Read Stranger At The Other Corner Page 2

  “I did Judy… but…”

  “Yeah… only for an hour”

  “Because your parties are very loud and you know me…”

  “I do… but it was my birthday…and I want you there”

  “Judy we live in one house… you are my wife, what’s the big deal if I don’t stay at your party in club… we have to meet in home”

  “So that’s why… you don’t care!!”

  “Judy… I do care about you but another party; you have a birthday party a month ago and…”

  “So now it’s my fault that we married next month of my birthday?”

  “No… I didn’t mean it… but I can’t come early, I have a meeting… work to complete”

  “Brad… do you love me more than work or not?” Judy asks with wide open eyes. This is where Mr. Bradley breaks down, “you… of course… but?” “Oh… I love you too… be here at 8… bye” Judy excitedly shouts and kiss him then leave, Mr. Bradley down his head.

  He never says no to Judy because he cares about her so much and she knows that, it’s one of the qualities of Mr. Bradley that makes him very special.

  “Andy… I want the meeting on lunch… I got be home at 8, so I can’t attend it on dinner” Mr. Bradley said in office, working on his computer.

  “But Brad… I don’t know if the Advertising company delegate would agree and just because we have a big name… doesn’t mean we can force them” Andy said, standing in tense.

  “Okay so call them… asks and convinces them in which you are pretty good at… I want them on lunch” Mr. Bradley said in rough tune.

  He look him for a moment then says “ok… boss whatever you want” Andy said in annoyed tune and leave.

  Mr. Bradley feels so bad about the way he talk to Andy but if he doesn’t do this, Andy won’t take him seriously and he have to go home before 8 o’clock.

  “Annie can you call to Hostos and set the meeting on lunch” Claire said as she enters in her office. “What… and why?” Annie shouts.

  “I have a dinner with Simon… and he insisted me to be there” Claire explains. “Claire… how many times I told you that if you have any plans, please tell me before you finalizes them” Annie said.

  “Oh… I know, I’m sorry I just… I was so tired last night that’s why I can’t” Claire said putting down her files on table.

  “Just call them maybe they agree with us” Claire insisted, “sweetheart… they are Hostos, not just any company…they have rules and regulation… okay! We can’t just call them and say excuse me sir can you meet us on lunch…and…” before Annie complete her statement, Claire office phone rings.

  “Hello” Annie said roughly as she picks up. “Hmm… hi, can I speak to Ms. Wilson …I’m Andy” Andy said.

  “First of all, it’s Mrs. Wilson and second she’s busy so tell me, what’s your business…I’m her secretary” Annie said, “I’m sorry… I’m Andy from Hostos… we want…actually we have an emergency and we like you to join us for lunch meeting… only if it’s okay for you” Andy said hesitantly.

  Annie shock for a moment, looking at Claire she slowly smiles then says “oh…uh… okay, since you have an emergency, we can meet you at lunch…but it’s very surprising for your company to change the schedule…” Annie excitedly smiles so as Clair.

  “Thank you… and yes, we do have an emergency… again thank you miss… what did you say your name is …” Andy charmingly asked, “uh… I didn’t tell you my name” Annie said, Claire raises her eye brow as she know what Annie is doing. “See you at the meeting… Mr. Andy” Annie said.

  “Sure… looking forward to that” Andy said and hung up. “OMG... I can’t believe it… they call us on lunch meeting… it so great, let me tell you girl it’s your day… your lucky day… oh God, I got so many work…I’m rushing” Annie said so many thing and leave, but Claire mind stop at Annie’s words “it’s your day… your lucky day”.

  She thought “if it’s my day…then I get my wish” and take a deep breath to take back in reality.



  “They are agreed… they are coming for lunch” Andy said standing at Mr. Bradley office door and leave. His reaction makes Mr. Bradley more upset, he was very embarrassed for his behavior. He was very kind heart person and Andy knows that.

  “Hey… Andy” Mr. Bradley call Andy before they enter in meeting room “yeah… they are waiting for us” Andy said tries to avoid him. “Hey man… c’mon I’m sorry… I was little stress that’s all” Mr. Bradley said holding his arm.

  Andy looks him for a second then laugh “oh… that’s okay baby… I understand… you love me so much… muhaa.” Andy said and tries to kiss him.

  “Get off… you never gonna change” Mr. Bradley said resisting, suddenly Mr. Bradley phone ring, he take out it was his wife. Andy saw it to so he says “I’ll handle them… you handle your miss STRESS”

  “Shut up… Andy” Mr. Bradley said smiling.

  “Where are they …?” Annie asked annoyingly, they been sitting in meeting room for 15 minutes and on one come.

  “Relax Annie … they are coming…” Claire said looking at her report “wow, it’s very nice room… don’t you think?” Annie asks, looking around the room

  . It was very large conference room, finely decorated with branded table and chairs. And very beautiful chandelier was hanging in the middle.

  “Yes… it is” Trevor said as he sits next to her. Annie feels annoyed and says “I didn’t ask you”

  “Enough Annie you…” Claire stop as Andy enters “I’m so sorry for wait… my boss coming” Andy said looking at Annie. “Its fine… we don’t mind” Annie said as they shake hands. Claire look at Annie with wide open eyes, “you must be Annie… I’m Andy Connor” Andy asked.

  “Yes… and” Annie interrupted by Claire “I’m Claire Wilson and this is Trevor Simpson my assistant” “oh… yes, heard a lot about you, Mr. Dave is fond of your work, actually he recommend you to us” Andy said as they shake hand. “Thank you; he is a good person… and your boss? Where is he?” Claire asked.

  “He’s coming… he’s…”

  “Mr. O’Connor we are already late…”

  “I know… Mrs. Wilson just…”

  “What’s he doing? Don’t…” before Claire completes her statement, door open and Mr. Bradley enters in the room, files in his hand… looking at his files he said “I’m sorry everyone for waiting… I’m Bradley Rick …” he stop as he raise his head, Claire was standing in front of him, staring him with wide eyes.

  His hand on his file cover which he was putting on the table but now it was still. The only thing between them was this table and space.

  They feels that time is stop but then he notice that everyone was staring them, suddenly Mr. Bradley breaths deeply. His hand on his chest, as he feels difficulty in breathing he tries to find his pump then quickly run outside the office, breathing deeply. His action surprises everyone, but Claire who gets her wish.


  “Hmm… he’s having anesthesia attack, please excuse us for a moment” Andy said and follow Mr. Bradley. “Great… another excuse to waste more time” Trevor said in annoyed tune as they all sit in chairs. “Oh please Trevor like you has some place to be…” Annie said.

  “By the way… he is very cute… what say Claire?” Annie ask to Claire but Claire’s mind was not in room, she was looking at her file, tossing pen in her hand while thinking about she smile a little and whisper his name “Bradley”

  “Are you okay Brad” Andy shouts as he enters in balcony where Mr. Bradley standing, pump in his hand, close eyes… breathing deeply. “Nothing… just an attack” Mr. Bradley said losing his tie,

  “Well you were not having attacks for a while… are you stressed?” Andy said he stands next to him.

  “Yeah… I’m okay?
?? just little work presence”

  “Pressure… Brad you love your work… did Judy say anything?”

  “No Andy… why do you always think that?”

  “I don’t know… because you don’t love her and…” “So what did you tell them” Mr. Bradley interrupted Andy to change the topic.

  “Oh yes… let’s go they’d be waiting for us” “who are they… I didn’t get introduce”

  “Well… that red haired girl is Annie cornfield and the guy is Trevor Simpson. And the manager is Claire…”

  Mr. Bradley didn’t listen anything after this, he down his head and mumble her name “Claire”.

  “And you know her husband… man I saw him in TV, you know… David Wilson son Simon Wilson… he is very good in politics I say…”

  “Let’s go… they are waiting” Mr. Bradley said in serious tune, he don’t like what Andy says.

  The meeting starts and Andy addresses all, brief them about the product and its need, Claire who was sitting on right side of Mr. Bradley looks at him sometime and sometime at Andy.

  She notice Mr. Bradley is not looking at her… not even for a second, she was very nervous and happy.

  “We will make sure our work is good as you expected for us” she said as Andy over the briefing, they shake hands

  “We know you do… Mrs. Wilson” Andy said, he move toward Annie and Trevor.

  She move toward Mr. Bradley to shake hand, she was nervous it is the first time she’s going to hold his hand after all that time but before she could move her hand toward him, he said loudly while gathering his files,

  “It’s been nice meeting you all, now if please excuse me… good day” and leave the room without looking at her. They all get back to their chat and Claire stand froze, she felt cold in his behavior.

  She inhales deep and think “was he the same person… I saw every morning… why didn’t he see me… did he recognizes me or not? She down her head “does he know that I am hurt?”

  They were leaving the conference room with Andy, they all talking while walking but Claire. She was very upset with Mr. Bradley. “Great then see you tomorrow Annie” Andy said flattering.

  “We also coming Mr. O’Connor… if you don’t mind” Trevor said roughly. “Yeah… I know… I mean all of you” Andy said hesitantly.

  They all in lift and Andy was see off them, but Mr. Bradley was looking at Claire from behind the wall where she can’t see him… he was also very hurt and doesn’t understand why he did this!

  When the lift door closed, he walk in his office room and slowly sits in his chair then move his fingers of both hand in his hairs… he knows that she is hurt with his action and he can’t undo now.


  “Claire… Claire” Mr. Bradley whispers her name standing in front of mirror getting ready for his anniversary party.

  He was wearing his navy blue suit coat, as he looks at him in mirror he remember how Claire smile… it makes him happy. He was alone in his room “I should talk to her… why did I avoid her… she was feeling very bad” then stop as he have a thought “what if she don’t come tomorrow morning… what if I don’t see her again… this is killing me” he looks worried.

  He put his hand in his pants pockets, for a moment he dislike himself “what am I thinking… God help me” his head down facing floor and eyes closed “why am I thinking about her like this… she’s married… someone’s wife and I have a wife who love me so much… am I cheating her… but she… and I… I thought…?” inhale deeply, there is a war going on in his mind “God… what’s wrong with me” he said in low voice.

  “Are you talking to yourself again Brad?” Judy said as she enter in the room and surprised Mr. Bradley “uh… nothing just meeting stuff” he said, tries to hide his expression.

  “Ok… now tell me how I look?” she said as she makes a pose in her red floor length striped gown and she let her dark-brown hairs curl from the tip loose on the shoulder. Her hands on her waist, looking him she smiles.

  “Very beautiful as usual” Mr. Bradley said and turn again toward mirror, she stand straight and disappoint when he said that. She move toward and put her chin on his shoulder and arms around him then says “why do you have to look so hot right now… when we have to leave?” Mr. Bradley cackles.

  He knows that she telling him how to praise someone then say “you know Judy… I’m not good with word… but you do look beautiful all the time” taking her face in his hands.

  “I know Brad… you don’t love me the way I do to you… and I… never mind… but I can’t let you go either, you are my best friend… who understand me so much”

  He put his hand down, “I can’t tell you how much I love me” she move close to him. “No matter how many times I say… I love you” he down his head and she put her arms around his neck, Mr. Bradley does not want her to close with him so he say

  “Judy… you are my friend… before you are my wife. I feel responsible for you and I want you to be happy no matter what costs I have to pay so don’t burden yourself with anything… I always keep you happy… I promi…” before he completes his sentence she kisses him, it was unexpected for Mr. Bradley “I know you do…” she said after the kiss.

  “I have faith in you… you could never hurt me” Judy said slowly.

  “I think guest are arriving… you should go” Mr. Bradley said hesitantly. “Oh… yeah, I totally forget about them… I’m going” she said and quickly leaves the room “me coming” Mr. Bradley said loudly.

  “Why are you doing this to me…? I can’t hurt her. Listen Brad it’s just a crush… get over it you are a married man… forget about her” he said to himself looking at mirror. “I will never see her … never see her again” he said his eyes closed then leaves the room.

  Everyone was gathering in their house garden in pool side party, lights decorate everywhere. Their friends and colleagues are invited, mostly Judy’s. As she was very happy, laughing with her friend by the bar.

  Also some people are dancing at the slow music playing,

  “Hey… buddy happy anniversary again… I’m glad you survive three years…” Andy said and hugs Mr. Bradley

  “Shut up Andy… and thanks” Mr. Bradley said laughing.

  “My… Judy you look so… so hot still… not… more than last time I saw you” Andy said as he hug her.

  “Oh… thank you Andy, as much I as hate you, I’m glad someone knows how to admire a lady” she said smiling at Mr. Bradley.

  “Nice party Judy… you know no one… I say no one can throw party like you do, even when we were in college, your parties were amazing, not mention you choose to be event organizer… God I kind’a miss those days… don’t you Brad” Andy ask to Mr. Bradley.

  “Yeah… and even then you come alone without Brad… uh” Judy said. “It’s not my fault miss that your husband doesn’t like parties… say it Brad” Andy insist.

  “Ok… you boys talk, I’ll be back” Judy said cheerfully and leaves.


  “You look beautiful Claire” Mr. Simon said to Claire, they were dining at Manhattan’s famous restaurant. Mr. Simon was call on a meeting here, so he takes Claire with him for dinner. It was huge and lavish; they were sitting in the centre, soft music playing in the background.

  “Thanks…” Claire said and blushingly smiles but she was thinking about Mr. Bradley’s behavior this afternoon, so she was not listening to him closely. “Why he did this to me? I never do anything like this to him… I thought we know each other, but today he just behave like he never see me before… didn’t even say a word, not even shake hands with me.”

  Mr. Simon notices that she is in deep thought and playing with her dinner “is everything okay?” Claire surprised then hesitates and say “uh… yeah I’m fine” she was not fine.

  She can’t decide that she is upset
or angry but not for a moment she think that she is stranger to him, a stranger he see every day…he see her passing by him, for some moment. A stranger whose name he don’t know till today, that’s the strength of her trust on him.

  “Fine if that’s what he wants… I will not show him my face again not until… he bags me to... until he tells me how much he love…tell me why he do this to me. Let see how he live without seeing me… he will be astound tomorrow when he won’t see me at the signal” she smile in revenge and Mr. Simon get confuse as he was looking at her.

  “What happened?” Mr. Simon asked, “Hmm, nothing I got the idea for my new project… it’s perfect…”she lie covering her expression. “Just like you” Mr. Simon said charmingly.

  “Wow… Brad… Judy sure knows how to entertain everyone… man I’m tried” Andy said, drinking beer. They were sitting in beach chairs near to pool after the party ends, everyone leave and Judy was inside the house.

  “Yeah... I know she is one of a kind” Mr. Bradley said, and then takes a sip of his beer. Suddenly Andy cackles “what… what happened?” Mr. Bradley asked curiously.

  “I just remember… how much you dislike her habit…do you remember when I ask to come with me…” Mr. Bradley smile and they both say at a time “I don’t have time to waste… for useless things” he again cackles “now… that she’s your wife… how do you like it bro?” Andy mock Mr. Bradley.

  “Well… I realize that it not bad after all and…” “And now you don’t have any other option but to come in her parties…do you Brad? Judy Ramos very famous and rich girl in our campus is now… Mrs. Bradley rick” Andy mock Mr. Bradley.

  “Don’t you start again…? Andy I have enough for the day” Mr. Bradley said. He tries to get up but then Andy said “why not Brad… you do it and I can’t even argue about this… you put yourself in misery and I can’t even say that you do it to yourself.”

  “What you wanna prove Andy… everytime I don’t know why… why you feel that I’m not happy… I am happy Andy ok!!”