Read Sweet Sofie Page 16

  “I really wish you’d reconsider letting me talk to Eric. Maybe if I start with your brothers. Sal… well, he was a little too pissed for me to talk to the day he came over, but he’s probably calmed down by now.”

  That surprised Sofia, but if Sal was too pissed, she could only imagine how Angel and Alex would react to Brandon trying to convince them to let him come around her.

  “No, Brandon. It’s really not a good idea. I promise you. It would probably only make things worse.”

  His wounded expression made her feel bad. She felt for him. Even if her brothers and Eric would never believe it, she knew he was a good guy deep inside. “I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  With her run shot, she had to stop after only ten minutes. A knot had formed in her stomach and she couldn’t help thinking about the conversation she was going to have with Eric. Even worse, she wondered if she should tell Alex and Angel at all. There was no holding those two back when enraged, and she knew they would be.

  She called Sal as soon as she got in the car. He was the only one who’d be calm enough to give her some sound advice.

  “No, don’t tell them,” was his immediate answer to her question.

  Sofia breathed a sigh of relief. “I’d hold off on telling Eric, too. Unless you think he’s not gonna be mad. You’ll probably ruin his New Year’s Eve. When I get home tomorrow, I’ll talk to Alex and Angel. But yd A toou did the right thing, Sofie. That guy is, and always has been, bad news. He has no business trying to hang around you. I just hope he’s not stupid enough to try to talk to Alex or Angel before I get home.”

  Sofia hoped so to. She took Sal’s advice and decided she’d wait until after New Year’s Eve to tell Eric.


  Eric’s dad and Tina were arriving the morning of New Year’s Eve. Both school and the company he was interning at were closed for the holiday. The next few days he’d be free to spend with his dad and Tina. He wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. He’d only been around her a few times. It wasn’t that she was so young. His dad had always stayed very physically fit. He looked damn good for his age, so the age difference wasn’t that obvious. She was just the first woman his dad had ever brought home for Eric to meet. It was still awkward.

  He was meeting them for breakfast in the restaurant in the hotel they were staying. The place was over the top, ritzy, but he expected nothing less from his dad. He walked around in the lobby where his dad said he’d meet him. The artwork on the walls was incredible. He was taking one in when he heard his name.

  He turned to see his dad with Tina and a girl, approaching him. His dad hugged him when he was close enough and smiled big. “So how you liking it so far?”

  Eric nodded, feeling a little self-conscious. “It’s been amazing.”

  His dad seemed pleased, smiling even bigger. “Good, I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” He turned to Tina and the girl. “You’ve met Tina.”

  Eric leaned over and shook her hand. “Yeah, hey, Tina. Nice to see you again.”

  Tina greeted him back with that somewhat timid smile he remembered from the first time he met her.

  “And this is Tina’s youngest sister, Jennifer.” Eric was just reaching his hand over to shake Jennifer’s when his dad added, “She’s your age.” He turned back to Jennifer, “Eric just turned twenty-one this year also.”

  Jennifer smiled at him, but not quite as timidly as her older sister. Both sisters shared the same red hair, but unlike Tina’s straight shorter do, Jennifer’s hair hung in long, tight curls. It was the first thing he’d noticed when he saw them walking to him. If he had to describe her in word, it would be bright. From her hair, to her light blue eyes, right down to her whiter-than-white teeth, even her freckles were bright.

  “Eric maybe you could show Jennifer some of the places the younger crowds frequent while we’re here.”

  Eric shot his dad a look, but knowing both sisters eyes were watching, it wasn’t quite as severe as he wanted it to be. “I have school and the internship—”

  “I’m sure you can find some time.” His dad dismissed his excuses.

  All through breakfast, his dad made subtle remarks about how much Eric and Jennifer had in common. It was so obvious what he was doing. Ever since his dad saw him so upset that summer, he’d been pushing more than ever, but Eric couldn’t believe he’d take it this far.

  He had to admit Jennifer was something to look at. Though Sofia had thh Selie most amazingly sexy eyes, he couldn’t help being distracted with Jennifer’s long auburn lashes. She’d even caught him looking once and smiled. Just because she was attractive didn’t mean Eric had an iota of interest in her, the way he knew his dad was hoping.

  After yet another mention of how Eric and Jennifer were both computer whizzes, Eric finally nudged his dads knee. His dad just smiled and started telling Jennifer about the time Eric fixed his teacher’s computer in the sixth grade. Exasperated didn’t even begin to describe what he felt. This was going to be a long week.


  Below the belt.

  The New Year’s Eve/birthday party was a combination of both family and friends. Some of the family from Mexico had even come over for it. Normally, Sofia’s parents spent the entire week after Christmas in Mexico, but this year, they’d come home early for the party. They brought aunts and uncles home with them. The house was already bustling that morning when Sofia left for the restaurant. They’d only be open a half day and since it was Angel’s party, so Sofia agreed to go in so he could stay home and get everything together with Sarah.

  Sal hadn’t arrived when she left that morning. Alex only went into the restaurant to pick up the food for the party. She dreaded Sal telling Angel and Alex about Brandon following her. The only good thing was she wouldn’t be there when he did.

  On her way home, Sarah called her. She slowed down, wondering if maybe she was going to ask her to bring something else home from the restaurant and she’d only driven a few blocks so far.

  “Sofia, where are you?”

  “I just left the restaurant.”

  “Don’t come home yet.”

  Sarah’s tone alarmed her. “Why?”

  “Brandon’s outside. I thought Alex was gonnah Selirah kill him. He hit him pretty hard, but Brandon still refuses to leave. He’s so drunk.” Sofia’s felt her stomach cave in. She pulled over when she heard the women in the background. Her mom and aunts shrill voices talking a mile a minute, telling Sarah to make sure Sofia didn’t come home yet. “I know, I know, she’s not,” Sarah assured them.

  Sarah must’ve walked into another room because the noise subsided. “The whole neighborhood is out there, Sofie. It’s such a scene. He showed up asking to see you, and Alex unloaded on him. Thank God you have so many uncles here. I don’t know how else they would’ve stopped Alex. I’ve never seen him so mad.”

  “Oh my God.” Sofia was suddenly overwhelmed with dread. “Why won’t he leave?”

  “He’s drunk. Even with a fat lip and a his eye nearly closed shut, he just keeps saying he wants a chance to explain and that he wasn’t leaving until he talked to you. Hold on, Sofie.” She heard the women in the background again, only they seemed a bit calmer. Sarah was obviously walking through the house. Sofia waited, trying to listen for clues as to what was going on. After what felt like an eternity, she heard Sarah ask someone. “Did he leave?” Suddenly she heard a lot of men’s voices, and Alex cursing. “He left, Sof. You can come home now.”

  “Yeah, tell her to come straight home,” she heard Sal say.

  Sofia didn’t hang up until she got more information from Sarah. Apparently, Alex and Angel were already pissed because Sal had told them about Brandon following her. But they both promised to stay cool until after the party. Then a few hours later, Brandon showed up slurring, demanding to see Sofia. After hanging up, Sofia noticed the couple of texts from Eric.

  Getting close to New Year’s over here. The party’s not half bad but it’d be bet
ter if you were here. How’s everything over there?

  The second one was worse. Since she normally responded almost immediately, he’d waited fifteen minutes after the first and wrote.

  Is something wrong?

  She covered her face with both hands. Would this nightmare ever be over? She thought long and hard before responding. She hated not telling him something of this magnitude, but she also didn’t want to ruin his New Year’s Eve.

  Everything’s fine. I do need to talk to you, but it can wait until tomorrow.

  She’d barely turned on the ignition, when her phone rang. Seeing his name on the caller ID made her cringe. She slipped the earpiece in, took a deep breath and answered.

  “What happened?”

  Sofia didn’t even know where to begin. She started by telling him about her talk with Brandon at the beach, leaving out the part that he followed her, but Eric didn’t miss a beat. “How’d he know you were there?”

  “He said he followed me because he wanted to know if I really believed what my brothers were saying about him planning the whole thing last summer.”

  “And you said?”

  She didn’t know what she dreaded more, getting home to a houseful of people who were no doubt just waiting to interrogate her, or having to answer this question. “Eric, he swore he didn’t, so I just said I believed him.”

  “Do you really?” Eric’s raised his voice. “After everything he’s done, you’re still falling for his shit?”

  “I just didn’t see the point in arguing, Eric. What difference does it make if he thinks I believe him or not?”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  Sofia was quiet for a moment. She’d never tell Eric Brandon had given her the opportunity to tell him to stop, but she was so sick of being labeled naïve. What happened that day was not planned, and she knew it.

  “You believe him. Just say it.”

  “You weren’t there, Eric. Can you give me a little credit that I wouldn’t fall for some stupid plan?”

  “Unfuckingbelievable.” Eric rarely cussed in her presence. “All right, he didn’t plan it. Anything else I need to know? Like why you kept this from me, again.”

  Feeling a little irritated by his tone and unwillingness to give her any credit for having half a brain, her tone changed as well. “Because I called Sal right after and asked if I should tell Alex and Angel. I was afraid of what they’d do, and he said to wait. Told me to wait until after New Year’s Eve. I was going to tell you tomorrow. I didn’t wanna ruin your night. Okay?”

  He was quiet for a moment then asked. “Is that it?”

  She took a deep breath loud enough Eric heard it. Sounding even more agitated, Eric asked, “What, Sofia? Just tell me everything. My night’s already ruined, anyway.”

  “He showed up at my house today drunk. I wasn’t there. I just found out about it right now. I worked all morning.”

  She told him everything Sarah had told her. When she was done, his only response was, “And you still believe him?”

  As if her day could get any worse, when she didn’t respond immediately, he hung up on her.


  The celebration was just beginning to pick up momentum, and all Eric could think of was heading back to his dorm. He was in no mood to party. Aware that his dad was already annoyed that he’d taken off to make a phone call, Eric knew making an exit now wasn’t the best idea. His dad knew just who he was calling. Still, Eric was livid. There was no hiding the change in his mood when he walked back into the banquet room.

  Jennifer’s expression when he sat back down was the opposite of his father’s glower. “You missed it.”

  Eric lifted a brow, not really interested in what he’d missed, but still asked. “What?”

  “The dancer.” She pointed at one of the many dancers in costume dancing around the room. “She came over and made your dad dance with her. It was hilarious.” She laughed, taking a sip of her fancy mixed drink.

  Eric couldn’t even smile. “Yeah. I’ll bet. He can’t dance for shit.”

  v height="0" width="48"> “Hey, I heard that.” His dad’s scowl was now a silly smile. “I think I did pretty well. Didn’t I?” He turned to Tina, who giggled, but agreed he had.

  The music changed to something even more upbeat and both Tina and Jennifer danced in their seats. His dad stood up. “C’mon, lets go dance. You guys too.”

  Eric was about to say no. He was in no mood for dancing, but Jennifer stood up eagerly. He grudgingly downed the drink he’d been babying for the past half hour. Jennifer slipped her hand in his, and they all walked onto the dance floor.

  As much as he tried to snap out of the horrendous mood Sofia had put him in, no amount of dancing was doing it. He leaned into Jennifer’s ear, taking in the sweet smell of her hair. “I need another drink.”

  She nodded her head. “Me too.”

  Again, she slipped her hand in his. His dad lifted his hands in question when he saw them start to walk off the dance floor, but smiled and winked as his eyes caught Eric holding her hand. Eric almost rolled his eyes, but Jennifer was watching him.

  Eric took a shot at the bar then they took their drinks and walked over to the one of the balconies that overlooked one of Madrid’s most famous plazas.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” Jennifer gazed out into the mass of people out there dancing and celebrating. Seemed the entire city was out for the night.

  Gently removing his hand out of Jennifer’s, Eric leaned over the balcony. “Yeah, it is.”

  The fresh air helped him relax a little, but very little. He still couldn’t get over the fact that even after everything they’d gone through that summer, and the scene Brandon had caused tonight, Sofia was still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. It absolutely made him wonder what the hell else she was willing to do for the guy and why.

  He downed his drink in record time and was ready for another. It had been almost a year since he’d had so much as a buzz. Now felt like as good a time as any to get hammered. “I’m ready for another.”

  Jennifer’s eyes widened when she saw his empty glass. “Wow, that was fast.”

  Eric shrugged. “What’s New Year’s Eve without a good buzz, right?”

  Several shots and drinks later, Eric was in more of dancing mood than ever. By the time the countdown started, he and his dad were two of the loudest at the party. His dad had been buying round after round of shots. As they rung in the New Year in, everyone hugged and kissed. His dad hugged him hard. “I’m glad you’re having fun, son. You know I only want you to enjoy life, right? That’s all I want. ‘Cause I love you, no other reason.”

  Before his dad got too mushy, Eric nodded and pulled away. “Yeah, I know dad. I love you, too.”

  After their rather long embrace, Eric turned to Jennifer and gave her a fast hug. The smell of her hair lingered even after he pulled away. He quickly turned to Tina and hugged her, too. The band played a slow song and his dad and Tina took to the dance floor, holding each other closely.

  “You want another drink?” He turned toward the bar.

  Jennifer tilted her head and gave him a look that made him feel guilty. “I like this song.”


  Eric hesitated, but took her hand anyway. They walked out to the dance floor. She wasted no time wrapping her arms around his neck, and pressed her body against him. He’d had a looser embrace in mind, but at this point he had no choice in the matter. She’d all but draped herself on him and leaned her face against his chest. Feeling her breasts pushed on his chest, he thought of what Sofia would say if she saw them. He held her gently, but in no way wanted to encourage anything inappropriate.

  The song was finally over and people clapped. Eric took advantage to undo their embrace and pulled away to clap. They started up another slow song. No way was he doing that again. “I need a drink and some air.”

  No sooner had he said it, and her hand was in his again. Her behavior, most likely alcohol indu
ced, was sobering him up. With that in mind, he ordered a beer instead of hard liquor. Jennifer ordered another fancy mixed drink.

  “Remember.” Eric shot her a warning look. “Those kinds of drinks tend to sneak up on you.”

  Jennifer giggled. “Too late!”

  They headed back outside to the balcony. As soon as they reached it and Eric rested his elbow against the rail, Jennifer leaned into him. She seemed a little dizzy and Eric held her up. “Whoa, you okay?”

  She did a little more giggling and moved her hair away from her face. “Maybe I better not drink this.”

  Eric took the drink she held up and placed it on the rail. “Yeah, maybe not.”

  “I’m not just saying this because I’ve been drinking, but I think you’re incredibly sexy.” She traced his lips with her finger.

  Eric smiled, feeling a little nervous, and pulled her hand gently away from his lips. “Alright, maybe we should get you some water.”

  “No, Eric, I’m serious.” She stood up a little straighter and leaned into him again. “When my sister told me I was going to be hanging out with her boyfriend’s son, I was worried about who’d I’d be stuck with. But when I saw you, I could hardly contain myself.”

  “I’m flattered.” Eric had to admit it felt good. But he was careful about his response. He knew no matter how mad he was at Sofia, doing anything with Jennifer was out of the question. “You’re not too hard on the eyes, either. Trust me, if I didn’t have a girlfriend, I would’ve already been trying to get to know more about your situation.”

  Her lips curled and she stared him down with a wicked smile. “Well, my situation is, I live in New York, not California like my sister. We only see each other on rare occasions. That’s why I decided to tag along with her on this trip. So I don’t mind that you have a girlfriend, because after I leave Spain, it’ll probably be years before I see you again.” She licked her lips, tracing a finger down his chest. “Assuming, that is, that Tina and your dad stay together.”