Read Tails and Fixers Page 21


  The harvest was just starting and everyone was working in the fields. One of the boys came running up to Floyd wide eyed saying, "Ally is flying!"

  Floyd took off running and Lina and the Fixers were following. They had not yet reached the top of the hill when they saw the glider circling just to the west of the hill. The glider was undulating under poor control and Floyd yelled as loudly as he could, "You are over controlling. Hold the stick with just your fingers." Ally could just barely see out of the cockpit but waved. It seemed to help and her flying evened out. As the glider began to lose altitude Floyd was trying to pick out the best area to land because he didn't think she could make their makeshift runway. Ally stopped circling and headed to the runway. Floyd was running down the hill trying to keep within shouting distance of Ally but couldn't keep up. She was on her own.

  Floyd was yelling to keep the speed up and then as she got close to the ground he was yelling, "Keep the nose up." Ally did not hear him and was focused on the ground rushing up to meet her. She pushed hard on the blocks she had strapped to her feet, to control the rudder, as she approached the ground. She pulled back on the stick just like her dad said to do in the classes he taught. The glider ballooned up into the air and she relaxed the stick letting the plane settle back down. The glider bounced a couple of times before staying down but one of the bounces had knocked the block off of her right foot. With pressure on only the left rudder pedal the airplane veered sharply to the left doing a ground loop. Ally had not bothered to put on the seat belt and when the airplane turned suddenly, she kept going straight. She struck the ground with her right arm extended which broke just above the elbow. She hit hard enough that she lost consciousness for a minute and could not focus on her father's face as he was leaning over her.

  When her vision cleared she whispered, "See, I told you I could fly."

  Floyd was so happy to hear her speaking that at first he did nothing but hold her. He picked her up and started walking up the hill where they were met by Lina running down the hill with her tail straight out behind her. Floyd told Ally, "You are busted and grounded for making an unauthorized flight."

  Ally didn't know what the words meant but knew she was in trouble. She really didn't care because she had gotten to go flying and was free in the air. She asked, "Did I hurt the airplane?"

  Lina took Ally from Floyd and wiped some of the tears and dirt from her face. Lina insisted on carrying Ally back to their small dome. The Fixer doctor was waiting and with Floyd's help they set the broken arm. Tears flowed, but Ally refused to cry even when the bones were pulled back straight. When the splint was secure Lina held Ally in the rocking chair singing softly until she fell asleep.

  Lina placed her in their bed while she and Floyd sat and talked. Floyd said, "I'm not sure what to do with her. I had told her no flying until she could reach the pedals."

  Lina said, "I do not think we are going to be able to keep her from flying. I do not understand why anyone would want to do something so dangerous."

  "I suppose it is a genetic thing. Flying does not have to be dangerous if you follow the rules and are careful."

  Lina was quiet for a long time before she replied, "Then I think we had better make sure Ally knows the rules and the airplane fits her." After wiping her own tears Lina said, "I want to keep her safe and tremble with fear just thinking about her flying. I also know that I cannot keep her from herself. If she wants to fly she will."

  They talked about the punishment they should impose. Lina said, "I think the broken arm is punishment enough."

  Floyd replied, "You are probably right but I already told her she was grounded and need to follow through."

  "What is this grounding?"

  "It has a couple of meanings. In flying it means that you must stay on the ground. As a parent it means the child must stay in the house except for work and school. I think both apply here."

  The evening meal was very subdued with none of the children causing trouble. Ally had trouble eating with her left hand but didn't complain. When the meal was over Floyd said, "You are all guilty in that you either helped or did not stop your sister from flying. As punishment you are confined to our dome, except for chores, for the next three days." He turned to Ally and said, "You disobeyed a direct order and risked not only yourself but also the glider that others worked so hard to make. You are confined to the dome for the next fifteen days and your siblings will have to do your barn chores."

  To Ally, being deprived of her interaction with the critters seemed cruel, but when she looked at her father she held her tongue. Floyd then said, "I'll speak to the Fixers about making a glider that is your size. Mr. Watson will create the written test that you must pass before you will be allowed to fly the airplane. Any questions?"

  Ally asked in a very subdued voice, "Does this mean you will let me fly?"

  Lina answered, "Yes, this means we will let you fly but only if you follow all of the rules and pass the test Mr. Watson will prepare. I do not understand this love of flying but it is what it is."