Read Sweet Sofie Page 15

  As they turned the corner into her cul-de-sac, Sarah was trying to finish telling her about something that was apparently hysterical. As usual, Sarah couldn’t even get halfway through her story without cracking herself up. Sofia laughed just listening to her. Then she saw him; it wiped the smile right off her face and she gripped the wheel.

  Brandon and Angel were outside her house talking. She’d never told Angel or Alex about what happened, but she knew Sal was home. She wondered if he’d mentioned it, or even seen Brandon yet. She’d had no idea Brandon was home again.

  She parked in the driveway. When Angel came over to help them with their bags, Brandon followed.

  “Damn, Sofie. You buy enough stuff?”

  Sofia ignored the comment, grabbing the last of the bags in the trunk.

  “Mine are in the backseat. I’ll move them later to my car when Angel is not watching.” Sarah’s smile teased Angel, then she turned to Brandon. “Hey, Brandon, you home for the holidays?”

  “Yep, I’ll be around for a few weeks.”

  “Oh, good, were having a big party for New Year’s Eve.”

  Sofia felt her stomach turn. Then to make things worse, Angel added, “Yeah, you should drop by. Sarah’s turning twenty-one.”

  “The party’s for both of us, Angel. Not just me.”

  “Sounds good.” Brandon brought his attention to Sofia. “Hey, Sof. How are you?”

  “I’m good.” She prayed Angel wouldn’t invite him in. Her only hope—Troop was with him. Fortunately, his mother had taken to walking the dog so she didn’t have to feel bad about not keeping her promise of walking him. There was no way she would. Not after everything that had happened.

  To her major relief, Brandon said he had to go. Her heart was still racing when she walked in the house. Angel put all her bags down in the front room. Sal walked in from the kitchen. “They actually got you to go Christmas shopping?”

  “Hell no!” Angel reached for the soda Sal was holding. “Nah, I was outside talking to Brandon when they drove up. He’s home again for the holidays.”

  Sal’s expression went hard. He glanced at her, then turned back to Angel.

  Angel took a swig of Sal’s soda and handed it back. “You didn’t see him this summer, huh? The dude’s changed.”

  “No, he hasn’t.”

  Before Angel could ask, Alex interrupted. “Any of you seen my wallet?”

  He was on his way down the stairs. Great. Sofia glanced at Sal and hoped he wouldn’t say anything else.

  “It’s probably in your car.” Sofia desperately attempted to change the subject.

  “I’m gonna grab a water outta the fridge,” Sarah said, walking into the kitchen.

  “Get me one, too,” Angel said, then turned to Sal. “What do you mean, he hasn’t? Have you seen him?”

  “Seen who?” Alex asked.

  Sofia began grabbing her bags in hopes of making a mad dash out of there. But Sal wasn’t having it.

  “Sofie, you never told them?”

  Alex stopped lookingtopiv>

  Sofia locked gazes with Sal. He made a face, then took a deep breath.

  Angel glanced at Sofia. But before he could ask anything, Sal put his hand up. “Sorry Sof, but if he’s back, they have to know.”

  Sofia plopped on the sofa, rested her head on her fist and waited for the inevitable.

  “Know what?” Angel asked. “Did that fucker do something to you, Sof?”

  “Who?” Alex demanded.

  “Relax,” Sal said. Sofia hoped he knew what he was doing, because Alex looked ready to kill already. “Last time Brandon was here he took Sofie over to his house. Once he had her in there, he took her to his bedroom—and kissed her.”

  “What?” Angel peered at Sofia.

  “He was showing me his Marine stuff—pictures and metals and what not, and it just happened. He apologized after.” She spoke more to Sal than anyone.

  “I think he planned the whole thing,” Sal addressed both brothers, “and made her feel bad by saying if she’d have said no, he wouldn’t have.”

  “That mother fuc—”

  “Alex!” Sofia stood up, the tension in the room too thick for her to sit any longer, “He apologized before he left. It’s not like he forced himself on me.”

  “Why would you go to his place in the first place alone, Sof?”

  “I didn’t know we’d be alone. He just said he wanted me to show me something. It seemed perfectly innocent.” She turned to Sal. “I really don’t think he had it planned.”

  “Bullshit.” Sal frowned.

  “Does Eric know?” Angel asked.

  Suddenly feeling a wave of pain, Sofia whispered, “Yes. We almost broke up because of it.”

  “And he has the fucking nerve to show his face around here?” Alex asked.

  Angel’s expression suddenly went from angry to exasperated. “I invited his ass to the New Year’s party.”

  “I’ll uninvite him.” Alex started walking to the door.

  “Slow down.” Sal took a step in front of him. “I’ll take care of this.”

  “What are you gonna do?” Sofia asked.

  Sarah walked out of the kitchen holding two bottled waters and Alex’s wallet. She handed a bottle to Angel and tossed Alex his wallet. All eyes were on Sal. Sarah didn’t say a word, but it was obvious the mood in the room had changed significantly since she walked out.

  “I’m gonna pay him a little visit.” Sal turned to Alexturhad ch. “By myself, and he won’t be showing his face around here anymore.” He glanced at Sofia. “Does Eric know he’s back in town?”

  “I don’t think so. I didn’t even know until I got home.”

  “Don’t tell him.”


  “Trust me, Sofie. Unless you want his ass arrested, don’t tell him. He’s leaving soon anyway, right?”

  Sofia hated keeping anything from Eric. She’d promised him she wouldn’t ever again, especially about Brandon. But Sal was right. If he found out Brandon was back, no telling what he might do.

  “Yeah, day after Christmas.”

  “Then don’t tell him until he’s gone.”

  After some arguing from both Alex and Angel, who wanted to go with Sal, he finally convinced them he’d handle it on his own. Luckily, Alex was in a hurry. He was already late to pick up Valerie, and Sarah’s presence alone was enough to pacify Angel.

  Sofia never really asked Sal what exactly he told Brandon that night, but whatever it was, she hadn’t seen him at all since then. It was such an uncomfortable subject she preferred not to know. She wouldn’t ask and bring it up again. But she was relieved she wouldn’t have to worry about seeing him at the New Year’s party.


  No second chances

  Christmas morning, Eric got dressed early. He and his dad had exchanged gifts the night before. Earlier that week his dad gave him one of hiturhad"0">

  His dad was spending the day with Tina and her family, the woman he started seeing over the summer. Eric was fine with that since he wanted to spend his last day here with Sofia.

  Just as he was getting ready to walk out his dad stopped him. “Eric, before you go, I wanted to talk to you. Since Sofia will be with us tomorrow when I take you to the airport, this will probably be my last chance to talk before you go.”

  Eric stared at him curiously. They’d already gone over everything he needed to know about the trip and his internship.

  “I know we’ve talked about this before. You really believe that your relationship with Sofia is forever.” His dad shrugged. “Who knows, maybe it is. But I want you to promise me that you’re going to make the most of this trip to Spain. Don’t sit in your dorm room, texting Sofia the whole time.”

  Eric nodded. His dad had always worried that he wasn’t living life like a young bachelor should be. But that wasn’t the life he wanted. He’d known Sofia was the one since they were kids. He had no interest in going out and partying it up, like his dad
hoped he would.

  “You never know what’s gonna happen in the future, son. I just don’t want you looking back at this when you’re older and regretting that what could’ve been one of the most exciting experiences of your life you spent sitting around thinking of a girl back home.”

  “I know, Dad. I won’t.”

  His dad frowned, obviously not buying into Eric’s feeble attempt to convince him. “I hadn’t told you because I wasn’t sure I could get the time off until just the other day, but I’m turning my trip to Madrid for New Year’s Eve into a mini vacation. Tina’s coming with me. We’ll be there for a week, so plan on doing some touring with us. I also got us all tickets to one of the biggest New Year’s parties out there. You’re gonna enjoy this trip whether you want to or not.”

  After his conversation with his dad, Eric walked to Sofia’s house. He knew her house would be full of relatives, and the cul-de-sac she lived in would be packed with cars. He thought about what his dad said on his way over there. This definitely hadn’t been the first time his dad had suggested in not so many words that Eric might want to sow his wild oats a little before settling on just one girl. If Sofia knew, she’d be more than furious—she’d be hurt. But she had nothing to worry about. Eric was sure of one thing. The one thing he’d been sure of since he was a kid. For him, no one but Sofie would ever do.


  Christmas was bittersweet. Eric kept reminding himself and Sofia that this wouldn’t be the end of the world. It was only going to be four weeks. She tried putting up a brave front, but the tears had come at the airport.

  His dad gave them a moment alone, saying goodbye to Eric and telling Sofia he’d wait for her in the car.

  Eric held Sofia close, holding back his own tears. He had no idea this would be so hard. He leaned his forehead against hers. “I’ll start texting you as soon as I take my seat taldiin the plane.”

  Sofia strained to smile. “I miss you already.”

  “You’re gonna be fine. We’re gonna be fine. No matter how far apart we are, Sofie, we’ll always have each other right here.” He pointed at her heart then at his own. “Four weeks is nothing. I’ll be back in no time.” He lifted her chin when she dropped her face a little. “We’ll figure out our schedules, and book the cruise as soon as I get back. My dad said the winter rates will be real cheap he can probably get us a good deal through one of his friends.”

  He hated to let go, but he had to. Once on the plane, all he could think about was what happened the last time they were apart for a while. He’d long ago stopped worrying about being able to trust Sofia, and though he’d forgiven her, as much as he wanted to, he’d never forget.

  With the distraction of arriving in a new country and getting settled in to his dorm, Eric’s anxiety about being away from Sofia had begun to decline. He’d all but stopped thinking about it. He was almost done unpacking when he got the text from Sofia.

  I wanted to tell you before you heard from anyone else. Brandon is home for the holidays. But don’t worry, my brothers are already on it. Sal went and had a talk with him and I haven’t seen him since the day I found out he was here.

  Eric felt the slow boil in his veins start up. He called her back. He didn’t give a shit about how expensive the call would be. This wasn’t a conversation he was having via text. She answered on the first ring. “So you saw him?”

  “Only for a moment. He was here when Sarah and I got back from shopping the other day, talking to Angel outside.”

  “Did you talk to him?” Eric gripped the phone. The memories and the thought of Sofia kissing Brandon were back like a slap.

  “He said hi and he asked how I’d been then he left, and I came inside. Sal told both Angel and Alex, and well, you can imagine how they reacted. Trust me, Brandon won’t be coming around here anymore. Not if he values his life.”

  “Why hadn’t you told me?”

  Eric hated that Sofia had brought any doubt into their relationship. Before this happened, he would’ve never questioned anything she did or said. He told himself once he decided he would forgive her, that he’d let it go. He didn’t want to dwell on it forever, but he couldn’t help feeling resentful.

  “Sal told me not to until you left. He was worried you might do something and get yourself in trouble. Eric, please don’t be mad.”

  “I’m not,” he lied.

  There was a short silence, then she asked. “Isn’t this call gonna be really expensive?”

  Glad she brought it up, not because he cared about the money, but because he suddenly didn’t want to talk to her anymore. “Yeah, it is. I’ll text you later.”


  “What?” He didn’t even try to hide the incredible annoyance he was feeling at that moment.

  “Don’t be mad at me… please?”

  He pinched the rim of his nose and closed his eyes. “I’m not, Sof. It’s just… I gotta go.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  In all the time he’d been saying those words, this was the first time it felt forced. He knew it was only because he was so mad, but he didn’t like the feeling at all.


  Not wanting to even chance it, Sofia went back to running at the beach. She’d do it until she knew Brandon was gone. Alex didn’t have to warn her, but he had, anyway, that if he saw Brandon so much as talk to her he’d beat his ass.

  All three of her brothers were convinced he’d planned the whole thing, coercing her back to his place just to spite them all, including Eric. Of course, it made her feel like a complete idiot. If their theory held any merit, that would make her the pawn in the middle of this lifelong clash between her brothers and Brandon. The naive pawn that fell for Brandon’s plan hook, line, and sinker.

  Sofia still didn’t believe Brandon had planned it, but she was done arguing with her brothers. It wasn’t like it mattered, anyhow. No matter what they thought, any type of friendship with Brandon was out of the question—a fact she was more than willing to accept. She only wished he didn’t live so close. Any time he’d be home there would be that tension between her and Eric. That same undeniable tension she’d felt over the phone when she told him about Brandon being home.

  Eric had been gone less than a week, and Sofia was already missing him terribly. He hadn’t called her since that first day, but they texted everyday. He sent her pictures of the different places he visited and promised they’d go back together and visit some day.

  She pulled into the parking space at the beach where she was getting ready to take her run and admired the latest pictures Eric had sent her. They were of an old marketplace he said he’d visited the day before. It looked a lot like the market places in Mexico. Even resembled Old Town San Diego, with the exception of the cobblestone streets and the European feel of the buildings just behind the marketplace.

  Sofia noticed a car pull into the parking space next to hers at the same time she had and someone got out. But it wasn’t until she got out of her car that she realized it was Brandon.

  “Look.” He held up a hand before she could say anything. “I know I’m supposed to stay away from you. But I just wanted to talk to you one last time. I’ll stay on this side of the car and you can stay on that side.”

  She didn’t want him to notice how nervous his presence made her. Her heart raced, but it wasn’t like when her heart had raced from being near him before. It was out of fear. Fear of what her brothers would do if they found out he was here. “Did you follow me?”

  “Sofia, I had to. It’s been killing me to know if you really believe what your brothers are saying, that I planned the whole thing. Because I swear to you, I didn’t.”

  The fact that he followed her alone wou helanld be enough to make Alex go after him. He was just itching for a reason to rip Brandon apart. Sofia stared at him, choosing her words very carefully, because she knew she’d be repeating them to Eric later. “I believe you, Brandon. But what happened was wrong. We both knew it
, and we did it anyway. Eric knows. I told him.”

  He kept a deadpan expression. Sofia almost expected him to smirk like he had in the past. “What did he say?”

  “He was mad, Brandon… and hurt.” God would she be regretting that slip for the rest of her life? “And rightfully so, but he’s over it now. I just can’t be around you. When he finds out you followed me here, he’s gonna be pissed.”

  “So don’t tell him.” Brandon shook his head. “Why would you tell him about the kiss in the first place?”

  “I had to. Eric and I have always been honest with each other about everything. It didn’t feel right to keep something like that from him.” She put her car key in her pocket and connected the earphones to her phone. This conversation was over.

  “I’ve always known you were special, Sof.”

  Sofia glanced up at him. He was smiling. The moment with him in his room came to her, the things he’s said to her and she hadn’t protested. The last thing she was feeling right now was special.

  “You think if I talk to Eric—you know, apologize? Maybe your brothers would feel a little differently? I’d hate for things to end between us like this.”

  Sofia shook her head. “The damage is done, Brandon. We had a chance to be friends, and we blew it. Eric was actually okay with me running with you until…” She didn’t even want to think about it anymore. “You better go, Brandon. My brothers won’t be happy when they hear about this. Neither will Eric.”