Read Sunset Thunder Page 22

  Chapter Fifteen

  ESCAPING THE PITS of hell, better known as the painful meeting with Joel and Missy, which Ryder had derailed into a childish laughing fit between the two of them, had been quick, short and fun.

  Violet found that Ryder was always challenging her. Whether it be after their encounter in the washroom followed by the taunting and teasing looks he sent, to today and jumping in with the ice sculptures, and there were so many things in-between. Each for instance, made Violet smile inside.

  She loved that he didn’t treat her like she was a scary monster or on a pedestal. Ryder was open and honest with her. He always had been and that made all the admissions in her office even more believable.

  Standing in the foyer of the resort, Violet excused herself, feigning work obligations, but alternatively trying to hurry Joel and Missy on their way. Joel had stopped for a quick chat with the girls at the receptionist desk. Violet didn’t even want to think what background they had together. And she didn’t have a chance because Joel’s absence gave Ryder the opportunity to send her a sly wink. Fireworks went off in her stomach, like the long weekend.

  Regrettably, Joel had other plans. 

  “Missy, I will meet you in the car, I just want to talk to Violet for a minute about the kids,” Joel said. 

  Missy tiptoed up to kiss Joel, before leaving with Ryder at her side.

  I wish I was at Ryder’s side. Only a few short minutes away. Just get rid of Joel first. ASAP.

  Violet prepared herself for whatever issues Joel had with the kids.

  Parker was too bossy. Sophia wouldn’t eat her broccoli again. Make the girl carrots. She was ten, if she said no to broccoli, buy carrots. Really it wasn’t that hard. Or deep fried pickles...Violet would never think about deep fried pickles the same way again. 

  “Can we talk in your office?”

  Her office? Why? It was all the way down the hall, and then all the way back to the foyer. They were wasting precious minutes. Just spit it out and let’s part ways. We talked less when we were married.

  “Of course.” Violet handed her iPad to Mandy, the receptionist behind the counter. “Can you get this to Melissa and ask her to process the Bensen changes before tomorrow and leave it on my desk in my office please.” From the gold to silver room...Missy was as flip-floppy about the room as Violet was about her feelings for Ryder.

  Mandy flashed a wide smile that showed a dimple on her right side, almost hidden by the freckles across her face. “Certainly.” Her green eyes popped under sweeping, thick eyelashes. 

  Once they were in Violet’s office and Joel shut the door behind them, he asked, “What’s going on between you and Ryder?” 

  More than ever went on between us. And I’ve only been out with him twice.

  That was unusual, wasn’t it? To feel closer, safer and more desired by a man she’d known not even two weeks than the man she’d been married to for years?

  “I don’t know what you’re referring to,” she said instead.

  “You went fishing on his boat.” It sounded like an accusation, but not in the context he was saying. Violet wasn’t quite sure what he was accusing her of, but knew it was spurred from the closeness she and Ryder allowed to show for that brief moment...the best moment of the entire meeting.

  Violet was sick and tired of tiptoeing around Joel. After watching Ryder almost punch Joel in the face, she needed to step in and stand up for herself. Enough was enough. Yes, he was their children’s father, but his disrespect toward her was

  “Yes, I did go fishing on Ryder’s boat, with our children. The fishing trip you planned with them and cancelled at the last second. Not only did you leave Parker and Sophia disappointed by your lack of commitment, but you selfishly put your friend in an awkward predicament. Don’t you go around accusing me of anything, when you were the one who cancelled. Why did you cancel, Joel? What was so important you couldn’t make it for a day out with your children...again?” 

  Joel didn’t miss a beat. “My car broke down.” It lacked condolence for the children Violet would give her life for.

  Violet couldn’t guarantee that she didn’t roll her eyes at his attempted, poorly attempted, and pathetic excuse.

  “Ryder was definitely the bigger man that day, offering to take our children and his best friend’s ex-wife on a boating trip that he’d planned with you. So you should turn yourself around and go thank Ryder and apologize to your kids.” Violet stepped toward him. “Don’t you ever accuse me of anything again and remember that my business is no longer any of yours. And while you are at it, stop making sad excuses that the kids see right through and spend some time with them instead.”

  There was something about the way Joel was staring at her, still accusing, that only infuriated her more.

  Why was he so angry with her? Why did it seem deeper than a boat ride?

  Violet had spent a great deal of her life married to this man and after discovering his ulterior motives to his proposal of marriage, Violet had been able to seek out the moments in his dark eyes that were hiding something. Right now, there was something about this topic that he was keeping from her.

  “You’re lying,” Joel said.

  The nerve of this man. Violet had never wanted to slap a man across the face like she did at that very moment. “Excuse me?”

  “I was married to you for years. I lived with you. I know you and right now you’re lying to me. You’re keeping something from me.”

  That made two of them.

  “Is what we had what you call a marriage and living with someone? Spending your nights at the bar and your early mornings on the couch?”

  “You slept with him, didn’t you?”

  Venom was rising through Violet’s veins at the nerve of Joel asking her about her sex life, when it was clear to everyone that he’d been cheating on her during their marriage...and not only with Missy.

  “Who I sleep with is none of your damn business.” The words hardly made it past the growing lump of anger in Violet’s throat. This was the punishment of letting a man into her life, his accusations and threatening stares. Joel could accuse and threaten all he wanted, he had nothing over Violet, not anymore.

  “So that’s a yes.”

  “Joel, if you have nothing to discuss about our kids, then get the hell out of my office. Emma can take over your wedding. I’m not doing this bullshit anymore.” Violet did not have to tolerate his crap...not anymore...not ever.

  Joel stepped toward her and the smell of men’s spruce body wash stung her nostrils. “You think you are a master at hiding your emotions...”

  He was so close that Violet felt his breath across her skin, causing her stomach to rotate. She would not bow down to this man. She was not scared of him, nor did she care what he had to say or what he thought. All she wanted was for him to leave and take his assumptions with him.

  “ think your feelings aren’t written across your face, but Violet, I know you. I knew when you were faking during sex. I knew you didn’t want me, that you felt obligated. I knew you dug into my finances and assumed exactly what I did.” He paused dramatically before saying what they both knew. “That I married you for your money.”

  Violet felt her legs shake beneath her and her strength diminish. Never in her life had she felt so weak, and it was all because of Joel, his words, his truths.

  “To be honest, at the beginning it was rather a turn on. Seducing you after a shower, and taking you in our bed, when I knew you didn’t want me. Feeling your body tense beneath my touch, my kiss. But, then it got boring and I was left with a cold bitch.”

  Slap him! Step away! You don’t have to listen to this. Where was Ryder?

  For the first time in Violet’s life, she wanted another person to step in and save her. At the same time, letting Ryder in would be giving him the same knowledge about her that Joel had. That was terrifying. Look where it had gotten her.

  Violet didn’t move or say

  “Do you think Ryder doesn’t know what a cold, heartless lay you are?”

  Hearing him say these things and calling her a heartless lay stung worse than she’d ever imagined. It made her past so real and her future so clear.

  “I hardly know the guy. But, I do know he is drop-dead gorgeous and from what you’ve told me, you better hurry up back to your car before he gets frisky with your fiancé.” Violet drew all the remaining strength she had and moved even closer to Joel. “Apparently women have no self-control around Ryder Carlex.” Violet was among one of them, but she would never admit it to Joel.

  Joel stared her down on his way out. It wasn’t until the door shut that Violet’s legs gave out and she found the closest chair to collapse in.

  Boring. A cold bitch. A heartless lay.

  Violet felt sick.

  She could say the same about him. He’d been a selfish and heartless lover. But, what did it matter? She would never try to hurt a person the way Joel did to her. That was exactly what happened when you let someone into your life, they used your weaknesses against you.

  Now Violet was left trembling and in the end...alone. It wasn’t worth it. This feeling of violation at the hands of someone else.

  This was the last time.