Read Taming Kane, Claiming Mia Page 5


  At twelve o’clock Kane entered the company conference room and located an empty seat next to his sister. He acknowledged her with a quick squeeze on her shoulder; his mind had been wrapped up in his morning encounter with the mysterious toffee colored beauty, but now it was time to get down to business. How many encounters had he had with women? Too many to count, but none had ever held a lasting impression on him the way she had with her dewy smooth skin, cinnamon colored eyes, toned legs and perky breasts, breasts he would not mind caressing, cupping, kissing…

  “Have you reached Colin yet?” Edward Parker’s voice boomed shredding his concentration.

  Kane whipped his head up and met his father’s questioning stare. “I’m sorry?”

  “Did you hear me?”

  “I apologize.” He ran a hand down his tie. “My mind was elsewhere.”

  “You can say that again,” Brittany replied through a chortle.

  “Relax.” He nudged his sister with his knee.

  “I asked if you had reached Colin yet?”

  “Unfortunately no,” Kane shook his head and pulled out his cell phone. “I will try him again.” Following his conversation with Brittany, he had tried to reach his brother only to get his voicemail. Kane dialed his brother’s number.

  “Hello, you have reached the voicemail of Colin Parker. Please leave me a message and I will return your call as soon as possible.”

  “Colin, it’s me. Its 12:10 we are getting ready to start the meeting. Where are you? Call me when you get this.” He was agitated with Colin and knew where he was, but because of their “brotherly code” he was not going to rat his brother out. He knew his brother was probably somewhere with David.

  “I will give him ten more.”

  “You will not.” Joan Parker admonished her husband as she entered the conference room. “If Colin is not here in the next two minutes, we will begin this meeting without him.” Joan selected the seat adjacent to her husband. Inspecting her French tips and the ridiculous rock on her aging finger, she added, “Colin should have been the first one here seeing that he is the cause of all this drama.”

  “Kane just called him, so maybe he will be here shortly.”

  “He better because I did not plan on spending my day cooped up in the office. I do have a life outside of Parker Physical Therapy & Pilates.”

  “Yes, dear, you have made that painfully clear on several occasions.” Kane watched his father slightly grimace through a clenched jaw. Poor man was trying his best not to allow his mother’s comments to irk him.

  Thirty-seven years.

  Kane had watched his father do everything to satisfy his mother, but nothing ever seemed good enough for Joan. Edward had devoted his life to her, given her endless love, attention, stability and Joan just did not seem to give one hot damn.

  Love. Kane wrinkled his brow. If that was the love Brittany constantly bragged about, then he obviously wanted no parts of it. He would continue living his bachelor life without being bothered and tied down to a bothersome relationship.

  “Well,” Joan snapped, her blue eyes sparking with impatience. “Edward, let’s just get on with this.” She touched her perfectly coifed honey blonde colored hair with the silver streaks. A frown lingered upon her thin lips, and the creases around her mouth became more prominent. Joan Parker was a timeless beauty, a former Miss Ohio but when she acted bitchy she genuinely did look all of her fifty-four years.

  “The queen has spoken. Let’s not keep her waiting,” Brittany mumbled under her breath so only Kane could hear. “I mean God forbid she has to spend any extra time with her family right?”

  “Were you saying something dear?” Joan inquired sweetly.

  “Oh no ma’am.” A fake smile plastered Brittany’s lips.

  “How about everyone just take a couple of deep breaths?” Kane pushed his chair back from the table and headed to the refreshment table. Snatching up three bottles of water, he passed one to each of them. “Mom, Brittany, I understand tensions are high right now, but we need to do what we need to do because we have a business to run.” Kane shot his father a look that said, ‘please start this meeting.’

  Edward took that as his cue to proceed. “As you all know, this past month has not been easy, with the release of the tape, news trucks parked on our lawn, and this story making its way through the national news circuit. I do at this time want to thank everyone for their hard work and diligence in handling the story in front of the media.”

  “I want to personally thank Ali Clarke for everything that she has done.” Joan beamed at Ali and quickly gave Kane the side eye.

  There was no doubt that Joan Parker wanted Kane and Ali to be together. Joan felt she had potential, especially since she was one of the company’s junior publicists on the rise and everywhere she went people did double takes. She was Brooklyn Decker hot with perfect full breasts, thick waist and a Kardashian sized derriere, silky platinum blond hair and blue eyes. Joan was thrilled last year when she learned Kane and Ali were seeing one another on a personal level, but things quickly fizzled and they stopped communicating all together. Joan was desperately trying to get them back together.

  “Oh Mrs. Parker,” Ali gushed, “I cannot take all of the credit.”

  “You shouldn’t take any of it,” Brittany announced through gritted teeth.

  Ignoring her daughter’s ribbing, Joan said, “Honey how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me Mrs. Parker?” Joan reached across the table and squeezed Ali’s hand. “Call me Joan.” Joan winked.

  “Okay then, Joan I really cannot take all of the credit.” Ali smirked in Brittany’s face.

  Brittany rolled her eyes beyond annoyed. She was the head of the PR department, and Ali believed she was second in command. There was no doubt that Brittany Parker-Thomas was among the best publicists in the city, with several companies vying for her to come and work for them. She could not understand why her mother would so readily give Ali all of the praise when it was she who worked her tail off to keep things running as smoothly as possible during the company’s crisis.

  Kane stared as his mother in disbelief. “I’m going to have to disagree. True, yes Ali deserves credit, but Brittany worked tirelessly to turn things around here. Implementing her crisis campaign, as well as working on incentives to keep clients here as well as bringing in a few new faces to add to our roster.”

  Ali’s smile faded into a pout and she slightly slumped back against the leather swivel chair.

  Brittany unclenched her pen, thankful her brother had come to her rescue. She wanted to speak her piece but decided she would rather respect her mother with what little she had left for her than say something she knew she would regret later.

  Kane nudged his sister’s thigh under the table. “Brittany deserves all the credit. Do you all realize how many countless hours she put in when we were going through the drama? Listen, I am not going to take away from any of Ali’s contributions because that would not be fair.” He made eye contact with her. “You are a wonderful publicist and we are thrilled to have you on our staff, but I cannot ignore the fact that had it not been for Brittany feeding you on how to answer the hardball questions on the news you would not have had one clue on how to answer them.”

  Ali’s face turned beet red.

  Before the conversation could escalate any further, Edward interjected, “I believe everyone deserves a big thank you for working together during this tumultuous time. Now with that being said, I need to continue on with this meeting. As you all know, I have poured my all into this place and it’s just unfathomable to me that my life’s work has been ruined. My faithful clients who started the journey with me want nothing more to do with the company.”

  “I understand your frustration but everything is not as bad as it seems. Our more conservative clients have written us off, but now is the time to look towards the future. The LGBT community has been reaching out.” Kane chimed in. He had been keeping his ears low to the grou
nd speaking with some of the company’s lesbian and gay physical therapists about their thoughts and things the clinic could do to partner with them.

  “We need more than just that community to help, son.”

  “I know that and things will start to turn around. We’ve just reached a rough patch right now, but that doesn’t mean that we will not get through it.”

  “I did not sign up for this type of rough patch,” Edward retorted grimly. “I have been thinking about this for a while now, going back and forth about what needs to be done, about what I want to do.”

  “What are you saying?” Kane waited on baited breath as did the rest of the room.

  “I have decided that I want nothing more to do with the company. Effective immediately, I am relinquishing my rights as CEO and owner of Parker Physical Therapy & Pilates. I have spoken with my lawyer and have had papers drawn up that will allow you both continue running the company, if that’s what you choose to do.”

  “What are you going to do?” Brittany was stunned.

  “Your mother and I moving to Florida.”


  “In about six weeks.”

  At that moment the room erupted with chatter. While everyone was engaged in their own conversations, the doorknob turned and in traipsed Colin looking like he stepped off the pages of Esquire magazine. He was polished to the hilt in a tailored suit and leather loafers.

  “Thank you for finally joining us.” Edward straightened his posture. Some days Edward found it hard to look his eldest son in the eye. He had forgiven his son for his indiscretions, but Joan was still on the fence about it, barely speaking to him.

  “I was a bit preoccupied this morning.” Colin found his place across the table from Kane. “I’m here now and that should be all that matters.”

  “You were with him weren’t you?” Joan spat.

  Colin jutted out his chin defiantly. “If you must know, yes mother I was with my man. I love David, and I am no longer hiding my feelings for him or my relationship.”

  “Edward please make him stop.” Joan shook her head. Glowering she went in on him, “Your father and I did not raise you – to be – to be-”

  “Gay?” Colin cracked up. “Oh, mother please. I don’t know how you didn’t know firsthand that I was gay. Don’t you remember I used to play dress up in your clothes? I used to walk around in your stilettos.”

  Joan’s face flushed and her body stiffened. She was so pissed she could not formulae any words. She knew every word he uttered was true so she turned her attention towards her husband.

  Colin rolled his eyes in Edward’s direction. “Can you please fill me in on what I missed?”

  “Fine.” Edward sighed. “The plan was that whenever I decided to retire I wanted you to run the company, but now things have changed.”

  “My being gay is a problem.” He nodded. “I see what is going on now.”

  “Of course you being gay is a huge prob-”

  “Your being gay has nothing to do with this,” Kane exploded interrupting their mother and shocking everyone assembled for the meeting.

  “I just cannot believe you and Rowan would do something as asinine as a marriage contract,” Joan said disgusted.

  “People do it all of the time. She wanted children, but did not want a real relationship. I needed a beard. It was the perfect proposition for us.”

  Joan opened her mouth, but Kane intervened again. “Now is not the time to talk about could have, should have, would have. What we need to do now is move forward.” Kane turned to his brother. “Dad is no longer the CEO and owner. He has relinquished his rights away.”

  “Who is going to run the company?”

  “Two years ago I would have said you son.” Edward began, “But during this time, I have seen you in another light and I know that you don’t have the company’s best interest at heart, especially since you and David made that tape.”

  “The tape was for our own personal viewing enjoyment,” Colin interjected.

  “That is neither here nor there.” Edward bristled. “I just need to know what were you thinking making it here?”

  Colin grew silent. He didn’t have an answer for his father.

  “I cannot sugarcoat it. Because of your actions, you have compromised my integrity and everything I have worked so hard for.” Edward seethed, his eyes blazing. “Do you realize how much time, effort, and money I put into this place? I created this legacy to leave behind for you, your brother, and sister, and this is what you do to me?”

  “I am so sor-”

  “Save it.” Edward shook his head. He did not want to hear anymore. Staring at his oldest son, he said, “Son, I love you, but there is no way I would ever consider allowing you to run this place.” Edward faced Kane and Brittany. “Kane, you and Brittany will work as co-CEOs. Ali, you will work as Senior Publicist and Colin whatever your brother or sister needs you to do, make it happen.”

  Colin sat back deflated.

  Noticing his family’s laundry being displayed, Kane dismissed their audience. “I will keep you all informed on any other changes going on at the clinic, but for now you all are dismissed,” said Kane.

  Once the room was free and clear of the staff, Edward continued on. “Brittany, how is the assistant situation looking?” He turned to his daughter. “Your brother is going to need a right hand like yesterday, especially if Stephanie is really talking about leaving today.”

  “I have tracked down some candidates and plan on making phone calls after we’re done here.”

  “There is no way I’m going to act as a gofer and take orders from my kid brother and sister,” Colin pouted.

  Kane searched his brother’s face. “This is not about you taking orders from us. Why can’t you see this is about doing what’s best for our family’s business, a business you are not capable of running.”

  Colin stiffened at his brother’s words. Shaking off his comment, Colin said, “What makes you so sure you’re up for the task of running this place?”

  Joan flashed her son a look of contempt. “You just don’t know when to quit, do you?”

  “How long am I going to be punished for my indiscretions?” His eyes roved around his family for some sort of validation. “N-no one at this table has the right to judge me. Yes, I made a serious mistake, and I am paying for it daily. Isn’t that enough?”

  Brittany chose her words carefully. “No one is punishing you. I’m thrilled you have finally found the love of your life.”

  Joan’s snort interrupted her daughter.

  Brittany pursed her lips at her mother and continued, “But your actions may have cost us dad’s life’s work. Why can’t you see that?”

  “We love you,” Kane chimed in sincerely. “All I am saying is be honest with us and yourself. Your focus hasn’t been here with the company in a very long time.”

  “Once again, I’m singled out as the black sheep of the family. Everyone constantly talks about things I have, but no one ever mentions you screwing Ali and Tinley, or the fact that Brittany and Jeff have been caught several times having fun in the steam room.”

  “Colin.” Brittany screeched.

  “There is no need to hit below the belt,” Kane said placing a strong hand on his sister’s shoulder. She was ready to pounce on Colin. “You know what? I am man enough to admit I have made mistakes and yes I have paid dearly for them, but what I am trying to do is get us to band together as a unit and go on from here.”

  Brittany’s eyes watered. “What have I ever done to you?”

  Colin rolled his eyes. “Give me a break, Brittany. I’m so tired of your self-righteous attitude.”

  “Me? Self-righteous?” Brittany squealed her face flushed while she struggled to get up from her seat.

  “Stop.” Kane clamped a strong hand around his sister’s wrist. Nostrils flaring, he said, “Instead of attacking one another, we need to come together and run this business. We have a legacy that we are going to hand down to our
children one day and as far as the issues we have as a family, we definitely are a work in progress. I’m confident this will all work itself out.”

  “Don’t you get tired of playing peacemaker?” Colin mocked.

  Kane narrowed his gaze at his brother. “And aren’t you tired of acting like our parent’s youngest when you are supposed to be the oldest?”

  That comment caused Colin to chuckle. “Stop being their puppet Kane.”

  Kane clenched his fists at his side. There were no words to describe how badly he wanted to knock his brother out, but there was no way he would allow himself to stoop to that level.

  “That’s enough.” Joan interrupted her squabbling children. “Colin, you have yet to take responsibility for your actions. What you did with David is reprehensible and you should be ashamed of yourself.”

  “Mom, please.” Kane defended his brother. “I will not stand here and let you continue to beat Colin up about this. What is done, is done. He is free to love whomever he wants. You don’t have to like it, but you need to dig deep within yourself and learn how to respect it. Were his actions wrong? Yes, but we cannot continue to beat this dead horse.”

  “I agree,” Brittany countered quietly.

  Colin blinked back tears. He could not believe after all that bashing he did towards them that they would take up for him so quickly. Flashing their mother a dirty look, Colin pushed his chair back. “There really was no need for me to join this family meeting. It seems the family has spoken and, once again, I get the short end of the stick.” Colin stalked out of the room slamming the door behind him.

  Kane stooped down to pick up the chair that toppled over when Colin fled the room. He looked at his parents. “You both know I want what’s best for this company, and I intend to run it the way you have always run it, with integrity.”

  “We know that son,” Edward gripped his son’s shoulders. “That is why you and your sister are the best two for the job.”

  Kane shook his father’s hand. “We will talk. He leaned down and dropped a kiss to his mother’s pressed powdered cheek. “Mom.”

  “We’ll chat later, sweetie.”

  “Right now I need to deal with Colin.”