Read Survival, a YA Paranormal Romance (The Guardians of Vesturon Series, Book #1) Page 18

  “No,” he forcefully spit out. “I nearly lost control in there and that cannot happen again.”

  After several harsh breaths, he blindly reached for her without turning and roughly pulled her into his embrace, resting his chin on her head.

  He then inhaled deeply and said more softly, “Maddie, I love it that you feel so strongly about me. It is truthfully a beautiful thing and oh-so flattering.” He paused, the continued, “I adore it. Yes, that is it. I adore it when you have those wicked little thoughts about me,” he said, smiling. “It is frustrating on the other hand though, because I want to be with you, in every way possible—mentally, spiritually and, yes, physically. But it is not right to think of you in that manner. We must be united first. I feel like I am dishonoring you when my body reacts to you this way.”

  With her eyes looking toward the heavens, Maddie dropped to her knees and forcefully said, “Dear God, I don’t know what I ever did to deserve a man such as this, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I know I don’t deserve him, but please make him understand that he is so very special and I am extremely honored by his words. Thank you, God!”

  She went to rise, but Rayn halted her by placing his hand on her shoulder. He surprised her by joining her on his knees and saying, “Dear Divine Being, please come to this female. Fill her with Your presence so that she may come to know, love and understand You.”

  A fine mist descended upon them, enfolding them in its midst. Maddie immediately felt a presence within her, a feeling of love and joy that overwhelmed her. She didn’t want this feeling to end; it brought her a kind of peace and spirituality she had never experienced before. In minutes, it had dissipated, and when she opened her eyes, the mist was gone and the sun was shining brightly around them.

  Rayn took her hand and helped her to her feet. Then she looked up at him and smiled, in a way she had never smiled before.

  “Wow. I don’t know what that was but—” she began.

  He interrupted her, “Maddie, surely you know the presence of your God when you feel it.”

  She looked up at him wide-eyed and nodded.

  “You really do have a direct line to the Big Guy up there, don’t you?” she asked in awe.

  “You have the power in you too. Believe Maddie.”

  Her eyes were like saucers as she nodded, “Yes. Yes, I think I do Rayn.” She leaned in and kissed Rayn on the cheek.

  Chapter 9

  The transfer back to the compound was easier on Maddie this time.

  “I think I’m getting used to this. No motion sickness this time. It’s feeling less and less like a McFlurry machine.”

  “Before long you will not feel a thing when you teleport. It does not take long to adapt to it.”

  The last time they’d walked up these steps, Maddie’s brain was addled from the whole transfer process so she didn’t pay much attention to the house. This time she was acutely aware of her surroundings.

  The Compound wasn’t merely a ‘house.’ It was a mansion—a sprawling, huge, log mansion—the kind you would see in a fancy magazine. Its expansive windows were everywhere affording magnificent views from any room inside. It had a porch that encircled part of the main floor, housing a load of cushy chairs scattered everywhere.

  They entered the main living area where Rykerian and Therron were flopped on sofas watching a baseball game on a huge flat screen television. They were completely engrossed in the game and didn’t so much as give them a passing glance. Rayn rolled his eyes and shrugged as he led them to the kitchen.

  “How is that for a welcome? I guess they really missed us. How hungry are you?” He opened up the refrigerator and started pulling things out.


  The kitchen was phenomenal. It was state-of-the-art everything. It housed two full Sub Zero refrigerators and two separate matching freezers.

  How much food do these guys eat?

  On the opposite wall was a six-burner gas Viking range with a griddle top, the kind you’d see in a restaurant. There were granite and stone countertops everywhere, three copper sinks and floor to ceiling cabinets.

  “This place is awesome, Rayn,” she said turning around to check everything out.

  “I am pleased you approve. We have bacon, eggs, sausage, and ham. I could whip up some omelets with some grits and toast. Or I could make us pancakes, French toast, a frittata. Your wish is but my command, my lady!” Rayn elegantly informed her.

  “I am famished. Do you usually eat this kind of food, or do you eat different things on Vesturon? And what are you anyway, Iron Chef?” she asked with amusement.

  “I must make a true confession here. Cooking is a passion of mine. I love the Food Network and I am one hundred percent addicted to that channel. All the brothers, even Sharra, are into your Earthly sports. Not me Sunshine. It is the Food Network all the way. See?” Rayn pointed to a flat screen in the kitchen. He turned it on and sure enough, up popped Paula Deen.

  “And I love Paula Deen. As you say here, ‘that girl has got it goin’ on’!”

  He totally struck out on the Southern accent, but had Maddie giggling.

  “Um, sure honey, whatever floats your boat.” She rolled her eyes at him. Maddie on the other hand couldn’t boil water without ruining the pan.

  “So tell me what you eat on Vesturon.”

  “Our diet is very similar to yours. We are omnivores and eat a variety of things but in all, our food is almost exactly like the things you eat here on Earth. Nothing strange or extraordinary I am sorry to say.”

  “Do you eat the same kinds of meat, fruits and vegetables?”

  “They are not identical, but they are so similar you would probably not be able to tell the difference. We do, however, have different names for them. I shall tell you about them someday.”

  “So tell me about this house. I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to it before but it’s, um, kind of biggish. But who built it and when?”

  “We had it built by a local contractor, but then, we kind of…well, wiped out any record of it. This is our Compound, where we regroup, have meetings with other Guardians and that sort of thing. After it was completed, we veiled everything within a 30 mile radius, so after we wiped out the records, no one would have any idea we’re up here,” he said sheepishly.

  “How did you wipe out the records, or do I even want to know?”

  “Oh, we have our ways. Xarrid is the computer expert. Well, we all are because the computers here are extremely primitive yet. We all can, how do you say…oh, yes, we can hack into any system we want. We mainly do that for surveillance purposes though, nothing illegal. Well, except removing records sometime,” he grinned, cracking half a dozen eggs and whipping them up into a froth.

  “We always do it for a reason, such as keeping our identity obscured or finding out what kind of information the local law enforcement agencies have regarding safety issues. We usually tap into state and local law enforcement databases for that. That is Sharra’s area of expertise. She also combs through FBI files looking for matches on suspected criminals. She has been diligently working on uncovering the man who tried to kill you.”

  Rayn realized the direction the conversation had taken and suddenly stopped chopping his omelet ingredients to focus on Maddie. Her face had turned ashen in color, and her eyes had widened into huge saucers.

  “Maddie, I am so sorry! I did not stop to think. I am a complete idiot.”

  He moved to place her within the circle of his arms when she back away and snapped, “Stop it, Rayn. It’s not your fault,” frustration and exasperation laced in her tone. “You can’t shield me from this forever. I need to face this and get over it! I survived the attack, and I need to move forward. If I bury it all and don’t confront it, it’ll get the best of me, and I refuse to let that happen.”

  “Bloody hell, Maddie, you are a brave female,” Rayn declared, admiration written all over his face.

  “No, not brave, just som
eone who wants to live in the present. But thanks anyway. So what about our omelets? I’m still hungry!” she exclaimed, changing the subject.

  Chef Rayn whipped up what turned out to be the best breakfast Maddie had ever eaten. When she was putting the last bite into her mouth, Therron ambled in.

  “How was the mountain?” he directed the question at Maddie.

  She moved next to him, extended her hand and said, “Hi, I’m Maddie. We really haven’t formally met, even though I owe you and your brothers my life. Thank you for that. Oh, and the mountain was awesome. I love it up there. You all are so lucky to have such a special place here.”

  “Glad you enjoyed it and glad you are doing so well. Hey, Rayn, got any of that omelet left?”

  “No, sorry, but we were both starving. Therron, may I have a word with you?”

  Therron glanced at him, and Rayn motioned with his head toward the other room. Maddie, catching all of this said, “Rayn, please don’t. Seriously.” To Therron’s puzzled look, Maddie added, “Rayn doesn’t want me to hear anything about my ordeal because he doesn’t want it to upset me.” She turned to Rayn and suggested, “Rayn, that’s very sweet of you, but I have to get over this. I won’t be able to if everyone sweeps it underneath the carpet. Let me get through this a day at a time, okay?”

  If she’d been trying to impress Rayn’s brother, she couldn’t have done a better job. She was most certainly a strong female. Therron gave her an appreciative glance and said, “Well, Maddie, I am thinking that the trip up the mountain agreed with you.”

  Maddie got up to take the dishes to the sink. “Thanks, Therron. I want to thank you too for lending an ear to Rayn when he was in such turmoil over me. I appreciate it more than I can tell you. I also wanted to let you know that this,” she swept her arm between herself and Rayn, “was all his choice and there was no coercion or even persuasion from me.” She glided over to Therron and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thanks a bunch.”

  Maddie gave Therron a quick visual inspection. He was slightly taller than Rayn, but stockier in his build. If Rayn was big in Maddie’s eyes, Therron was huge. His brown hair was thick, long and shaggy, and his braid was long, like Rayn’s and hung over his shoulder giving him a wild look. His eyes were identical to Rayn’s, except they were fringed in chestnut. He was quite striking in his appearance but gave the impression that his looks or size were of no concern to him. He had the same casualness about his appearance that Rayn did...not caring and not having to try to look good. It just came naturally. She could feel Therron’s warmheartedness and quickly understood why Rayn had confided in him. Maddie felt an immediate kinship with Therron, and she knew it was mutual when he gave her a huge wink.

  “There is not a living thing alive that could force Rayn to do something he did not want to do so worry not about anyone here. I am quite sure I can speak for the entire family, Maddie. None of us think you did anything to influence him. Well, let me retract that statement. Of course, there is something about you that he might like just a little bit, you know, that may have had something to do with it!” This amused him greatly, as he let out a huge burst of laughter.

  “Very funny, brother. So, anything from father yet?” Rayn wondered aloud as he was cleaning up the rest of the kitchen.

  “Surprisingly, no. But I would not put it past him to show up unannounced. Just be prepared. Have you thought about how you are going to handle him?” Therron started pulling some items out of the refrigerator. He pulled out enough food to feed a family of ten.

  Rayn described how he intended to pledge his protection to Maddie while their father was there. He also wanted the entire family in on it. He was intent on making it perfectly clear how true he was regarding his feelings for Maddie.

  Therron made a towering monstrosity of a sandwich and was putting everything away when he shot back, “Good luck. Glad I am not wearing your shoes.”

  Maddie began to chuckle, and they shot her an inquiring look.

  “Oh, sorry. I was just wondering how you were planning to eat all that.”

  They both gave her another questioning look.

  “I mean that thing is immense. It’s gigantic, really, and I was just wondering...” she trailed off at their looks of incomprehension. “Oh, never mind.”

  Therron shrugged, turned back to Rayn and continued, “Rayn, I wish to warn you, though. Xarrid is going to be a problem. He thinks you are not thinking this through. I have tried to explain to him where you are coming from, but it is not registering with him.”

  Therron took a bite of his sandwich, sat down at the counter and in one fluid motion, placed his napkin in his lap. For no apparent reason, Maddie thought how well-mannered these men were. Therron ate his sandwich as if he were eating a seven-course meal in a fine restaurant. Maddie was fixated on him while he ate.

  Therron looked up at her and cast her a raised brow. She shook her head, disbelieving he could eat that enormous sandwich so elegantly.

  “Maybe I can talk with him, one on one, and make him see where I stand. Hey, would you happen to know where Zanna and Peetar are?” Rayn wanted to know.

  To Maddie’s questioning look Rayn explained that Zanna and Peetar were the servants but more like a part of the family as they had taken care of them ever since they could remember.

  “They are around here somewhere,” Therron replied back.

  “I hate to interrupt you two, but, Rayn, I am in desperate need of a shower. Can you…?” Maddie began, when Rayn stopped her.

  He had been so caught up in discussing things with Therron, that he had forgotten he promised to show Maddie around the house. They were both in need of showers, so he thought he would give her an abbreviated tour and then take her to his room, where she could bathe and make herself comfortable.

  Rayn briefly guided Maddie through the main floor and headed up the expansive staircase and finally ended up in his room.

  “Maddie,” he took her hands in his. “This is your home now, so I want you to be comfortable here. Anything here is yours and do not be timid about it.”

  Chapter 10

  The first time when Maddie was in Rayn’s bedroom she didn’t take note of her surroundings as there were so many distractions occurring at once. But now she took her time inspecting it all.

  Sweet baby bunnies, this place is pure luxury, she thought.

  The floors were done in wide-planked wood. Scattered around were thick Persian rugs in neutral shades. The bed was absolutely ginormous. Maddie had never seen a bed so large. It was a four-poster constructed of huge wooden timbers. The comforter and draperies were made of exquisite silk in deep earthy tones. The whole ensemble was definitely very masculine, yet ultra-elegant. There was a huge stone corner fireplace and on the wall opposite the bed was the biggest flat screen television Maddie had ever seen.

  There was a hallway at the opposite end and Maddie followed Rayn in that direction.

  “Here is the bathroom and you will find the towels in the cabinet as well as shampoo and everything else you might need. Please make yourself at home here. Whatever it is you need, just help yourself. What is mine is yours. I will give you some privacy, and if you need anything, you can use the phone in here or in the bedroom to call downstairs. Just hit star 9. Peetar or Zanna will pick up.”

  Rayn was gone, and Maddie started checking out the bathroom. The place was unreal. There was a shower that was the size of a room, but it was one of those Dream Showers that had rows and rows of different water nozzles to spray you from every direction. Then there was the bathtub; it was the size of a small swimming pool, with jets--lots and lots of them. There was also a steam room and sauna, a private room with a sink and commode and another huge vanity with double sinks. It was all done in stone and marble and she had never seen anything like it, except in those fancy spa magazines.

  Well, this was going to be fun! Should I start in the shower or tub?

  She opted for the shower and took her time, staying in about 20 minut
es. After fumbling around with all the knobs and buttons, she finally figured out how the darn thing worked, and then she enjoyed it immensely. Since all good things have to come to an end, she eventually turned the water off, grabbed two fluffy towels and dried off.

  Uh oh. I don’t have any clothes here. What in the world am I going to wear?

  She wrapped herself in a towel and headed for Rayn’s closet in the hopes of finding a robe or something. She turned on the light to find rows and rows of clothes and almost every item was black. About half of them were obviously Vesturion, with the rest being from Earth.

  She went for the drawers, thinking maybe sweats. Yep, there they were but when she pulled them on, she couldn’t find herself, for they were way too big. No drawstring either. On to the next pair. After pulling out at least ten pairs, she was unsuccessful.

  Okay…how about some shorts?

  No luck there either.

  Gah! What in tarnation am I going to wear? Maybe I should just pick up the phone and hit star 9. No, that would be embarrassing and awkward.

  She eventually spotted a black robe. It was more like a gown, a peculiar looking thing, but she pulled it over her head and it would just have to do. It billowed out and puddled on the floor, so she would have to hold it up to walk. The sleeves nearly hung to her calves, but at least it was something.

  Nothing like running around naked in front of a bunch of strangers!

  Now for some boxers. She knew they wouldn’t fit, but she had to put on something in place of panties. She found that drawer and grabbed a pair, but they wouldn’t stay up. Now she was getting completely frustrated. After nearly tearing up all if his drawers, she located a pair of shorts that had a drawstring. Voila! They were still quite large, but she was able to keep them up by way of the string.

  When she finished, she looked around her, and she had all but destroyed his closet. She’d fix it up later. That shower had relaxed her, so she felt herself getting drowsy. She decided to crawl up on the big bed and lay down for a short nap.

  Chapter 11

  Rayn found Xarrid in the gym, working over the punching bag like his life depended on it.

  Xarrid was the youngest of the males. Tall, dark and devastatingly handsome like Rayn, his eyes were the exact image of his mother’s--large, almond shaped and crystal clear baby blue. He wore his hair a bit longer than Rayn, and it was slightly wavier, giving him a wild, unkempt look similar to Therron’s. His braid hung on his shoulder but was not nearly as long as either Therron’s or Rayn’s.