Read Sweet Destruction Page 27

  I grabbed my cell phone out of my tote bag and held it tightly in one fist, ready to call for help if I needed to. With my other hand I grasped the strap of my bag then looked up at the sky. Raindrops landed on my face and into my eyes. I popped open my umbrella and held it above my head, but it was pointless. I was already soaked. Taking a deep breath, I started down the street. In a few minutes I would be home. Shoes off. Clothes tossed aside. In a hot shower.

  The sky was gray and getting darker as night grew closer. Deep bass pounded from a house up ahead. A car drove by, low to the ground. The man in the passenger seat cranked his neck to look at me, whistling low. Despite it all I kept walking, refusing to be afraid. This was my neighborhood. These people were my people regardless of who they were or what they had. This was home.

  I turned the corner and could see my sad, little trailer up ahead. Memories of facing Pam Man earlier had me picking up my pace, rushing to get somewhere safer than on the street. I could almost feel him still watching me, his beady little eyes on me.

  The rain started to fall faster, drenching me. My shoes became waterlogged and my hair lay flat against my head, dripping wet. I was trying to shift the umbrella for better coverage when I noticed a black truck driving toward me slowly. The windows were tinted, making it impossible to see the driver. A shiver went down my spine, a foreboding feeling washing over me. Whoever it was, they were watching me.

  I shook off the feeling. It was just someone driving by. Pam Man wouldn’t have the nerve to show up here, not after I threatened him. Or would he?

  My phone vibrated in my fist, making me jump. I hurried to answer it, turning to look over my shoulder as the black truck drove away. “Hello,” I said without glancing at the screen.

  “You didn’t answer when I called,” a deep voice said.

  I faltered, almost missing a step. “Walker?” I asked, sounding hopeful.

  “Yeah, who else would it be?”

  “Nobody.” I answered, feeling my body warm as if he was right beside me. “I mean you could be Lukas. Wanting to get back together.”

  “Sam,” Walker said in warning.

  I smiled smugly. I couldn’t help it. I loved teasing him.

  “So you okay?” he asked, his voice husky and full of meaning.

  “I’m fine, Walker. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “It was your first time and I was rough. Rougher than I should have been…” His voice trailed away.

  Redness crept into my face. “I’m okay,” I said, feeling a tingle deep down inside me.

  “Good because next time I won’t be so nice. I want you sore, sweetheart,” Walker said with a deep rumble.

  I blushed to the tips of my black dyed hair. “Will there be a next time?”

  I could have heard a pin drop on the other line, it was so quiet. A second ticked by, then another. I crossed the soggy front yard of my house, my gaze on the dark trailer.

  “Oh, there will be a next time, Sam. Many of them. I want you every which way. Think you could handle that?” Walker rasped low in my ear.

  “Guess I’ll find out,” I said, parts of me catching on fire.

  “Fuck, Ross,” Walker groaned. “I want you now.”

  My heart leaped as I dug my keys out of my tote bag. I didn’t know what to say. Flirting with Walker and talking about sex were new things for me. Things that made my body quiver.

  I unlocked the front door as my heart started pounding. “Tell me why,” I said, ignoring the nervous part of me that was afraid to ask.

  “Why?” Walker asked, sounding guarded.

  I flipped on the light switch, holding the cell phone between my shoulder and ear. “Yes, why? Why you want to be with me,” I said. “You hated me. Why did you change your mind?”

  There was nothing but silence. I thought maybe he had hung up on me when his voice broke through the line, sounding as smooth as melted chocolate.

  “Because you’re Sam. You have this body to die for and this attitude that drives me insane.”

  I tossed my tote bag on the couch, my steps faltering. “What do you like about my attitude?”

  Walker chuckled. “You don’t put up with crap. You speak your mind. And you won’t let me railroad you. I like that.”

  I paused on my way to my bedroom, flipping on the hallway light. “Okay. That last one was kind of weird but I’ll take it.”

  “And you’re caring and sexy. Can’t forget those two,” Walker said, a smile in his voice.

  “What else?” I asked, swallowing hard and trying to hide how much this conversation was affecting me. It was suddenly hot. Too warm for my clothing. I turned on the light in my bedroom and eyed my bed, wishing Walker were in it.

  Walker’s voice dropped, a sexy hum laced through it. “Let me see. Let’s move on to your body. Your lips are perfect and I love your red lipstick. It drives me crazy. So does that damn lip ring but you already know that.”

  I turned red.

  “And your breasts are perfect too,” Walker continued. “They fit into my hands like they were meant to be there. I wish I were there right now. I would lick them and do things to them that would make you scream.”

  I sat down on the edge of my bed and played with a string hanging from the faded cover, anything to keep my hands busy. “What else?”

  Walker laughed, low and sensual. “You’re nosy, Ross. What is this? Twenty questions?”

  “Maybe,” I said stubbornly.

  “Okay. What else do you want to hear? How about how much I love your pussy? If I were there, I would have you on the bed, your legs open, my mouth on you. Licking you, making you come. Then when you’re ready, I would sink my dick balls deep into you, feeling you clench me tightly, soaking me with your wetness.”

  I tried to slow my breathing down but it was no use. I was falling under his spell. Hard.

  “And?” I asked breathlessly, hoping he wasn’t finished.

  “I would fuck you so hard. Then I’d come right in you, emptying myself. Forget the condom. I want you on the pill, Sam. Make the appointment. I’ll go with you and pay.”

  My heart pounded out of control, each inch of me craving him. “What would you say to me, Walker? When you’re coming?” I asked in a throaty voice, needing him to finish.

  Walker drew in a sharp breath. “God, Sam, you don’t know what that question does to me.”

  “Tell me.”

  He swore softly before continuing. “I would whisper in your ear how wet and tight you were around me. How you were milking my cock with your pussy. Then I would tell you how much I love your body. How the sight of it makes me weak. I would kiss you as I came inside you, whispering against your lips that you were mine. That I owned your body and you owned me, heart and soul.”

  I drew in a quick breath, never expecting those words from him. The ticking of a clock nearby was the only sound in the empty house except for the rapid beating of my heart.

  “My turn for a question,” Walker said, his voice wrapping around me from miles away. “Are you home?”

  I swallowed hard. “Yes.”

  “That’s all I needed to hear.”

  A second later, there was a dial tone.

  Chapter Thirty–One


  I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower, my face and body burning. Gone was the fright from Pam Man and the exhaustion of the day. With just a few words, Walker made me a melted mess, wanting him like never before.

  I turned the shower knob to cold, needing to cool my body down. Water hit my skin, feeling wonderful. Standing under the spray, I let the water wash over me, imagining Walker was touching me instead.

  I rubbed a bar of soap over my breasts and down my stomach, thinking of his hands moving along the same path. My face heated as my hands dropped lower…

  Suddenly a muffled bang came from somewhere in the house.

  I froze, my heart pounding.

  There it was again. A door slamming. Shit! I dropped the bar of soap and stuck m
y head around the shower curtain, glancing around the bathroom. I doubted it was my mom returning home. For once, she told me she wouldn’t be home for two more days. Maybe it was Bentley.

  I let the plastic curtain fall back into place and started to quickly wash the soap off my body, being careful in the areas Walker’s rough five-o’clock shadow had grazed my skin. But then I heard the bathroom knob turn. I jumped and started to grab the molded shower curtain for protection when it was yanked from my hands and flung to the side.

  A pair of black eyes stared at me through the swirling steam of the shower. They lingered on my face a minute before skimming over my wet body, taking their time appraising me. I felt a weakness start in my knees and work up, facing the one person who used to haunt me with hatred.


  “What are you doing?” I cried out, reaching for the plastic curtain again. He held it out of my reach.

  “You didn’t answer the door,” Walker said, frowning. “I was worried.”

  “So you just break in? Again?” I screeched, stretching for the towel folded on top of the toilet.

  He stopped me, his hand grabbing my wrist. “Yeah,” he rasped, his eyes traveling down my body. “Got a problem with that, Ross?”

  “Actually, yes I do,” I said, sticking up my chin in defiance when his gaze ran over my breasts.

  “Good because I’ve got a problem too.” Walker stepped into the shower, clothes, shoes, and all.

  I yelped in surprise and put my hands over my body to cover my nakedness, but Walker was having none of it. He gathered my wrists in one hand and held them away from my body.

  “How did you get here so fast?” I asked, blushing when he grasped my hip.

  He dipped his head down, his lips near my ear. “Forget who is touching you, sweetheart? My car can hit a hundred in under ten seconds. Any other questions?”

  I bit my lip, holding back a groan, as he ran a hand up my ribcage, his fingers moving easily under the spray of the water.

  “You’re in the shower with me, Walker. What are you doing?” I asked, watching as the water pelted him, soaking his clothes and hair.


  My back hit the shower wall as his mouth descended, taking mine. I gasped, my hands going to his shoulders. The water hit our bodies, making my skin slick against him. He kissed me, letting go of my wrists and setting my hands against his wet t-shirt. His tongue slipped into my mouth just as his hand traveled around my body to find my bottom, spreading his fingers wide over me. He squeezed my rounded cheeks, making me arch into him. His wet jeans rubbed against my lower body, causing a friction that made my knees weak.

  He wasn’t gentle. He was needy. Desperate. Greedy.

  I grabbed the back of his head, digging my fingers into his soaked hair and bringing him closer to me. He deepened the kiss, his tongue swiping at mine, as he explored one of my breasts. Squeezing it. Lifting it. Caressing it. He ran a thumb over its peak, making it pucker. I grabbed a fist of his shirt as he did it again, the rough pad of his thumb sending shots of desire through me.

  “You’re wet,” I whispered when his lips broke away from mine to lick at the drops of water on my neck.

  He groaned and slipped a hand between my legs, his fingers plunging inside of me. “So are you.”

  I cried out and threw my head back, clinging to his shoulders. He buried his face in my neck and withdrew his fingers then thrust them back into me, pushing me harder against the wall.

  “I want to take you rough, Sam. You think you can handle it?” Walker asked, his mouth leaving a hot trail on my neck. As soon as I nodded, his wet fingers started moving faster, sliding into me feverishly. The water spraying us heightened the sensation, making his fingers go deeper.

  I shoved my hands between us and started to unzip his jeans. The wet material didn’t want to give but I forced his fly open anyway.

  His arousal sprung out, ready to play. I wrapped my hand around it just as his fingers slid over my clit, sending me flying unexpectedly. I cried out, the lukewarm water hitting my breasts, adding to the sensations rocking my body.

  “That’s it, Sam, come all over my fingers,” Walker whispered against my skin, his tongue lashing out to lick a drop of water from my lips.

  I quaked, my legs barely holding me up, but Walker didn’t stop. His fingers kept up their rhythm, killing me. I cried out, the sound echoing in the tiny bathroom. Realizing I still had my hand wrapped around him, I started moving it up and down, the water making it easier. Walker drew in a quick breath, his chest heaving. I sped up, wanting to drive him as crazy as he drove me.

  But he surprised me. Reaching down, he picked me up, a hand under my knees, another behind my back.

  “What are you doing?” I asked as he stepped out of the shower, wet clothes and all.

  “I want you in bed,” he said curtly.

  Water dripped from our bodies as he left the bathroom and crossed the hallway into my bedroom. In my room, he set me on my feet near the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rose up on my toes, my mouth going to his ear. He moaned with pleasure as I ran my tongue along the edge of his earlobe, taking my time. His hands went to my waist, holding me close as I trailed my lips down his strong throat, licking the water off him like he had done to me.

  Suddenly his hands grabbed both of my wrists from around his neck, removing them.

  “Get in bed,” he ordered.

  I took a step back until my legs hit the edge. As soon as they did, I dropped to the bed and scooted backward.

  Walker watched me, his eyes burning. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  A shy smile lifted one corner of my lips.

  “Don’t do that. Don’t smile. I don’t deserve it for what I’m about to do to you,” he said, his gaze drifting down my body as he stalked toward me. At the edge of the bed he leaned over, putting a hand on either side of me, forcing me to lie down.

  He followed me to the mattress, laying his body over mine. He ran his fingers over my stomach, sending tremors through me. His hand moved to my breast, cupping me again. He glanced down at my chest, watching as he caressed the tip of my nipple then circled it with his thumb and forefinger, pinching gently.

  I moaned. My hair fanned out around me, soaking the bed. The air was quickly drying my skin but the heat Walker was causing left me wet in other areas.

  “Time to make you scream,” he said, lowering his head.

  I arched up as his mouth closed around my nipple. He flicked his tongue over the tip before grabbing it between his teeth and pulled. I cried out, the mixture of pleasure and pain almost too much to bear.

  He did it again and again. I squirmed beneath him, unable to handle the sensations coursing through me. Grabbing a handful of his hair, I held on as he rolled one nipple between his fingers and latched onto the other with his mouth, sucking and licking until I saw a burst of color behind my eyes and cried out.

  His mouth left my breast to go to my ear. “On your stomach, sweetheart.”

  I turned over, the rough sheet underneath me rubbing against my sensitive breasts.

  Walker kissed his way down my back, his mouth following my spine. His hands tracked his lips, kneading my back and caressing my skin, leaving a hot path behind. At the top of my bottom, his tongue lashed out.

  “Spread your legs,” he commanded, his hand delving between my thighs.

  Blushing, I did what he said, feeling exposed. His fingers eased into me. I thrust my hips into his hand, wanting more.

  Walker chuckled, locking an arm over my waist. “Stay still, Ross.”

  I bit my lip as he slid his fingers in and out of me.

  “Are you sore?” he asked in a quiet rasp.

  “Yes,” I whispered, grasping a handful of the sheet under me.

  “Then I’ll go slow.”

  I shook my head. “No. Don’t. Take me like you want to take me.”

  “Fuck, Sam,” Walker groaned with passion. But then his voice changed. “Fine. On a
ll fours. Now.”

  Surprise replaced the heat in me. His voice was hard, without emotion. Commanding and full of power. This was the Walker he told me to fear. The one that could be rough and dangerous.

  I rose onto my hands and knees, my bottom facing him. My hair hung down on one side of my face, leaving my emotions uncovered for Walker to see. Without warning, he left me. One minute he was touching my body, the next he was gone. My eyes shot open, worry making me glance over my shoulder. He was standing at the end of the bed, pulling his wet t-shirt over his head. I couldn’t help but stare, frozen on all fours, as his bare chest was revealed.

  He was perfect. It was the only way to describe him. His abdominal muscles were ripped and cut into a six-pack, each groove and edge hard. The muscles in his biceps flexed as he stepped out of his jeans, his gaze on my bottom.

  I licked my suddenly dry lips. I wanted that body against me, rubbing my skin to torching temperatures. And I never wanted him to stop looking at me like he was now, with dark desire full of hunger.

  As soon as his clothes were on the floor, he was back behind me, his hands going to my hips.

  “Put your head down and keep your ass up,” he demanded, positioning my hips just the way he wanted them.

  But I didn’t move. Instead I moaned, arching my back when his fingers slid into me again.

  “Sam,” Walker said darkly. “Are you listening?”

  “No,” I rasped, moving my hips against his hand.

  “Wrong answer.” He withdrew his fingers and wrapped a hand around the back of my neck, pushing my head down to the mattress.

  I felt exposed, my bottom high in the air, but it’s where he wanted me. And a second later, I found out why.

  He thrust into me without warning, burying his hardness deep inside.

  My body arched and a cry escaped my throat as he stretched me. The invasion of him reminded me that he had just been there, filling me, taking me to an all new world.

  Walker held still, his breathing ragged, his heat searing me from the inside out. I heard a soft swear escape past his lips a second before he withdrew and drove back into me hard. I cried out and threw my head back, my hair flying onto my back.