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Sunset Tales

  By Abije Blessing

  Copywright 2014 Abije Blessing

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  Cover Image: Daniel Olas

  Table of Content

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Just as the sun set and rise up the next day, so does love refreshes herself every morning. Your darkest hour will be lighted up in no time when your true love arise again.

  The question is; can love rise again? Hmm… I wouldn’t be the one to tell you. Explore and you’ll see for yourself.


  The sky so clear, showing the beauty of the evening sun. Feeling the wind rustling with the wave in accord, dancing to its tune and the smile of the orange sun upon the face of the water dancing in its bank. Birds flying with their golden wings from the effect of the sun.

  All these portraits a natural phenomenon. Sunset could only mean a better day is not far off.

  Walking down at the bank of the beach was George a professor of art in Princeton University. Stopping at a point, he gazed at the Atlantus far off in the beach. He remembered making a portrait about it for his class while teaching historical art. The Atlantus was one of the ships used during the world war. The thought of war brought out a dark hidden memory that’s always unlock when he visits sunset beach. He was willing to let it out not for the dark part but also for the bright part of it. George remembered Helena his first and only love. She died surfing on this same beach and ever since then George do come to sunset beach trying to phantom what he could have done to save her then.

  “Why!!!” He shouted, causing the sight of the beach with his face. He knelt down with his hands and face on the beach sand. He hasn’t got another love since two years ago. He refused to because Helena is still part of him though dead but lives in his heart. Only a sunset smile could bring back his love; else he won’t love again.

  The thought of Helena running round a coconut tree made him raised up his head. He saw himself chasing her as she ran with smiles on her face. Grabbing her by the waist when he caught her, he drew her close to his body. She felt his masculine strength, kissing him and whispering to his ears forever.

  Forever! Forever!! Forever!!!...

  He woke up from his dilemma. “This can’t be real”, George said to himself as he got back to his feet.

  “I would find you Helena, I will,” he said as he walked back to his car the then drove off.


  Summer break would soon be over, so George wanted to visit sunset beach one more time before going back to Princeton.

  He put on his jean and a white shirt, gathered his clothing in a black bag. Looking at his mirror to see if he is okay with the blue jean and white shirt, he saw a picture of Helena and himself. He picked the picture and put it in his wallet; then left the house for sunset beach.

  It was 10am before he got there, now it’s just past 10a.m. He walked round the beach seeing people catching fun. Some were playing with their surf board others getting ready for a volley ball competition. He bought out the picture from his wallet and said, “Helena, I’m not going to love anyone else but you. Dead or not, you are my love”. As soon as he said that, a voice—femine voice—just like Helena’s said “you will”. Trying to figure out where the sound came from, George turned round but didn’t see anyone close to him that must have uttered that specific word “you will”. Was his mind playing trick on him? If it was a trick, then it’s an expensive one.

  George then braced himself up saying goodbye to sunset beach and Cape May town. He went to the place where he parked his car and was about to get in when he saw a rouge driver coming with a speed of about 170km/hr. A girl who appears like she is in her mid-twenties was just coming out from her car from the other side of the road and was about to cross to his own side. From his calculations, the speeding vehicle will hit the girl if she was not warned. He called out “excuse me, excuse me” but she couldn’t hear because of her head-phone. He had to act fast; so he ran and dived the girl to a safe spot before the vehicle got to her. It was a close call because he could have been hit together with the girl.

  "Thanks, you saved my life", she said.

  “It was…ah…”

  He couldn’t utter the next word as soon as he saw her face. She looked exactly like Helena.

  “How can I ever repay you”? She said again seeing that he looked rather nervous to speak. She quickly added—

  “I’m Jane, Mary Jane Smith”. Instead of George saying his name, he said “Helena”.

  “Oh! You are Helena? She asked. That’s a rear name for a guy”

  “No, I’m George. George Watson”

  “Thanks George. I got to go now.”

  She hurried and crossed over to join up with some girls who apparently look like her friends. Turning back, she point to George showing her friends that he had just saved her life.

  George stood puzzled also looking at them from across until they disappeared from his sight. Getting himself, he remembered that he didn’t even collect her cell number. “I should have” he said to himself. Quickly, he ran cross the road to the beach view. But as at this time the whole place has already being filled with people and it was difficult to identify Jane who for him was Helena facially.

  He went back to his car and drove off heading to Princeton. This time, he had a reason, a hope, and a will to search for Helena. (M.J. Smith)


  At the art gallery, George was giving a slide demonstration of nature art using a projector.

  “Ok class, I think that’s enough for today. The school is looking for a unique portrait to add to this gallery. That would be our aim as art students. Each and every one of you should take this as a project. Its 20marks and you must note joke with it if you want to pass NA201. Nature Art is all about the free gift of nature in drawing…” A student cut him short.

  “Excuse me sir?” Paul put up his hand

  “Yes?” George replied.

  “Can we just draw anything natural? Anything natural will be cool.” said Selena.

  “My mama is natural!” said Josh the only black American in class.

  “So should we all draw her?” George asked. The whole class was filled with laughter.

  “Ok class, we aren’t gonna sketch Josh black, natural mama.”

  “So what do you have for us Mr. George? Asked one of the students.

  “Sunset Beach”, he replied.


  “That’s pathetic sir…” said Josh.

  “Most of us haven’t been there before.” added Selena.

  “Don’t worry class said George. After the next class, we are all going to take a field trip there and you will see nature yourself. It now depends on how creative you are with your pencils…”

  “Hurray!!!” The whole class shouted.

  “Class dismissed!!” said George packing his scrolls of art work and leaving the gallery to MC Gill art building. He was hit by a girl jogging towards his direction. His scrolls fell down and she helped picked them up. I’m sorry, she said. Raising his head up, George saw Helena.

  “Helena?” he said. Having heard that voice before Jane looked up and remembered George saved her some weeks ago.

  “Hi, it’s you G…”

  “George!” he hel
ped her quickly with the name.

  “I never thought I would meet you again my super hero” she said in a joking manner.

  “Well, here I am!”

  “Super hero that couldn’t save the most important person in his life” George explained.

  “Meaning?” she asked.

  “Never mind Helena” he said

  “My gosh! Why do you call me Helena?” She stood up with the scrolls on her hands waiting for a reply. Instead George started walking forward. She joined him since that was where her direction is too. For some seconds, he didn’t speak a word neither did Jane. All of a sudden, George broke out the silence. He said—

  “She was like you”.

  “What?” exclaimed Jane

  “That’s the answer to your question” said George. “Helena looks exactly like you”. She wanted to ask more but refrained after noticing he looks moody.

  Jane decided to change the topic before they got to where they were heading to.

  “So, what are you doing here in Princeton University?” she asked.

  With the scroll on her and the tag barge on his chest, she could have concluded that he is a lecturer but she wanted to be sure.

  “As you can see, I’m a lecturer here teaching Art.”

  “Wow...That means you can sketch me!” she said jokingly.

  “Yeah, as a matter of fact I’ve already sketched you. Check me in art building by 4p.m Wednesday and I will show you.”

  “That’s tomorrow then, I promise, I’d be there she handed the scroll to him and hurriedly turned away heading eastward from Mc Gill art building.


  “Look!” Josh said. “Wow! She’s beautiful”.

  “Come on lover boy”, said Paul. “It’s just a painting!”

  “Do you think he painted that today? Asked Josh.

  “Nah, hmmm… well I can’t really say” Paul excused himself not wanting to be asked another question.

  Selena on the other hand who was also admiring the portraits told Josh to go with her very close to Mr. George. George was busy dressing the portraits as if it was to be put as an exhibition anytime.

  As they got closer to him, he turned and gave a genuine smile looking at his students.

  “Isn’t this beautiful?” He asked

  “Yeah, yeah… sure, who can deny or argue such beauty” said Josh.

  Josh whispered to Selena’s ear.

  “This is another of Mr. George’s Imaginary art.”

  “I don’t think so” Selena whispered back. “He’s in love… can’t you see that on his face?”

  “What are you guys talking about?” asked George.


  Not knowing what to say Josh hit Selena’s hand. The effect made her spoke out.

  “Josh was just telling me…”


  “… That he loves me”. She smiled looking at Josh who was almost melting down.

  “Great! Congratulations Josh”. George shook hands with Josh who was now smiling back.

  “I see… my portraits created the atmosphere to be bold huh?”

  “Indeed sir, Josh said holding Selena by the waist. She couldn’t refuse him, not in the presence of Mr. George who just heard Josh loves her.

  “Ok!” Josh… just be careful!”

  “I’ll sir!” Josh said as he walked with Selena down the hall to the exit.

  Gazing at his wrist watch, George found that it’s past four. Feeling disappointed, he packed up, holding the portrait in his hand. He was just at the exit when he heard his name—

  “George… George… George! Wait up please!” He turned to see who was calling. He didn’t see anybody but a car just across the building. He walked close to get a good view but was stunned when Jane came out of the car.

  Jane ran towards him. George dropped what he was holding to embrace her. At this moment, Jane wasn’t sure if she was in her right sense. She just wanted him to kiss her lips. Weird as it look, for a guy she just met who hasn’t even told her anything about a relationship.

  It was like a kiss of eternity as he rowed his tongue in her mouth pressing his lips on her curved and pink lips just the way he had kissed Helena the first time he saw her. It was so passionate that everything around them doesn’t matter a bit, but just then, her car made an alarm because she pressed the button on her car mistakenly. This made her to jerk back—recoiling and freeing herself from George’s embrace.

  “I’m sorry” George said— “didn’t mean to do that, I …”

  “Let’s say it didn’t happen”. Jane saved him the misery of apologizing knowing fully well she made him to do it.

  Standing and raking her hair, Jane noticed something on the floor. She reached down and picked it up only to see her beautiful face neatly painted on it.

  “That’s …”

  “Me!” she cut George words

  “That’s Helena when I painted it first. I just wanted you to see it. But you came late.” George said.

  “I’m sorry, it wasn’t intentional”. George chuckled.

  “Why did you laugh? She asked

  “It doesn’t matter; at least you didn’t miss this painting. He smiled and moves a bit backward. She noticed it and asked—

  “Where are you going now?”

  “Home” he said quickly. “You can keep the painting;” he added. “I wanted to give it to Helena before she… just keep it, since I can’t give it to her; I can give it to you. Consider it as a gift from me to you.”

  “Thanks!” she said.

  “Can I drop you home?” She inquired.

  “No, I brought my car.”

  “Will you come to my place for dinner?”

  “No, I would be …”


  How would he refuse this? He said to himself as he changed his mind.

  “Yeah, sure, I would be there. Where and what time?”

  “Tomorrow by 8p.m at sunset beach, few blocks from where we first met in Cape May. Or would you call me so I can pick you up?” she asked.

  “No, that won’t be necessary, he said. I also live around sunset beach. That’s where I spend my holidays when not in school, here at Princeton. I’ll go there today since its weekend.”

  “A date?” George asked

  “Yap, like a date you know” she said.

  “Hmm…Alright. Goodbye!” he said heading towards his car.


  The streets as quiet as a grave yard and empty as if no life exist. The houses around are all closed and the only thing one could see are the light from the windows.

  Its Saturday eve, and this could only mean one thing— Party at the beach, though not all the family will attend but majority would because it’s a normal routine done in May Cape.

  George got to P. Junction, block four, but didn’t know where to enter. He wanted to call Jane but realized he didn’t collect her number.


  He decided to try door to door asking for Jane’s house.

  The first door he knocked on was actually Jane’s house. Having been expecting him, Jane rushed to the door and welcome George in. He helped himself to a sit as soon as Jane directed him to the dinner. The table was filled with dessert and pepper chicken and some other delicious meal.

  Jane came to the dinner with a bottle of champagne. She sat and said—

  “Here we are. Specially made for you.

  “Look appetizing!” George said. “Can’t wait to devout it all!”

  As they dine together talking and laughing Jane brought out a question.

  “Can you please tell me?”


  “About her, Helena— you kept mentioning her name but never talk more than that…”

  Silence broke into the house. Both of them didn’t say a word.

  Different thought was going through George’s mind. “Should I? No, if she hears, it would look like I want to
hide her in the shadows of Helena. Hey, I love her. At least I have never felt like this since Helena… George went on talking in his head. Jane studied his expression for a while feeling guilty, she had just asked a piercing question—not just a piercing one, but the one that thrust right into his past.

  But she had to; else she would be falling for someone who loves another or maybe a ghost. She encouraged herself.

  “Ok if you don’t wanna tell me, I won’t ask about it again” Jane broke the silence as she sips a glass.

  “I will tell you about her!” George emptied his glass and poured more wine for himself before he continued. “Helena was my first love…” he knew had to emphasize on it to stop any other question. “She died two winters ago when we went for diving. I didn’t know she slipped and hit her head on something which made her unconscious”

  Jane was quiet listening and studying the expression of George.

  “I was not there. Perhaps she wouldn’t have drowned. It took me 15minutes to notice Helena’s absence. By that time, it was too late. I looked for her but didn’t find her… It was after 5hours that I got the report from the locals about her body… But she was dead. An autopsy said her head was hit before she was drowned… It was my fault, my fucking fault!”

  Jane held his hand to comfort him. “No, it’s not your fault, you shouldn’t punish yourself ‘bout her”

  Jane was so passionate and now more emotional when she saw tears come down from George’s eyes. She felt his pain and wanted to tell him that all his pain would go away. George wiped his face and stood up.

  “Excuse me, he said. I need some fresh air” He walked down to the balcony where he could see the street and the stars above.

  Jane followed him, she held his hand and looked up at the sky, and it’s beautiful.

  “Thanks for the meal! Never had such in a long time” George muttered out facading a smile on his face.

  “Thanks for coming” she replied


  George kissed her hands and left the house.

  She stood at the balcony and watched him disappear on thee street, then said "I love you". Off course, he couldn’t hear it but she wished he could.


  Months past. And for the first time George realized he hasn’t thought about Helena but rather he was thinking of Jane. He knew he cares a lot about Jane and her erasing Helena’s thought in his head could only mean their bond is stronger. Summer break is almost at the door and George knew where to be.