Read Take One Page 12

  Cody looked like he wanted to focus on the music, but he leaned close once more. “Who else auditioned? You said three of you got callbacks.”

  “Me and Bailey, of course. And her boyfriend, Tim.” She assumed this friend knew about Bailey’s boyfriend. “You know Tim, right?”

  “Sort of.” Cody smiled, but something in his eyes shut off a little. He leaned in again. “I’m Cody Coleman.” He had to tilt his head close to hers every time he spoke. “Bailey and I’ve been friends for years. I used to live with her family.”

  Andi nodded and turned her attention back to the front of the room. The guy next to her used to live with Bailey’s family? Why hadn’t Bailey said anything about him? She tried to think of a reason, but all she could come up with was the obvious. He and Bailey were only friends, so why would she have thought to mention him? Still, he’d acted sort of funny when Tim’s name came up. Andi sung a few lines from the song and tried to focus on the words. But it wasn’t easy with Cody beside her.

  The song ended and Daniel told everyone to sit for a few minutes while he went over the announcements. Cody’s arm brushed against hers as they sat, and once more he leaned in close. “Tim and Bailey are still pretty serious?”

  Andi thought the question strange coming from someone who was supposed to know Bailey so well. “I think so.” She gave him a look that said she wasn’t sure of all the details. “They’re together a lot, and they talk on the phone.” Andi remembered Bailey’s words, about not knowing whether she was in love, and not being completely sure of her feelings for Tim. But she kept that information to herself. It wasn’t her place to give Cody all the details, right? Either that or she didn’t want Cody thinking Bailey was anything but happy in her current relationship. Andi didn’t like thinking of her motives that way, so she tuned in once more to the front of the room.

  Daniel talked about each of the flyers, the different opportunities to get closer to God and each other. “This is a great campus, a great school.” His smile remained through everything he said. “But these days we need each other more than ever.” A roar of hoots and hollers and applause came from the crowd. “That’s right,” the leader laughed. “Two weeks on campus and I see you know what I’m talking about!” More appreciative noise from the crowd.

  Andi tried to focus, because it was rude talking while Daniel was still going over announcements, but she was still stuck on that last exchange with Cody. Did he have feelings for Bailey that went beyond friendship? Was that why he wanted to know about Tim? Or was he only a big brother type, interested in the details? Andi hoped it was the latter, because out of all the guys she’d met on campus, none had captured her attention as quickly and completely as Cody.

  Up front the leader was holding up the last flyer. “Finally, is Andi Ellison in the room?” He gave an appreciative grin to a group of guys near the front. “I met Andi before Cru. I just put her together with this last announcement. Andi’s dad is producer Keith Ellison. You might’ve read about him in the newspaper this week. He’ll be on campus with his film crew tomorrow and they’re looking for a few hundred extras.” Another roar of enthusiasm from the crowd. “That’s right. We’re all going to be famous. We got a call about this just a few days ago. Andi, can you stand up?”

  In a heartbeat she remembered that her dad had contacted Campus Crusade to let the kids know about tomorrow’s filming. She stood and gave a slightly awkward wave to the rest of the room. Then just as quickly she sat back down. Whether she wanted to be an actress or not, she was uncomfortable with all eyes on her.

  “You and I’ll have to talk later, Andi. You didn’t tell me your dad was a producer.” He raised his eyebrows up a couple times. “Maybe you can get me a speaking role.” He laughed at himself. “Seriously, guys. Any questions about tomorrow’s filming, talk to Andi.”

  Cody smiled at her, and Andi realized it was the first time he’d done that. “Your dad’s a producer?”

  “Yeah. He and the crew are in town for a month or so.”

  “Big screen?”

  “They hope so. It depends on the studio interest after the movie’s made.” She wondered if he felt even some of the attraction she was feeling. Even so she kept herself in check, not wanting to flirt or appear overeager. He had come looking for Bailey, after all. Without her approval, she would never really consider the boy beside her. Up front the band was launching into another song, pushing Andi closer again to Cody. “It’s an independent film for now. My dad and the other producer want creative control. So no one can change the message.”

  Cody looked interested, but he didn’t add anything else. Instead he looked again toward the back door, and then turned his attention toward the music at the front of the room.

  Andi sang along with the words. The song was “Mighty to Save,” another favorite of hers. It was easiest to believe the way she used to when she sang songs like this. But even still she was only half engaged in the music. Instead she tried to remember the walk from auditions across campus the other day, and how Bailey had reacted when she handed her the note from Cody. She’d been hand-in-hand with Tim, and she hadn’t seemed more than slightly interested by the letter, right? Because if somehow Bailey had feelings for Cody, Andi would be sick at the thought of letting herself be attracted to him. But Bailey hadn’t talked about him at all, so that could only mean one thing.

  She didn’t have feelings for him, not that way at least. Andi had all but convinced herself of the fact, when from the corner of her eye, she saw a blur at the back doorway. Bailey appeared, completely out of breath. But as flustered as she looked, she had clearly gone to the trouble of dressing nice. She had on skinny jeans and a tailored blouse, along with a pretty jacket. Her hair still had curl in it from earlier in the day, and she’d pinned part of it up around her face.

  “Hey!” She mouthed the word as she spotted Andi, and at the same time she must’ve noticed Cody beside her, because for what felt like a long moment, Bailey froze.

  Andi might’ve lived most of her life in a jungle on the other side of the world, but she could spot attraction between two people same as any other girl. As Cody caught Bailey’s stare, their eyes held and Andi had the feeling that for those few seconds they were the only two in the room. She willfully and discreetly moved one seat over from Cody and motioned for Bailey to join them.

  “Hi.” She spoke to both of them as she sat down between them, rolling her eyes at herself. “I needed a blue book from the campus store and I locked my keys in my car. Some security guy had to help me.” She tossed her hands and grinned as she took her seat. “At least he was there when I needed him. It’s pitch dark and freezing out there.” She crossed her arms and rubbed her hands along her jacket sleeves, trying to warm up. “I thought I’d miss the whole meeting.”

  “It just started.” Andi wouldn’t let herself look at Cody, not while she was still trying to figure things out. “Hey,” she leaned in close to Bailey. “Where’s Tim? He’d love this.”

  “He had a meeting with his science professor.” Bailey gave Andi a quick side hug. “He’ll be here next week. Hey, thanks for saving me a seat.” She said nothing about Cody, didn’t raise an eyebrow or cast even a curious glance about what had led her two friends to sit by each other. If Bailey was bothered by Andi’s nearness to Cody, she didn’t let on even a little. But that didn’t change one very clear and unsettling fact.

  The adoring way she’d looked at Cody from the moment she spotted him.


  BAILEY WAS STILL CATCHING HER BREATH, still trying to assess what might have been happening between Cody and Andi, when Cody leaned over and hugged her, the same way she’d hugged Andi a few seconds earlier. It wasn’t a long hug, or one that could be misinterpreted in any way. But for the few seconds it lasted, his arms felt wonderful around her shoulders. He smiled, and in his eyes was a familiarity Bailey missed. “You still have my number?”

  “Of course.” Heat spread through her cheeks. How long since she’d
been this close to Cody, since the two of them had sat together close enough to touch? The answer resonated through her heart immediately. Not since that July afternoon at her parents’ house. Cody was right in his letter. The two of them had practically avoided each other since then.

  “So why didn’t you text me?” His teasing look said he was mildly upset with her. “I could’ve met you in the parking lot at least. That’s no place for a pretty girl like you to be hanging out looking for a security guard.”

  Bailey glanced down at her lap, because it was impossible to draw a full breath while she was lost in Cody Coleman’s eyes. She nodded, in full agreement. The parking lot had been scary, and even with the occasional security guard, she would’ve been smarter to have someone with her. She lifted her eyes to his again. “Next time.”

  He patted her knee and both of them focused on the music at the front of the room. The sound was full and rich, filling the auditorium. Bailey glanced over at Andi, and the two exchanged a smile. But something didn’t seem quite right with her. She hadn’t wanted to look too deeply into the fact that her two friends were sitting next to each other. Andi and Cody had only met for the first time the other day—when Cody asked Andi to deliver the note. But tonight, in the first few seconds after Bailey reached the doorway of the meeting room, she saw something she couldn’t mistake. An attraction—at least from Andi to Cody.

  Bailey’s mind raced with the possibilities. Of course Andi would’ve been attracted to Cody. Who wouldn’t be? And Andi wouldn’t have any idea that Bailey had feelings for Cody that went beyond friendship. Every time the subject of love and relationships came up, Bailey had steadfastly avoided talking about Cody. Her feelings for him were too deep, too private to share right away. Private and complicated. Especially in light of the fact that she was supposed to be dating Tim Reed. Bailey could hardly blame Andi if—in the course of fifteen minutes—she’d fallen for Cody.

  But she couldn’t stand for it either.

  With all that Andi had going for her, Bailey would have to find another college if Cody and Andi began dating. A situation like that would be more than Bailey could handle. Her heartbeat came fast and uneven, shouting at her that she needed to find a way to fix the problem. If there was a problem. Breathe, Bailey … focus on the music and breathe. The song was “Step by Step,” and Bailey directed all her attention to the words: “Step by step, you’ll lead me … and I will follow you all of my days.”

  Slowly, gradually, the panic building inside her faded a little. They’d only spent a few minutes together. It wasn’t like Cody had asked Andi to marry him, or even out on a date. He probably slipped into the room late, saw Andi, and joined her so he’d have an easier time finding Bailey whenever she got there.

  “You okay?” Cody brought his face close to hers again. “You’re quiet.”

  She elbowed him lightly in the ribs and felt her eyes dance as she looked at him. “I’m hardly quiet. We’re singing, remember?”

  He laughed and shielded his eyes for a moment, embarrassed. When he looked up, his cheeks were flushed. “Okay, not that kind of quiet. You know what I mean.”

  “We’ll talk later.” She leaned against his arm for a moment. “It’s good to see you.”

  “You read my letter?”

  “Yes.” Her eyes locked on his. “We need to talk.”

  Cody checked the door again. “Is Tim coming?” His question seemed loaded, especially because his eyes seemed to want more information than whether Tim was joining them for the meeting.

  Bailey tried to find the right words, but the job took a moment longer than she intended. She wanted to tell him that she and Tim were figuring things out, that she wasn’t sure she had romantic feelings for him, and that sometimes she wondered if she weren’t acting out a part—the one everyone expected of her. But with the music playing loud, and the kids around them trying to focus on praising God, Bailey settled for a simple answer. “Not tonight.”

  Cody nodded. Again he patted her knee, and this time his hand seemed to linger a little longer than before. The band up front sang one more song, and then a red-headed tall guy took over.

  Andi whispered in her direction, “That’s Daniel. I met him before Cru.”

  “Looks like he’s funny.”

  “He is.” Her smile seemed intended to convey a deeper message to Bailey—that she was happy and completely uninterested in Cody. In case Bailey wondered. “I can’t believe so many kids turned out.”

  “I know.” Bailey gave her roommate an enthusiastic look. “I’m so glad we heard about this.”

  Daniel took the microphone from the lead singer, and when the band had taken their seats, he welcomed everyone again and reminded them about the flyers. “You gotta check into all these upcoming events. This is going to be our best year ever.” The crowd responded in agreement. When the room quieted down again, Daniel moved closer to the front row and searched out the faces around him. “So why are we here? I mean … why are we really here?”

  Bailey squirmed in her seat, and when her shoulder came up against Cody’s, she didn’t move away.

  His eyes were kind, his smile a permanent part of his face. “You’re here because you love God, and this might be the only place you feel comfortable talking about Him.” He paused, his delivery easy and direct. “There are definitely some pretty girls here tonight.” Another series of laughter.

  Naturally, Bailey thought. Daniel only just met her, but he has a thing for Andi too. She looked beside her, but Andi didn’t seem to notice. Her attention was fully on wherever Daniel was headed with his message.

  “We’re here because we need each other.” Daniel’s smile faded a little. “Coming to Cru is like coming to a family reunion. We belong to the same family and we have a lot in common. That and we’re here to help each other throughout the school year.”

  Bailey thought about how true that was. Her first two weeks at college had been amazing, and a lot of that was because of Andi. Having a roommate who shared her faith was like having a sister—for the first time ever. A bit of guilt spread through her. She couldn’t blame Andi for sitting next to Cody or even for being attracted to him. If Cody didn’t want anything but a friendship, then why couldn’t he and Andi have a thing for each other? The idea felt like sandpaper against her soul, and she hugged her arms to her chest, suddenly colder than before.

  “Here’s what I’m going to ask you. When you come to Cru, come with an open heart and leave all that other stuff at the door. This isn’t the place to gossip about the “emo” girl in your chem class, or laugh about a cheerleader who fell doing the splits at the last home game. At Cru let’s come wanting the best for each other as we grow in our friendships and in our bond with Jesus. Assume nothing but the best of the people sitting on either side of you.” His grin got big again. “That way we’ll have a great time, and we’ll have a lot more energy to focus on the message.” His eyes moved slowly around the room. “Make sense?”

  The sea of kids nodded and muttered their agreement.

  At various times in her life, Bailey had sat through a message where she wondered if her parents or her brother had cued the speaker ahead of time about exactly what words she needed. Without question, this was one of those times. Here she’d come to Cru excited more about seeing Cody than hearing a message. And then when she arrived and saw Andi sitting with him, her heart had done strange flip-flops wondering what she’d missed between the two of them. She was acting practically paranoid, and not once through the worship had her focus really been on anything other than Cody and Andi.

  She stifled a long sigh and stared at the floor near her feet.

  Daniel was finishing. “We won’t go long tonight. There’s a snack table set up and lots to talk about. It’s important you get to know each other. But keep in mind what I said. In this environment, we’re going to expect the best of each other and want the best for each other. We’re going to practice all the one-anothering we can. We’ll serve one another an
d love one another and encourage one another, and at the end of the day we’ll be tight with God and …” he gave the roomful of kids an expectant look. “Tight with …”

  Bailey looked up as the crowd finished for him, shouting in unison, “… one another!”


  Wow, God … that got my attention. Bailey bit the inside of her lip. In light of the message, she felt convinced about what she needed to do next. As long as she was dating Tim, she couldn’t lay claim to Cody—not in any possible way. If he ended up liking Andi—and what guy wouldn’t—then she’d have to get used to the idea. If that was part of God’s plan, she couldn’t fight it or try to change it. After all, long before Andi came into the picture, Cody had made up his mind. He wouldn’t consider dating Bailey. So what point was there in worrying about Andi and an attraction she might have to Cody? If there was one, she needed to rejoice with her roommate and be grateful that two of her closest friends had found their way to each other. Bailey’s brain could agree with all of that completely. She wondered how many more messages like this she’d need before her heart felt the same way.

  Daniel prayed to close the meeting, and as everyone stood and began talking and milling about, Bailey found her happiest smile. “So …” she looked at her friends. “Cody … you met Andi?”

  “I did.” Cody gave a polite nod in Andi’s direction. Bailey tried not to look too deeply into the moment, but nothing in his eyes or expression revealed any interest in Andi beyond what was polite.