Cheron as she watched her laughing and having a good time on the dance floor.

  Uhmm hmmm, look at that bitch living it up, she thought. That hoe done been a thorn in my side for the past six months with Kenterris. His black ass wanna act like she the second coming. Like I wasn’t good enough, well Tyler proved both of their asses wrong tonight. Fuck her and Kenterris.

  Sonnet was so caught up that she didn’t see Lexi approaching the table from the opposite side.

  “Damn girl that nigga finally let you out of his sight? What y’all been talking about all this time?” Lexi asked.

  “I told you to fall back and watch a bitch work, you might learn something” Sonnet gushed before the two of them busting out laughing.

  “Seriously though Lexi, I think I done met the one!” Sonnet exclaimed looking dreamy eyed.

  “For real? What he say girl?” Lexi’s eyes were wide as she gave Sonnet her full attention as though she were leaning on her every word.

  “Girl did you see the watch that nigga was wearing? He’s an attorney And his ass know all about that stock market shit. He’s supposed to be teaching me how to grow my money. Now you know that nigga had me when he told me he would help me stack my loot!”

  “Hell yea! That’s the shit I’m talking ‘bout. A man with a plan is sexy as hell.”

  “It’s not just that Lexi; believe it or not it’s not just the money with this dude. I think I might actually like him. He treated me like queen the whole time I sat with him.”

  “As he should have, girl I’m so happy for you. That nigga must have yo’ ass mesmerized ‘cause you looked like you was in deep thought when I walked up.”

  Sonnet grinned and shook her head. “Girl if you only knew the half of it, you would die…”

  “What is it? I know yo’ is ass hiding something.” Lexi leaned over in her seat close to Sonnet. She couldn’t wait to hear every juicy tidbit she was about to drop.

  “Look at yo’ ass foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog. You just itching for some damn gossip. You know damn well I can’t tell yo’ ass shit, the way you be running off at the mouth.”

  “Fuck that, you done brewed the tea. Now yo’ ass got to pour it!”

  “Promise me you won’t say a word to nobody,” Sonnet protested. “Not even to that nosy ass cousin of yours because you know she can’t hold shit.”

  “Girl I promise, what is it?” By now Lexi was on the edge of her seat. Nothing could have prepared her for the bomb that Sonnet was about to drop.

  “I’m fucking Kenterris,” she replied smugly while eyeing Cheron.

  “Bitch what did you just say? Kenterris as in Cheron’s Kenterris?”

  “You should see
the look on your face, yes Cheron’s Kenterris. We’ve been getting it in for about six months. That nigga is sprung too girl.”

  “Daaaaammmnnn! How did that shit happen? I thought Cheron was your girl?”

  For the first time since they had been friends Lexi looked at Sonnet in a different light. Normally she would cosign with all her ratchetness but this shit right here was just foul. Especially the way Sonnet skinned and grinned up in Cheron’s face.

  “Shit just happened. We couldn’t deny the chemistry if we wanted to. That’s why my ass just be sitting back giggling like hell when she goes on about what a good ass catch he is. Little does she know that nigga be up in this pussy so deep they damn near have to send the coast guard to find his ass.”

  They laughed so hard that Sonnet was about to piss on herself. Before they knew it Cheron was back at the table.

  “Let me in on the joke. What so funny?” she asked breathing heavily as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

  Lexi and Sonnet were both caught off guard looking like a deer in headlights.

  “Huh… oh we were laughing at some of the lines these niggas spitting up in here tonight,” Sonnet replied giving Lexi the hush face.

  “Tell me about it girl. I’m so glad I’m booed up I don’t know what to do. How did your little rendezvous go with ole boy?” Cheron asked.

  Lexi choked as she tried to swallow a sip of her drink. Before a word could slip from her lips Sonnet kicked her under the table.

  “It went perfect. Thank you for asking. He has it going on girl. As a matter of fact I hate to cut y’all night short but he wants to hook up later,” Sonnet responded.

  “Aww hell naw. I know you ain’t going for that. You just met this man Sonnet,” Cheron objected.

  “I gotta agree with Cheron on this one. You don’t know shit about him. I don’t care how fine he is,” Lexi cautioned to her friend. “What are you always telling us about being careful? You need to follow your own advice.”

  “I know enough to know that he is a cut above the rest. This nigga is a prime specimen and I ain’t ‘bout to let one of these thirsty ass bitches in here snatch his ass up. Shit y’all lucky I’m dropping y’all off first. I should make y’all asses take a cab.”