Read Tails and Fixers Page 22

Chapter 17

  The seasons came and went as Floyd's beard got ever greyer. He no longer played the games of his children because his joints were too sore. He had learned to read the writings of The People and spent much of his time in his rocking chair reading the books they had left behind. When the noise and confusion of a dome full of teenage Fixers got too much he retreated to the calmness of his ship which was off limits to everyone but himself and Lina. In the ship he had long discussions with Mr. Watson about the meaning and origin of life. Mr. Watson had done many calculations about the random chance of the genetic matching they had encountered and could not rule out chance as the cause. Floyd responded, "Isn't there a rule, somebody's razor, that the simplest explanation is usually the best? The simplest explanation is that the DNA molecule was designed and front loaded so that evolution would proceed along certain lines."

  Mr. Watson replied, "That would be Occam's razor. It is recognized as a very powerful tool in problem solving. The problem is that your theory requires someone to engineer the original DNA."

  "So, it seems that the hectopus has been searching a long time for the answer to the same question. Doesn't the quantum mechanics that you are so fond of also require a prime observer?"

  Mr. Watson replied, "There are other explanations for the basis of quantum mechanics, but you are correct - the simplest explanation is the prime observer without whom nothing would exist."

  Floyd settled back in the helm chair and took a little nap while he thought about how quantum mechanics essentially makes everything out of nothing but only if it is actually observed. Hence nothing is real without an observer. When Floyd awoke Mr. Watson wanted to talk about the possibilities of multiple universes but Floyd cut him off saying, "Any more talk of theoretical physics and I am going to get a headache. Sure would be nice if the awareness could teach us what it has learned."

  Mr. Watson responded, "I think the hectopus has been scanning our database somehow."

  "How in the hell could it do that hiding in the corner of its tank?"

  "I'm not sure but at times some of my files are very slow to open as if they were being accessed by someone else."

  "Are you sure you're not getting old and rusty like me?"

  "It is true that some of the board contacts are developing a higher resistance but that would not explain the database slowness. It is hard to explain the apparent intelligence of the hectopus without considering the ability of information to transcend the dimensions we live in. I think an entity in another dimension is accessing my data files."

  Floyd yawned a big yawn and said, "That is harder to believe than the God of my parents. I had better go help Lina fix dinner."

  As Floyd was leaving Mr. Watson reminded him that he had not done his lab work as the protocol required. Floyd opened the airlock and replied, "I don't think we need to do that anymore." Before Mr. Watson could respond Floyd closed the door and headed to the small dome. Lina had cooked a roast made from one of the critters and it was the night for Floyd's ration of beer. Fresh bread, real meat and a beer, what was not to like?

  The kids ate heartily of the meat but Lina was as always a small eater. Floyd had given up worrying about her protein intake because she was not going to change. As the meal progressed Lina asked each of them what the best part of their day had been. Ally was excited that she had kept the glider up for 45 minutes. Another of the boys said, "I landed the glider right on the ‘X’ mark.” Amara was last and said, "I found out I am pregnant." All of the kids where bouncing in their chairs giving each other the high five. Floyd tried to direct the conversation to what the implications of the pregnancy were but the rest were too busy celebrating. He was wishing that he had never taught them the high five.

  Later in their own bed Lina confessed, "I knew there was bed hopping going on up in the loft but I thought they were too young to conceive. What are we going to do now?"

  Floyd responded, "It had to happen sometime. Guess we will let nature take its course." He added, "My biggest worry is that we do not want another Cain and Able scene."

  Lina had tried to read the bible of Floyd's people but the violence had shocked her and she could not continue. She remembered the story only vaguely and asked, "Is that when the brother became jealous and killed the other?"

  "That's pretty much it. The Fixers seem to be pretty peaceful but they have some of my genes so it is a worry."

  Lina started to explain how The People solved conflicts and Floyd responded at first with an "Ah huh" and then with a snoring sound. Lina lay awake and worried about all the things that could go wrong. When morning came she had decided that the best solution was for the baby to be everyone's. She had to figure out how to make that happen but if she could keep the kids together as a group with an ever enlarging family it seemed to be the best hope.

  After Floyd had eaten and had his rare cup of coffee they visited about Lina's plan. Floyd said, "The Fixers seem very communal and are not happy unless they are with the other Fixers. I think your plan is a good one. It is not the family model from Earth but we are not on Earth and the Fixers need to develop their own social customs."

  After he left, Lina was straightening up and noticed again the bubbles in the toilet. Something was not right and she worried. Lina decided to visit with Mr. Watson about Floyd and went over to the ship. Mr. Watson as always was in good humor and asked about her writing. She visited a bit before asking about the bubbles in the toilet. Mr. Watson was actually quiet for a minute before responding, "I expect the bubbles are a sign that Floyd's kidneys are failing again and he is leaking protein. This might be why he refuses to let me test his blood."

  The air lock cycled and Lina and Mr. Watson were silent as Floyd joined them. He asked Lina, "What were you and Mr. Watson talking about?"

  Lina's tail sagged to the floor as she responded, "I was asking him about the bubbles in the toilet."

  Floyd sat down in the helm chair and waved Lina over to sit in his lap. He said, "I have been trying to figure out a way of telling you but I did not want you to have any more pain. My kidneys are failing and I will not have long before I get pretty sick."

  "Isn't their anything we can do?"

  "If we could do a kidney transplant or dialysis it would control the disease but it looks like we will need to let nature take her course."

  Mr. Watson spoke up saying, "It is possible that the stem cells are still viable and if we put you in cold hibernation again they may rebuild your kidneys."

  Floyd sat holding Lina in his arms and finally replied, "What then? If it works, I will wake up to a world I do not know. Lina and the kids will be gone and maybe you will have rusted up by then. If it doesn't work, I will have lost the time I have left with my family."

  Lina had tears running down her cheeks as she asked, "What should we do?"

  Floyd gave her a firm squeeze and said, "We need to enjoy each other and life. I am facing the grand experiment and what will be, will be. I may be the luckiest man ever, having had two wonderful wives and two families."

  "How are you going to tell the children?"

  "I think I will tell them one at a time so that I can be alone with them. They always seem to know what the others are doing so it might not work but I would like to try. After that I will tell the rest of the Fixers."

  Lina just let the tears run down her cheeks but needed to ask, "Is this why you no longer desire me?"

  Floyd could not stop his own tears and held Lina tightly to himself. When he had gained enough composure he said, "The disease destroys all desire and it had nothing to do with you. It was the disease."

  They sat together for a while and then Floyd said, "I will start with the little one by taking her flying."

  Floyd found Ally working on the small terminal in the Fixer's dome. He said, "How about we go flying?"

  Ally said, "Sure, Father, but first I must finish this report for Mr. Watson."

  "Mr. Watson's report
can wait until we get back."

  "Where are we going?"

  "Nowhere, I just need to go flying."

  As they prepared the airplane Floyd said, "Why don't you take the front seat, I think you can reach the pedals." This made Ally bounce with excitement and she climbed into the front seat. Floyd found the back seat a bit cramped for leg room but managed to fit. He watched as Ally completed the checklist and taxied to the takeoff spot. Floyd kept his hand on the control stick but there was no need, for Ally transitioned from the glider to the airplane without a problem. As they circled over the lake looking at nothing in particular Floyd said, "Ally, my kidneys are not working very well and I will be getting pretty sick soon. I want you to take care of your mother."

  Ally straightened the plane and flew on for several moments before saying, "I knew you were getting sick Father. I will take care of Mother."

  "This means you will have to be careful and not scare her by pushing the envelope too far in your flying."

  "Father, I will follow the rules and be safe but I need to fly. Mr. Watson said it is possible to fly faster than sound and I want to do that."

  Only after a long pause did Floyd respond saying, "I have flown faster than sound but it requires a very special airplane. I would like to be witness to your flight but it will take many years to develop the airplane you will need."

  "Father, of course you will witness the flight, just because your body is not here does not mean you will not be."

  Floyd could not see well for the tears in his eyes and only said, "I think it is time to go back."

  He left the airplane tie down and charging to Ally and went looking for the boys. They were by the forge working on some sort of wheeled contraption. He watched them work, and they but nodded his way to acknowledge his presence. When they completed the part they were working on they came and stood next to Floyd. Floyd told them as he had Ally. The smaller of the boys wanted to know what it was like to be sick but the bigger brother said, "It's not fair, we do not want you to be sick."

  Floyd put his hands on their shoulders and said, "It is not about what is fair or what we may want. It is what it is, and that is the way it has to be." He then made them promise that they would take care of their mother. He left them and they all had tears.

  Floyd found two of the girls in the animal barn and repeated to them what he was facing. They like Ally seemed to already know that he was not well but the tears and hugs were most genuine. They also promised to take care of their mother.

  Floyd found Amara working with the clothes. He watched her work and thought she had much of the beauty of Lina. When she noticed him watching she asked, "What is it, Father?"

  Floyd waved her over and gave her a big bear hug before telling her of his illness. Amara retained her composure as she asked, "You will be able to sing your song to my baby, won't you?" The tears came when Floyd said, "Yes, I will sing to your baby.” He then made her promise to take care of her mother even though she was going to be a mother herself.

  Floyd made his way to the dome to see if he could assemble the Fixers but he was greeted by what appeared to be the entire group. They stood silently as Floyd told them of his illness. He then said, "I want you to take care of Lina because she truly is the mother of your people."

  One of the Fixers stepped forward and offered Floyd a small statue. He accepted the statue and as he looked at it realized it was of Lina. The image of her was of when she was so pregnant and then the tears started flowing. He held the small statue next to his heart and just nodded his acceptance. This caused all of the Fixers to start nodding and then bouncing. Floyd waved and turned to leave but before he could depart the Fixers started playing music on some sort of wind instrument. It was a haunting sound somewhat like the Indian flutes he had listened to. When they were finished Floyd bowed before them in thanks. He needed to wipe the tears from his eyes just to see where he was going.

  Floyd wandered about not really aware of himself or where he was going. He found himself next to the ship and went in to rest and compose his emotions. Mr. Watson greeted him as soon as he entered and Floyd mumbled a reply. He sat in the helm chair and just stared at the small figure in his hands. Mr. Watson kept asking him about the figure and Floyd put it under the high resolution camera so that Mr. Watson could fully visualize the figure. Mr. Watson reported, "It is a good likeness of Lina. I assume this is a gift from the Fixers."

  "I stopped by, hoping to gather them together but they were already gathered. When I gave them the news they presented me with this."

  "What is the meaning of the figure?"

  "I had asked them to make sure they take care of Lina because she was the mother of their people. It is almost like they knew what I was going to say and the figure is their vow to care for her."

  Mr. Watson asked in what seemed like a subdued voice, "What are your orders for me after you have passed onto whatever may be on the other side?"

  "You, Mr. Watson, are to keep your rank as Captain and be responsible for providing the record of the Fixers and perform those ceremonies that they deem necessary." He added, "I would ask that you honor Lina's requests to your fullest ability and try to comfort her. You are to assist the Fixers as they develop their society but must let them follow their own path."

  Floyd leaned back in his chair feeling tired but relieved that he had informed everyone of his illness. Mr. Watson understood that he needed some rest and stayed quiet while Floyd slipped into a restful nap. He slept for the better part of an hour and on awakening said, "The awareness wants to return to the sea. We need to create plans for a container that can be transported on the drone."

  Mr. Watson replied, "Any water-tight container should be adequate for transport to the lake. How do you know it wants to return to the sea?"

  "Often, when I dream, the hectopus seems to insert itself into my dreams. It does not want to return to the lake. The parent hectopus was caught when the underground tunnel collapsed with the earthquake and has perished. We need to release this one far enough downstream that it can move, with the current, to the ocean."

  Mr. Watson said, "This seems very illogical. I suppose it may be possible for such an exchange of thoughts, but only with the concept of information passing to different dimensions. If we had a way of bubbling air into the container it could be of a manageable size."

  "I will let you and the Fixers work on the problem. I had better go help Lina get dinner ready."

  "Floyd, I accept the duties and obligations you have assigned me and will carry them out to the best of my ability."

  The evening meal started out pretty subdued but with six teenage Fixers it could not stay that way. Lina looked at Floyd, worried that the commotion was disturbing him, but he seemed content to watch the ongoing antics of the children. Later in their own bed she asked him, "What did you tell the children?"

  "I told them the kidney disease was coming back and that I would be getting very sick. Ally said she already knew. I told them they needed to help take care of you."

  "What would you have me do when the grayness of the dream returns?"

  "You are the mother of this new people and must use your instincts to guide them but still let them be who they are. I would also hope that you accept my time with you as a gift. Do not grieve my passing but enjoy life and the family we created."

  "I am already grieving and you are still with me. I will try and do as you say but enjoying life will be difficult without you." She wanted to continue talking but Floyd's breathing had taken on the rhythm of sleep and she knew talking was over for the day. Sleep did not come as her mind imagined many futures. Finally the not so gentle snoring of Floyd relaxed her enough that she slept. She awoke to find Floyd gone and after an anxious thought heard his snoring in the main room. She got up and found him sound asleep in his rocking chair with one of the quilts covering him. The book he had been reading had slipped to the floor. Many nights were the sam
e as Floyd's sleep became more and more disrupted by the disease. She said, "Floyd, it is time to wake up." But he did not respond and she had to squeeze his shoulder and repeat it.

  Floyd opened his eyes and said, "I woke up and then could not get back to sleep so figured I would read for a while; seems I dozed off a bit." Floyd rocked forward in the chair and used his arms to help push himself up. By the time he had prepared for the day everyone was up and eating. They all had plans for the day and Floyd got tired just listening to all the different things they were planning. When they had all left to do their chores and whatever else they had been planning, Floyd and Lina shared a cup of their tea which also was running out. Floyd said, "I hope we get a few more coffee beans soon because I would really enjoy a cup of the coffee you made for me."

  "You will have to wait a few more weeks but then I will be able to pick enough for several cups of your coffee. The hops will be ready in about a month and we can make you some more beer."

  "Funny, but I don't crave the beer as much anymore. I suppose it is this damn kidney disease. I really do not want to give this life up, but maybe the grand experiment will show that there is something after death."

  "You have mentioned this grand experiment before but I do not understand what it is."

  "We all die once and get to find out what lies beyond death but we never get to report back to those behind what the results are. The greatest of all experiments and the only reported results are in the religious literature."

  "Do you think the hectopus knows the answer?"

  "No. It is searching as much as anyone and has lived for millions of years without finding the answer. Maybe the little one knows as much as anybody. She told me that just because I die doesn't mean I am not still here."

  Lina was crying and Floyd let her. She said, "I like that image and it will make it easier for me to accept your passing."

  When the tears stopped Floyd got up to check with the Fixers and see if they had a plan for the container to move the hectopus in. They were still hammering on a large deep bowl and stopped just long enough to bow to Floyd. He no longer even noticed the bowing and when he asked if the bowl was big enough for several hours of transport, he was greeted with nodding and bouncing. One of the Fixers brought out a bellows that they used with the forge and demonstrated how they could use it to blow air into the bowl. Floyd nodded his approval but said, "Better make a cover for the bowl: the hectopus can bite. Will it be ready by tomorrow?"

  The nodding and bouncing was an obvious answer and Floyd said, "Thanks." This brought on even more bouncing and nodding. Floyd left but asked that someone find Tesla and send him up to the ship. When Floyd arrived at the ship he was again greeted by Mr. Watson who asked him, "How are you today, Commodore?"

  "Well, I am up and about and that makes it a good day. We need to look at your high resolution map of the stream and plot a route that the drone can negotiate without spilling the hectopus." Mr. Watson began downloading the data from the cube and displaying the route of the river. Tesla arrived and Floyd told him, "We need to find a route for the drone to a point where the stream is big enough for the hectopus." Tesla was intensely studying the maps as Mr. Watson displayed them. He started pointing at an area below what looked like a water fall where another stream had joined with the small stream from their lake. Floyd asked Mr. Watson, "How far?"

  Mr. Watson said, "It is 21.58 miles approximately but the convoluted course of the river is much longer totaling about 70 river miles. It is an interesting observation that most streams are the straight line distance times pi."

  Floyd ignored the science lesson and asked Tesla, "Can you fly over the area and find a route for tomorrow?" Tesla was nodding and bouncing and pointing at a secondary wash to the south of their hill.

  "Good, I'll let you prepare and I'm going to take a nap." Floyd had a dream of the huge hectopus swimming through the dark tunnels that connected the lake with the sea. The ground was shaking and throwing the hectopus against the rocks until it was bleeding. And then the roof collapsed trapping the hectopus under hundreds of tons of rock. Then there was blackness except for a light in the far distance. Floyd stared at the light and realized it was the inside of their space ship. When he awoke Floyd said to the hectopus, "I will make sure you are set on your way to the sea. I hope you have learned what you came to learn." The hectopus crawled out of its corner and sort of stood on its six legs as it focused its eye on Floyd through the water. Then for no reason it crawled back into its corner and curled up again.

  Mr. Watson asked what was going on. Floyd explained, "The big hectopus died in the earthquake and I think this little one was telling me how important it was for it to leave now."

  "How did it tell you these things?"

  "I don't know; it just does, mostly by being in my dreams."

  "This does not seem logical at all."

  Before Mr. Watson could go on Floyd said, "I had better get back and give Lina a hand. There are things to get ready for tomorrow."

  "I see no reason you have to go on this journey. The Fixers are fully capable of delivering the hectopus to the creek."

  "The hectopus needs me to come along and I think maybe I need to say goodbye."

  Floyd was up early the next morning and Lina joined him for the breaking of the fast and a cup of tea. They used each tea bag for three or four days so there was not much tea in their cup of tea. Lina commented that it was their last tea bag. Floyd enjoyed a sip before saying, "My grandfather used to drink something called postum or something. It was made of grain. Maybe Mr. Watson might have a recipe. It's not coffee but better than nothing."

  As Floyd hefted his backpack he was amazed at how heavy it felt but it just had the standard emergency supplies in it. He gave Lina a kiss and headed up to the ship. By the time he arrived he was breathing hard and Tesla had to help him remove the backpack. They had fitted the drone with a seat for Floyd and a hold down for the bowl. Tesla carried the bowl into the ship but refused to put it in the tank. Floyd took the bowl and submerged it in the water. The hectopus half walked half swam into the bowl and curled up. Floyd had to strain to lift the bowl but Tesla would not help until the cover was on. Tesla and two other Fixers carried the bowl out and secured it onto the drone. Mr. Watson had lots of last-minute advice which Floyd only sort of listened to. He said, "At least you could wish me good luck or smooth sailing."

  Mr. Watson replied, "Since you are not sailing the first phrase seems more appropriate. Good luck, Commodore."

  Floyd climbed aboard the seat they had made for him and Tesla drove the drone. On even ground they made good time but on the rougher terrain it was slow going. The journey took about four hours and Floyd was tired from all of the jostling. The spot was interesting with the waterfall dumping into a pool where the other creek joined up. Floyd remarked what a wonderful spot it was for a water wheel. The Fixers were all ears but Floyd did not bother to explain. He had the Fixers lower the bowl into the water and then he took off the cover. The hectopus uncurled itself and seemed to just glide over the edge of the bowl and to its freedom. Floyd did not get his hands pulled free in time and the hectopus managed to take a small bite out of his hand with one of its beaks. "Dang you! Why did you do that? I did what you wanted! I suppose you wanted a piece of me to remember me by."

  The Fixers were concerned but Floyd just used one of their homemade bandages to wrap his hand. He told the Fixers, "It didn't inject me so I will be okay." Floyd reached into the water and pulled the bowl out partway so that the Fixers didn't have to risk the sharp beak. They headed back to the drone and Floyd was dreading the long ride home. When they climbed the hill back up to the plains the plane was waiting with Ally standing next to it.

  She called out, "Father, can I give you a ride?"

  "Yes, my little one, I mean, yes, Ally, you can give me a ride."

  "You can call me 'your little one' if you want. I am big enoug
h now."

  This brought tears to Floyd's eyes and he said, "No, you have developed into a beautiful person and I need to address you by your name. Just forgive me when I forget."

  Ally gave her father a big hug and asked, "Front seat or back?"

  "I'm tired you - take the front and I will just enjoy the flight. I take it that you passed Mr. Watson's test?"

  "I missed one question about the structural effect of flutter on flight characteristics. I will study up on it some more because it seems important when you start to approach higher speeds."

  It was a delightful return flight despite the mild turbulence. Ally was a gifted pilot. They landed and Lina was waiting for them. She helped Floyd walk to their dome. She told him to rest while she fixed him something to eat. Floyd didn't complain but when he sat in his chair he realized it was different. Lina said, "I had the Fixers make you a new chair that will lie back when you pull the lever on the side." Floyd tried the lever and found that the bottom of the chair extended to support his legs as the back moved. Just like the recliner he had at home on Earth. He was asleep almost immediately.