Read Taming Kane, Claiming Mia Page 4


  Mia’s curvy hips swayed to a rhythmic beat, her lithe legs strutting every step of the way towards Tinley’s office. She could not contain the grin tickling her lips. Casanova was still occupying her thoughts with his athletic build, linebacker shoulders, brushed waves and that damn dimple denting his right cheek. Mia shivered remembering the warmth of his breath as it caressed her neck. Now is not the time to be thinking about him!

  Mia ignored the nervous anticipation that flowed through her body. Slowing her confident stroll, she gently pressed an ear to the massive oak door and was greeted with the whimsical sounds of laughter and lively chatter.

  “It’s either now or never,” she murmured in an anxious breath as she raised a fisted palm to Tinley’s door, “now or never.”

  The sound of her knocking silenced the giggly group. A few seconds later Tinley plucked the door open. Her emerald eyes reflected dissatisfaction. “Mia Childs,” her cotton candy pink Botox-infused lips curled into a smirk as her tongue rolled along her perfect pearly white veneers, “so nice of you to finally grace us with your presence.” Her voice stung with mockery.

  Mia, never one to crack under pressure, was easy breezy with her response. “I would have been here sooner,” she began sidestepping past Tinley before Tinley had the opportunity to think of dismissing her, “but I received a frantic phone call from one of our beloved senior writers who strongly suggested I stop and pick you up a latte because it’s that time of the month and you’re in a mood.” Mia handed Tinley the Styrofoam cup with the tepid tea as a peace offering. Before joining the group, Mia beelined it to the cafeteria where she made Tinley an Early Grey tea. As Tinley wrapped her hands around the cup, Mia made her way to the empty swivel chair conveniently next to December.

  “Really Lauren?” Wide eyed as a vibrant crimson hue blanketed her cheeks, Tinley set the tea on the long glass table. Snickers boomeranged from every direction in Tinley’s airy office. Flashing a glacier glare quieted the group down. Tinley felt like she was a volcano ready to explode. She flicked a creamy alabaster hand through her sienna colored hair revealing a diamond studded earring resting in her lobe.

  Lauren opened and shut her mouth. There was nothing she could say.

  “I should have known.” Tinley shook her head disgust written all over her face. Placing hands on the table she snipped, “You and I will talk about this later.”

  Lauren placed a manicured nail to her chest. “In my defense, you have been in a pissy mood all morning and I didn’t know what to do. I figured a latte from the Latte Lounge would make it all better.” Lauren grinned knowing good and well that Tinley was biased to Starbucks.

  Tinley rolled her eyes. Composing herself she changed gears. “I know you are all wondering why I have been so secretive these past few weeks, but I wanted to make sure I was mentally ready to go down this road for our anniversary issue.” Feet killing her but not wanting to slip out of her stilettos, Tinley lowered her frame into the leather executive chair adjacent to Lauren’s. “I have come up with a wonderful idea for our fifth year anniversary issue.”

  Pens dropped to Steno pads, and all side conversations ceased as the group sat poised eager to hear what their fearless leader was about to share.

  “CHIC will take a different approach. Our anniversary issue will be dedicated to toxic bachelors.”

  “Toxic bachelors?” Lauren’s face marred with confusion. “I don’t get it.”

  “We could all get it if you would stop interrupting Tinley so she could explain,” Mia offered lightly.

  Lauren mumbled something under her breath. Tinley took a long swig of her tea and nodded in Mia’s direction. “Thank you.”

  Without skipping a beat, Tinley explained how the traditional columns would not be written for the anniversary issue and that everything would be devoted to toxic bachelors from how to spot them, how to see if you’re dating them, and what to do if you find yourself in bed with one. Tinley went on to explain how her ex from two years ago, Kane Parker, was the inspiration behind the anniversary issue, and that in light of the anniversary issue, the featured story would be one of the women writer’s doing an undercover expose on him. Their task would be to infiltrate his life, work in the company and make him fall in love while exposing him as the ultimate toxic bachelor.

  Mia perked up and straightened her posture. This was the break she had been waiting for. If she could convince Tinley that she was the woman for the job, then that corner office and assistant would be hers. But wait, she thought. Mia was uncertain as to how she would make Tinley’s ex fall for her, but somehow she was determined to make it work.

  Lauren cherry colored lips curled into a frown. “I am sorry but this is not one of your brightest ideas.”

  “I don’t get it. Instead of shooting down the ideas of our Editor-in-Chief how about we back her up?” The words flew from Mia’s mouth. She was sick of Lauren. The meeting was turning into a debacle because of her. Her outbursts were annoying everyone, so Mia did her best to steer the meeting back on track. “The toxic bachelor issue is definitely the way to go.” Mia’s voice was infused with authority. “Think about it a moment. We as women want what we cannot have. We love bad boys. We’re obsessed with them because we think we can make them change their ways and trade in their playa cards. Am I right? Who in this room would love to say they have tamed a toxic bachelor? A few hands shot up around the room.

  Mia stood. “Sharing our own personal experiences will be therapeutic.” She rubbed her hands up and down her arms to rid her mind of her own heartbreaking past as she continued, “The time to strike and try something different is now. We need to show our readers that we are taking their suggestions into consideration, that we care what they think and that we look at them as being an extended part of CHIC.” Mia knew that if she did not take this opportunity to speak up now in front of everyone, there was no telling when this open forum would happen again. This was also her chance to display her leadership and judgment calls, most of the qualities columnists should naturally possess anyway. This was Mia’s first permanent writing gig, and during her three-year-tenure she had developed a following, and she had proven that she was a damn good writer, far better than her colleagues. Then, what was that saying about closed mouths never getting fed? So what better way for her to show Tinley that she was more than deserving of her own column?

  “Why should we trust your judgment?”

  Shirking off Lauren’s snarky comment, Mia focused her attention on everyone in the room as she stepped away from the table and began walking the length of the floor. Excitement flowing through her she smiled. “Regardless of what my skeptics think, I have only spent the last eight years writing articles for some of the world’s most popular magazines dominating newsstands right now. So yes, my judgment should be trusted in a major way. Let’s not forget I know what women readers want in a magazine, it’s featured columns and articles. True readers love their “old reliable” columns,” she curled her slender fingers into air quotes her eyes burning holes into Lauren’s, “but they’re always craving something new from their favorite magazine, and it’s our job to ensure they’re satisfied with what we’re putting out there so they won’t put us down and pick up our competitors. I know Tinley’s goal is to join the ranks of GLAMOUR and ELLE but in order to do that we have to take risks, risks we have not taken because we have gotten too comfortable.”

  “Amen.” December seconded. Everyone erupted into fits of laughter.

  “I agree Mia.” Janice another writer commented simultaneously nodding in agreement through a giggle. “It is time we think outside the box. Let’s run with this toxic bachelor idea for our anniversary issue.”

  Mia turned to Tinley. “I apologize if I’m talking to much.” She hoped she was not being too much of a motor mouth, but she had to get things off of her chest if she wanted to be a contender for this assignment.

  Tinley shook her head. “You’re fine Mia, and for once it’s good to
have someone else do all of the talking.”

  Maybe I did not stick my foot in my mouth. Mia wished her body would relax, but it was hard considering Tinley had been watching her intently as she gave her spiel, and her eyes had not moved since. What was she thinking? One thing was for sure though she could see the wheels churning in her head. Could Tinley be thinking that she would be a shoe in to write the toxic bachelor article? Mia shifted in her seat when she saw a look she could not describe flash across Tinley’s face.

  “It’s good to know you see my vision,” said Tinley.

  “I do, but now I’m curious to know about this Kane Parker? Why is he our toxic bachelor?”

  Without hesitating Tinley responded, “He broke my heart, and now he has to pay. Kane needs to know what it’s like to have a broken heart.”

  Lauren set her latte down. “Tinley, I don’t think—”

  “We all know you don’t think.” Tinley cut her eyes at her best friend.

  “Hey,” Lauren pouted.

  Everyone dropped their pens and focused on Tinley.

  Tinley flicked her hair across her shoulder. “I’m normally not one to divulge my business, but since this is going to help me move forward in my life here goes…”

  Tinley explained how two years ago she and Lauren were out for a mid-day jog at the Metroparks when she sprained her ankle. Hightailing it to the hospital, Tinley met with a doctor who referred her to Parker Physical Therapy & Pilates for rehab. She called the clinic that day and drilled Kane Parker on his credentials. A couple of days later, she met an extraordinarily good-looking man that made her speechless. Tinley made sure they became fast friends, and it wasn’t long before their fast friendship blossomed and they started seeing each other. Shortly after deciding to be boyfriend and girlfriend, she moved out of her apartment and into Kane’s condo. She insisted they start talking about marriage, and on her 31st birthday Tinley believed Kane was going to propose. Instead, he presented her with earrings.

  “What’s wrong with earrings?” An intern asked.

  Tinley flashed her a glacier glare, and the girl cowered in her chair. “You don’t understand. Kane was hinting around that he was going to propose. Six months before my birthday, we were talking about getting married and starting a family. He said he wanted to take things to the next level.”

  “What did you say when he gave you the earrings?” Mia inquired gently.

  “I confronted him. He confessed that he wasn’t really in love with me and that all he wanted was sex.”

  Mia’s eyes volleyed between Tinley and Lauren as if she were watching Serena battle Venus.

  Tinley continued, “Kane and I broke up close to two years ago, but I never received any type of closure. This is the only way I’ll be able to get things off my chest once and for all. Kane was awful to me, so my goal is to have one of you go undercover and take the place of his assistant Stephanie who I hear is leaving. The lucky lady who gets this assignment will infiltrate Parker Physical Therapy & Pilates, you will befriend and get him to fall in love with you, and in the process you will expose him for the toxic bachelor he is.”

  An eruption of jibber jabber exploded in the room. Everyone’s excited voices filled the conference room as questions, and comments were being hurled Tinley’s way.

  “Wait a minute,” she raised a hand to silence them, “let me finish. I want every woman who picks up this issue to be able to spot toxic bachelors, how to get them to fall for us before we fall for them. We’ll conduct surveys and allow our readers to get involved by sending in their two cents about bad experiences they have had.”

  “I think this is a wonderful idea!” Becca one of the newbie writers yelled pumping a fist in the air.

  “Tinley, you have really outdone yourself this time. I am happy we are thinking out of the box,” Jo a writer who had been with the magazine since its inception added excitedly scribbling notes.

  Mia jotted down comments, but she was still curious. “If you don’t mind my asking, is going after Kane like this really worth it?”

  Tinley looked her square in the eye and said, “He toyed with my emotions and I want him to hurt the way he hurt me. It may sound a little juvenile, but I don’t care. He is getting what he deserves.”

  “Okay.” Mia could not argue with her.

  “He even had me kicked out of his place by the police because he decided he no longer wanted to be in a committed relationship.”

  “Wait a minute,” Mia set her pen down, “Are you saying he kicked you out of the house on your birthday?”

  “Yes.” Tinley nodded.

  “I don’t remember it happening that way,” Lauren interjected confused.

  “Of course you don’t. It did not happen to you. All you remember is me calling you crying asking you to help me move out of Kane’s place.”

  “I remember you calling, but I also remember you being drunk and being all over the place.”

  Mia’s eyes darted between both women.

  “You have it all wrong,” Tinley snapped. “And you know what? I am not going to argue with you about the details of my break-up.”

  “Fine.” Lauren shook her head and pushed her swivel chair back. That movement grabbed everyone’s attention.

  “Get out,” Tinley replied curtly through tight lips. “This meeting is adjourned. I will send out an interoffice email regarding the notes from this meeting as well as having a decision on who I think is best to go undercover to do the expose.”

  Mia and the other ladies took that as their cue, signaling that the meeting was over. While the group filed out of office, Tinley clamped a hand around Mia’s wrist and said, “We need to talk.”

  Mia’s heart slammed into her ribcage, her eyes fixed on Tinley’s fingers fastened around her slender wrist. Whenever anyone uttered the words, ‘we need to talk’, that was never a good thing. Slowly unleashing her grip from Mia’s wrist, Tinley moved a hand down her French cut ruffled blouse and asked Mia to have a seat.

  Mia obliged by sliding into the leather wing backed chair in front of her glass desk.

  “I’m going to be honest with you Mia, I have been watching you these past three years,” Tinley announced as she glided her statuesque body over to her desk. Perching her bottom on the edge, she zeroed her eyes in on Mia and said, “I know I have put you though a lot since you started, but I was testing you.”

  “I should have known.” Mia chuckled.

  Tinley nodded. “Yes. I really wanted to see what you were made of. I know coming from your background, you have plenty of experience and should have automatically walked through the door as a senior writer with her own column, but I wanted to see if you would walk away or rise to the occasion.”

  “My work ethic has taught me to always rise to any occasion no matter what I am faced with.”

  “That’s why you are undoubtedly the best writer on my staff. You have more than proven yourself.”

  “Thank you.” Validation from her editor was all Mia needed to reinforce what she already knew. “I really am at a loss of words right now.”

  “Stop being modest Mia, you know it’s true.”

  “I’m just flattered.”

  “Why?” Tinley inquired. “I did not get to congratulate you during the meeting about you receiving the WOW award last night at the LIL banquet, but I will be sure to add that to the interoffice email I send when I let everyone know that you will be going undercover at Parker Physical Therapy & Pilates.”

  Hearing Tinley sing her praises made Mia want to pinch herself. She was scared she would wake up from what she knew had to be a dream. It was hard to believe that Tinley had just said that she, Mia Childs, was the best writer at CHIC. It was rare for Tinley to give credit and show appreciation, especially when she felt senior writers should already be writing at a certain caliber. Mia could not help it, but she was itching to whip out her cell, call her mother and scream I told you so. She would have plenty of time to do that during Sunday dinner.

  Tinley clasped her hands together. “I know you probably have been struggling with how to come to me and discuss you being promoted to senior writer.”

  “Yes. I have,” Mia announced relieved feeling like a big weight was just lifted from her shoulders. “I have been wanting to do this for a while, but the timing was never right, that’s why I decided to just say what I had to say at the meeting.” Mia could not believe that one minute she was on her way out the door from the morning meeting to head back to her cubicle to strategize ways on how to approach Tinley and how to get her to see the pros of having her own column, and wham – here she was right on the same page. Who would have ever thought?

  “I have the perfect proposition for you. As you know, there is no one else I can think of writing this toxic bachelor piece than you.”

  “I agree.” Mia felt the excitement bubbling in the pit of her stomach. She could not wait to tell December. “You know some people are going to want to know why go after him now?”

  Tinley’s emerald eyes darkened. “I am so tired of men treating good women like crap. That’s why.” She turned her flat screen monitor around so Mia could get a glimpse at her inbox. She pointed at the screen, “I am tired of reading heartbreaking emails from women about men they have given their hearts to only to have them stomped upon. It’s time to get even and make Kane pay. He needs to know what it feels like to be hurt and humiliated.”

  Mia nodded understanding. Tinley had a valid point, but to hold so much bottled up animosity for an individual was scary. Mia was dying to get better insight into the real catalyst behind her wanting to get even with her ex.

  “Now that you have the lowdown on my ex, and his womanizing ways, I need to know if you are willing to go the distance to get this story done?”

  “I’m your girl,” Mia answered matter-of-factly.

  “Working undercover is going to be challenging. There are going to be times where you may find yourself being in too deep. There is a possibility you may even develop feelings for Kane. He is a charmer and is known for being able to get the panties off of any woman.”

  Mia blushed. She had heard it all before. “I assure you that I’ll be able to handle anything and you don’t have to worry about my feelings becoming involved. I have those in check. Trust me.”

  “That is good to know.” Tinley turned her monitor back to her and began typing, her stiletto nails attacking the keyboard with aggression, “using your feminine wiles is a must if you want to get Kane to fall in love with you, and when he does you are going to have to bring him to his knees with this expose.”

  Mia steepled her manicured fingertips together, her eyebrows bunching together in disbelief. She knew what she was getting herself into, but did Tinley actually hear herself?

  “How am I supposed to get this man to fall in love with me?” she asked softly as if Tinley was deranged.

  Tinley’s mouth tightened into a thin straight line. Straightening her posture, something she often did when she felt offended she retorted haughtily, “If you think this is too much for you to handle, I can always call my cousin Dawn. She works freelance, so I know she will have plenty of time.”

  Mia waved a hand dismissing the Dawn comment. “That will not be necessary. I just want you to understand—”

  “I do not need to understand anything. What you need to comprehend, Mia Childs, is that I put my all into this relationship. I was there for Kane emotionally, mentally, and physically. I-” Tinley pointed her index finger at her chest. “Was always there.”

  Mia’s nostrils flared. “Let’s not go overboard. I comprehend very well Tinley Malone, so believe me when I tell you I have worn these shoes before.” She placed her hands on her knees in order to stop her from wanting to jump across Tinley’s desk and put them around her neck. She would not stand to be scolded like a small child. Her parents had raised her. “I know what it is like to be hurt by someone you are madly in love with only to be played like a fool,” Mia responded solemnly. But there was no way she would ever allow Tinley Malone to see her cry. Not today. Not ever.

  Tinley’s mean girl demeanor changed and the attitude she possessed moments ago seemed to fade away. She blew out a shaky breath. “I apologize if I came off as crass, it’s just I was at Kane’s beck and call. He had me believe that we were going to get married, and he crushed my dream saying he was not ready for that type of commitment, and still wanted to continue to see other women even though we were living together. Can you believe that?”

  “Unfortunately yes.” Mia knew all too well, she gave Tinley an encouraging nod to continue further.

  “I hope you will keep the intricate details of this assignment between us.”

  “Your secret is safe with me.” And December of course.

  “Well then,” Tinley pulled open her drawer and retrieved a cell phone, and a notebook and stood. “Join me on the couch, so that we can get down to business.”

  Mia followed her and slunk into the plush chocolate brown leather sofa.

  “I received an email from my friend, Sylvia Jameson, at Temporary Solutions Temp Agency. She informed me that the head of Human Resources at Parker Physical Therapy & Pilates called asking for personal assistant resumes for Stephanie. I will have Brittany fax over some not so favorable candidate resumes and among them is yours and of course it is the best of the bunch, so they will have no choice but to hire you. You should be expecting a call in the next couple of days.”

  “Okay, I will be awaiting their call.”

  “I was thinking your name could be Lisa Montgomery.”

  “Did you send the resume over to Sylvia yet?”


  “Good. Listen, I have never had to pretend being someone else, and it’s going to take some time getting used to so I was wondering if I could come up with my own name?”

  “What name were you thinking?”

  “I was thinking I could go with Nicole Anderson.”

  “Why Nicole Anderson?”

  “Nicole is my middle name and Anderson is my mother’s maiden name.”

  “Works for me.” Tinley turned to her computer and made the changes. When she was done she said, “Okay Nicole Anderson. I just emailed Sylvia your resume. Now here’s what we know about you, you have been working as a personal assistant for six years.” Tinley handed Mia a Samsung Galaxy, and the notebook.

  “You have fourteen days and you need to make each one of them count. My advice? Go home and study this resume. I will call you for our initial meeting, then after that you are on your own. You know I am not a micro manager, I trust you to do your job, but you know if you have any issues you can call me.”

  “You have everything covered don’t you?”

  “Of course,” Tinley answered matter-of-factly. “I even have an exit strategy for you as well.”

  “And that would be?”

  “You will just say something like you have been offered a full time Executive Assistant position out of state and explain how the position will help you transition with the next phase of your career.”

  “Easy enough but wait.”


  “How are you going to be convinced Kane has fallen in love with me? Will I immediately receive my assistant, column, and office after that?”

  “Slow down,” Tinley chuckled, “I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I know Kane Parker very well, so I will know, do not worry about it.”

  “I will take your word for it.”

  “I need to know do you have any questions or concerns? Or are you ready to handle this?” she asked as she and Mia got up from the couch and headed towards the door.

  Mia nodded as she placed her hand on the knob. “I don’t have any questions right now.”

  Resilience engulfed her. She was ready to do this. This is what she had been working her whole career for. She had approximately three weeks to get an egomaniac to fall in love with her as silly as it sounded. As Mia headed back to her cubicle, she could not
help but wonder about the mysterious Kane Parker and what was to come in the next fourteen days.