Read Stevie Stone Page 9

  Chapter Nine

  On my way home from work I had a brain storm. Kevin owed me after that bogus stop he made for Bryan. He could run a check for me on Mrs. Howard’s mystery man. I gave him a call. Luckily it was his day off and we agreed to meet at Barney’s Beanery a basic burger place that played loud music and was just around the corner from my apartment. I pulled into my garage and gave a wave to Hector who honked his mariachi horn in reply. But instead of going up to my apartment I walked out the garage door and went to meet Kevin.

  I walked into Barney’s and looked around for him. There was the usual assortment of rockers and wannabe actresses, but no Kevin. Then I flicked my eyes over to the corner and saw Bryan staring back at me.

  Damn Kevin. I should have known he’d tattle.

  I walked over dreading the lecture he was bound to give me, but at the same time my stomach flip flopped at seeing him again. I’d missed him. I slid across the booth and tried to ignore how good he looked.

  Bryan must have gotten off early from work because he was wearing jeans and a brown surfer T-shirt. I liked seeing him dressed that way. It was almost like he was two people. There was Bryan who wore power suits and disapproved of my craziness and then the other Bryan who hung out with beach bums and would have sex with me on the kitchen table.

  “Kevin is dead meat,” I snapped.

  “It’s good to see you too,” he said smiling, showing his dimples.

  “I can’t believe he told you.”

  “Why didn’t you come to me in the first place?”

  “I thought you wanted a break from the chaos,” I said pointing to myself.

  He grinned. “It turns out… I kind of missed the chaos.”

  The waitress came and set a coke in front of me which Bryan must have ordered. She looked like a cross between Marilyn Manson and an eighties Madonna. She stared waiting for us to order. When we were done she stomped away swinging her black hair side to side.

  “So what’s going on?” he asked.

  I didn’t say anything. I was still thinking about whether to tell him the truth or not.

  “I don’t know if I want to tell you,” I said.

  “Is it worse than smuggling stolen cars across the border?”

  I made a face at him. “No.”

  Smart ass.

  “Come on Stevie,” he said. “Tell me.”

  “Fine,” I said. “But no lectures.”

  I stared and waited for him to agree.

  He stared back at me. “What?”

  “No lectures?”

  “Will I need a drink stronger than my beer?”


  “Fine then. No lectures.”

  The waitress came back, slapped a hamburger and fries in front of Bryan and veggie tacos for me. She snarled, asking if we needed anything else. When we said no she sauntered away as if she had far more important things to do.

  “Well?” Bryan said biting into his burger. “Let’s hear it.”

  I told him about Mrs. Howard and the scum who swindled her out of her money. I could tell by his expression he wasn’t too pleased about an old lady being taken advantage of.

  “I don’t blame you for wanting to help her.” He lifted his bottle of Corona and took a drink. “I haven’t even met her and I want to go kick this guy’s ass.”

  He asked the waitress for a pen and on a napkin wrote down all the information I knew about Mrs. Howard’s con man. We paid the Marilyn/Madonna waitress and walked outside then stopped at the corner not knowing whether to say goodbye.

  “Come on,” he said giving me a little nudge with his arm. “I’ll walk you home.”

  “It’s okay. I can go by myself.”

  “Too bad,” he said and gave me a look daring me to say no.

  “Fine,” I said putting my arm through his.

  I couldn’t imagine just walking side by side like we were just acquaintances. It would have felt too weird. I wanted to ask him if he was dating Miss Perfect I saw him with, but then I thought better of it. Did I really want to know? Was it any of my business? Sometimes I wished I wasn’t so reasonable.

  “So you’re really going to stay at this job then?”

  He sounded calm, but the vein on his neck was throbbing.

  “Yep, I really like it.”


  I hesitated because I hadn’t really thought about why before.

  “I like my boss…my partner is great and so are the other guys.”

  “That’s the people not the job.”


  “I also like the work because I’m good at it.”

  I could tell he wanted to say something else, but stopped himself.

  “I just worry about you,” he said.

  “I know, but you don’t need to. And thanks for not mentioning all this,” I said gesturing to my cuts and ripped clothes.

  “You’re welcome.” He waited a beat before asking, “No one did that to you did they?”

  He was trying to sound casual, but I knew him well enough to see the thought of someone slapping me around made him want to jump out of his skin.

  “It’s not what you’re thinking.”

  “Enlighten me then.”

  “I fell off a bicycle while being chased by a swarm of wasps.”

  He tried not to laugh. “You’re wrong,” he said. “That’s exactly what I was thinking. In fact that happened to me just yesterday.”

  “You asked,” I said slapping his arm.

  We turned the corner onto my street and I stopped when I saw the familiar black Ferrari parked across the street. It was dark, but I could still make out Emil and Fidel waiting for me.

  What were they doing here again? If they were here I bet Manuel would be around somewhere too. I looked up and down the street, but didn’t see anything that seemed unusual. Of course, I doubted I’d be able to see him unless he wanted me to.

  “What’s wrong?” Bryan asked.

  “Nothing,” I said. “I just thought I saw someone I knew.”

  “It was more than that Stevie.”

  Shit. He knew me too well. Think of something.

  I pretended to squint in the Ferrari’s direction.

  “Oh it is them,” I said waving. “Hi guys.”

  Fidel and Emil looked confused. Then Fidel who was in the driver’s seat smiled and gave me a little wave. Emil shoved his hand down and Fidel pushed him. The two of them started arguing and slapping each other.

  “You know them?” Bryan asked suspiciously.



  “They’re friends of Jeff and Jason’s.”

  “Really?” He asked skeptically. “Those guys are?”

  I nodded wishing Emil and Fidel would shut up. From what I could hear it was getting ugly. They finally stopped fighting and I could see Fidel on the phone.

  Bryan wasn’t totally convinced, but he didn’t ask any more questions because the Ferrari sped away up the street. I was thankful it was so dark otherwise he might have recognized their pictures from the police report.

  We reached the front steps of my building.

  “Thanks for walking me home,” I said taking my arm out of his.

  He nodded towards the front door. “I want to make sure you get inside.”

  I decided it wasn’t worth arguing about it. When we got to my apartment I got my key out and opened the door.

  “I think I’m okay now. Thanks for your help.” I gave him a peck on the cheek.

  There was an awkward pause.

  “Well…good night.” I said.

  He smiled then started to walk away. I watched as he stopped and seemed to be having a conversation with himself then shook his head and strode back towards me. He pulled me close and kissed me while letting his hands wander. It was definitely not what I would consider a friendly kiss. It was more like I’d like to slam you against the wall and jump your bones kiss.

  He pulled away cursing
under his breath.

  “Why’d you do that?” I asked, trying not to pant.

  “I don’t know,” he said. “You drive me crazy.”

  Then he walked away mumbling something about calling me tomorrow.

  “Finally a normal fucking repo,” Hector said and slapped the paperwork in Harry’s completed repo box.

  I made a face at him. “That was normal?”


  “A guy jumped on the hood of the car,” I said.


  “You had to drive away with him still on it.”

  He quickly took a look around the office. “You should keep that part to yourself.”


  “A guy chased the car with a bat.”

  Hector started laughing. “That was great the way you reversed and made that fucker run. He was all the big man until he saw your bumper coming at him.”

  I still couldn’t believe Hector considered that a normal repo.

  “So this is what I have to look forward to in the future,” I asked.

  “Hell yeah,” he said. “I hope so.”

  “Those guys were kinda scary,” I said.

  They were way crazier than Emil and Fidel.

  “They were pissed, but they’re supposed to be that way. Wouldn’t you be if someone was taking your car?”

  He had a point.

  “At least it wasn’t a fucking bike or a crazy bitch throwing wax at me. Just a normal repo and some pissed off guys. Just the way I like it.”

  He practically clicked his heels together.

  “I’d rather have the bike and the wax girl.”

  His face twisted up like he just sucked on a lemon.

  “Girl you don’t know what you’re saying.”

  Just then Gus and Victor came in complaining that they couldn’t believe we beat them in today. Hector immediately started bragging about our repo. I think he was trying to make them forget about the bike. They’d been hassling him about it a lot. They didn’t bother teasing me because they knew I didn’t care. I didn’t have the same repo standards as they did.

  “Damn. Goldie here has been holding out. She’s a fucking crazy driver. Man NASCAR has nothing on her. You guys should have seen that fucker run.”

  My phone started vibrating in my pocket. It was Bryan.

  I motioned to Hector I was going in Harry’s office. He barely noticed because he was too busy regaling in his repo story.

  Harry didn’t mind us using her office. She wasn’t there that much and said it made no sense to leave it empty. I found out this wasn’t her only repo business. She had others in Las Vegas and San Diego. Of course I didn’t find this out from Hector. Gus told me. I’d learned if I wanted any information he was the weak link. Unfortunately the link didn’t seem to know that much.

  “Hey Stevie I did a lot of digging today and found out some interesting stuff on Tony Grazio.”

  “What’d you find out?”

  “It’s better if I tell you in person.”

  “Okay. Do you want to meet at my place tonight?” I asked.

  The minute I said it I wanted to hit myself. After last night’s kiss it probably wasn’t the best idea. I had a restless night picturing him naked, sweaty and doing the wild thing with me. My dreams were so realistic I even slept on the opposite side of the bed to avoid the wet spot. I woke up feeling disappointed and frisky.

  “I think it would be better if I just stopped by your office. Will you still be there in about an hour?” Bryan said as if he read my mind.

  “Sure. I’ll be here.”

  I hung up with him and came out of Harry’s office. The boys were in their usual after work positions on the sofa thrashing it out playing video games.

  “Hey Goldie get your ass over here so we can teach these smucks who the bad asses really are.”

  I walked over and smacked Hector’s leg and told him to make some room. Then I plopped down and grabbed a controller.

  “How come you always get to partner with Goldie?” Victor asked Hector.

  “Cause that’s what we are, we’re partners. So fuck off.”

  I smiled to myself. At least I was popular.

  “Man, it sucks that I always get stuck with this shit,” Victor said shoving Gus off the sofa.

  “Knock it off asshole,” Gus said picking himself off the floor and pushing Victor to move over.

  “Will you guys stop it so we can play?” I said.

  Sometimes I felt like I was teenager babysitting again. The guys were sweet, but their bickering gave me a headache.

  “See fuckers. You don’t want to piss off Goldie. She gets all mean and shit.”

  Yeah right. I’m a big meanie.

  Hector and I won as usual. The guys were begging for one more game when Bryan walked in.

  Gus and Victor looked at Hector.

  “It’s cool. He’s not a dick or anything,” he said attempting to whisper.

  He obviously never learned to tone down his voice because it carried across the office loud enough for even my deaf great uncle to hear. I watched as Bryan’s mouth turned up in a smile.

  I elbowed Hector in the ribs. “Would you be quiet,” I said out of the corner of my mouth.

  “Ow. Damn Goldie.”

  I gave Hector a ‘shut up look’.

  “What?” He asked.

  I shook my head. He just didn’t get it.

  Bryan walked over and shook Hector’s hand. I made a face at Hector to behave. He still didn’t have a clue. Note to self. Don’t bother trying to muzzle Hector.

  “Hey if it ain’t the cop lawyer,” Hector said.

  Bryan introduced himself to Victor and Gus. They gave him the guy nod, but Hector made them stand up and shake Bryan’s hand. He explained about his cousin and how Bryan had helped him. I could tell this brought some respect, helping someone from the neighborhood was a big deal.

  Knowing another round of Call of Duty was not going to happen, Gus and Victor said their good byes and left. Hector lingered around being nosy.

  It was strange, but even though Bryan was in his work clothes he still seemed to fit in with the guys in the office. That was one of the things I always loved about him. I could take him out with any of my friends even the really wacky ones and he’d always blend in somehow. I was the one who had trouble fitting in his world.

  “What’s in the folder?” Hector asked Bryan.

  Bryan looked at me to see if it was okay to say anything. I let him know that it was. Hector watched our exchange.

  “Fuck. Goldie and I are partners. We don’t keep shit from each other.”

  It was true. After Hector had saved my butt so many times I felt like I could trust him with anything.

  “Why do you call her Goldie?” Bryan asked trying not to smile.

  Bryan would get some teasing mileage from this one. I’d got so used to being called that I’d forgotten how ridiculous it sounded.

  “Cause she looks like Goldilocks,” Hector explained.

  Bryan smirked at me.

  “Don’t start,” I said to him.

  “What?” Hector asked completely oblivious.

  “I’m just surprised she lets you call her that,” Bryan said smiling at me.

  I’m doomed. He’d tease me about this forever along with his zillion of friends that seemed to pop up wherever I went.

  Hector badgered Bryan about the folder again.

  “Your friend Mrs. Howard was lucky she didn’t let that con artist swindle her into giving him her house,” Bryan said laying out on the desk everything he had on him. “He has several aliases and has been in and out of jail most of his life.”

  “Maybe I know him,” Hector said.

  “Do all criminals know each other?” I asked sarcastically.

  “There she goes again with the ‘tude.”

  “His real name is Ronald Davies.” Bryan said.

  “I definitely don’t know anyone with a fucking white bre
ad name like that,” Hector said.

  I stared at Hector. Would he just shut up?

  “Girl you don’t need to make a face like that. You only need to tell me something once and I got it.”

  Once? Who was he kidding?

  “How’d you find him?”

  I was always amazed at Bryan’s resources.

  “Through the web site where he met Mrs. Howard,” he explained. “He had to use a credit card and we traced it back to him.”

  “You are scary good,” I said.

  He gave me a sly smile. “So you’ve told me before.”

  I felt the heat crept from my neck to my cheeks. We both knew he wasn’t talking about his investigative skills.

  “Did you get an address on him?” I asked trying to ignore his comment.

  It was true he was good at everything. And I mean everything, but neither one of us had changed from six months ago.

  “Yes…but before I give it to you,” he said locking eyes with me. “Promise me you aren’t going to do anything dumb with it.”

  Here we go.

  “Like what?” I said trying to look as innocent as possible.

  “Like go after him yourself. I’ve already passed this on to Kevin. He’ll take care of it.”

  Will they do it by the time her brother gets home? Doubt it.

  “I’ll just pass on the information to Mrs. Howard,” I said.

  Hector was unusually quiet. I think he knew to stay out of it.

  “And that’s it?” He asked.

  I nodded.


  “Promise,” I said crossing my fingers behind my back. I knew this was childish, but it let me feel good about my karma.

  I walked Bryan outside. We were standing in front of the office while Hector pretended to sort through a file cabinet filled with old repo orders and kept sneaking a look at what we were doing. Subtle he wasn’t.

  “Thanks Bryan,” I said giving him a hug.

  I knew once I got close to him it was a mistake. Neither one of us wanted to let go. Last night’s kiss was floating around in my mind and being this close was not a good idea. There was so much heat between us that I thought my undies would catch fire. I knew my lower regions would hate me, but I had to pull away.

  “Thanks again.”

  He gave me a little nod pretending he didn’t notice that we both wanted to rip each other’s clothes off. Thank God Hector was still in the office or I would have been tempted to pull him in there and get naked.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow.” He was going to give me a kiss on the cheek, but then thought better of it and walked across the street, got in his car and drove off.

  I walked back into the office and locked the door behind me.

  “Girl why don’t you two just fuck and get it over with,” Hector said shaking his head.

  “It’s complicated.”

  He made a disgusted face. “That’s bullshit. Fucking is the one thing that’s not complicated. Dick goes in pussy. The end.”

  I just stared at him. The world over people had written about love and passion. In one statement Hector annihilated it all.

  “By that evil face you’re giving me I’m guessing you don’t want to talk about it.”

  “You guessed right.”

  I had already beaten myself up over whether I did the right thing in turning down Bryan’s proposal. I didn’t need the Mexican love doctor questioning me about it too.

  “You lied to him about letting the cops handle the old lady’s fuck buddy didn’t you?”

  “I didn’t really lie,” I explained. “I was crossing my fingers.”

  “I thought so,” he said giving me the shame on you sign. “So when do you want to start looking for this fucker.”

  I’m sure my face looked as surprised as I felt.

  “You’re going to help me?”

  “Yeah, we’re partners ain’t we?”

  He was so sweet I wanted to pinch his cheeks. I held back though. Somehow I didn’t think he would appreciate the gesture.

  “Thanks Hector. I owe you.”

  “You don’t owe me shit Goldie. You’d do the same for me wouldn’t you?”

  I would.


  “Besides I don’t like fuckers taking advantage of someone’s nana. It just isn’t cool.”

  No it wasn’t. I hoped we could put an end to the nana gigolo and stop him from spreading his love to anyone else.