Read Sunset Tales Page 2

  George was in the hall congratulating his class for doing well in the examination and most especially the new art that was placed in the gallery—courtesy of his proud department!

  “The best art work was by Josh”, said George. He continued, “Josh painted not only nature drawing but he also painted himself and Selena in it which seems to me like nature is love. Class; please a standing ovation for Josh who put his art work into reality. The whole class cheered, jamming their hands together.

  “Josh and Selena? Who could guess that? Asked Paul. Fuck! And I was on to her for years”

  Now Selena was no more pretending like the day she told George what Josh said. Neither was Josh also, they are now love birds.

  For Josh it’s a better way to begin the home coming with Selena as his girl, he owns the world. For Paul ladies are optional and he could get another.

  But for their teacher, “George,” it can only get better. Home coming was meant for students after summer. He would be with Jane’s family for the first time, and may be that’s when he would tell how much he loved and wish to marry her.


  George and Jane walked towards the out skirts of Cape May. There was a house in front of them

  “That’s my family’s house” Jane said

  “Jane, I want to tell you something before we go in…”

  “Yes, I’m all ears… go on please”

  “I love you and would like to marry you. He knelt down with a ring. She changed her face trying to look angry just to pull his leg but immediately refrained from it knowing fully well that’s what she has been waiting to hear. If he hasn’t said it she would have helped him in presence of her family.

  “I do”, she said, pulling him up. “I love you more than you think”

  He put the ring in her hand. This was the same ring he would have given Helena if he had the chance to tell her. “Marry me”.

  Happy, not knowing what her family would say. They enter inside already decided; nothing will make them change their mind.

  George thought Helena would be happy where ever she is seeing him happy and going on with his life. Little did he know.

  Sitting on the cushion were Jane’s parents—Mata and Simon—and they were pleased to see George judging by their facial expression.

  “George these are my parents Simon and Mata… Mum, Dad, this is my fiancé, George!”


  Someone from the kitchen repeated the name.

  George recognized the voice, its Helena’s voice. Helena came out with a tray saying I once knew a person called Ge… The tray fell from her hands at the glance of George’s face.

  George looked at the two girls surprised but was not as surprise as Jane whose mouth was wide open.

  Could this be serious? Jane never knew she was a twin neither did George know that Helena was a twin or even still alive.

  A lot of questions needed to be asked by George and Jane disappointed at her parents, Jane asked first—

  “Why? Why haven’t you told me I had a twin, mum, dad why?

  “It’s my fault Simon admitted, we never knew your sister survived during birth. I only knew after five years when one of the doctor confessed to me she gave your sister to a childless couple. Your mum wasn’t aware of this. I was furious but wouldn’t tell Mata not to open her wound. So, I went to the couples who were living in New York then. They begged me.


  “Begged with five million dollars, so I went away never returning. But two years ago we saw our daughter looking dead thinking it was Jane. Mata was in pain after remembering she lost the first twin. When I realized it was Helena, I couldn’t hide it. Helena herself told Mata she was from New York. I couldn’t hide it anymore because Mata wanted to know by all cost so I told her everything, but we hid it from you not wanting to break your spirit hoping someday, today we will tell you.

  Jane started crying.

  “Helena was his love— she said—George’s love—we could have avoided this if I knew.”

  Helena not knowing what to say went to George. George was shaking holding himself not to cry nor speak.

  Finally, he spoke out when Helena was close enough.

  “For two years, you made me believe you were dead. For two years, I always visit sunset beach blaming myself and you were alive somewhere. Now, I finally love someone and you decided to show up from nowhere. How could you do this to me?” George asked

  “I’m sorry!” Helena said

  “Sorry? Is that all you have to say. I can’t marry you and Jane. So I’m sorry too”

  He stood up, left his seat and turned to Jane when he was at the door shaking his head before going out.

  Jane shouted “No! George please come back!

  She looked at her sister and ran after George.

  “What a scenario! Because of me!” Helena said as she sat down on the cushion beside her mum. It’s my fault too. I never called to tell him anything thinking it was on his own interest he didn’t know I was alive”

  “Do you still love him?” Asked Mata

  “Yes, but I love someone else even more now!”

  “Then go my daughter... Do what’s best for everyone!” Mata held her daughter.


  George was already at Newark Airport, feeling dizzy. He drove all night. He had two tickets in his hands. One for Jane and the other for himself. They were supposed to go to New York together, but now, it seems he would go alone without her.

  Just before he could process further to the ticket standing, his phone rang. He knew it could be related to Helena’s family and didn’t want to pick up.

  An old woman standing close to him said—

  “Boy, your phone is ringing. Come on pick up!” so he did and it was Helena at the other end of the call

  “Jane is missing; she didn’t come home nor sleep in her apartment last night. I think she’s about to kill herself. I saw a letter on her bed which says otherwise” she added.

  “Please George, go find my sister—go find your lady. I’m sorry we can’t be together!”

  She hung the phone not allowing him to say a word.

  The old lady overheard George’s conversation and she said to him—

  “Come on boy, go for your own!”

  George stopped the officer from collecting his ticket, ran outside to his car and drove off. He was driving at an illegal 120km/hr.—all for love. He knew the only place he should first look for Jane was in Sunset beach. Would he be late, would this mean he had lost his love for the second time? No, he screamed out. Bracing himself up with one slim chance of hope, he further stepped on the accelerator.

  Thank goodness the road was free; an hour journey could look like 30minutes drive. And with the way George was driving, he definitely ought to be there in time.

  Jane was crying at the point where she stood the first time George saw her, she wanted to do something again before going into the beach to take her life.

  She thought of listening to the same music she was listening to that same day months ago.

  Bringing her IPhone, she saw missed calls and ignored all of it. It was a song by Remy Zero. She put on her ear piece and played the track “save me”.

  I feel my wings have broken in your hands.

  I feel the words unspoken inside

  And they pull you under

  … I will give you anything you want oh

  You were all I wanted

  … All my dreams are falling apart

  … Crawling (around, around...)

  Somebody save me…

  Let your warm hands

  Break right through me...

  Somebody save me…

  Don’t care how you do it.

  Just stay, stay...

  Oh, oh…

  I’ve been waiting for you

  Just stay with me

  I’ll make this whole world

  Burn for you

stay with me

  Come on

  I’ve been waiting for you…

  The music continued as she decided to cross the road going towards the beach, a speeding car almost hit her. This time she was looking at the car but before her adrenalin could make her jump off; the car stopped in her front.

  It was George.

  Same spot, same condition and same guy who saved her.

  He rushed out of his car towards her. He held her up and kissed her same way he did months ago.

  “I will marry you darling. Helena is my past; you are my present and future… I love you Mary Jane Smith” He said with sincerity and true love embedded in his voice

  “I love you too!” she muttered with tears on her face

  “You are my hero, you saved me again!” He drew her close and hugged her. The weather changed, it started raining. They stood in it until she reminded him—

  “Don’t you think New York is waiting for us now?”

  George laughed.

  “New York! Here we come!!”


  About The Author

  Abije blessing is born in Nigeria and he teaches in Lagos State, Nigeria. He loves to write pure romance-- no dilute! Apart from this Sunset Tales, he have other works that are not yet published. When he's not writing and he's not teaching, he paints and he sketches-- and he's pretty awesome at it.

  For feedback, contact him at:

  Tweet him @AbijeBlessing

  Mail me: [email protected]

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