Read Survival, a YA Paranormal Romance (The Guardians of Vesturon Series, Book #1) Page 17

  “Oh! I guess I wasn’t thinking.” Maddie was shocked by this reaction.

  “What if a part of your body transformed into something unusual, and I kept staring at it? How would you feel?” he bit out rather harshly.

  She gently cupped his face in her hands and held his gaze, and murmured softly, “Rayn, I’m so sorry. It wasn’t my intention to make you feel uncomfortable, but I am enormously impressed by them. Yeah, they’re weird looking but in a beautiful way. I don’t think you realize how unbelievably stunning your eyes are, Rayn—both day and night.”

  She traced his brows with her thumbs and continued, “I never told you this, but your eyes were the first things I saw when I woke up in the caves. I looked into them and was literally blown away. Their color is so vivid I thought I was imagining them. But do you want to know the best thing of all? They gave me such reassurance; your strength was shining through them. I instantly felt safe with you. I so love your eyes, Rayn. So please don’t be uncomfortable when I stare at them. I can’t seem to help myself.” They were staring intently at each other.

  Rayn felt the depths of Maddie’s emotions during this admission of hers. He placed his hands over hers and said passionately, “Now, it is my turn to be humbled by your words, Maddie.” He leaned in and gently grazed his lips across hers.

  Later that night, as they sat by the fire, Rayn started speaking in a trancelike manner, “When I first saw you, I did not believe you were real. I thought I was lost in a dream, and I feared you would vanish. I never believed anyone like you existed. You see, on Vesturon, most beings that connect with each other do so on their first encounter. I had never experienced that, until you. I felt a connection with you on many levels, physical and spiritual. When I saw you lying unconscious on that ledge, your heart and soul reached out and touched mine in a way that seemed impossible, and I have not been the same since. We have a word for this on Vesturon. You are what we call my amashan.”

  He was staring at the ground beneath his feet, afraid to look at her for fear of what he would see in her eyes.

  “You say you have nothing to offer me, but, Maddie, that could not be further from the truth. You offer me everything: life, love, and you are so courageous to have survived what you have.”


  He lifted his head so that he could look into her eyes, and what he saw made his heart skip a beat.

  “I know exactly what you are trying to explain. The fact that I’m here is proof of how I feel about you. Every night I dreamed about you. I longed for your touch and the way it made me feel, but I wouldn’t let myself think you would ever feel that way too. I guess that’s why I was so upset when I found out what you had done and the trouble it has caused you. I would never want to cause you any hardship,” she explained.

  She reached for his hand and held it in hers, looking at it as if she was searching for something. “It’s a perfect hand,” she said simply, and then placed a kiss in his palm. She looked closely at it and saw there were odd markings on it. She grasped his other hand and turned it, palm up, toward her. On both of his palms appeared star-shaped colorful tattoos with unusual symbols surrounding the stars. The inside of his wrists and forearms also bore unusual markings. They appeared to be symbols or maybe letters of some sort. They were beautifully drawn with swirling lines and geometric angles. They puzzled her, “What are these for? They must mean something?”

  “Yes, the star is the mark of the Leader and the symbols are the marks of the Guardians. All of my siblings palms contain the symbols, but I am the only one with the colorful stars.”

  “What about the ones on your wrist and forearms?”

  “Ah, those are the markings of the Firstborn. I know they look like tattoos, but they are something I was born with. They are a part of every Vesturion. Since I am a first-born son, mine are much more prominent than most. If you look closely, you will also see markings at the base of my fingers. They are extremely small and hard for humans to see without magnification. But those are the markings of Vesturon. They are triangles with a crescent in the center. Everyone with Vesturion blood in their veins bears these marks somewhere on their body. But, Maddie, you know the ones on my wrists? You will be given matching ones if you ever consent to be my mate.”


  “Yes, as the mate of a Firstborn, you will be given matching symbols. You know, if you rub your fingers over them, you can feel them. Yours will be placed on you using a special instrument that it raises the skin to create them.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “No, not at all. You will see. I hope. I hope you do not mind.”

  “No, they are so beautiful,” she said as she scrutinized them, gently tracing their shapes. They appeared to be script-like symbols, embellished with fancy scrolls. “Is this written in the Ancient Tongue?”

  “Yes, and the best translation would be something like, ‘I am the Firstborn son of Vesturon.’ Yours will declare you to be the mate of the Firstborn.”

  “Tell me about your braid. I noticed all of your brothers have one as well.”

  “Ah, yes, the braid!” he said with a bit of a chuckle.

  He explained how every Guardian must wear them as they date back to ancient times. They begin to grow them when they are inducted into the Brotherhood of Guardians and are only allowed to cut them every ten years. Some of the Guardians despise them saying they are outdated and should be banned. Others, like Rayn, don’t really mind them.

  “I like it. It kind of gives you a wild look. Why did you laugh when I asked about it?” Maddie asked.

  “Well, some Guardians do not like them at all. They are, how do you say here, a bit of a bone of contention for some. Please do not tell Rykerian that you like them. He is not fond of the wild look; he fancies himself too refined for that!” Rayn explained.

  Rayn put his arms around her and held her closely against his chest. “So, tell me what you are thinking,” he quietly requested.

  “You have to ask?” she asked impishly.

  “No, but it would be rude to do otherwise,” he said. Rayn explained how his Power of Telepathy worked. It was a bit like an iPod in that when emotions were running high, the volume of the thoughts were very loud. It was different when emotions were stable. The sounds did not project then, and he would have to reach into a person’s mind to “hear” them. He, like many other Vesturions, felt that was an intrusion of privacy and didn’t particularly like to do that.

  “Um, Rayn, earlier tonight, how much of what I was thinking could you hear?”

  “Well, all of it. I tried not to, but it was like you were shouting your thoughts out to me. I am very sorry, but Maddie, I liked what I heard,” he told her.

  “Oh, Lord, I don’t know if I should be embarrassed, or just laugh.”

  The conversation turned serious again when they discussed the potential outcomes of Maddie’s brief trip to Vesturon. Rayn would undoubtedly be charged with a violation of the Covenant and would be forced to return home.

  “Then what happens?” Maddie asked.

  “I cannot say. I have never known anyone that has been through this. It is a serious infraction, so I am sure the consequences will be extreme. I do not know if I will be allowed to come back here,” I stated.

  “You mean we may never see each other again? Is that what you’re saying?”

  “I do not know that either. I did not want to have to tell you that, but if the Council decides I must be confined or exiled, I will be banned from any kind of space travel. I will be unable to get back to you here. Maddie, I would like to pledge myself to you in front of my brothers and father. I am hoping that would send out a message that this is not just some sort of passing fancy or rash decision I have made. Would that meet with your approval?”

  “What exactly does that mean?” she asked.

  “It means that I would pledge my protection and honor to you. It would be making a public commitment,” he said, wondering if he’d gone too far. “It wo
uld tell all that my intentions toward you are honorable and serious, and on Vesturon, the next step would be much like your engagement of marriage.”

  “Oh, I guess that would be okay. It would show them my commitment to you too. I don’t want them to think we are getting married anytime soon though. If they put you in prison, what will happen to me?”

  “I will make sure you are cared for by my family. My family here will see to it, as will Talasi. It is our way, Maddie. We will not leave you.”

  “How will I live?”

  “I swear, I will take care of you. We have many resources, more than I can tell you, finances, land, everything. I will see to it that you have nothing to worry about when I am gone.”

  “How did you come by all of this?”

  Rayn explained that over the many years the Guardians have been on Earth, they have amassed a vast fortune that includes many assets such as land. Much of it was passed down throughout the ages, and has grown through proper management.

  “Maddie, there are so many things I want to show you.” He reached out and tucked an errant lock of hair behind her ear.

  “Like what?”

  “Things on Vesturon, things in space, even things here on Earth. I wish we had more time together. I would simply enjoy watching you look at them for the first time. It is amazing to watch you observe things—like when we arrived here for instance. I so enjoyed looking at you taking in this view for the first time. It gave me great pleasure. I would be happy spending the rest of my life watching you observing things for the first time. You are like a child taking its first steps…so lovely.”

  Chapter 8

  Maddie cracked her eyelids open to see the golden rays of sunlight poking its fingers in their tent. She hadn’t intended to fall asleep so quickly last night. She wanted to savor every moment possible with Rayn...awake. She had tons to learn about him, from him, about his background, his home. She tried to rollover, but something had trapped her by her hair. She glanced in that direction and discovered Rayn was all but wrapped around her and lying on her hair. No wonder she couldn’t move. Mmm, but it sure felt wonderful being there next to him. She squiggled around a bit so that she could get a good look at him.

  No doubt about it, he is pure perfection. I’m in heaven, she thought.

  “As am I, and it is filled with a glorious female who reminds me of the golden rays of the sun,” she heard him say.

  She was going to have to get used to this telepathy thing.

  He flashed her a dazzling smile, and she caught her breath. She didn’t think she would ever get used to this. Then she quickly thumped him with her pillow.

  “What was that for?”

  “Because you invaded my mind,” she told him.

  He threw back his head and laughed.

  “Why are you all so good looking? I mean, is everyone on Vesturon beautiful? And what about Talasi and her people? I remember asking her about it, and she gave me some lame story about being happy. I think that’s good and all, but it’s not going to make you beautiful. And you and your brothers, you all are so huge. Is that how everyone is?”

  Rayn chuckled saying, “I adore the way your mind works; you go straight to the heart of the matter and you’re so curious. Maddie, I do not have an answer for you though, other than beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Our kind are slightly larger framed than the human race. Does that bother you?”

  How could that bother me? She truly thought it was awesome.

  “Can you tell me a little of how your kind came to Earth?” she asked curiously.

  “Yes. Perhaps a bit of Vesturon history is in order this morning. Many years ago, approximately five thousand, I think it was around the time the first Egyptian pyramids were being constructed, a group of Vesturions visited Earth. I am fairly sure you have heard the rumors and stories about the pyramids and Stonehenge being built by aliens? Well, that is partially true. The aliens, or Vesturions, I should say, did not really build them, but they gave ideas and suggestions to those ancient civilizations to get them started.”

  “When they first arrived on Earth, some Vesturions remained behind and eventually the Guardians were formed. The Vesturions traveled between the two planets, as they were closely related in their environments. In other words, our planets are similar as far as atmosphere and elements are concerned. We are also similar physically, with a few minor differences and adaptations.”

  Throughout the years, the travel continued and Vesturions formed bonds with different groups on Earth. They were closely bonded with other ancient civilizations, such as the Mayan. Rayn explained that whenever you see ancient temples, you should think Vesturon.

  “And that is how they came to be tied to the Cherokee nation, especially the Nunne’hi. Vesturions are also very spiritual people. They have great reverence for the Divine Being, and they frequently commune with the Deity,” he concluded.

  “How did Vesturions and Nunne’hi join together if the Vesturions weren’t allowed to mate with humans?”

  “No, Vesturions can mate with humans, but if they do, they cannot take the human to Vesturon. If they do go to Vesturon, the human is never allowed to return to Earth.”

  “But I thought that you and I couldn’t, you know...” she trailed off.

  “You and I cannot for a different reason. I am the Firstborn son of the Leader of Vesturon and I stand to inherit the kingdom. It is similar to your royalty here. According to the Covenants of Vesturon, any direct descendant of the First Family can only mate with another Vesturion. It is the only way to keep the Vesturion bloodlines strong,” he elucidated.

  While Rayn spoke, he had taken a lock of her hair and started twisting it around his fingers. Before she knew it, all of her hair was wrapped around his hands, and he was pulling her into him.

  “Mmm, I love the feel of this, like silken threads. I would do this all day long if I could,” he said, burying his face in the fistful of hair, luxuriating in it.

  “Rayn, are you and your family supposed to stay on Earth forever?” she asked, trying to refocus his thoughts and hers as well. It was with great difficulty she remained coherent.

  “No,” he answered distractedly, his mind still mainly focused on playing with her copper tresses. “We are assigned here for a time and then another group will come in. I came first, a few years ago, followed by the rest of them.”

  “How old are you?”

  “In Earth years or Vesturion years?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  That question got his attention. Rayn rose up on his elbow and slid his other arm around Maddie pulling her closer to him, and said, “Because, Sunshine, there is a big difference. Do you shock easily?”

  “You ask me that, after everything that’s happened?” she countered.

  “Well, let me just say I am a bit older than you.”

  “Uh, how much older exactly?”

  “A lot, by a few decades. Our aging process is much different from here on Earth. For instance, my father is nearing two hundred Vesturion years old. Our life expectancy is much longer, and if you were to go to Vesturon, yours would be altered as well. If you would compare me to Earth years though, physically, I would be about twenty-five years of age.”

  He stared at her trying to gauge her reaction, looking for anything that might indicate her shock at this revelation. To his relief, he saw nothing of the sort.

  “Does that bother you? Look at me, Maddie,” Rayn commanded. He took her face, turned it toward his, and her eyes lifted to his.

  Oh my gawd, those eyes, he’s doing it to me again he is sooo sexy.

  “Well, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t shocked. After all, I have agreed to let an old man make some kind of formal pledge to me! But, seriously, I don’t think it bothers me.”

  The only thing that bothers me is you…yeah…hot and bothered.

  When Maddie saw his expression on his face change to amusement, she immediately knew he’d read her mind.

  “Oh, you…you have to quit that. It’s just too embarrassing. I can’t help that I am so attracted to you and you get me so…so aroused! Okay? Are you happy? I admit it! I wish I knew what you were thinking,” she said, flustered.

  The amusement was gone in a flash, replaced by a fierce intensity. His piercing stare locked onto her, imprisoning her, as his hands entwined in her hair held her head in a viselike grip, rendering her immobile. In another place, Maddie may have felt frightened by his blazing passion.

  “Do you?” he asked roughly, shaking her. “Do you truly want to know, because I will tell you? Heaven help me, Maddie, I will tell you. And it is not very honorable.”

  In a flash, Rayn was instantly on top of her and placing his hands on her either side of her face. His gaze held her as he began his agonized confession, “I am in a constant state of arousal around you. I want to caress you everywhere, feel the velvety softness of your face, your neck, your body, every inch of it Maddie until I render you as senseless as I feel. And then, then I want to kiss you, feel your enticing lips on mine, taste their honeyed sweetness. I want, sweet Deity forgive me, but I want it all with you, Maddie. I want to feel that glorious hair of yours spread across my naked body. I want to feel your silken skin beneath my fingers as I touch you all over. I have these visions of you doing things to me I cannot, dare not, speak of, and they drive me insane. You. Drive. Me. Mad. I sometimes feel, like right now, that I cannot maintain my control.”

  In one swift movement, he was gone leaving Maddie behind, breathless from his frank confession.

  Oh for the love of God. Did that just happen? I wonder if you can combust from the mere thought of…nope, not going to even think it. Thank God, I’m not the only one. He is always so calm and steady about everything; I was starting to think there was something crazy about me.

  Maddie arose and went outside. Rayn was staring out at the view of Balsam Mountain. He stood tall, beautiful, and glorious, like an exquisitely sculptured statue. His ragged breathing had slowed a bit, but his agitation was evidenced by his tightly clenched hands and jaw.

  “Rayn, is everything all right?” she tenderly asked, as she hesitantly reached for him, only to let her arm fall when he didn’t turn.