Read Stormy Seas: Rogue Persuasion Book 1 Page 8

  Hurt by his insinuation, Kira threw her head back with fury. “Oh please, you didn't seem to mind when you were the one kissing me in your bunk! It's really too bad you forgot to mention you were engaged!”

  Kira felt the rage pouring out of her as she recalled the image of Marcus and Luciana embracing in the sitting room. “And maybe, just maybe, next time you want to have a little fun with a dock girl, you can be honest about it instead of telling the world you're my benefactor!”

  Marcus felt the air leave his chest. He looked at her, deflated. “It's not like that!”

  “Oh, I'm sure it's not. That must be what every lecherous man in London uses as an excuse!”

  “Kira, stop!” Marcus had gripped her arms, keeping her from throwing any wild punches in his direction. Kira looked up at him, broken and tired from the anger and pain. He saw her bright blue eyes well up with tears and shame filled him.

  “You've got to understand,” he said soothingly, his green eyes wide with pain. “I never, never meant to hurt you. I got engaged long before I met you and I just, I just...” Marcus trailed off in confusion.

  “You just...what? Wanted one more run around? One last hurrah before married life?” Kira tried frantically to keep the tears from pouring down her face. “I trusted you!” Breaking free from his arms, Kira ran toward the house, desperately trying to dry her face.

  Marcus turned with a sigh, silently kicking himself for being such an idiot.


  Kira raced inside the house, ignoring the curious glances of Luciana and her father. She headed rapidly towards the stairs, but was stopped by Sir Richard in the foyer.

  “I'm sorry I had to run off, that was incredibly rude of me.” Kira glanced back to see him sitting casually on a bench. She wiped her face self-consciously, aware that she couldn't hide the fact that she'd been crying.

  “Did I cause this?” he said, standing to wipe a tear from her cheek. “No, wasn't you.” Sir Richard smiled generously at her, gently caressing her cheek. “There, there. Well, whatever it was, perhaps I can lift your spirits by asking you if you'd like to dance.”

  “Dance?” Kira giggled softly, wondering what on earth he meant. Sir Richard looked slightly ruffled and his usual smile showed a bit of nerves. “I mean, I'd like to ask you if you'd accompany me to the Royal Ball next weekend.” His dark eyes were expectant and a hint of a devilish smile was making its way across his face.

  “Oh...I...I would love it.”

  Sir Richard beamed at her, his smile giving him away. “Wonderful. I will be here to pick you up at 6 o'clock on next Saturday night.” Dropping a kiss on her cheek, Sir Richard flashed one more charming smile in her direction and walked out the door.

  Kira felt herself sigh. She was completely caught up in the moment and had forgotten the heartbreak of her recent tears. Turning to run up the stairs with a small burst of excitement, Kira saw Luciana and Marcus walking arm in arm down the hall. A deep ache gripped her heart but she did her best to ignore it.

  * * *

  One morning, a few weeks into her stay in London, Kira decided she had to get out of the house. She could feel the bitterness of Luciana's gaze whenever they were in the same room and the tension was getting to her. Slipping out of her bedroom at the first of dawn, she tip-toed down the hall to the bathing room in her petticoat. Kira knew Luciana's father was out of town for several days and had little worries of being seen by anyone. Finding a small amount of delight at her stealth, she swung the door to the bathing room open. Surprise filled her when she saw Luciana had beaten her to it. The glorious beauty was covered in bubbles, leisurely enjoying herself. She looked up sharply when Kira opened the door, and a look of unveiled disdain filled her eyes.

  “'s you...” Luciana's usual manner of showmanship had disappeared. The perfect hostess was not to be found on this particular morning. Kira whirled to escape the awkward moment, but Luciana stopped her. “Do help me, please. I didn't bother waking my maid.” Kira felt eyes in the back of her neck and turned very slowly. “Of course,” she said.

  Luciana stood up in the claw-foot tub, bubbles clinging to her body. Kira felt embarrassment at the other woman's lack of modesty, but couldn't help noticing how perfect her form was.

  A tinge of jealousy bit into her. Luciana was curvaceous and alluring, holding all the womanly appeal that Kira felt she lacked. No wonder Marcus was so determined to marry her.

  Taking a soft towel from the rack, Kira helped Luciana out of the tub. She tried to divert her eyes, willing the awkwardness to evaporate from the room. No such luck. Thinking her duties done, Kira took a step towards the door. Luciana had wrapped herself in the towel and sat on a chair at her vanity.

  “Do brush my hair, dear.” Her tone was monotone, emotionless. Kira couldn't help feeling that she was being lured into a trap. She nodding hesitantly, then took the ornate brush from the vanity.

  “You know, I understand the allure that a man like Marcus has for women. Any woman really. Especially young, naïve girls like yourself.” Luciana was staring with satisfaction at her reflection as Kira smoothed the tangles from her dark hair. “And I'm sure there has to be a certain kind of man that would respond to your fresh-faced innocence.” Kira felt a wave of heat roll over her face. She tried desperately to avoid eye-contact in the mirror.

  “But a man like Marcus,” Luciana continued, “A man like Marcus needs a real woman. He's a rough, brutal man and those types of men crave a certain sensuality. Feminine curves, an irresistible mysterious allure that keeps them coming back for more.”

  Luciana smiled wickedly and met Kira's eyes in the mirror. “He can't resist me, darling. I'm the one addiction Marcus O'Hare will never be able to beat.” Her insides broiling, Kira longed to race from the room but stood her ground nonetheless.

  “I know this may be all new to you, but men like that require a physicality that would make a sweet little girl like you blush.” Internally, Kira cursed herself for doing just that.

  “And while Marcus may have enjoyed the idea of your innocent flirtation, the depth of his desire for me would never really disappear. And I don't imagine you could live with that, could you? Poor sweet little Kira...”

  Kira dropped the brush on the vanity, feeling anger heat her insides. She could think of absolutely nothing to say to this witch of a woman. Luciana seemed to sense victory and smiled dangerously.

  With a twitch of her hips, Luciana stood, allowing the towel to drop dramatically from her frame. Flaunting her abundant curves in Kira's mortified face, she tilted her head back and laughed seductively. “That will be all, dear.”

  * * *

  Rushing from the room in horror, Kira tried to erase Luciana's taunting words from her mind. She hated her. Absolutely hated her. She had half a mind to pack all her belongings and leave right away. But where would she go? Being homeless was not a choice she could make, no matter how devilish her host was.

  Slamming the door behind her, Kira retreated to her room. She flung open her wardrobe and grabbed the mint green dress. She had to get out of this house.

  Away from this horrible woman and her perfect mansion. Ugh. Kira could only sigh in disgust at the envy that Luciana triggered in her. It was bad enough she was rich and beautiful. But the fact that she had Marcus...well, it made Kira boil with anger.

  After pulling her hair back and taking a look at her irritated face in the mirror, Kira flew out of her room, down the stairs and out the front door. She had no idea where she was headed but she couldn't bear one more moment in that house.

  Kira moved quickly through the street, noting once again the quiet nature of the area. The row of beautiful houses faced a vibrant green park, featuring numerous tall trees providing shade. Deciding to head in that direction, Kira sighed in relief. The air was fresh and cool on that particular morning and she let herself relish the feel of it caressing her skin.

  She even found herself smiling as she saw a pair of bluebir
ds, flitting above her head with a merry sound. Perhaps this day wouldn't be so bad after all.

  She could fill her head with all sorts of thoughts, outside of Marcus and his devil bride. A tinge of laughter threatened to take her over as she thought about the ridiculous situation Luciana had put her in. Perhaps she had rattled her more than she cared to admit.

  Kira kept her pace, finding a path amidst the trees and bushes. Replaying her interactions with Sir Richard in her mind, she tried to imagine herself with a man like that.

  He wasn't Marcus. That much was obvious. They were drastically different. But perhaps that could be a good thing. She was smiling another little smile to herself when she ran face first into a very solid body.

  “Not again.”

  Kira's eyes flashed upward and she wanted to scream. Of course, it was him.

  “Marcus.” She didn't even feign a smile. His handsome face was darkened from the sun and his full lips were curled up in a devilish smile. Perhaps they were made for each other, Kira thought.

  They stood in silence for a moment, each trying to decide their next move. Kira couldn't help herself, her eyes roaming hungrily over his perfectly sculpted face. The realization that he would never be hers had given her a sort of freedom, and now she looked at him in a way she hadn't dared before.

  “Like what you see?” He threw her a suggestive grin. Ugh. “Go away,” she shot back, turning to head around his large frame. Marcus grabbed her arm possessively and yanked her in his direction. “No,” he said calmly.

  His eyes met hers with authority and he seemed to dare her to defy him. Kira looked up into his fierce gaze, feeling like she was floating in an ocean of green. She felt her resolve weaken, the pressure of his hand still firm on her arm.

  A wicked thought popped into Kira's head and she fought to conceal the smile that came with it. Alarm filled Marcus' face and he looked at her sternly. “What is it?”

  “Nothing at all,” she said playfully. Her sudden change of tone had Marcus bewildered and he stepped back, releasing her arm. But Kira wasn't satisfied with that one small victory.

  With an alluring smile, she leaned closer to him, looking up with eyes wide and innocent. “You're right. Why should I run away from you every time you're near?” She smiled softly, flashing her baby blues at him with a smoldering intensity. Kira looked down, bit her lip softly and moved just a little bit closer.

  Marcus could feel his body heat rising. This side of Kira was completely new to him, and terrifying as hell. He'd been so drawn to her innocence, her quiet beauty, but the woman before him now was a vixen, a very dangerous vixen. He felt his pulse start to race wildly and he tried to take a step back.

  “No, no, no,” Kira said with a boldness that surprised even her. “You said you weren't going anywhere.” She smiled coyly and closed the distance between them.

  Reaching out her delicate hand, Kira traced the line of Marcus' jacket buttons slowly up his chest. With the lightest touch, she teased him. She could almost feel herself panicking for her boldness, but the feeling of power pushed her on. For once, he was looking at her with large, helpless eyes and Kira wanted to milk the moment for as long as she could.

  There was hardly any space between them now and Marcus seemed caught in a trance. His mouth hung open, dumb-founded, at he stared at her with a growing passion in his gaze. “This isn't you, Kira...” He said, with a breathless tone. Indecision flashed into his eyes, then he leaned forward to kiss her upturned mouth.

  In a flash, Kira had ducked his advances. Turning with a victorious smirk on her face, she shrugged. “You're right, it isn't.” She bounded on without a glance back, feeling as if she'd just won a mighty battle.

  Marcus leaned against a tree in exasperation, watching her slight frame bounce happily out of sight. The thought of strangling her was the only thing keeping him upright at that point.

  * * *

  As Kira walked happily through the gardens, a skip in her step, she was unaware that a pair of dark eyes were following her. From behind a tree, a certain devilish pirate watched with interest as Kira skipped along, humming to herself.

  His features were as hard as ever, framed by pitch black hair and the roguish leather jacket that he always wore. He licked his lips, a feral growl escaping from them. He'd been bested by that persistent sailor, forced into selling her, but he hadn't liked it.

  Now it seemed, fate had brought him exactly what he wanted. The chance to finish what he started. He trailed Kira stealthily, watching her cross the street and skip up the steps of a regal mansion. He smiled as he watched her auburn head disappear inside. It was the perfect Cat-and-Mouse game, and he knew exactly where the mouse lived.


  Kira retreated to her room as quickly as she could. Night was just beginning to fall, but she felt certain she would enjoy herself much better alone in her quarters.

  She stood at the large window facing the gardens, her eyes roving over the dusky landscape. She replayed the conversation she'd had with Sir Richard there, remembering his admiring glances and the way he flattered her so sincerely. Marcus would never do that. He'd never love her, never treat her with a tender sweetness.

  Kira felt the aching bitterness of her disappointment and tried to convince herself that Sir Richard was meant for her. He certainly made a wonderful companion and Kira knew she had to find a way to fill the hole in her heart left by Marcus O'Hare.

  Maybe it was true that she was a silly girl who fell in love all too easily, but it didn't matter now. All she could do was try to patch herself together so she never felt this way ever, ever again.

  A movement in the garden caught Kira's eye and she jumped. Was someone out there? She squinted to make out a form, but could see nothing in the dwindling light. Suddenly, a chill gripped her as she remembered the fearful nights she spent on the ocean.

  She laughed nervously, reminding herself that she was no longer living on the docks and that she'd long been rescued from the heartless pirates. She was here now, in a veritable fortress, a beautiful mansion in the best part of town.

  Kira sighed. It must have been a rabbit rustling through the garden. No need to be alarmed. Sleepiness overtook her, reminding her of what a toll upper-class life was taking on her. She readied for bed, smiling at the freedom she had to curl up cozily whenever she chose. The soft breeze from her window made her feel deliriously happy and she let sleep take over.

  * * *

  The strong smell of alcohol permeated the air. Kira, half-asleep, wondered if she was dreaming. She felt a groggy heaviness, like her body was being weighed down by an anchor. In her semi-conscious state, Kira tried to determine why the dream felt so real. Her eyes blinked open momentarily to pitch darkness.

  Still, the air smelled rank of sweat and whiskey. Kira told herself to go back to sleep, sure she was imagining it all.

  Her stupor was ripped from her when the feeling of heaviness on her body started to move. “Not a peep, sweetheart,” a gravelly voice whispered in her ear, identifying the source of the pungent air. Kira's eyes flew open in panic at the sound of the pirate's voice.

  She could feel his weight on her now, pinning her to the bed. His calloused hands were running along her arms, and she felt her whole body tighten with fear.

  “What do you want?” Kira whispered in a panic. His hands were roving over her stomach now, triggering a sick feeling in her gut. “I just want to finish getting to know you, doll...” His menacing voice came back, just inches from her face. Suddenly, the feel of whiskers bristled across her cheek and he kissed her neck tauntingly.


  Desperation oozed from Kira, and she recoiled from the chilling touch of his mouth on her skin. She tried hard to bend her legs, hoping she could push him off with her knees. She was no match for his unfettered strength, however, and her efforts only made him laugh.

  “There, there, little mouse. Don't be afraid. I let you go once, don't think a man like me ev
er makes that mistake twice. However, I can be a rewarding master, if you know how to submit.”

  He kissed her hard on the mouth then, muffling Kira's attempts at a scream. She felt as if her body would explode from the terror. It seemed she was watching the whole thing unfold from the ceiling, unable to step in and stop the chain of events. When the pirate's hungry mouth released her and moved down to her neck, Kira let out the loudest scream she could manage.

  He recoiled at the noise, raising up to slap her hard on the mouth. “Ah!” Kira cried, the pain smarting intensely. Suddenly, there was a sound at the door and it swung open. Luciana stood with a lamp in hand, shocked at the sight before her. The pirate lay atop Kira in what appeared to be a very compromising position.

  “Get out!” Luciana screamed, angry and fearful all at once. “Get out of my house!”

  The pirate released Kira, slipping off the bed and heading for the window in a flash. Before Kira could even move, he had disappeared down the side of the house.

  Kira felt relief flood her and she began to sob uncontrollably. It had taken her so long to recover from her fear, so long to feel that she could go out into the world without terror.

  Now she was right back where she'd been, paralyzed by anxiety and dread. She turned to her side and cried into her pillow, her body racked with deep, guttural sobs.

  Luciana moved quietly to the window and closed it. She felt anger rise in her. This girl was bringing all kinds of unwanted things into her home.

  Threatening her peace, threatening her safety, threatening her relationship with Marcus. She felt no pity for Kira's broken tears. Instead, she wished she would just shut up.

  * * *

  The next day, Kira felt the temptations of depression, begging her to stay in bed. Her face ached where he'd hit her while her whole body felt sore and bruised. She felt her resolve weakening, the wall that she'd built between her and Marcus one she wished she could erase. Only he could comfort her. Only he could make her feel safe. That made her sadness cut even deeper. She was alone in this.