Read Stranger At The Other Corner Page 3

  “Liar… Judy is happy not you… and who do you think you could lie from… it’s me Brad… Andy… I know you since we were 10 year old… so give up” Andy said in rough tune.

  Mr. Bradley sit comfortably on the beach chair as he feels it’s going to be a long talk. “She’s happy because she found her love and you don’t. She’s living her dream and it is your night…”

  “Stop it Andy… you start again… I love my wife, I love my home and I love my life like this” Mr. Bradley said

  “So true, you love your live… you love your home but you don’t love Judy… yeah, she love you so much that’s why she ask you to marry her… remember when we were in last year of college and Christina came to meet you in your hostel room and then Judy run in to you and yell she love you” Andy said hardly.

  “I do remember, why Christina was in room, crying… oh yeah! Because you break her heart in tiny pieces… do you remember?” Mr. Bradley said looking at him with wide open eyes.

  “Don’t change the subject Brad… we are talking about you right now” Andy said, “and Judy didn’t yell… she said very firmly, just because I told you it didn’t mean that you can repeat it like that” Mr. Bradley said.

  After a moment pause Andy continue “it’s not fair with you Brad, you know I always wants to see that girl you fall in love… for the one you wrote all those poetry… they were so beautiful, I mean I use them so many times to impress my girlfriends and you… you just let that all go… for her, that really unfair…”

  “Andy it’s over… it’s past now a…” Mr. Bradley interrupted by Andy as says “no Brad… love is really hard thing to get… you just don’t get it, love makes you strong… it makes you selfish, that’s why Judy asks you to marry her. It’s the most beautiful feeling… it’s like if you don’t see her… you can’t breathe, it’s like you own her… really it’s very confusing, I mean I never thought that I ever feel that but it’s real. It’s like if they ignore you, you want to burn down the world… even if you hurt them, you feel like it’s you’re right. And when she smiles you want to give her all the happiness of the world…” Andy keeps talking with blushful smile while Mr. Bradley realizes his mistake.

  “I shouldn’t have to ignore her… I could tell her the reason… I am sure she understand me but”

  He stop as his mind have a sudden thought looking at Andy “you met someone… for real this time” he ask, Andy cackles and said “oh… yeah, man she is so beautiful… you know her too, she’s with ad agency” Mr. Bradley panic, he thinks Andy is talking about Claire. His face has sudden expression of jealousy.

  “You know the red hair girl… her name is Annie… mine Andy, nice right” Andy cheerfully said, without looking Mr. Bradley face. Mr. Bradley calm himself, he never feel that feeling his heart beating so fast, sweat on his forehead which he sweep quickly from his handkerchief before Andy could notice.

  “Do you really mean… love makes you selfish” after a moment Mr. Bradley ask. “Of course it does… you want to tear down the world or anything came between you and her… it’s insane but my friend it’s love” Andy said and drinks his beer as he humming John legend’s song “all in me”.

  That very small moment was a hell for Mr. Bradley “yeah…” he said and lay back to rest, but one thing is confirmed to him that he is in love with Claire for sure and there is no way he can leave her.


  She dress up in grey turtle neck dress which was body fitted and roll back her hairs in bun, wear her light pink lipstick and grey ballerina shoes. She smile at the mirror and think “I should look good today to see his face” She takes her bag and then leaves the room. Mr. Simon was reading newspaper of his I-pad with coffee in dining room as usual, she enters in the room then look in to her wrist watch, her maid put the coffee mug for her.

  She looks at Mr. Simon for a moment then thinks “he will be so shocked… he will ask why? What do I say to him, if he say no… no he won’t… he won’t say that” she look at her coffee mug then softly said “Simon… can you drive to my office” then normally look at Mr. Simon who was astonished, still toast in his hand. “What?” Claire asked, pretending she doesn’t know. “Did you just ask me to drive you to your office…?” Mr. Simon asked. “Yeah… so what” Claire asked in attitude.

  Mr. Simon hesitates “well… for a year…”

  “Can you drive me or not” Claire said loudly “I’m getting late” she explained. “Yeah… sure…great…let me finish… oh leave it” Mr. Simon quickly stands and leave his toast, he was eating. Claire wants Mr. Bradley to notice that she is upset with him. She wants him to feel how it’s like to be ignored by someone you love.

  She doesn’t know him, she doesn’t know anything about his life but still she loves him so much that she feels a right on him and want him to feel her pain.

  He looks in his watch then again the signal, his eyes can’t stay at one angle, and they were looking everywhere, in hope that from somewhere she appears before signal go green, his heart beat getting faster and faster. “Where is she? Where is she?” he asks to himself repeatedly. “Oh…c’mon Brad calm yourself…I don’t care…its fine” he said, like he doesn’t care.

  He again look in his watch only two second left for signal to turn green, his hope die when crowd from the other side start moving. His feet were freeze, he don’t want to move but someone from his back push him as crowd from his side walk toward the other side then he keep moving.

  “I shouldn’t need to move…may be she was late…no…she never late, is she okay… maybe something happen…but what?” he stops suddenly and closes his eyes as he thinks “no… there is something else…” he was holding his briefcase and his hand was in his pocket.

  “What have I done…is she upset with me but why…what did I do?” having all questions in his mind, he enter in his office. He was feeling very down and upset. It was the first time he came to office without seeing her.

  “Brad… you are late man. Don’t you know, we got so many works to do and I need sign and endorsement for the project…”Andy starting to shout as he enter in his office but stops as he looks at Mr. Bradley

  “Oh…Brad…what’s with long face? Are you feeling okay?” Andy asks curiously. “Yeah…I’m fine…just feeling low…can you get me a cup of coffee” Mr. Bradley said sitting on his chair.

  “Why Judy don’t let you sleep in night?” Andy joke and accept Mr. Bradley to laugh but Andy get serious when Mr. Bradley doesn’t take notice.

  “Ok…I’ll get your coffee” Andy said and turns to leave but stop as he remembers something. “Oh…yeah, ad agency calls…we have a lunch meeting with them…so I confirm them?”

  “No…not today…” Mr. Bradley said quickly, his sudden reaction confuse Andy.

  “I…I’m not feeling well today…just rearrange it for tomorrow” Mr. Bradley explained. “It’s okay… Brad if you don’t want to go…I can do it alone” Andy said putting his hand on chair, smiling.

  “I said…no” Mr. Bradley said loudly, Andy hesitates, he stand still “I need to discuss something with them…but I am not feeling good right now”

  “I can’t Brad… Claire Wilson personally call me to confirm the meeting…I can’t just say her no because you are not feeling good” Andy resist.

  “Then tell her…Bradley rick doesn’t wants to meet you…okay…but we are not meeting them today…are we clear!!” Mr. Bradley said rudely. Andy understands there is something bothering him so he nod and leave Mr. Bradley in lasting pain.

  “What…but you said…?” Annie said confusing, Claire who was sitting infront of her in her office.

  “What happened?” she asks quietly as Annie was still in phone, Annie give her sign to wait.

  “Oh…is he okay now?” Annie asks.

  “Who is okay…who you talking about?” Claire asks she gets worried. “Fine…it’s okay, we can’t meet tomorrow, but we’ll te
ll you when…fine take care” Annie said and hangs up. “Now can tell me what’s going on?” Claire asks desperately.

  “They can’t meet us today” Annie said simply, “why not… I call Mr. O'Connor and he said yes” Claire said quickly, “yeah…but Mr. Rick is not feeling good and said he’s sorry he can’t meet us today” Annie explained. “But why can’t we meet them tomorrow” Claire asked curiously.

  “Claire…hello!! Don’t you remember we have other projects too… like Cobber and you got an interview of Time magazine for their edition “under 30 successful women” They specially ask for you “Mrs. Claire Wilson wife of young and handsome Simon Wilson and very famous advertising manager” Annie said dramatically.

  “Oh…” Claire said in low tune, “yeah…God, Claire I’m not just your friend…I’m your secretary too and I have to manage your schedule” Annie said, Claire smile.

  Claire down her eyes, thinking “is he okay? What happened to him… he doesn’t want to meet me… he doesn’t care about me… doesn’t he knows I’m upset with him? He should make up for me…” Annie was on her cell phone texting Andy when she notice Claire typing so fast on her laptop, her expression shows she is so angry.

  “How dare he? Who’d he thinks he is? He knows my number; he knows where I work…but No!! Mr. I-got-so-ego doesn’t want to talk to me… don’t care if I’m okay or not…I never late at the stop and he…he’s okay with this all…now he don’t want to see me just because I don’t want to see him but he doesn’t care about why…why am I upset with him? Fine I will not talk to him either”.

  Annie get so worry looking Claire like this, she shout “Claire… Claire” Claire gets in her senses “what…what happened”

  “What happened to you? Why are you squashing keyboard’s button girl…” Annie said loudly. “Nothing just thinking…about project… I’m fine” Claire said, looking in her laptop screen, She was not fine. “Well…we are alike… if I don’t show up… he don’t want to see me either… let just see now, for how long he can stay without seeing me” she smiles. Annie notice her reaction, she can’t understand what Claire is thinking about.



  Claire was sitting in garden in the evening, reading magazine she remember Mr. Bradley and smile, her thoughts break when Mr. Simon calls her name “Claire… honey” he was coming with some lady.

  She stands smiling at him “honey… meets Ms. Judy Ramos” Claire look at her and greet her cheerfully.

  Judy was wearing knee length, turtle neck blue dress which was form-fitting and black kitten heels. She let her silky mane free in casual straight style with subtle waves.

  “Hey… heard a lot about you from Simon” Judy said cheerfully. “Nice to meet you too” Claire said as they shake hands. “Judy was my class mate in high school…always wants to top in everything…she was cheer leader” Mr. Simon said charmingly as they all sit down.

  “Yeah… and he’s very famous player in our school…both in sports and with girls” Judy said smiling and everyone cackles.

  “But you know Judy…that all was just a way to spend my time… my real love was Claire always… just because she’s five years junior to me I can’t ask her for prom” Mr. Simon said, smiling and Judy laugh while Claire smile, blushingly down her head.

  “So Judy what do you do?” Claire asks to Judy just to change the topic. “I’m event manager at Celine” Judy said, servant put coffee for her. “Wow…then you must be so busy person” Claire said, Judy smile “yeah…I got some events”

  “That’s why I call her Claire…she is best in her job, I want her to manage my election winning party…what do you think?” Mr. Simon said.

  “Yeah…why not, it’ll be great to have you…Judy” Claire said. “Thank you so much Simon… I will do my best to make your party memorable” Judy said then looks at Claire and asks “Simon told me…you work at the Advertising agency” “yeah… I’m advertising manager at Brooklyn Agency” Claire said,

  “It’s her passion Judy… she love designing and making things more creative” Mr. Simon said looking at Claire with love.

  “Really you work at BAA then you must know my husband. He’s working with your company for their new product” Judy said “may be…what’s his name?” Claire asked simply but the answer give her a painful sting “his name is Bradley Rick” Judy said, Claire was so shocked, she freeze. She didn’t hear anything else what Judy said about Mr. Bradley, she didn’t hear their cackles.

  After the First time since they saw each other, when he wear off the goggles he showoff his wedding ring…trying to tell her he’s married.

  “Claire…Claire” Mr. Simon calls her and hold her hand “um…sorry, I just remember…I need to call my secretary…excuse me” Claire said then stand to leave, both Mr. Simon and Judy smile in affirmative.

  Claire run in to her room once she gets inside the house, she realizes, she will break in tears. She locks her bathroom; she was standing in front of her washbasin when she starts crying, she look in the mirror.

  She back to the wall, she don’t know why she’s feeling so much pain. She knows that he’s married “she so beautiful…now I know why he doesn’t care about me…he love her already that’s why he marries to her…” she thought and closes her eyes tightly, still crying.

  “What were you thinking Claire…he’s the one you are waiting…no he’s not, He will never leave her for you” Claire thought, she slowly move to the floor and sit. She was in so much pain, like her heart breaks in million pieces.

  “Oh…God, what I do now? The way she talks about him, it shows how much she love him… how can he leave her for me…he never even talk to me” she cuddle and cry continuously, letting her pain out.


  “You done there pal?” Andy asked, to Mr. Bradley from his office door.

  He was working late, all the office stuff leave but he was still in his office which worries Andy. “Yeah… I got some work to complete” Mr. Bradley said in low tune without looking at him. Andy feels something is not right with him.

  He was feeling very down the whole day, Andy came inside and sits on chair in front of him quietly then silently stare him. Mr. Bradley feels it then ask “what”

  “Yeah…what…what’s wrong with you man…you been low the whole day…it’s like you lost your life or something precious”

  “Shut up Andy…it’s nothing, I got some work…that’s all” Mr. Bradley said in rough tune.

  Andy thinks for a moment, put his arms on the table and move close then said looking sharply to him “you know…usually, when I feel like this…I mean I’m not having a good day it’s because I don’t get what I want… I don’t like anything around. I just want to hurt myself…work too much to distract myself from the problem”

  Mr. Bradley feels that Andy is trying to read his mind, and so far he’s successful in trick, so Mr. Bradley changes his expression and laugh

  “Okay…here’s your clue, I don’t like you bothering me!! I hate you when you came in my office calling my name and now that you’re doing it right now…I don’t know what to say. I really want to hit my head on the wall …only if this technique makes you disappear…but it won’t” Mr. Bradley said wrapping his work and stands.

  “Ok…I believe you for now that you are just stressed…not lost, which only happens if you are trying to find something...” Andy dramatically said and moves toward to the door then stops and turns to Mr. Bradley and said “or someone” then left.

  Mr. Bradley wears his coat and close his eyes, he was agree with Andy he was lost and trying to find someone even she’s infront of him, he can’t say anything to her.

  “Brad…Brad…” Judy call Mr. Bradley, they were sitting on their bed. Judy was filing her nails, wearing her night suit. Mr. Bradley was working on his laptop but he was lost
in thought, still, staring his laptop screen when Judy notices.

  “Hmm…what?” Mr. Bradley asks.

  “Did you hear what I tell you about Casey's party?” Judy asks looking at him.

  Mr. Bradley was thinking about Claire’s behavior, and his reaction. He blaming himself for upsetting her, “sorry… just some office work” Mr. Bradley said while working.

  “Actually I know who you working with? “ Judy said in serious tune. Mr. Bradley gets surprised.

  “I know her, and I think I should keep my eyes open from now” Judy said.

  Mr. Bradley looks at her with wide open eyes, he thought “should I tell her about Claire…but it will hurt her, no I have to tell her”

  “Brad…I’m sorry I was just kidding honey” Judy said smiling, Mr. Bradley turn back to his work then said slowly “what do you mean?”

  “Well I got new project… an election winning party…do you Simon Wilson” Judy said filing her nails, “yeah... so?”

  “I met his wife yesterday, you know BAA manager Claire Wilson you work with her right?” Judy said doing her work but Mr. Bradley stop and closes his eyes tightly like he feel a pain, but he don’t know it’s because of jealously or guilt of hiding the truth from Judy.

  He’s a very honest man, even he don’t love Judy as much she do to him, he marries her. It was midnight; he was still awake, he turns his face to Judy who was sleeping.

  Room was dark, only his side lamp was on. He takes a deep breath, staring to the roof he remembers they were in same class in university, Judy was his good friend. He really care about Judy because she’s very sensitive but he don’t know she fall in love with him and everyone in his class knows that but he never encourages Judy, he never gives her any sign that he’s interested in her. Judy knows Mr. Bradley does not look her that way but she still have a hope because there is no one in his life.

  Mr. Bradley has his own world, his own thoughts about love. For a very long time, an image in his mind about the girl he fall in love, he search her everywhere from his high school to his college but fails to find her but he never give up.