Read Stevie Stone Page 16

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jeff and Jason’s door flung open and I felt a pair of hands grab and yank me into their apartment. I looked up and found two pairs of eyes staring at me in horror.

  “Will you look at her,” Jason seethed.

  I glanced into the mirror and noticed I still had some chocolate stuck to my chin and the ends of my hair had a sticky substance that I suspected was ice cream.

  “I’ve seen it,” Jeff said wagging his finger at me. “And it isn’t pretty.”

  I had a feeling it was going to go downhill from here. I was going to be washed, scrubbed, plucked and exfoliated within an inch of my life. Jeff and Jason tended to do everything by extremes. Their butt implants being a prime example. One day they were saying the squats at the gym weren’t working. The next they had swollen posteriors.

  After an hour of them arguing and treating me like a Barbie doll I was done. After I convinced them I had to have helping undergarments especially after my ice cream feast. The last ten minutes had been particularly painful as I struggled to pull up the two sizes too small Spanx undies I had in my drawer. In the end it had been a team effort with both of them taking a side and me the middle while we hoisted it past my butt and thighs. The execution of the undies had been unpleasant, but the suckers were amazing. Of course I could barely breathe, but any bulges I had were somehow sucked in never to be seen again. When I looked in the mirror I gave both of them a kiss.

  “Thanks guys.”

  I had to admit I looked pretty good. The white dress hugged me in all the right places and the silver shoes and purse were perfect. My hair which was always temperamental had decided to behave and hung down my back in loose soft waves. The only jewellery I consented to wear were the diamond stud earrings Bryan had forced on me for our five year anniversary. I would have felt ridiculous in all the bling Jeff and Jason wanted me to wear.

  “We are soooo good,” they both said in unison.

  I didn’t argue. They had turned this not bad duckling into a sparkling sucked in swan.

  Manuel arrived five minutes early. Jeff and Jason elbowed each other while racing towards the door both of them eager to ogle Manuel first. Jason always the more aggressive of the two won out.

  “Well, hello there,” Jason cooed like a schoolgirl.

  I couldn’t see what Manuel looked like yet, but from their excited giggles I was sure it was even yummier than usual. I heard him greet them. His accent made even hello sound sexy. When the boys stepped back and let me take a gander I felt like my tongue was going to flop out of my mouth and roll onto the floor. He was wearing a black tuxedo, a white shirt that highlighted his cocoa colored skin and a small silver cross around his neck.

  Manuel obviously said something to me because Jeff and Jason were waiting expectantly, but apparently lust had temporarily given me hearing loss because I hadn’t heard anything, but my own panting. I decided to just fake it and smile pretending I had heard everything. Manuel gave a slight grin.

  “Oh, honey,” Jeff said shaking his head. “Just go.”

  I internally cringed, but went with it. I kissed my makeover artists goodbye while ignoring their murmurs in my ear about jumping Manuel’s bones. Although I wouldn’t mind riding that stallion I still felt pangs of guilt about Bryan. I knew we broke up and he had probably already moved on numerous times, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to do the same.

  When we got in Manuel’s Mustang I was surprised when he reached into the glove compartment and gave me a bracelet.

  Aww. It even went perfectly with my dress.

  “It’s a type of wire,” he said.

  I knit my eyebrows together. What?

  “It’s a recording device.”

  I took back my aww.

  “How?” I asked looking it over. It was a delicate looking diamond bracelet. How could it record anything?

  “You don’t need to know.”

  I should have guessed.

  On the ride over Manuel briefed me on what was going to happen when we met up with Abdoul.

  “You’re still okay with this?”

  I nodded. “I didn’t get all dressed up for nothing.’“

  Manuel looked me up and down in a way that made me want to blush. “Not bad.”

  I might be in trouble.

  We pulled up to a house the size of a small town and handed the car over to one of the valet guys, while I tried to stop the butterflies that were thudding along in my stomach. Manuel put his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear, “Relax Goldie.”

  I guess I wasn’t as good as covering my nerves as I thought.

  When we got inside I looked around the room. Typical. All the rich people in

  LA seemed to use the same two designers. This year it was Byzantine and everything sparkled with gold and velvet. The furniture, the food, and the frozen Botox faces trying to smile were duplicated all over the Westside. Bryan’s mother was one of the trendsetters. I witnessed her English country manor look transform into a gilded monstrosity last year.

  I followed Manuel to the bar.

  “I’ll have the same,” I said after hearing Manuel ordering a beer.

  “He ordered a beer without a glass.” The bartender asked with a confused look on his face.

  “Yep. He sure did.” I didn’t care. It was hot and I felt like a beer besides being around these people brought out the teenage rebel in me. “That’s what I want.”

  The bartender didn’t look impressed when he set down a couple Coronas in front of us. I took a big gulp and couldn’t help notice the society ladies drooling over my hot Latin escort, while glaring at me. I smiled back and gave an especially nasty looking one a wink. She walked away in a huff.

  “Nicely done,” Manuel said.

  “Thanks,” I said taking another swig.

  I watched as Manuel’s eyes shot over the crowd looking for his mark. All the friendliness on his face the moment before was gone. In its place was a hard cold mask that was pretty scary. The society lady herd dispersed almost as if they instinctually felt danger lurking nearby. I followed where Manuel was focused and saw an older dark haired man with a beard who rivalled Hector’s bulk. His tuxedo shirt looked like he had bought it in his thinner days because the buttons were straining to break free. He was in the corner surrounded by two hulking guys and a younger, slightly thinner version of himself.

  “Abdoul?” I asked.

  He gave a barely perceptible nod then said, “Wait here.”

  What? What happened to both of us meeting him?

  My face must betrayed my thoughts because he said, “I just need to check things out first.”

  His tone of voice let me know I’d better stay where I was. I watched as he made his way through the crowd towards him.

  “I thought you hated these things?” said a familiar voice behind me.

  Damn. I didn’t want him to find out what was going on. He’d never go for me being used as bait.

  I turned around and gave Bryan a smile. Be relaxed I told myself. Maybe he won’t figure it out. He looked gorgeous in his tux, but then again he looked good in nothing at all. My stomach flip flopped with the nothing at all thought. It had been way to long since I saw a man naked.

  “I wanted to see if they were as awful as I remembered,” I said taking a gulp of my beer for emphasis.

  “And? Are they?” He asked knowing I was lying.

  “Sure are.” I swigged down the rest of my drink to calm my nerves. Then slammed down the bottle on the counter and ordered another one.

  “How’s the Davies’s murder coming? Any leads?”

  After my afternoon round up with Mrs. Howard and her friend my gut told me she didn’t kill him. Her gun toting friend didn’t sound like a killer either. She just sounded desperate to get back her sex tape and save her marriage.

  “And tell me why I should I share that with you?”

  I gave him a weak smile. “Cause you love me?”

but true,” he said.

  I knew it. But it was still nice to hear.

  “Are you going to tell me?”

  “What are you going to do for me?” He grinned.

  Anything you want. “Buy you a drink?”

  “It’s an open bar.”

  “That’s why I’m offering.”

  He smiled and shook his head. “How can I beat that?”

  I shrugged giving him a smile back.

  “The bullet that was fired into Davies’s apartment after he was murdered was a match for the one that killed him,” he said giving me a sideways glance. “You wouldn’t happen to know the person who fired it?”

  What? I had to quickly gulp down the beer in my mouth before it dribbled down my chin.

  I shook my head. “Why would I know that?”

  “You’re not going to tell me?”

  “What’s there to tell?

  He let out a groan and drank the rest of his beer.

  “You’re here with him?” He gave a nod in Manuel’s direction. It wasn’t really a question because I could tell he must have already have seen us together.

  I nodded. “He just left to talk to some old friends.”

  “That friend is a big time drug dealer,” he said glancing over at Manuel and Abdoul.

  I shrugged. “Maybe he’s nice.”

  “Nice?” He asked not believing I just said that.

  “Well you’re at the same party as him so obviously he can’t be that bad,” I said as way of an explanation. Bryan gave me a disgusted look and grabbed my hand pulling me into a hallway then opened a door that led into the library.

  “What are you doing,” I said yanking away from him. “You can’t just go dragging me around like that.”

  “What’s going on Stevie?”

  I could see by his face he definitely wasn’t happy.

  “Nothing,” I said getting worried Manuel would wonder where I went.

  “Really? Then why are there undercover feds all over this place?”

  “But how?” I was going to ask before checking myself.

  I should have known he’d find out. He had friends everywhere.

  “Really?” I asked pretending to be surprised.

  He gave me a ‘Don’t bullshit me look’.

  “How would I know why they’re here?”

  “You’re somewhere you hate and your new guy left you alone in that dress,” he said looking me up and down, “to go talk to a drug dealer because he is nice. Does that make sense to you?”

  “I’ve got to go back,” I said.

  “Your friend doesn’t exist? Did you know that?”

  “What?” I asked not sure what he meant.

  “I had him checked out.”

  What? He moved on a long time ago why should he care who I go out with? Of course I wasn’t really dating Manuel, but that wasn’t the point.

  “You had no right to do that,” I said trying not to yell.

  “I had every right,” he said.

  Oh no he didn’t.

  “Why?” I asked louder than I had wanted.

  He didn’t answer. Instead he pulled me close and kissed me hard on the mouth while letting his hands wander. He pressed me up against the wall and leaned into me letting his tongue tangle with mine. I knew this was mistake, but I didn’t care. It felt too good to stop. Bryan’s hand moved up to my breast and lifted up my dress running his hands up my legs. But then he stopped caressing and started moving his hands around like they were searching for something.

  I wanted to scream. I forgot about the hide my lumps special undies.

  He must have thought what the hell is she wearing? But got over it because he gripped the sides of my fat sucker and ripped it off. I was relieved as I was able to breathe again and he was able to let his fingers wander. I reached down and unzipped his pants ready to repay the favor when he pressed me against the wall and lifted me onto him.

  Was I seeing stars? Now I remembered what I had been missing. Chocolate was definitely not even a close second.

  After we finished we stood still for a minute panting. What had we just done? Whatever it was I was sure the wild beasts in the jungle had nothing on us.

  “We have to talk,” Bryan said breaking the silence.

  Then it was like a sledge hammer hit me in the head. Manuel must be going crazy wondering where I was.

  “I’ve got to go,” I said untangling myself from him.

  “Stevie you can’t just run away from this,” Bryan said.

  “I know. But right now I really have to go.” I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and hurried back to the party. I found Manuel at the bar.

  “Have fun?” He asked when I walked up.

  I felt color rush to my cheeks. But then I reasoned with myself. How could he know Bryan and I just did the wild thing? He was just a man after all. It wasn’t like he had magical powers or anything.

  “What do you mean?” I asked playing dumb, “I just had to go to the restroom.”

  “You forgot about the bracelet.”

  My eyes widened in horror. “You mean…”

  He smiled.

  Oh. My. God.

  I squeezed my eyes shut “Who heard?” I asked

  “Only me.”

  That was mortifying, but it could have been worse.

  “And the guys in the control van.”

  It was worse.

  “And the undercover guys at the party.”

  I banged my head on the bar. Why me? My first orgasm in months and it had to be a group effort.

  “It’s not that bad Goldie.”

  I looked up and blew the hair off my face. “Easy for you to say.”

  I started freaking out imagining that tape being fed to the radio stations and Bryan’s career in shambles and me being offered my own reality show.

  “What if it gets out? Bryan’s family...” All kinds of scenarios ran through my mind. The worst was me and Bryan on a billboard on the Sunset Strip with some kind of tacky tag line like, ‘Legal lust’.

  “It won’t.”

  “But how do you know?”

  His eyes met mine. “Because those guys want to live,” he said.

  “You’re sure?”

  “It’s already been taken care of. Besides I asked them to shut down the feed as soon as I heard what was going on.”

  Relief flooded through me. I bit my lip not sure what to say. I wanted to thank him, but then I’d have to acknowledge that he heard Bryan and I having sex. Well at least the foreplay. And I just wanted to forget it ever happened. Not the sex part. That was fabulous. Just the other people heard us part.

  “You heard what Bryan said about the bullet that killed Davies?”

  “Yeah,” he said.

  “You knew already?”

  “I had an idea,” he said.

  I wanted to stamp my foot.

  “And you didn’t tell me?”

  He gave me a sideways glance. “Guess not.”

  Smart ass.

  “We gotta go,” Manuel said taking me by the arm.


  “Abdoul,” he said. “Remember the plan.”

  “What plan?”

  “Try to say as little as possible.”

  “Oh…that plan.”

  Normally I’d be insulted, but I didn’t have the energy. After having the mother of all orgasms I was feeling too relaxed.

  “What happened when you talked to him,” I asked.

  “He agreed that he wouldn’t have his people try to kill you tonight.”

  “Great. A one day reprieve.”

  I tried to be casual when we approached Abdoul. His mini me who was standing next to him was staring at me in a way that made me instinctively hide behind Manuel. He looked at me as if I was up for auction and he was checking out the goods before he bought.

  “So this little thing is the one who has been causing me so much trouble,” Abdoul said giving me a smile that didn’t
reach his eyes.

  “That’s me,” I said. “I love mixing it up. Sometimes I don’t even know I’m doing it…yep… it happens frequently.”

  Manuel gave me a look that said, ‘Zip it’.

  I swallowed and self-muzzled. When I got really nervous I babbled.

  “Mr. Alba tells me you want a million dollars for something that is already mine.”

  I could tell he was one of those people who thought manners were exceedingly important. When he was ready to slit your throat he’d ask which direction you’d like the knife to go.

  “Yes.” I said then clasped my mouth shut.

  “Tell me why I shouldn’t just kill you now considering you stole this from me,” he said still smiling.

  I was ready to open my mouth, but Manuel beat me to it.

  “Because if you do that I guarantee you and your son will be dead before the night is over,” Manuel said in a voice that was totally calm, but one look at him and you knew he wasn’t bullshitting.

  Anger clouded Abdoul’s eyes and he met his gaze. “Making threats is not wise.”

  “No threats. Just a reminder of our earlier conversation. If you aren’t interested in getting this back I’m sure another party would be.”

  Abdoul narrowed his eyes. “There is no need. Your terms are agreeable.”

  Then his son tugged on his jacket like he was a five year old trying to get his mother’s attention. Abdoul leaned over and listened while his son whispered something in his ear. They both glanced in my direction then over to Manuel.

  “My son would like to make you an offer,” he said to Manuel.

  Manuel waited for him to continue. His expression showed he wasn’t looking forward to what Abdoul had to say.

  “My son Ali wants to buy her,” he said nodding his head in my direction. “Along with the other item.”


  Manuel’s eyes darkened into black pools. “She’s not for sale.”

  Thank God for that.

  “He really thinks that’s possible?” I asked in disbelief. “A two for one discount?”

  Abdoul looked at his son who nodded. “Yes, that is the case.”

  Not happy. Not one little bit.

  “Why don’t you just hit me over the head with your club and drag me by the hair back to your cave?”

  I turned to Manuel and gave him an ‘As if’’ look.

  Ali whispered in his father’s ear again. “We will double our offer. He likes her spirit and thinks this will enhance their lovemaking.”

  Good God.

  “Are you kidding me?” I asked through clenched teeth grasping for something horrible to say. “You….You sad little man.”

  I knew it wasn’t the string of expletives that Hector would have unleashed, but I had issues with cussing.

  “Let’s go,” Manuel said to me.

  We started to walk away. But Abdoul ushered us back with apologies.

  “Your son goes otherwise no deal,” Manuel said.

  Abdoul shouted out orders to his body guards in a language that I didn’t understand.

  “He has to leave,” Manuel said. Then he added something in their language that had them all looking flustered.

  Impressive. I’ve tried to learn Spanish, French and German with no luck. I never got passed the greetings and asking where the bathroom was.

  Abdoul and Manuel went back in forth with me not understanding a word. Manuel must have gotten his point across because Abdoul shouted something at Ali and he stomped away trailed by one of the body guards.

  “I apologize. We didn’t realize she belonged to you,” Abdoul said giving me another one of his creepy smiles.

  I was ready to ask what the hell that meant, but Manuel gave me a stern look that quickly shut me down.

  “Do you have the item with you?” Abdoul asked me.

  Manuel answered before I could. “As soon as we get the money, you’ll get it back.”

  They worked out the details of the drop off and pick up while I stood listening. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Bryan talking with a familiar face at the bar. It didn’t surprise me that Kevin would be here. He often worked overtime at these types of things doing security for extra money. Bryan didn’t look as happy as he should have considering he just had some major sex action. He should have had an, ‘I just got laid face’ instead his expression looked hard and angry. Feeling my gaze he turned and our eyes met. I gave him a knowing smile and his expression softened a bit and he smiled back.

  I was feeling all warm and fuzzy until I saw Lizzy’s manicured hands wrap themselves around Bryan’s neck. She gave him a way too familiar kiss on his cheek. She was wearing a black dress that looked glued on to her size zero body and had enough jewellery to make even the drag queens in my neighborhood jealous. She was with a red headed friend of hers that looked equally under nourished.

  Was she his date? My mouth went dry and I could have sworn I had a stress induced hot flash.

  “Goldie?” Manuel asked nudging me back into the conversation.

  “Yes?” I asked

  Manuel relayed the drop off and pick up information to me. We were going to meet Abdoul at Union Station at midnight for the exchange. I listened while I was trying to watch Bryan and Lizzy out of the corner of my eye. Bryan looked visibly uncomfortable and politely pulled her arms away from his neck while glancing over to me. Her toothpick friend tried to move onto Kevin, but he brushed her off too.

  “Sounds good,” I said not knowing what to say.

  Then Manuel started speaking to Abdoul again, as it wasn’t in English I had no idea what they were saying. It seemed like whatever Manuel was asking, he wasn’t happy with the answers he was getting from Abdoul. I could tell if we weren’t in a room full of people Manuel would have gladly broken his neck.

  “Well goodbye, for now,” Abdoul said extending his hand to me. I didn’t like the idea of touching him. But I held my hand out to shake his anyway not wanting to offend him. But instead of shaking my hand he kissed it. I dropped my hand to my side and rubbed it against my dress. I was going to get the dress dry cleaned anyway so I might as well get my money’s worth.

  Abdoul flounced away with his two body guards following greeting other guests along the way.

  “What did he say?”

  “Nothing,” Manuel said brushing me off.

  “Come on Manuel, tell me what made you so ticked off when you two were babbling in…What were you speaking anyway?”

  “Arabic,” he said while keeping a watch on the people around us.

  No wonder.


  “I told him to call off Ortiz.”

  My stomach tightened at hearing his name. If a casting call was made for a scary looking hit man he would definitely get the job.

  “Did he agree?”

  “He said that it was too late. That he had no way of contacting him.”

  “Do you believe him?”

  Manuel thought for a moment. “Unfortunately I do. Ortiz is known for going underground when he has a kill.”

  I struggled to push down the bile that was creeping up my throat.

  “So what do we do now?”

  Manuel brushed a piece of hair out of my face that had broken free from my carefully coiffed ‘do.

  “We get to him first.”