Read Taming Kane, Claiming Mia Page 12


  Mia sat at her cubicle checking her emails. This morning had been really busy with her colleagues coming up to her every few minutes to congratulate her on being selected to go undercover in the anniversary issue. The only person who had not stopped her to extend their congratulations was Lauren, but Mia was not surprised. As Mia skimmed through the messages, a text message from Tinley caught her attention. Mia reached for her phone.

  Just wanted to give you the heads up. Sylvia Jameson from Temporary Solutions just text me informing me that she just sent your fake resume over to Parker Physical Therapy & Pilates. Brittany Parker Thomas, Kane’s sister will be contacting you before the end of business today. So make sure you answer the Nicole Anderson phone okay?

  Okay. Gotcha! I texted back.

  Let me know how everything goes, okay? she replied.

  Sure thing!

  Mia’s heart thundered. She couldn’t believe things were happening so quickly regarding this expose. It was game time, time for her to show Tinley her worth. As she played with the Nicole phone, Mia received another message, this time it was an email. Her breath hitched in her throat. The message was from BRussell.

  “This is not happening today.” Mia’s hands immediately flew to her temples and she began to rub. Part of her was ready to toss the message right in the trash without reading it, but a curious part of her wanted to see what he wanted.

  Hey love,

  I hope this email finds you doing well. I know you are probably wondering what in the hell I am thinking right…emailing you after you made it painfully clear two and a half years ago that you wanted nothing more to do with me, and you know what? That is understandable. I wanted you to know something though, I finally divorced Alicia and we are working towards an agreement on co-parenting the kids. I wanted you to know this Mia because baby I never stopped loving you…I miss you…I miss us. I know what I did was wrong, but baby loving you was so right. Anyway I will be in town in a couple of weeks and would love to see you.

  Slowly balling and unballing her fists, Mia hurriedly deleted Brian’s message. How dare he email her after all this time to say he loved and missed her! The man had taken her kindness for weakness. He had used her, and she knew nothing about it, until she decided to call his home phone. Anger, hurt, and frustration boiled within her. “Okay, I cannot do this right now.” Mia darted from her seat and pushed her chair in.

  “Hey Mia, I wanted to stop by to say congratu-” the smile Tinley’s assistant Liz was wearing left her lips. “What’s wrong?”

  Mia tried her best to plaster on a fake smile. “Nothing. Just need to get some air.”

  “Want me to come with?”

  Mia shook her head. “No thanks. I just really need to be alone right now. I will see you when I get back.”

  “Call me if you need me.”

  Mia waved a hand over her shoulder and trotted to the elevator. Blinking back tears she reached inside her Coach purse and retrieved a pack of gum. “I cannot do this right now.” Embarrassment, hurt, and anger embraced her like a long lost friend as she entered the small space of the elevator. She felt the tears streaming down her cheeks as she rushed inside. Head bowed. Eyes closed. Mia counted down from twenty hoping the ride would help ease her frazzled nerves as she wiped at her cheeks. The elevator softly dinged open, she stepped out and strolled out the front door towards her car. Mia shoveled a stick of gum into her mouth. She felt the tension slowly subside as the refreshing minty flavor slid across her taste buds. Reaching for her keys startled Mia nearly choked on her gum. “Are you stalking me?”