Read Talen Page 5

  “Yes.” Maggie stopped and whistled through her teeth.

  The door to the lodge opened, and a large vampire strode through.

  “Garrett!” Cara called, releasing Maggie and running for her son.

  “Mom.” He caught her as she reached him, swinging her up. “I wanted to let you sleep in.” Setting her down, he leaned back to study her. “You all right?”

  She smacked his chest. “Of course. What are you doing here?”

  “Uncle Dage called and said you’d be here.” Shocking gray eyes surveyed the area before he concentrated on her again. “Headquarters is secure, and I like it here.” He smiled, and lines crinkled at his eyes. “The food is great. Huckleberry pancakes.”

  Cara winced. “Don’t eat them out of headquarters, sweetie.”

  “I’ll try.” He looked down at her, so tall and broad. In his early twenties, Garrett was sinewed and fit with Talen’s strong build.

  She reached out and touched his dark hair, which almost reached his shoulders. “You’re growing your hair out?”

  He shook his head. “I hadn’t noticed. Been busy with the Enforcers.”

  “Where’s—” Just as Cara started to ask the question, Logan Kyllwood loped out the front door, munching on a bagel.

  “Mrs. Kayrs,” he said, his green eyes lighting in pleasure.

  “Cara,” she corrected him for the zillionth time. The demon-vampire mix was obvious in his hoarse voice and large build. The boys, both the same age, had quickly bonded when Janie had mated Zane, Logan’s brother. Family was family, as they’d both attested. “Are you two behaving?”

  “We are,” Logan said solemnly, his lips twitching. “Honestly, we don’t have much of a choice, you know? The Enforcers are always around.” The boys were helping the witch Enforcers on a case in Seattle involving a deadly mineral that harmed witches.

  “Ah, I know. How are you feeling about your mother mating Daire Dunne?” Daire was a dangerous Enforcer who had always seemed a little cranky and a lot honorable.

  Logan lifted a massive shoulder. “We decided to let him live.”

  Cara laughed. That was as good as a declaration of love, now, wasn’t it? “Smart of you.”

  “Well, Mom loves him. Plus, she likes to rob banks lately, and Dunne has a talent there.” Logan shifted to the side, his gaze narrowing. “I sense a demon near.”

  Garrett moved faster than she could track, scooping her up and setting her on the porch behind him.

  Cara caught her breath as Logan deposited Maggie right next to her. The boys took up defensive positions in front of them.

  “Oh, hell no,” Cara muttered, planting her hands on her hips. Both she and Maggie knew how to fight. “Garrett Talen Kayrs—”

  “The demon?” Garrett asked Logan, visibly scanning the area.

  Logan shook his head. “It’s muted . . . but I know one is around here. I mean, one besides me.”

  Garrett glanced over his shoulder. Even though he was two steps down from Cara, his eyes were level with hers. “Mom? Do you mind going inside? Please?”

  Her face heated until the tips of her ears burned. “Yes, I do actually mind. I’m trained, and I’m your mother. That means I protect you.” She stomped down the steps but then had to tilt back her head to glare at him.

  He shuffled his feet.

  Cara turned on his friend. “Logan Henry Kyllwood? Why are you angling your body between me and the forest?”

  Logan looked over her head at Garrett, a definite please help expression in his eyes.

  Garrett grasped her arm. “Mom, I’m really sorry, but, well, you know. You’re not a vampire.”

  “Or a demon,” Logan whispered.

  Maggie tripped down the steps. “I’m a wolf.”

  Garrett cleared his throat. “Yes, ma’am.” Even so, he turned just enough to block both women from the unguarded tree line.

  Cara rolled her eyes. “You two are unbelievable.”

  Two girls wandered out from around the lodge, both with long hair and short skirts. They stopped cold and then smiled.

  Garrett frowned. “Where the hell is that demon, Logan?” he muttered.

  Logan drew in a breath. “I’m not sure.”

  One of the girls bounced closer. “Did you say ‘demon’? You mean, the ones they have in the cells?”

  “Cells?” Garrett asked, remaining ridiculously close to his mother.

  “Yeah. The demons that chased Mrs. Kayrs are in the cells being, ah, questioned right now.” The girl closest to them smiled. “I’m Shannon, and this is Andrea.”

  “Hi,” Andrea said, her eyes sparkling.

  “Well, hello.” Logan slid toward the girls, obviously no longer worried about a demon attack.

  “Oh, hell no,” Terrent Vilks bellowed, emerging from the trees.

  Logan sighed.

  Cara caught sight of Talen right behind the wolf, and she took a quick inventory. No blood. Whatever questioning had occurred apparently hadn’t taken much of a fight. “Did they say who wanted the samples?”

  “Kind of.” Talen reached them and clasped his son in a hug. Then, for good measure, he hugged Logan, too. “Thanks for coming.”

  “Sure.” Garrett smiled and shifted so that Talen was between him and Cara. “Mom’s glad we’re here.”

  Logan nodded solemnly.

  Cara shook her head. “I’m really glad you boys are here, but you have to lay off the caveman-protectiveness crap. I have enough to deal with right now with your dad.”

  Garrett dipped his head toward the girls. “I’m Garrett.” He flashed a dimple.

  Andrea chuckled.

  “No. No, no, no.” Terrent pointed at the girls. “Both of you have duties to attend to, and now is the time to get to it.”

  Andrea pouted. “Somebody has to show the visitors around.”

  “Not you.” Terrent bared his teeth. “Work. Now.”

  Shannon rolled her eyes. “Fine, but we’ll be finished by lunchtime.” Her smile lit up the entire clearing. “We’ll see you guys then.”

  “Sure thing,” Logan agreed.

  Talen waited until the girls had headed across the clearing to a bunch of cabins before speaking. “You two are such complete dorks.”

  “They didn’t think so.” Garrett rocked back on his heels. “I kinda liked Andrea.”

  “Good. Shannon seemed to like me.” Logan fist-bumped his buddy.

  Terrent growled as only a wolf could do.

  Maggie smacked his arm. “Knock it off.”

  “Their mothers are on that mah-jongg cruise, and we’re supposed to watch out for them.” Terrent straightened to his full and rather impressive height. “If anybody, and I mean anybody, touches either one of them, I will personally rip off his balls and shove them in his ears.”

  Logan winced. “Geez, man.”

  “Define touch,” Garrett murmured.

  Cara gasped and slapped her son’s arm, while Talen bit his lip, obviously trying not to laugh. “Do not encourage him,” she admonished her husband.

  Talen clapped Garrett at the base of the neck, and by her son’s wince, it wasn’t gentle. “We’re guests here,” Talen said.

  Garrett gave a short nod. “Got it.”

  “Logan?” Talen asked.

  “I understand.” Logan stuck his hands in his worn jeans.

  Talen released Garrett, and by the twisting of his lips, he was still fighting a proud smile. Apparently smart-asses liked that quality in their offspring. “Why don’t you guys go make yourselves useful and help the shifters drop the demons off back in town? Logan, as a demon, you should be able to ensure no demon attacks.”

  “Sure thing.” Logan nodded.

  Terrent pointed toward a trail into the woods. “Go that way, and you’ll meet up with Lock and Ace, who are taking care of the demons. Thanks, guys.”

  The boys took off.

  Talen snorted and repeated his son’s words. “ ‘Def ine touch.’ ”

  Terrent grinned. ??
?Definitely your kid, Kayrs.”

  Pride glowed in Talen’s golden eyes. “Copy that.”

  “Keep them away from the innocent cheerleaders, all right?” Terrent asked.

  Cara hummed. The cheerleaders had seemed more than capable of taking care of themselves.

  Maggie snorted. “Those two are more dangerous than Garrett and Logan put together. Assassin cheerleaders who can fight better than any warrior I’ve ever seen.”

  Terrent shrugged. “Don’t care. No sex on my watch. When their mamas get back, then they can go as wild as they want.” He slung an arm over Maggie’s shoulder and tugged her into his lean body. “Morning, darlin’.”

  Maggie smiled and leaned up to kiss his chin. “Did you have fun with the demons?”

  “Kind of.” Terrent’s lips turned down. “Was over quick, though. Not much to do. Demon was barely an adult and gave up the information fast.”

  Cara’s eyebrows lifted. “Did they say who hired them to get the samples?”

  Terrent cleared his throat, his gaze going to Talen.

  Cara frowned. “Talen?”

  He grasped her hand, his palm instantly enclosing her knuckles with warmth. “Let’s go for a little walk, and then we can meet back here for breakfast.” Without waiting for her agreement, he started down a path toward the mountain and tugged her along at his side.

  “I’ll get coffee going,” Maggie called from behind them.

  Cara nodded and tripped alongside him. He slowed down. “Sorry.”

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  He breathed in, his muscled form blocking out the sun. “The demons were sent to take you by a purist group from Alaska.”

  Her stride hitched. “What?”

  “The group is against any research into negating mating bonds, and since you were the first ever infected, that they know about anyway, they want you for testing.” His voice remained low and calm, but tension swelled from him with the heat of anger.

  Crap. “So I’m in danger again.”

  “Apparently so, mate. Sorry about that.” He sounded more irritated than sorry.

  “I’m not living my life hiding at headquarters,” she said, searching deep for both patience and strength. When he started to answer, she held out a hand. “Oh, I’m not going to do anything stupid or put myself in danger, but if we take precautions, we can still live a little.” They had the best trained forces in the entire world at their disposal, and once in a while, she needed to explore the world.

  “I understand,” he said.

  But did he? Somehow, she wasn’t sure.

  Chapter 7

  Several hours after leaving wolf territory, Talen had to admit that having the boys in the backseat of the borrowed Escalade eased his mind a little bit. He’d had time to train them since the war had ended, and they both fought well.

  Cara relaxed in the passenger seat once again, humming softly to herself. She liked having the boys there as much as he did.

  “Are you feeling better?” he asked, taking note of her sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks.

  “Much.” She rubbed both hands down her dark jeans, her fingers digging into her knees. “Just fine.”

  Logan leaned forward. “A demon mind attack can leave impressions for a couple of days. You’re probably still feeling the aftereffects.”

  She nodded. “I think so, too. My head still aches a little bit.”

  Talen frowned and leaned over to brush his fingers against her forehead. A slight pounding, a bit of a pain, echoed in his own brain. He drew out her pain, all of it, and allowed his head to hurt for a second before banishing the ache into nowhere.

  She smiled. “Much better.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked. One of the greatest pleasures of his life was taking away any pain she had.

  She shrugged. “It just started to hurt a little while ago. Not enough to really worry about.”

  That was his woman—tough and stubborn. Yeah, she was right about exploring the world a bit, and he could understand her desire to do so since she’d been cooped up for so long during the war. She hadn’t even had a chance to take immortality out and play with it yet. Although, she could lose her head and her life, so she still needed to be careful.

  She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “You’re thinking awfully hard.”

  “I was thinking of a trip to Africa. That maybe you’d like to visit there.” He could show her the world and cover her back at the same time.

  Her smile lit up her entire face. “I’ve never been there and would love to go.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Garrett chimed in from the backseat.

  “Me too,” Logan agreed.

  Talen cut them a look. “You two are heading back to work with the Enforcers until that stupid Apollo drug is taken off the streets. Then we’ll talk about you guys doing some traveling.” He wouldn’t mind having them protect Cara at all times. But first, they needed to see their mission through.

  They took the interstate and made several changes until arriving at an innocuous building in downtown Bellevue. Talen parked outside in a no parking area.

  “Take the cooler inside to Dr. Brown, get a receipt, and come back out,” Talen said to the boys.

  They nodded, and Garrett carried the cooler out of the car and swept the vacant sidewalk with his gaze before he and Logan strode through the glass front door, acting like any other messenger service.

  “They look so grown-up,” Cara said, watching them disappear into the three-story brick building.

  “I know.” Talen reached out and covered her hand with his. “I called the Enforcers earlier and asked if they could have a few days off, and Kellach said it was fine.”

  Cara leaned forward, and her eyes sparkled. “They can come to Hawaii?”

  “Yes, but they’re staying in their own room.”

  “Totally agree.”

  They sat there in comfortable silence for a few moments. The misty day hung around them with the promise of rain.

  Cara played with a loose string on her jeans. “I feel like we’re not getting along.”

  His hand covered hers. “We’re getting along, but for some reason, you’re pushing me and hard. I don’t understand why.”

  She turned, and a smile tickled her mouth. “I’m tired of you treating me like I’m still ill. Like I’m fragile.”

  He studied her, those dark eyes knowing, obviously thinking through his response. “You are fragile, but I know you’re not ill.” Sighing, he tugged her closer to him and immediately surrounded her with the scent of male and pine. “You’re also unsettled, and you’re looking for something, and I can’t figure out what it is. It’s frustrating.”

  She blinked. Was she looking for something? Her life had been on hold for so long, perhaps she need to think things through. But no matter what, she was strong enough to be Talen Kayrs’s mate, and he needed to realize that fact. “I have a thought to shake things up,” she mused.

  He barked out a laugh. “That’s all I need.”

  Perhaps that was exactly what he needed. Cara opened her mouth to say so, when a loud boom erupted from the building.

  She gasped and scooted over to look out the window.

  “Hell.” Talen tapped an ear communicator. “Garrett? Logan? Status now.”

  Smoke billowed out from a second-floor window. “There’s fire.” She moved to open the door, and Talen stopped her with a hand on her arm. Her head swiveled. “Let go. The boys are in there.”

  “I know.” Talen flipped open the glove box and drew out two green guns, handing her one. “Stay in the car.” Indecision darkened his features.

  Heat flared through Cara. “Go help the boys. I’ll start the engine in case we need to run.”

  Another explosion rocked the day.

  Talen looked at the silent doorway, a muscle ticking in his jaw.

  Cara smacked him with the gun. “Go get the boys.”

  “Can’t leave you.” His teeth clench
ed together, and his entire body vibrated. “The boys can fight.”

  “If you’re not going, I am.” She reached for the latch on the door.

  “No.” He pulled her away.

  Glass shattered, and Cara twisted to see Garrett fly through the air on top of another man. They landed on the sidewalk with a loud thump, and cement flew in every direction.

  “Garrett!” she yelled, kicking free of Talen and shoving the door open.

  Talen was right behind her, gun out, gaze surveying the broken window on the second floor. “Is he okay?”

  “No.” Garrett groaned and rolled off the unconscious man. A cut bled above his right eye, and bruises already darkened his chin. “The demons were waiting for the samples.” He stood and shook his head, spraying blood, and turned for the front door.

  “Wait.” Cara grabbed for his arm. “What are you doing?”

  “Logan is in there,” Garrett said grimly. “Hey. Can I have that gun?”

  Cara handed over the weapon, her mind spinning. “Talen? Go with him.”

  The pattering of gunfire filled the day.

  Suddenly, Logan leaped through the glass doors, scattering shards, the green cooler in his hand. Talen swept Cara up and around, shielding her from the glistening sharp projectiles.

  “Go, go, go,” Logan yelled, dodging into the back of the SUV.

  Two men in all black, both bleeding profusely, ran out the door, already firing at the vehicle.

  Talen tossed Cara into the passenger side and ran around to the front, firing his gun the entire time. The two men jumped to opposite sides, out of the barrage of bullets.

  “Seat belts,” Talen said grimly, igniting the engine and hitting DRIVE in one smooth motion.

  Garrett leaned out the backseat window, firing at the men still shooting. One bellowed in a shout of pain. “Fucker,” Garrett muttered, getting off several more shots before Talen careened around a far corner.

  The boys sat back, both breathing heavily.

  Cara turned around, her heartbeat roaring through her head and echoing in her ears. “Are you all right?” she gasped.