Read Taming Kane, Claiming Mia Page 13


  If I said no, she still wouldn’t believe me. Kane leaned his long athletic body against the car, his legs crossed at the ankle. “Stalking you? No,” he replied smoothly, his eyes lingered drinking in her lush curves. He loved the way her soft tendrils cascaded around her face and the vulnerability lingering in her eyes. Kane drew in a deep breath. What is it about this woman?

  Ignoring the X-rated thoughts of what he wanted to do to her, Kane continued, “Curious about what’s going on between us? Yes.”

  After leaving Brittany’s office, Kane called Stephanie and made sure she cleared his schedule until four o’clock, so he had a bit of downtime. On the drive to Beachwood, all he could think about were those alluring almond shaped eyes, perfect pouty lips and sinful body that caused awareness within him. That awareness scared him. He had never experienced a connection that downright drew him into another person in the manner that Miss Congeniality had. So when he pulled into the parking lot creeping past empty spaces, he almost felt it was fate when he spotted her silver Camaro. He parked in the vacant spot next to it and waited.

  His mind raced when he spotted her ambling out of the building in a tizzy. She was wearing this gloomy expression that hit him directly in the stomach. The passion she possessed yesterday when they met was long gone and replaced with something that looked like isolation. The mere thought of her being down did something to him. Feelings he could not finger swelled within his chest. He wanted to pull her into an embrace, rub his strong hands up and down her back to reassure her that whatever was bothering her was not that iniquitous, and if she needed to talk, he would be willing to listen. He slid from his car, posted up against the door, hoping she would make her way over to her car and probably not just stand in front of the building. When she trekked over to her car, he did his best not to get too excited, but he felt the smile tugging at his lips. He watched with longing at the way she drew her full bottom lip and sucked on it. He was dying to know if it tasted as succulent as it looked.

  “Curious huh?” She eyeballed him like she did not believe him. “And just what are you curious about sir?” She ran her fingers through her curly tresses in an attempt to keep the wind from whipping it all over the place.

  “About you and I, of course. I’ve never been one to beat around the bush. I’ll get right to the point-”

  “Please do because I have better things to do with my time.”

  Kane smiled. “Well let me hop to it then seeing that I am on borrowed time.”

  “That you are.”

  He chuckled softly. “The first thing I need you to do is stop pretending like you didn’t feel or enjoy the obvious chemistry between us yesterday when we met in the lobby.”

  Mia motioned her hands between them, “You call that chemistry? See, the vibe I was getting was more like annoyance and umm irritation.”

  He laughed, and a few moments later, Mia’s lips upturned in a crooked smile.

  “Well, well, well, you do smile.” He announced loving the way her full lips showed off perfect white teeth. She was radiant.

  “I guess that means I am the only one feeling it then, hmm?” He noticed a blush flirt at her cheeks from his question. I take it that blush means you agree?” He smirked.

  “I’m pleading the fifth, and I will have you know the only reason my cheeks are red is because it is a bit chilly out here.” Mia rubbed her hands up and down her arms to back up her claim.

  “Sure.” Kane teased, “Blame it on the bipolar Cleveland weather. I will buy that excuse for now.”

  Flustered, Mia retorted, “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you.”

  “What if I wouldn’t have come out of the building?”

  “You would have eventually.”

  “Is that what you believe?” She folded her arms across her chest as she leaned against her car.


  “What makes you so sure?”

  “Let’s just say this feeling I have in my gut.”

  “Oh no,” Mia rolled her eyes, “Not the gut feeling.”

  “What’s wrong with the gut feeling?”

  Mia shrugged. “Other than your line sounding pretty lame? Nothing. But hey, if that’s what you want to believe.”

  “It’s not what I want to believe, but what I know.” He inclined his head so that he could get a better look at her. Now that, you are out of the building, I need to know what’s wrong?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Something is bothering you. What is going on?”

  A frazzled sigh escaped through Mia’s lips. Squinting her eyes suspiciously she said, “Trust me. It is nothing I would care to share with you.”

  “Try me.”

  “Do you hear how crazy you sound?” she asked, her face marred with impatience, “I do not know you from Adam, and you do not know me from Eve.”

  “Don’t you see that’s what’s exciting about this? Two perfect strangers conversing sharing our feelings getting what’s bothering us off our chest. It is a great stress reliever.”

  “Sex is too-” Mia clamped a hand over her mouth. “Wait that did not come out right.”

  His brow raised suggestively.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter, and let me finish,” she rolled her eyes heavenward, “What I meant to say is that sex is a stress reliever, but that does not mean we are going to do it. Ever. You are crazy.”

  “Not crazy. Convinced.”

  “Convinced?” Mia’s face mirrored skepticism. “Whoa.” She shot her hands up in the air, “If you think for one minute I am going to sleep with you…”

  “You are moving way too fast, sweetheart.” He chuckled. “We have not even had our official first date yet, and you are already trying to get me in your bed.”

  Mia sputtered, “I-I was not.”

  “Calm down.” He patted her shoulder. “What I was trying to say is that I’m convinced that if I asked you to have a bite to eat with me, you would.”

  “Why would I do that Casanova?” She moved from his grasp.

  He cracked up at the nickname she had given him earlier. “For starters,” he rubbed his hands together, “All I have had to eat today was yogurt and a banana, and I am starving, and I can see by the way you are killing that gum, you are hungry too.”

  “I see someone has jokes.”

  He held his hands up in his own defense. “I’m merely making an observation.” He shrugged a smile curling his lips. “Am I wrong?”

  Mia shifted her weight from one heel to the other while sizing Casanova up. “I’m just supposed to stop everything I am doing and agree to get something to eat with you?”

  “Why not?”

  “Were you not listening? I do not know you, and for all I know you could be some psycho crazy stalker.”

  “True. But in the past few minutes we’ve been talking have I displayed any psycho crazy tendencies?”

  “Well, you are parked next to my car.”

  The couple shared a look and laughed.

  “Admit it.” He thrust his hands in the pockets of his slacks. “You’re enjoying this conversation, but you have to keep your stubborn front up. God forbid you actually meet a decent man who is not a cold-hearted jerk right?”

  “What? Do you think you know me?”

  “Let’s just say I have a gift for reading people.”

  “You are still not helping with your case, Casanova.”

  “Come out to eat with me, so you can get to know me.”

  “Who says I want to get to know you?”

  Kane’s greenish blue eyes sparkled mischievously. “You don’t have to say anything. Answer this question. If you didn’t want to get to know me would you still be out here talking with me?”

  “Please do not flatter yourself. I needed to get some air.”

  “So you say.”

  “Anyway,” Mia waved a dismissive hand in the air. “How do you expect me to go anywhere with you and I do not even know
your name?”

  “It’s Casanova.” He remarked slyly and hit the power unlock button on his key ring. Glancing over his shoulder he said, “Are we going out to eat or not?”

  Mia shook her head. “I cannot believe I am doing this, but with the way I am feeling right now, all I can say is lead the way.”