Read Taming Kane, Claiming Mia Page 14


  Mia pulled out her iPhone and punched in her sister’s number as soon as she started her car. As soon as Marlo’s voice filled her ear, she quickly filled her in on the Brian’s email, her needing some air, and finding Casanova at her car.

  “First off, Brian is an ass. Please do not respond to his email.”

  “I won’t.”



  “Please don’t fall into his trap again.”

  “Marlo, you do not have to worry. I have nothing more to say to Brian. It is over and done with. I want nothing more to do with him.”

  “Okay great. I just want to make sure we are on the same page here.”

  “We are,” Mia answered truthfully. Although part of her felt a certain kind of way with memories of the good times she and Brian shared came flooding back to her, but deep down Mia knew that being with Brian was not an option. He was a liar and a cheater and she wanted nothing more to do with him.

  “Anyway, enough about Brian. I’m done with that situation but moving on to Casanova, you don’t think me going out to lunch with a guy who was practically stalking me sounds a little bit crazy?”

  “How else was he going to find you silly? It’s not like you gave him your number so he could call you, and ask you out.”



  “I forgot who I was asking. You are a nut so of course this makes perfect sense to you.”

  “Girl, hush. And have fun. Live a little.”

  “All I am saying is let’s be rational about this. Me going out with a man I do not know does not sound strange to you?”

  “Technically, you do know him, you met him yesterday remember? Let’s not forget you said the chemistry between you two was unlike anything you have ever experienced with any man right?”

  “Right,” Mia answered truthfully. She maneuvered her car through traffic making sure to stay behind Casanova’s shiny Audi. “I don’t know what it is about this guy, why am I feeling him? Could it be because I have not had any real male attention in two years?”

  “That’s partially true, but it could be that there is something about him that you really like but are scared of trying to pursue it. You two made a connection. He felt it, and you did too, otherwise you would not be following him to lunch to get to know him better.”


  “I’m just keeping it honest, boo. And besides, I could say the same thing about Steve and myself.”

  “What’s going on with Steve?”

  “Well, I took December’s advice. He came in this morning asking for the usual, and while we were making mindless chatter he gave me the once over and asked if I was busy this weekend.”

  “No way.” Mia squealed excited.

  “Girl.” Marlo gushed. “I tried to play it cool, but I slid him my number and told him to call me later on tonight so we could talk.”

  “Oh my goodness. I’m so happy for you.”

  “It was funny. He said he’s been wanting to ask me out, but he did not want to seem over eager.”

  “That’s great.”

  “I’m not going to send out wedding invitations any time soon, but this is definitely a start in the right direction, if you know what I mean.”

  “I do know what you mean.” The sisters chatted a few more minutes about possible date ideas before Mia pulled into a parking spot. “Legacy Village has so many eateries, I wonder where we are going.”

  “Does not matter just have a good time and eat.”

  “What if we have nothing in common?”

  “And what if you do?”

  “That’s what I am afraid of.”

  “Sweetheart, you need to relax and live. Go enjoy yourself. The man is not proposing, he just wants to share a meal with you. At the most, you are making a new friend, maybe more and getting a free meal.”

  Mia pulled down the visor and examined her reflection. Her chunky twist out looked amazing. She quickly applied clear gloss to enhance the crème brule lipstick she was wearing. “You know what? You are right. This is just lunch, no big deal.”

  “Will you please do me a favor?”

  “Of course. What’s up?”

  “Stop thinking so much, and just have a good time.”

  “I will.” Mia promised her older sister.

  “Make sure to fill me in on all the deets with your new boo,” said Marlo.

  “I’m hanging up now.” Mia laughed and disconnected the call. Her sister was crazy. As Mia dabbed at her lips, she watched as Casanova shuffled past her car. He was on the phone, and from what she could see, he was in the middle of a very intense conversation. Those kissable lips of his were stiff, not at all relaxed as when they were talking moments ago and his body was rigid. He had a vice like grip upon the phone. Baby mama drama maybe? Mia thought. “Maybe this is not a good idea.” She felt her heart palpitate. “That’s it, I’m going to let him know that I have to get back to work.” Mia slid out of her car to catch the tail end of his conversation.

  “I told you we will talk about this later.” His voice was gruff with a rough edge as he hung up.

  “Is everything okay?” Mia clasped her hands together.

  “Fine.” Kane smiled. “Why do you ask?”

  “Well, a moment ago, you looked as if you were ready to pounce on someone.

  “Trust me. That was nothing. Let’s eat, I am starving,” he responded placing a protective hand on the small of her back as they trekked to the restaurant.

  Mia inhaled sharply at the intimate gesture. His delectable cologne combined with the warmth emanating from his strong hand caused her head to spin. His energy slowly seeped into her aura and she thought for sure her knees were going to give in. The familiarity of his touch sent an electric current straight to her chest causing her nipples to tingle. She stopped short.

  He slowed his steps. “Are you okay? His face was full of worry as his warm breath tickled the base of her neck.

  “Fine. I am fine.” Mia squeaked as the hostess led them to their table. She announced that their server would be with them shortly and disappeared. Kane, the gentleman that he was, waited until she slipped into the booth before he took a seat.

  Mia nervously twirled a tendril around her index finger. She took Casanova in his tanned sun-kissed skin, strong jaw, his suckable pink lips. She inadvertently touched her mouth and sighed.

  “What is on your mind?” He waved a hand in front of her face.

  She felt her cheeks flush. “Oh nothing. I was just thinking.” Mia opened her menu shielding the horror plastered on her face. Get it together chick!

  Using his index finger, he lowered her menu so he could see her. “Care to share?” His gaze locked intently upon hers.

  “Oh no,” she lifted her menu back and resumed skimming through selections. There was no way she was going to tell him he was making her hot.

  “Come on, there is something going on in that head of yours. Do not hold back on my account.”

  Mia waved him off. “If I wanted you to know, I would tell you.”

  “I see.” He smirked his eyes leaving hers as he skimmed his menu.

  Mia lowered her menu. They shared a look and she giggled.

  He just smiled at her. “You sure are tough to crack.”

  “What can I say?” She shrugged, “I am just who I am.”

  As the couple continued to get a little more acquainted, their server joined them, and gave them a thorough explanation of the specials. After fielding questions about mixing and matching, she scribbled down their orders and made her way back to the kitchen.

  Kane raised his ice water to his lips. He took a healthy swallow then said, “Well, since you’re not going to share what you’re thinking about, at least tell me a little bit about yourself.”

  Mia opened her napkin and met his eyes. “What exactly is it you want to know?”

  She watched him lean forward his greenish blue eyes twinkli
ng as he responded, “The first thing I want to know is the real reason you agreed to have lunch with me. How was I able to wear you down?” He winked.

  Mia’s heart played pitter patter game. Good question. Why was she here? Running her tongue across her bottom lip, she noticed his eyes fixed on her. God, this man was turning her on just with his subtle glances. Their server returned with their pot, broth, and food, and explained the cooking process. Once the server left them, she found her voice as she dipped her skewers full of chicken into the bubbling broth.

  “If you must know, the real reason I agreed to have lunch with you is because I was tired of you begging and I have never been one to turn down a free meal,” Mia responded playfully.

  Kane laughed as he stabbed pieces of seafood and broccoli on the skewers and set them in the liquid. “Okay, fair enough.”

  “Hey,” Mia shrugged, grabbing her skewer and setting her chicken on the plate, “I am just being honest.” She sank her fork into her meal and raised it to her lips.

  “I can see that.” He kept his eyes glued to hers.

  “What?” She covered her mouth suddenly self-conscious. “I’ve got something in my teeth, don’t I?” She cowered in her seat.

  “No.” He smiled shaking his head. “I just really think you are beautiful and I cannot help but to stare.”

  “See?” She tossed her head back and cackled. “There you go with that game.”

  “What?” Kane swallowed. “No game here, love. I am serious. You are beautiful, and whatever your reason is for joining me all I can say is I am glad you did.”

  “Thank you,” Mia whispered her leg shaking. Was it hot in there? She quickly fanned herself moving her eyes from Kane’s and focusing on her chicken cooking in the pot.

  Mia and Kane spent several silent seconds eyes locked on one another until he jumped and snatched his cell phone from his hip. He groaned as he read the screen.

  Jealousy swarmed Mia and she gritted her teeth.

  Stop it! He is not your man. Why should you care if he is seeing someone? she silently checked herself. “You better answer that Casanova. You do not want to spend the night in sofa city do you?” she joshed.

  “Hey, hey now,” he set the phone on the table. “It’s just my sister.”

  “Sure it is.”

  “No. Seriously,” Kane answered meeting her eyes. He lifted his napkin and wiped his mouth. “I was just sitting with her a few hours ago and now she’s putting an APB out about my whereabouts. I don’t know what it is. She just has to know where I am at all times. That’s who I was talking too when you asked if everything was okay.”

  “Please do not do that.” Mia raised a hand for him to stop as she swallowed. “You do not owe me an explanation.”

  “Yes I do,” he announced sincerely as he powered off his phone. “It is rude and I apologize for the interruption. I should have turned it off and given you my undivided attention the moment we arrived.”

  Mia could feel the genuineness oozing from him so she nodded in agreement. “Yes, you should have.”

  “Do you forgive me?”

  “I will let it slide this time,” she taunted.

  “So, you are acknowledging that there will be other dates in our future?”

  “We’ll just have to play that by ear, Casanova.”

  The duo ate in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes occasionally stealing longing glances at each other until Kane broke their silence. “Let me ask you something.”

  “Sure. Go ahead.”

  “Well, since you won’t tell me your name or what it is you do,” he teased, “Tell me are you at least happy with your career?”

  “Love it.”

  “That’s great,” he said chewing a mouthful of shrimp. “I am passionate about what I do as well. My philosophy is the moment your career starts to feel like a job, it is time to take things to the next level.”

  “I agree.” Mia relaxed smiling. It was time someone could relate to how she felt about her writing career. “As a matter of fact I am getting ready to take things to the next level. I have worked so hard to get to where I am and I was figuring out ways to discuss reasons why I should be promoted with my supervisor, but she beat me to the punch and now I am up for a promotion.”

  “That’s wonderful. My father always told me never become complacent. There is always room for growth.”

  “You are correct. If my supervisor didn’t recognize my growth or contribution, I was sure going to let it be known soon.”

  “You have a lot of moxie.” He reached for his glass of ice water. “I like that. When you want something in life, you should just go for it.”

  “That is how I was raised.”

  “You are as confident as you are gorgeous.” He raised the tumbler in her direction before taking a sip. “Another attractive quality.”

  Mia blushed. “You are too funny.”

  “I’m just stating facts.”

  Kane’s eyes flickered flirtatiously and he flashed her a wicked smile. Mia’s cheeks reddened as she returned his smile. He was starting to grow on her.

  “Okay Casanova.” She stared him straight in those eyes. Her voice dropped an octave as she inquired, “Be honest. You really came back because you wanted to see me again?”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  “Without even knowing me?”



  He chuckled, “Why are you acting as if that’s so hard to believe?”

  Mia interlaced her fingers together, “I guess I’m wondering how we got here. We just met yesterday morning and now we are having lunch.”

  “Want to know what I think?”


  “It’s pretty obvious we wanted to see each other again.”

  “You really think so?” She knew it was a silly question to ask especially since deep down she knew the answer. Her interest perked the moment she heard his voice, but the moment she met his eyes she felt this crazy connection she couldn’t explain. Their chemistry was kinetic – like two magnets being pulled together. The second she boarded the elevator, she knew without a shadow of doubt she wanted to see him again, and that scared her. Mia’s breath hitched.

  “Meeting you yesterday was an unexpected, pleasant surprise and after you hopped on the elevator and I made my way to my car, I just couldn’t get you out of my head. That’s why I’m here. I needed to see you again.”

  His honesty scared her. “Really?”

  He nodded and surprised her by grabbing her hand. “Think about it for a minute. Is there any other place you’d rather be right now?”

  The warmth and security of his strong hand sent a fluttering sensation right to the center of her chest. She lowered her eyes to her plate and resumed eating with her free hand.

  “Hey.” His voice held a soft tenderness to it as he squeezed her hand. “Look at me.”

  Mia inclined her head upward, her hooded gaze drinking in his heated one. His greenish blue eyes darkened sexily, the slither of light illuminating them into a deeper greenish hue. “I can’t think of any place I’d rather be right now,” she answered relishing in how good his hand felt upon hers. Who was this man? And why did being in his presence make her feel so at peace? So secure?

  “Good, because there’s no other place I’d rather be right now than sharing a good meal and conversation with you.”

  “You mean that?” Her stomach did a quick somersault the moment his fingers intertwined with hers.

  “I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t.” His voice dropped to a husky whisper.

  She felt the instant warmth of moisture fill her panties.

  Chick what are you doing?

  His penetrating stare and the genuine gaze reflected in his eyes made her feel things she thought she had buried away three years ago, when she vowed to herself that she would never be susceptible to a lying man again. The yearning for love and companionship crashed upon her like a ton of bricks. No! Mia tore he
r eyes away and unleashed her hand from his. She slid from the booth her eyes glued to her cell phone. “Great.” She groaned. “I didn’t realize how late it was. I shouldn’t have been gone this long.Here let me pay you for my meal.” She darted to her feet and reached for her Coach bag.

  Kane checked his watch. 2:45. “What are you doing?” he asked, standing.

  “Paying for my meal.”

  “Put your money away.” He scolded flagging down their waitress. “It’s no good here.”

  “I really have to go.” She sprinted toward the exit. “Thanks again.” She yelled over her shoulder.

  “Wait, I want to walk you to your car,” he called out as she made a beeline for the door.

  “That won’t be necessary.” She hustled out the restaurant’s entrance. She had to get away. If she didn’t know any better, she would say she was beginning to crush on him.

  He peeled off some bills, and placed it into the waitress’ palm. “This should take care of everything plus the tip.” He raced after Mia.

  “Whoa wait a minute…” Kane curled a strong hand around her arm causing her to slow her steps. “Where’s the fire.”

  “I-I really have to get back to work,” Mia flitted to the elevator door Kane practically on her heels. “I guess I didn’t realize how late it was and I have some loose ends to tie up.”

  “Wait. We need to talk about what happened back there.” He stepped inside the elevator alongside her before she could escape. He obviously wasn’t allowing her the opportunity to run from him. He placed a strong hand on her shoulder so she had no choice but to look at him.

  “What do you mean?” she answered, her voice a bit shaky knowing good and well what he was asking her.

  “Don’t make me spell it out for you,” his voice a mix of ribbing and seriousness. “We shared a moment, and you ran,” he said as they exited the elevator.

  “I did not.” She disputed like a child as they began weaving in and out of rows of parked cars. A few moments later, they were standing beside their cars parked side by side. She locked eyes with him.

  “You did too.” He stepped into her space.

  “It’s getting late,” she announced through a soft gasp as he gently used his body to press her back up against her car. “I have to get back to work.”

  He placed his hands on each side of her so she couldn’t escape. His greenish blue eyes piercing her cinnamon ones, he replied, “Why don’t you just admit you were running because this vibe between us scares the hell out of you?”

  “I’m not scared,” she protested, defiance all up and through her voice. She could not stand by and let him call her out.

  “Why run? There’s nothing wrong with stepping out of the box doing something you normally wouldn’t do. I drove back out here in hopes of seeing you again, and that scares the hell out of me. I’ve never done anything like this before. You can try and deny all you want, but one things for sure I’m happy I found you.”

  “Me too,” she blurted out not realizing the weight of his words or her quick response. All that was running through her mind was three years. That’s how long it had been since she had felt a man pinned up against her, and it felt damn good – too good. This man made her feel desirable. Ooh and words couldn’t describe how his rock hard body felt against hers. The only thing separating them was the fabric of their clothing.

  “What gets me is that I don’t know what it is about you, but I couldn’t get you out of my mind…I just had to see you again.”

  “I know what you mean.” She shivered from the warmth of his breath as it caressed her cheek. She didn’t know this man from a stranger on the street, but he felt familiar, made her feel at ease, and relaxed, something she had never felt, not even with Brian. Throwing caution to the wind, she grabbed his lapels and purred sexily, “I guess it’s time I live a little and step out of the box then – and do what I’ve been dying to do since we met…”

  “Which is?” Kane inquired his voice barely audible his eyes intently glued to her moist mouth.

  Words were no longer necessary. Mia rose up on her tiptoes, calf muscles straining. Her heart pounded in anticipation as a scrumptious strong pair of soft lips met her. His lips parted slowly, as his tongue slithered seductively past her lips and met her tongue with a familiar fierceness that stole her breath away. This was the type of kiss she usually wrote about in her articles, but to be experiencing it…

  Mia released something that sounded like a mix between a moan and sigh as her body relaxed against the rigidness of his powerful build. She unleashed his lapels and her hands crept up his chest and found their way to the nape of his neck. His strong hands roamed her body working their way up her back. She thought she would melt. His left hand squeezed her torso while the right caressed her backside in an intimate way that made her feel as if she was kissing her lover not some handsome sexy stranger. As their kiss intensified Kane’s right hand joined the left in cupping her ass so much so she could feel the length and rigidness of his erection.

  Her nipples tingled, her panties drenched. Deciding it was time to come up for air after what felt like a satisfying eternity, Mia planted her palms on his chest and met his hazy-eyed gaze. Gently swiping her thumb across his bottom lip to remove the excess lip-gloss lingering there, she backed away shyly and murmured, “I’d better get going.” Her cheeks were hot and she suddenly felt embarrassed by her bold behavior. She sprinted around her car to the driver’s side.

  “Wait,” he called out to her, his voice raspy from their tantalizing tongue tryst. Their eyes collided. Need. Hunger, and want stirred within him the moment his eyes held her hostage again.

  “Yes?” she responded her voice shaky as she toyed with her keys.

  He chuckled softly. “I still don’t know your name.”

  She tilted her head sighing loving at the way his eyes crinkled and the dimple widened. That darn dimple is going to be the end of me. With her voice just as raspy as his she responded, “How about we just call this what it is?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Two strangers sharing a very enjoyable afternoon we won’t forget anytime soon. It’ll be one of those stories we’ll share with our friends.”

  Kane blurted out, “Is that what you want?”

  Mia could see Casanova seemed to have some type of internal struggle. She noticed that his eyes had darkened to a deeper green. She wasn’t going to lie, part of her wanted to know what he was thinking. Was he really into her as she was into him? Pushing those feelings aside she found her voice. “What you or I want doesn’t matter,” she fiddled with her keys speaking loudly hoping her voice would drown out the bongo drum playing in her chest. “This was a one-time encounter and we really shouldn’t read too much into it.”

  Shirking off her comment he said, “If you say so, but trust me, I’ve got this feeling we’re going to meet again.”

  “Well, catch me if you can.” She gave him a quick finger wave, slipped into her car and drove off never looking back, although she couldn’t stop the slow smile lining her mouth. She knew that no matter what else happened today, she was going to enjoy the rest of her day.