Read Talen Page 4

  “Then I should probably warn you that Garrett’s best friend, Logan Kyllwood, will more than likely be with him if they visit.” Talen didn’t have time to worry about female wolves.

  Terrent tapped impatient fingers against the steering wheel. “Great. Twenty-year-old vampire and demon, two horny kids you sent to work in Seattle because they kept getting in trouble, and they’re coming here.”

  Well, since he put it like that. “I give you my word they will both behave and not deflower anybody.”


  Yeah, the boys could be a little wild, but they’d be on their best behavior with Cara there. Truth be told, Talen missed both of them and pretty much would jump at the chance to meet up at the wolf headquarters. The work they were doing was important and good training, but his home was kind of quiet without them. Although his kitchen was stocked for once. “I hope you have a lot of food on hand.”

  “Plenty.” Terrent relaxed as the fires dissipated around them. “Also, we’re safe. The land around our headquarters is well protected from the fires.”

  “Good. Cara was having problems breathing.” Yet another reason the woman should’ve listened to him and gotten out of the line of fire.

  “It’s weird, right?” Terrent asked.


  “Life without the war. Trying to have normal lives when we’ve been fighting for so long. It’s like everybody is trying on new skin that doesn’t quite fit.” The Alpha wolf rubbed his chin, his tone thoughtful. “Although, it’s nice to have peace.”

  “Those of us who’ve lived centuries know that peace is temporary. It’s always just temporary, my friend.” Talen shrugged. “It’s not just that. My instincts are flaring and sharp . . . and I don’t know why. Danger is near, and I can’t quite put my finger on it.”

  “Living through peace is sometimes the hardest part,” Terrent murmured.

  Amen to that. Talen looked down at his sleeping mate. Her dark lashes lay against too-pale skin, and even now a dot of blood marred her upper lip. They had to find some sort of way to allow her the freedom she craved without putting her at risk. “The bigger problem is that when peace ends, it’s often at the price of losing those we love.”

  Nothing and nobody could take this woman from him. Not even peace.

  No matter what.

  Chapter 5

  Cara awoke alone in the wide bed, safe and warm under a thick quilt. She blinked several times and partially sat up to see a still-smoldering fire safely contained in a stone fireplace across the spacious room. Exposed beams made up the high ceiling, while tongue-and-groove wood made up the walls. A window set into the nearest wall showed the very dim dawn light peeking through the blinds. It had to be about four in the morning.

  The bedroom door opened, and Talen strode in, wearing running sweats and a ripped T-shirt. His thick brown hair had matted to his head, and his muscles strained in his arms and neck. His natural scent of wild pine filled the room.

  She blinked. “You went running?”

  “Yes.” He moved past the bed to an attached bathroom, all male grace, quietly shutting the door.

  Wonderful. They’d been attacked by demons, had fought hard, and instead of sleeping, he’d gone for a run in wolf land.

  The shower started.

  She flopped back down and pulled the covers up to her neck. Talen in a quiet mood was never a good thing, and as terrible as his temper could be, she much preferred it to silence. The man had gotten too used to treating her with kid gloves through the years as she’d battled the deadly virus.

  When was he going to see that she was healthy?

  Not that he would’ve been okay with her fighting demons, no matter how strong she became.

  The shower shut off, and her heart started to thrum. Seconds later, he opened the door, a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair hung to his shoulders, and a shadow covered his rugged jaw. The muscles in his chest shifted as he moved, so broad and strong.

  His golden gaze remained steady as he crossed the room, dropped the towel, and slid into the bed.

  She rolled onto her back, keeping some space between them. “Are you mad at me?”


  She didn’t believe him. “It’s okay if you are.” Then they could fight about it.

  “I’m not mad.”

  The stubborn bastard. “I think you are.”

  “I can’t help what you think.”

  Oh, he did not just go passive-aggressive on her. What happened to the full-on aggressive mate she fell in love with? At this point, she was going to have to kick his ass to get him to lose the attitude and treat her like she wasn’t some weak invalid. “You’re being a dick.” She moved to get out of the bed.

  One hand wrapped around her bicep and pulled her across the flannel sheets.

  She kicked out, struggling to be free.

  He casually and way too easily subdued her by rolling over and flattening his huge body over her. “Calling names isn’t nice,” he said, his eyes burning.

  She narrowed her gaze into a glare and tried to ignore the heat pouring from him. His elbows kept his weight off her, but still, the press of sinew and strength made her breath catch in her lungs. His cock, hard as steel, pressed against her clit.

  Desire slid through her, flaring nerve endings to life.

  Her body softened and responded to him, as it had since the first night he’d mated her, so long ago. His bite, his mark, had changed her at a chromosomal level. One that responded only to him, and so damn easily. “We need to talk,” she murmured, her nipples sharpening against his chest.

  “Talking hasn’t done us much good lately.” Desire poured from him, infusing the room with the masculine scent of pine. “Let’s try something else.” His head dipped, and his mouth took hers.

  Every time was like the first time. Shock, heat, and desire so hot it singed. The kiss was electricity and ice, infused with the dark taste of the man himself. His tongue stroked hers, and his sinewed body pressed hers farther into the bed.

  She tunneled her hands through his thick, wet hair, holding tight.

  He growled into her mouth, and wetness spilled between her thighs. So easily, and he knew it. His teeth nipped her lips, wandered down her jaw, and scraped along her neck. “You’re too beautiful for words,” he murmured, his tongue flicking a nipple.

  Pleasure, dark and edged, winged through her. She arched against him, her fingers digging in to his scalp. “Talen,” she moaned.

  He licked her other nipple. “Sometimes I dream about these hard little nipples.”

  Her body pretty much lit on fire from within.

  “But then I realize there’s more pleasure to be found.” He reached up and removed her hands from his head. Kicking the bedclothes away, he dropped to his knees on the floor and yanked her toward him.

  She gasped, her arms flinging out.

  His hands pressed her thighs wide, opening her for him. She looked down, her breath catching at the raw hunger on his face. His gaze, brooding and primal, captured hers as he licked his lips.

  She fought a groan. “Talen?”

  “Mine, Cara. Don’t you ever forget it.” His heated breath brushed her clit, and her body arched. His mouth covered her, and he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  Delicious, decadent, and dangerous. Ecstasy bit into her. She threw back her head and shut her eyes, allowing pleasure to take over her body.

  His fingers caressed her, pressing inside her, stretching her tight flesh. He stroked her inner muscles, his tongue lashing her, until she was thrashing and trembling with the need to climax.

  He kept her right on the edge. She tried to grab his head, but her hands flailed around her. So close. So damn close. Waves of sensation built inside her, so fast, so intense. Pleasure broke over her, and she cried out, arching into his mouth with an orgasm so powerful sparks flashed behind her eyes.

  Talen stood and came over her, fitting his cock at her entrance and working inside her with
slow, deliberate thrusts. His teeth raked her shoulder, and one arm banded around her waist, half-lifting her from the bed.

  His cock filled her, overtook her, pleasured her. He hammered inside her, and mini-explosions rocked her core, all building up to something that almost scared her. She dug her nails into his chest and tilted her pelvis to take more of him.

  He growled low and pounded harder. His teeth latched on to her neck. The erotic pain sent her over, exploding ecstasy inside her. She cried out his name, holding tight.

  He dropped his head to her neck and came, his body shuddering.

  She released him, drowsiness attacking her. He grasped the bedclothes and dragged them up, covering them both before drawing her into his arms to wrap his big body around her.

  “We still need to talk,” she murmured sleepily, wiggling her butt into his groin.

  A hand on her hip stopped her. “Go to sleep.”

  “I’m going to continue to push and work publicly for the humans. You’re going to have to let that temper free at some point,” she whispered.

  He stiffened and then slowly relaxed around her. “You’d better hope not.”

  She blinked. “Why not?”

  “Because if I let this temper free, you won’t be able to sit for a month.” He kissed her head. “Go to sleep.”

  She opened her eyes to stare at the dying fire. A month, huh? Well, some things were worth the end result. For now, she needed to sleep. Then she’d push her stubborn, dominant, Alpha mate to the end of his rope so they could move on from this odd place they seemed to be stuck in.

  God, she hoped they both survived.

  * * *

  Talen slipped from the cabin out to the misty day, taking note of the wolves stationed around the area. He gave a head nod to one of them before continuing down the worn path to a building set deeper into the territory.

  “I wondered when you’d show,” Terrent said, leaning against the rough-worn planks, his scuffed boots crossed. Today he’d donned a ripped gray T-shirt along with older-than-old jeans.

  “Did you wait for me?” Talen asked, stretching his neck.

  Terrent nodded. “Sure. They attacked you and your mate . . . I figure they’re yours for now. Then I’ll discuss their hunting my friends in my territory.” The wolf bared his fangs.

  Talen grinned. “Thanks for the guards.”

  “We always have sentinels roaming the property, but I figured a couple extra around your cabin would be a good idea since your mate was just threatened.” Terrent shoved open the door and stalked inside. “Maggie will probably head over there shortly. She misses her friends at Realm headquarters.”

  “They miss her, too.” Talen followed his friend into a storage area complete with ropes, gardening tools, and what looked like a bunch of empty flowerpots.

  Terrent kept going and kicked open a trapdoor. His boots clomped as he started to descend.

  Talen glanced down, surprised to see wide cement stairs. He followed. The rock walls on either side of the stairs were well lit with mining lights. After minutes of descending, he reached a tunnel cut into the mountain.

  Doors to several cells had been secured to rock and cement walls.

  “The first one, the guy I think was in charge, is in here.” Terrent released several locks on a red steel door before yanking it open.

  Talen nodded and stepped inside. He gave a low whistle. “Impressive.” While rock made up the floor and walls, a bulletproof-glass wall separated his area from the prisoner’s area, which had a cot, a toilet, and a sink. “You’ve put some time into this.”

  “I had hoped never to need it,” Terrent said, stalking to the northern wall to open a silver panel.

  “What’s that?” Talen asked, glancing back at the demon staring at him through the glass.

  Terrent shrugged. “I have the cell rigged to send electrical shocks through it if your pal there tries a mind attack.”

  The wolves didn’t mess around, now, did they? Of course, the safeguards at Talen’s headquarters had plenty of such options.

  He stepped closer to the glass, and once there, he could discern small holes for communication. “Who sent you?” he asked.

  The demon pushed from the bed and stood, his eyes black, his chin up. “Fuck you.”

  Terrent flipped a lever, and the cell lit up. The demon hissed, and his fangs dropped, pain emanating from him until Terrent disengaged the lever.

  “This is boring for me, and I don’t want to see you destroyed,” Talen said calmly. The demon was much younger than he had originally thought, and he really didn’t want to hurt the kid. “But you threatened my mate, and I want answers. Start talking now.”

  “Listen. We were hired for a job, and that’s it. I don’t know or really care about you,” the demon gasped, blood flowing from his nose. “We didn’t do anything to harm you or your mate and just had a job to do.”

  “Who hired you to get the samples?” Talen asked. He wasn’t surprised that there were immortals out in the world who wanted to end all research into a virus that negated bonds.

  The demon blinked. “What samples?”

  Everything in Talen stilled, stretched, and then went silent. “Excuse me?”

  The demon frowned, wariness settling across his smooth face. “Ah, is that what was in the cooler you wouldn’t let go of? We were wondering. What kind of samples?”

  Talen stiffened. “If you weren’t after the samples, why did you attack us?”

  The demon bobbed his head. “We didn’t exactly attack you. All right, we kind of did, but we didn’t do any harm. It was one little job, man.”

  “If you don’t answer the question, I’m going to rip the wall free and then tear you apart,” Talen said through gritted teeth, his stomach roiling. “Once last time. Why did you attack us?”

  The demon backed away, the scent of fear rolling from him. He looked toward Terrent. “I’m requesting asylum from the wolf nation.”

  “Denied,” Terrent drawled. “Answer the vampire’s question.”

  The guy paled. “Okay, but remember it was just a job.”

  “The job?” Talen asked, his voice going hoarse.

  “The girl. The job was to take the woman.” The demon backed to the wall, his hands out. “Safely. We were supposed to transfer her safely and not injure a hair on her head. I promise.”

  Rage boiled through Talen, yet he kept his face stoic. “Who hired you?”

  “A group of demons out of Alaska known as—”

  “The Sadovskys,” Talen said, energy rippling through him as the puzzle pieces dropped into place. He had dossiers on the group as a possible enemy to watch. “Why do they want Cara?”

  The demon swallowed, and his Adam’s apple bobbled. “I don’t know all of it.”

  “Tell me what you do know,” Talen said, rapidly losing patience.

  “She’s called the First One, and they want her for some kind of testing.”

  “Well, shit,” Terrent murmured. “Cara was the first vampire mate infected with Virus-Twenty-seven, wasn’t she?”

  Talen nodded.

  The demon cleared his throat, his need to please obvious. “Plus, I think her granddaughter is the one who cured the virus, right? The baby vampire with an X chromosome? The Sadovskys just want to test Cara.”

  “To create a serum that counteracts the virus,” Talen murmured. The virus was cured, but it had been altered so mated vampires could become unmated . . . maybe.

  “The Sadovskys are purists,” Terrent said.

  The demon nodded. “We were just hired by them because we live local here. We’re not part of their group.”

  “You should be careful who you work for, kid.” Talen moved for the door.

  “Maybe, but you should be careful who you kill,” the demon shot back. When Talen turned around to face him, he paled. “The guy you killed? He was one of the Sadovskys.”

  Explained why the guy fought better than the rest of them.

  “Now they’ll b
e after you as well as your mate,” the demon said quietly.

  Talen shoved open the door and stomped into the long hallway, his gut on fire.

  Terrent followed him. “What about this moron?”

  Talen’s temples began to pound. “We don’t kill morons or young, stupid kids. Beat the hell out of him, scare the shit out of him, and let him go.”

  “That was my thought, as well.” Terrent engaged the locks. “Well, look at the bright side.”

  Talen stopped and turned to face his friend. “Bright side?”

  “Yeah. Your instincts were right on track. Your mate is in danger.”

  Chapter 6

  Cara finished braiding her hair and then walked outside into the crisp morning. Her jeans felt a little tight, but she had just washed them, so she did a couple of leg bends and squats to loosen them up.

  “You’re exercising?” a soft voice said from her left.

  She swung around to see her friend. “Maggie!” Cara hustled down the porch and hugged the wolf shifter. “And no. My jeans are tight.” She laughed.

  Maggie leaned back, shoving curly brown hair from her face. “You look wonderful as usual.”

  Cara grinned. “So do you.” Her friend looked amazing in a deep green sweater with a brown skirt and very cool leather boots. “Great outfit.”

  Maggie rolled her eyes. “Somebody has to dress for success around here. I swear, if it fits, Terrent wears it, no matter how old. Last week he actually put on a pair of bell-bottom jeans . . . the kind from the seventies.”

  Cara winced. “The genuine kind?”

  “Oh, yeah. I burned them that night before he could stop me.” Maggie’s pretty brown eyes lit up. “Then I threw in a cloak from the eighteen hundreds.” She frowned. “Looking back, I might’ve been able to sell that on eBay.”

  Cara chuckled. Wolves were wicked smart when it came to finances. “You would’ve made a fortune.”

  Maggie sighed and tucked her arm through Cara’s. “Come with me. I have a surprise for you.”

  “I love surprises.” Cara trooped along next to her friend, fully appreciating the stunning fall foliage all around them. “It’s beautiful here.” She catalogued a blue spruce, several cottonwoods, many pine trees, and kept going in her head. Finally, they reached a wide clearing in front of a sprawling wooden lodge. “We’re at headquarters.”