Read Stormy Seas: Rogue Persuasion Book 1 Page 7

  “She's beautiful...” He seethed, his green eyes flashing with frustration. “Don't you understand? She's got something, some kind of magic that makes me crazy. What's a man supposed to do with a beautiful woman in despair, someone who needs him?!” Marcus ran his hands forcefully through his blonde hair and tightened his mouth.

  “But that's all. It was a bad situation. I was weak. But I'm not anymore.”

  Malcolm looked at the distraught face of his captain, conflict distorting his features. He patted Marcus on the back then took a step back.

  “If you've made a decision, I'm sure you've got the wherewithal to see it through, sir. Forgive me for butting in.” Malcolm shook his head sadly, thinking he understood the Captain's own desires more than he did himself.

  Marcus stood in the street for a long while, kicking at the stones. As Malcolm headed to his own lodging, he prayed the younger man wouldn't make a decision that he would struggle with for the rest of his life.


  Kira awoke to the soft light of early evening seeping through the windows. She stirred sleepily on the bed, feeling the soft, silky duvet beneath her.

  Her sleep had been restful and restorative, a welcome escape from the turmoil in her waking life. She blinked her eyes a few times, realizing she must have slept for several hours. A rumbling in her stomach caused her thoughts to turn towards dinner.

  A quiet knock at the door prompted Kira to sit up. “Yes...” she said sleepily. The mousy-haired maid opened the door stealthily with an apologetic look on her face. “I'm sorry, miss, if I did wake you. It's just...Miss Luciana says you are to join everyone for dinner in an hour.” The pale girl smiled meekly at Kira, seeming to understand her feeling of displacement.

  “Oh, alright, thank,” Kira searched for a name but could remember none. “It's Maisie, ma'am.” the girl smiled, tilting her head downward ever so slightly. Maisie had a slight frame and wore a pale colored dress. She seemed eager to be of assistance and floated across the room to open the wardrobe.

  “What about this one, miss?” Maisie smiled brightly, pulling out the bronze and pink gown that was so distinctive. Maisie's eyes fell on Kira's wild hair and a small giggle escaped her mouth. “Course we'll have to get you bathed first, miss.”

  Kira realized she must be a sight and clasped her hands to her head. She tried her best to smooth the unruly mess of locks, but had little luck. “Oh dear,” Kira sighed, fighting a combination of laughter and tears. “I must seem so silly in this big house, with all these sophisticated people.” A long sigh escaped her mouth and Kira's shoulders slumped defeatedly.

  “Now, now, Miss Kira...”Maisie started with a soothing tone. “You needn't be afraid of what anyone here thinks.” She laid the dress across a chair by the window and approached the bed.

  “I can fix your hair up right nice and you'll look just as pretty as any lady there ever was.” She smiled cautiously, her eyes wide and gentle.

  Kira looked up at the kind maid, managing a smile. “Of course. I'm just feeling sorry for myself.” Plucking up, Kira swung her feet off the bed and smiled determinedly. “Do your worst!” she exclaimed.

  Delight filled the timid girl's eyes and she led the way to the bathing room.

  * * *

  Holding her hands over Kira's eyes, Maisie adjusted the other girl in front of the long mirror in her room. The two had fallen into a playful kinship right away, sharing stories of their lives and families.

  Kira felt a relief to have discovered at least one person she could call a friend in this hostile upper-class world. Maisie was a comforting reminder of the kind of people she had grown up with.

  “Ready, miss?” Maisie said with a breath of excitement. Kira nodded rapidly, anxious to see her new appearance. Removing her hands with a flourish, Maisie announced, “There!” Eyes widened, Kira took in her reflection. Her attention flew to the regal arrangement Maisie had created with her hair.

  It was swept up and accentuated the lines of her face in an enchanting manner. Kira was spellbound, studying her new image. She'd never worn a corset before and now the feminine curves of her body were unmistakeable in the gown. There was a soft rosy glow to her cheeks and her supple lips were the perfect pink. Kira couldn't stop staring.

  “Oh goodness, you've made me beautiful,” she exclaimed, stunned by her own reflection. Maisie beamed proudly, looking at the finished product of her handiwork.

  “Oh dear, you were beautiful all on your own! No one will doubt you're a lady now,”she said with delight. Kira turned and gave Maisie a long embrace. The kindness of another woman had been something lacking on The Reliance, and now Kira felt some of her loneliness abate.

  “Just got to go down and show 'em,” Maisie said with a forceful laugh. She looked a bit embarrassed by her enthusiasm and bowed her head slightly. Kira let out a small laugh and then felt her nerves start to unsettle her. Bracing herself with one last glance in the mirror, Kira turned to make her way downstairs.

  * * *

  Marcus had arrived early for dinner at the Kensington's. He sat broodingly in a dark library, the room decorated for the tastes of Luciana's father. He tapped his foot, impatiently, waiting for Luciana to grace him with her presence. He needed to see her, needed to remind himself of why he'd chosen her in the first place. Besides, her beauty always brought him to his knees. He needed to be utterly enraptured with someone, and it couldn't be Kira.

  “Marcus...” a voice whispered softly at the door. He looked up from the large chair with a start. Luciana was standing at the entrance of the room, looking more alluring than she ever had. He felt his heart jump into his throat.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered provocatively, closing the door behind her. Marcus was on his feet in no time, driven in part by desire, in part by determination. He would marry Luciana Kensington. It was meant to be.

  “Hello...” Luciana smiled softly at him as he reached her. He took his large hands and placed them softly around her face. “Kiss me...”she breathed.

  Marcus felt his frustration building, the conflict of the past weeks wearing on him. He pinned her to the wall, holding her shoulders down with brute strength. A look of shock ran through her eyes, and Marcus felt his heart start to race. “Ow...”she cried out in pain. Marcus' eyes danced, her helplessness stoking his desire.

  As he leaned in to kiss her, Kira's fragile face popped into his mind. Marcus stepped back in disgust, grunting with frustration. “Get out...go!” He turned his back to Luciana, reeling with anger and confusion. Luciana's eyes widened in dismay, her face flushed from his now-removed attention.

  “What?!” She screamed angrily, feeling embarrassment beginning to color her face. Her mind raced with ideas and she found herself settling on her auburn-haired guest. “Is it that girl?” she cried with contempt, trying to keep herself from shaking.

  “It's nothing,” Marcus said forcefully. “Please,” Luciana spouted with disgust, “I've known you too long for that too work.” She slithered up to him from behind, massaging his tense shoulders with her feminine hands.

  “You've always been true to me.” Luciana moved her palms across his back, then slowly wrapped her hands around his torso, clinging to him. “What has she done to you?”

  Marcus blinked hard, trying to wipe away the confusion that was clouding his judgment.

  “You know what we have is more powerful than the temptations of a fleeting dalliance. You'd never be happy with a mere girl.” Luciana purred.

  She unlinked her arms and moved towards the door. “I'd certainly hate for you to ruin everything we've built together. You know you and I will run London. We can have anything we want. Don't mess it up.”

  Spite soaked her words and she could feel her fists tightening in anger. If this little strumpet thought she could take her man, Lady Luciana Kensington's man, she had another thing coming!

  * * *

  As Kira walked down the hall and stepped into the landing, the sound of
polite conversation came floating up the stairs. Several unknown voices carried on below and Kira felt sudden alarm.

  When Luciana had requested her for dinner, she had no idea this meant there would be guests. Sliding her palms down the structured ribbing at her waist, Kira tried to convince herself she was the picture of elegance. Calm, unaffected. She could stare Marcus O'Hare in the eye and not feel a thing. She would be fearless tonight.

  * * *

  Sir Richard Hampton cut a dapper figure in his sharp formal attire. His dark hair was slicked back, revealing a strong brow, mysterious brown eyes and an aristocratic mouth. He stood patiently in the elegant foyer, making polite conversation with Luciana's closest friend, Lady Regina Proust.

  She was a slim blonde woman with a pale complexion and a piercingly high-pitched voice. She had a small spattering of freckles across her petite nose, and her full lips were most often curled into a large smile.

  Sir Richard found himself nodding repeatedly, as Lady Regina went on and on about an unseemly occurrence that she'd witnessed at the park. Her shrill laughter seemed to get higher and higher with every detail that she added to the story. He found himself searching for a way out when he noticed a luminous redhead floating silently down the stairs.

  “...And that's when I told them I'd never seen such a horrifying sight!” Regina continued, unaware that she had lost Richard's attention. His eyes were fixed on the beautiful goddess that was approaching the foot of the stairs.

  “May I, madam?” Richard asked, stepping forward to offer his hand to the radiant female that stood blinking her wide eyes at him. Kira took Sir Richard's hand, clearing the last step with ease. She looked up uncertainly and Richard could feel her nervousness. His dark eyes were fixed on her face, taking in the soft feminine beauty and radiance of her delicate features.

  “Oh,” Kira replied softly. “Thank you.” “From the look on your face, you'd think you were headed to the guillotine,” Sir Richard said with a wink. Kira blushed.

  He gave her an appraising look up and down then flashed her a devilish smile. She realized he was blatantly flirting with her. A surge of confidence ran through her, easing some of the trepidation she felt about seeing Marcus again.

  “Oh goodness, are you the dock girl?” Regina cried loudly. She managed to scoot her way between Sir Richard and Kira, feigning interest. “It must be so horrible to have been out on the open sea with such brutes. Oh yes, Luciana told me all about it.” The bright red hue of Kira's face increased and she tried to nod politely.

  “It was a very difficult experience.”

  Looking up, Kira noticed Sir Richard's dark eyes lingering on her. He was a dashing man, handsome and distinctive in his way. There was a slight air of danger about him, despite his polished manner and clothes. Kira felt her heart jump a little at his gaze, trying to dismiss the smoldering attention he sent her way.

  The three walked into an elegant dining room that sat directly across from the sitting room. Sir Richard had offered his arm to both ladies while Lady Regina launched into another story. Kira took a seat at an ornate table next to Sir Richard and across from Regina. Looking around constantly, she tried to brace herself for the moment he would walk in.

  “Oh, goodness, forgive us for being late.” a perturbed Luciana swept in from the back of the room, Marcus following close behind her. A distinctive older gentleman entered the room as well.

  “Sir Richard, Regina, darling, so glad you both could make it. Kira, dear, this is my father, Lord Arthur Kensington.” Doing her best to smile politely, Kira nodded at the man. “A pleasure to meet you,” he said with a warmth his daughter lacked.

  “I've been very enthralled by the stories Marcus has told of your harrowing adventures on the open sea.” The older man smiled warmly and Kira tried to decide if he could possibly be as genuine as he seemed.

  “Yes, it seems Kira is quite the heroine. Surviving such atrocities and managing to continue on.” Sir Richard smiled openly at Kira, taking her hand to kiss it.

  Kira felt a tingle run up her arm and tried to keep herself from blushing. When she looked up, Marcus was glaring at her from across the table. Flustered, she blinked rapidly and tried to think of something, anything to say.

  “Oh, please,” Kira smiled, directing a flirtatious glance at Sir Richard. “You make it sound as if I were Joan of Arc.” She felt her pulse start to race as Sir Richard's interested glance dropped to her plump lips. The attention had her undone, but she couldn't resist the urge to take another look in Marcus' direction.

  His green eyes had turned dark and he seemed to be seething. Victory! Kira thought, wanting to laugh at his displeasure. How dare he think he had any right to be angry? She could speak to who she wanted, how she wanted. He was engaged!

  “Oh, yes, I have to commend you, Miss Kira, for making it through such an ordeal,” Lord Kensington said, nodding in Kira's direction. “I have a feeling Luciana would have been absolutely hysterical!”

  His good-natured laughter warmed the whole table, but Luciana looked furious. “Oh father, please...Fortunately, I don't spend time unaccompanied on docks, so strange men aren't something I have to fear.” The table fell awkwardly silent, and Kira could feel humiliation seeping into her gut.

  “As I understand it,” Marcus's low, masculine tone started, “Kira was trying to aid her father, who had rescued another girl in danger.”

  Looking up hesitantly, Kira saw his kind eyes gazing at her and her whole body went weak. She couldn't stand it. He couldn't be nice to her. No, he wasn't allowed to be nice to her after smashing her heart into so many bits. She wanted to hate him but couldn't find the stomach for it.

  Luciana flashed Marcus a loathing glance, then whispered something under her breath.

  Trying to rescue the somber conversation, Richard started with a jovial laugh, “Lady Regina, tell them the story you were telling me earlier. You've just got to hear it, Lord Arthur.”

  Looking up at the dark stranger next to her, Kira felt a wave of gratitude. He flashed another, more sincere smile, revealing a perfect set of teeth. She knew nothing about this man, but his polished manners and gentlemanly efforts to save her had her distracted.

  Maybe she didn't need Marcus O'Hare, she reasoned with herself. Maybe that was just a girlish crush intensified by the severe nature of her experience at sea. Perhaps she could forget him entirely.

  After the dinner had ended, the entire party retired to a large parlor in the back of the house. It had several large windows and doors giving way to the view of a beautiful garden.

  Luciana and Regina were deep in discussion about a trip they were planning, shopping in Paris. Feeling rather out of place, Kira walked uncertainly into the room, noting the three men relaxing near the fireplace.

  “Miss Kira,” Sir Richard jumped to his feet, escorting her into the parlor. “Would you like to take a walk in the garden with me?”

  Kira felt herself blush, feeling his gaze on her face. Looking up, she smiled confidently, noting that his dark eyes seemed to be dancing in response to her shyness. Sir Richard whisked her out the door quickly, and as Kira glanced back she saw Marcus glaring intently in their direction.

  Soon, they were walking amid a dazzling maze of flowers and greenery. The air was fragrant with the smell of the blooms and a light breeze rustled Kira's hair. She found herself in rapt discussion with the man, listening to him describe the shipping company he had started.

  “It's not usual for someone of my stature to start an enterprise such as this, but I feel restless going about my life without working.” His gaze kept lingering on her face and Kira could feel herself trying to ignore the attraction. The attention was like a soothing ointment on her wounded soul. It felt good to be wanted.

  Pausing next to a blossoming rose bush, Sir Richard picked one and presented it to her. “For the most elegant lady in London,” he said with a cheeky grin. She smiled up at him, wide-eyed, then took the rose.

heir eyes stayed locked and Kira could feel the intensity of his gaze. Suddenly, there were hands around her waist and he was kissing her hard. Kira felt her body fall limp against his and she did little to fight his kiss. Richard's arms moved up and down her back, holding her tightly. A heady feeling enveloped Kira and she returned his kiss softly.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat cut loudly through the moment. Startled, Kira looked up to see Marcus standing on the path, his eyes dark and unreadable. It seemed all the heat of a bright summer sun was emanating from her face. Sir Richard also seemed embarrassed and put a small amount of distance between the two of them.

  “There's a messenger here for you. Something about a shipment.” Marcus clipped.

  Sir Richard nodded in response and quickly made his way back to the house. Hoping Marcus would follow suit, Kira glanced around the garden for a moment.

  When she looked up, she realized he hadn't moved. His eyes were fixed on her; his face unreadable. Kira was so tired of it; the brooding glances, the misplaced anger. She willed herself to stay silent but failed.

  “What?!?” Kira stammered. “What is it, Captain O'Hare?” She said with a mocking tone to her voice. “Why must you insist on staring at me like that? It's rude!!” She could feel the anger start to build in her, finally finding a release. “Do you think it's your job to watch my every move? Because, guess what, it's not!”

  Marcus started moving towards her rapidly, his jaw set in a determined line. Startled by his intense gaze and movement, Kira stepped back nervously. She watched him run his hands anxiously through his hair, then rub his forehead as if trying to find words.

  Finally, he looked at her with certainty and started to speak. “You can't spend time with him. You just can't.” Kira crinkled her eyes and squinted at him, trying to think if she'd ever heard something more ridiculous.

  “Excuse me, I didn't realize you were my father!” Laughing frustratedly, Marcus tried to calm himself.

  “No, Kira, I'm not your father. But you should know better than to kiss a man you hardly know! One day on land and you're already flirting with anything you can get your hands on!” He spat angrily. His masculine jaw jutted forward and his imposing body seemed to tower over her.