Read Stranger At The Other Corner Page 4

  He believe she’s somewhere waiting for him too, it’s not that he never have a relationship but after some dates he realizes that it’s not that girl and move on. He never wants to hurt anyone but his nature inspires everyone, his attractive personality and charming styles smitten every girl who get close to him. But nothing impress him, he was lost in woods looking for the girl whose image was set in his head.


  He was in his university hostel room, studying. It was his final year of Graduation; suddenly his door open and a brunette came in. She was crying Mr. Bradley tried to calm her down as he knows the reason of her sorrow. He always told Andy not to play with someone’s heart but he never listen.

  Mr. Bradley takes Christina hand in his hand and said “its fine Christina… he worth of your love anyway… its better you find about him soon in that way you’d be more careful next time”.

  Christina sweeps her tears, and then says sobbing “thanks Brad…you are so kind…but I thought he loves me…and those poems he wrote for me?”

  Mr. Bradley hesitates “uh…I …don’t know… but he’s not worth of your love Christina, you will find someone better than him. Love is an explainable feeling…it can be happen anytime…maybe now or sometime in life but when it happen you will know, you will know that’s the person, when you look at him… just in first look, you don’t need to spend time with him to know him” Mr. Bradley smile, looking wide open to him Christina suddenly hugs him.

  Mr. Bradley was surprised by her sudden move but before he stable himself, his room door open and Judy came in. she look them both “hey Judy” Christina said pleasantly. Judy looks at Mr. Bradley then run away; Mr. Bradley was confused with Judy’s reaction. Christina kisses him on his cheeks and leave while Mr. Bradley was thinking what happened to Judy.

  It was spring month with little cold, so he wears his sweater and follows Judy as he where she goes. She was sitting in nearby park; there were not so much people in the park. Mr. Bradley arrived at park, he saw Judy was crying. He sits next to her and asks softly “what’s wrong Judy?” Judy raises her head and sob. She turn away for head, Mr. Bradley confuse. He asks again “Judy tell me… why are you crying…you get result?” she gives him an angry look then stand and walk two steps.

  Her reaction confirms Mr. Bradley that she’s upset with him but why he still needs to figure out. “Judy… why are you upset…what have I done…please tell me?” Mr. Bradley asks softly, standing behind her. There was only few steps distance between them; his hands were in his khaki pants. He was wearing full sleeves green sweater over white collar shirt.

  She turn to him, wearing blue turtle-neck embellished top and blue jeans with high heel boots. Her neck length hairs moving because of cold- breeze, she looks at him. She was crying so hard “do you like Christina…what she’s doing in your room?” Judy asked in rough tune.

  Mr. Bradley surprised by her questions, he hesitates then says “No… it’s not… I’m not… I’m not in love her, she came to meet Andy… you know they break up…”

  “So she’s trying for you…why Brad… why can’t you see someone who love you so much” she said loudly then move toward him and grab his shoulders tightly, her tears falling on her cheeks.

  “I can’t see you with someone else… I can’t bear if you get close to someone but me…” she said emotionally. Mr. Bradley don’t like the way she said this “Judy…I …I don’t understand”

  “I’m in love with you Brad” Mr. Bradley freezes like he hears something unexpected.

  “From the day I saw you… I’m love with your… your kindness… your simplicity. For two years I have kept this in my heart hoping that someday, you will say that to me but I don’t know… why you can’t see. Am I not beautiful enough?” Mr. Bradley quickly releases him from her hold and step backward.

  “Judy… I don’t… I don’t think that I ever give you any sign that make you feel like this… I never thought about you like that… you are my good friend and I care about you”

  “And I’m addicted of your care… now tell what I do… I can’t live without… I need you… I need your attention… your care” Judy said emotionally.

  “I will always be there for you Judy… any time you need me but that’s all, I can’t… I can’t love you; my idea of love is so different” Mr. Bradley said then turns to her “I’m searching for that girl for a very long time Judy… I don’t have any feeling left for someone else”

  “I don’t know anything Brad… I only know that I love you so much and I will wait for you even if it takes for you to understand, that no one love you more than me” Judy said loudly and leave while Mr. Bradley down his head looking to the grass, now he have a burden in his heart because he fails to make Judy understand.



  “Judy… Judy… really Brad, after all these years search…you chooses JUDY. I mean that’s great, and I thought she’d come from outer space…” Andy mock Mr. Bradley as he get ready.

  He was getting married today, standing infront of mirror in his house in Kansas. He was wearing his bowtie on his tuxedo, finely comb hairs side parted.

  Andy standing next to him and looking him in rage, he was upset with Mr. Bradley for marrying with Judy. He knows about Mr. Bradley’s feeling that he’s not happy and he’s only doing this for Judy.

  “Shut up Andy and help me, I don’t want to be late… did you call mom and dad, and tell them we’re coming… they been waiting for us… I hope all the guests arrived at time…and please get the ring from my drawer” Mr. Bradley said, ignoring Andy.

  “Ignore me all you want Brad but this is not fair… you are not doing fair with yourself man” Andy yells again “Andy… I’m getting married today… can’t you just be happy for me?” Mr. Bradley said roughly and moves to leave but Andy grab his shoulder.

  “Happy? It’s not important that I’m happy or not… the point is, are you happy or not… do you want this?”

  “Yes… I’m happy… very happy and I want this okay. Can we leave now?”

  “Don’t lie Brad… you are not happy and what about all those poetry… all those thought you made for that girl and all those plans you have for her…what about all of them Brad… tell me! Do you remember what you used to tell me, after you date so many girl… you said you’ll know her in first look… you’ll know it’s her… and you said you give her all those poetry to her… now what you going to do?”

  “NOTHING Andy… that’s what I’m going to do… I’ll walk right past to her like a stranger…cause you why… she doesn’t exist… a girl who I think for me… does not exist in reality… her image in my mind is not real… she’s not real Andy… I waited for her, what like 3, 5… 10… no Andy 15 years… I wait 15 years for her, I’m turning 30 next year and… and where is she? Nowhere” Mr. Bradley said quickly, he was emotional then calms himself and continues.

  “Judy… she… she waits for me for 5 years… and I know what it’s like to get disappointed… I know the pain and I don’t want Judy to feel the same, and what makes you think Judy is not that girl… maybe I did not recognize her before… she love me more than anything… she care about me, now I don’t have anything else to do. I got a job… a house, I don’t have any excuse to put her on wait and it doesn’t matter that I love her or not. She’s a nice person to spend your life with, I never hurt anyone’s feeling before…why her’s. If I don’t get my love it doesn’t mean she don’t have right to get her and if I can give her what she want then I should give her… atleast someone get her share of love… if I don’t”

  Mr. Bradley said in low tune, he put the ring box in his pants pocket and move to leave but stop as Andy asked “and what if she meet you after you get married… and if you fall in love with her then what will you say to Judy? Will you not going to hurt her feeling then? Or you will hurt that girl for Judy?
  Andy voice echo in Mr. Bradley mind, he again look at Judy who in her deep slumber. “No… I will not hurt you Judy, if she was for me… I would’ve met her before our marriage, now nothing can change… it is destined no matter how much it hurts me… she can never come in my life… I promise you Judy” he thinks, then switch off the lamp to sleep.

  Next morning, she was getting ready for office. She wears her flat black shoes and takes her bag then quickly leaves the room. She went downstairs, she was not hungry. She has so many thoughts in her mind so she directly head for main door but stop when Mr. Simon call her name “Claire…?”

  She doesn’t want to turn “shit” she whisper then turn “yeah…” she said softly.

  “Should I drop you?” Mr. Simon asks moving close to her.

  “No… its fine… I’m fine today, I can walk” she said smiling “ok… but, well fine… as you wish” Mr. Simon said, he want to say something but stop as he think it’s not going to work. “Bye” Claire said cheerfully and leaves.

  “Oh… I forget to tell you, we have party tomorrow evening… okay” Mr. Simon said quickly before she leave, Claire get worried and asks “where”

  “At hotel… in city, don’t worry I know you don’t go out of the city… ok” Mr. Simon said, putting his hands in his pants pockets. Claire smile in affirmative then leave.

  It’s been two days she didn’t see him, so she was walking fast and partially running to reach the stop, so many people are waiting at the stop as usual , she look at the signal it was still red.

  She look at the other side in the crowd but he was not there, she get worried and signal turn green and everyone start walking, she walks with crowd too. She was so worried then feels relief when she saw him, in blue strip suit under black long coat wearing his goggles.

  She smiles to him with love as moving toward him, she was looking at him but he didn’t take off his sun glasses. It surprise Claire, they came so close she look at him seriously but he didn’t look at her and they pass each other. He didn’t look at her for a second; she felt a sting in her heart.

  He passes her like every other every other stranger. Mr. Bradley removes his glasses as he passes her, still walking he inhales deeply because he’s having asthma attack and take out his pump. It was so hard for him to ignore her like that but he has to do this to make her understand that there is nothing going between them. He made a decision to hurt her but he knows that it will also kill him.


  She thought about his behavior all the way thinking “why… he did this to me… it was so rude, I thought he would be excited to see me after two days… what’s wrong with him… why he didn’t see me? Why he ignore me like that? How could he do this to me… oh my…” she stops at her office entrance.

  Trevor, who was at reception waiting for her, looks at her and moves toward her. She looks so dull then starts smiling with blush which confuses Trevor and then stops “oh… my God, he was taking revenge… oh, just like I did. He shows me that he was upset with me… oh Brad” she thought as she put her hand on her mouth. “If you just talk to me, I’ll tell you how much pain I bear when I don’t see him” she blushes and raise her head, she surprise to see Trevor standing infront of her.

  “Are you okay…Claire” Trevor asks hesitantly, “yes… I… I am okay… how are you?” Claire replied as they walk toward the elevator “good” Trevor “did you finish the report done” she asks in elevator

  “Yes… we did and we talk to the production team, they ready for the ad, we just need Hostos approval because we can’t go yesterday… wait I read your interview in Time Magazine, it was amazing”

  “Thanks, did Hostos call, I mean to confirm the meeting” she said as they enter in her office “yes… they did” Trevor said putting file on her desk “so we are confirmly meeting them today” she asks cheerfully.

  “Yes and thank God you are here” Annie said as she enter in her office “we finalize everything, site, venue and production team. We just need their approval and shoo… heading for England baby!!” Annie said with giggles.

  “Oh… Claire England is so beautiful… so many place to go, so many shopping to do… I made a list of place we are going to see, I mean I’m going alone of course because you are not going as usual” Claire smile as Annie continue “then why I’m telling you all of this” she said in low tune.

  “Hmm… well this time, maybe I want to go too…” Claire said, she smiles still looking at her file, “really?” Annie ask excitedly “I said… maybe, I’m not sure right now… but I will tell you tomorrow… you guys get ready for meeting” Claire said. “Ok boss…” Annie said and leave with Trevor.

  She thinks “We know this today… I will talk to you, TODAY Mr. Rick… let see how you going to say no for the trip” she smile then get back to work.

  “You are ready for meeting Brad” Andy said as he enter in his office, Andy saw him in deep thoughts “Brad…Brad” Andy said, waving his hand infront of him. “Yeah… what is it?” Mr. Bradley asks like he was completely blank.

  “What wrong bro… are you okay?” Andy asks as he sits on the chair facing him. “Nothing… I can’t get my sleep in night” Mr. Bradley said.

  “Oh… please spare me with the details; I don’t want to know what Judy did to you” Andy joke and expect Mr. Bradley to yell but he quietly focus on his laptop screen.

  “What you don’t get the joke” Andy asks “what… what joke” Mr. Bradley said, he didn’t listen to him. He was still thinking about this morning, his behavior and Claire.

  “Ok… so what’s the deal Brad… spit it out NOW?” Andy said roughly, he was worried because of Mr. Bradley distracted mind he knows there is something worries him and Mr. Bradley is not telling him.

  “Nothing going on Andy… I told you, I’m just feeling low today”

  “Yeah… I notice… you been feeling low for two days. In two years, I never seen you like this… so dull; I mean you get so many achievement in past two years. We been working in this company for five years but last two years were amazing… you always came to office with full energy, every stuff member take inspiration from you… you always full of ideas…full of happiness but from last two days you look so down and… it’s just not me everyone saying that… you are not the same Brad… what’s going on in your life” Andy said, hardly.

  “Andy… thank you for reminding me last two years history, I’m so charge now…tell me why are here bothering me again?” Mr. Bradley said quickly to change the topic.

  Andy look him for a moment with sharp eyes then said “we got a meeting with BAA in an hour” but before Mr. Bradley say something he says loudly “don’t say NO today or I will tell the boss that your wife fight with you every night… and he get my joke buddy”

  “Fine… I will get ready”

  “Great” Andy said and leaves.

  Mr. Bradley wants to say no, but now it was another difficult task for him to avoid her again.



  He gather his all strength and enter in meeting room, everyone was seated that’s why he wait outside the meeting room so he don’t have to greet anyone, he sit also but before Claire move her hand to shake hands with him he said “let’s start the presentation now”

  Claire smile at his reaction she still thinks that he’s doing this to tease her so she starts the presentation. During the presentation she continuously focuses Mr. Bradley without caring anybody. But Mr. Bradley sometime looks at the projector screen and sometime in his files, not for single second he looks at Claire.

  When the presentation over, Andy stand and applaud for her “wow… it was so great Claire… we really like it… what say Brad?” Andy said. “Yes… it was great” Claire smile when Mr. Bradley comment.

  “So its final… we are going to England and now that we comple
te your requirement… we hope you fulfill your commitments Mr. Rick” Annie said, she was talking about the budget but Mr. Bradley have sudden thought as he feel Claire moving toward him.

  He turns toward Annie then said “I will… Ms. Cornfield I always fulfills my commitments… I never back once I promise… I always stay on my commitment” Annie who look surprise with his reply hesitantly smile and Mr. Bradley smile then leave the room.

  Claire, who was shocked, understands what he’s trying to say. She understands what commitment means that he will never break his marriage, his commitment to Judy.

  Everyone was talking while Claire was gathering her files from tables, a tear drop on the table as she closed her eyes tightly. She get so disappointed today, her heart crushed… her expectation broke, he saw her reflection on glass table.

  She distracted when Andy calls her “then see you in England, Claire” she raises her head and turn to Andy then smile at him while Annie takes file from her “I’m not sure… I can come” “yeah… she’s very moody about going on business trip” Annie quickly said.

  “But if it’s in the city, she’s very active in everything” Trevor said.

  “Really… strange, and I thought my best friend is weird… because he also don’t like to go out of the country… or stay away from the city. But that’s great, I found someone like him” Andy said looking at Claire, she was quietly listen to everyone but when Andy said that she look at him then on floor.

  Andy understands there is something wrong, he also notice her, focusing Mr. Bradley throughout the presentation. But he also knows Mr. Bradley will not tell him anything that easily.

  Mr. Bradley did it, he complete his task. His task to break her heart, push her away from him. He crushed her dreams.

  “Why did you leave so early…? Brad, we were all talking about the trip to England” Andy shouts as he enters in office after they all leave. Mr. Bradley did not reply and pretend he didn’t listen to him, not even look at him.

  “Really Brad…” Andy said again a little louder, “oh… what are you saying?” Mr. Bradley replies simply. Andy stare him for a moment then again ask “why did you leave early… you’re the director of this product… your idea but they know Rufus more than you”