Read Tara's Forgotten Son Page 15

  Chapter 15

  The summer session of 1879 ended in July and was followed by a one month break before the resumption of class in the fall. He decided to return to Tara for the month and requested a vacation from the bank then he happily packed his things. He was looking forward to seeing the changes that had taken place at Tara, the cotton growing in the hot July sun, and his family. Most of all, he ached to see Emily. It had been more than six months since he had seen her last, and though they wrote to each other often, he longed to feel her in his arms, holding her tightly and whispering endearments. He had not planned on the visit, so she would definitely be surprised to see him, and he couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when he walked in the door and held out his arms to her. On the long train ride home, he imagined her reaction, knowing she would be excited, and he planned the time they would spend together. He raced home only stopping long enough to send a telegram to Will to come pick him up at the train station.

  It seemed as if the journey would last forever, but finally he reached the station in Jonesboro and waited only a few minutes before seeing Will arrive with his wagon full of supplies he had picked up from the general store. Wade leapt up, ready to greet Will, readily shaking his hand and pummeling him with questions about Tara and the girls. Will laughed deeply, just as happy to see Wade, and trying to hide his own misgivings about this trip for as long as possible. They had several miles on the way home to talk, and he hoped to delay Wade’s excitement for as long as possible. Wade was so eager to be home that he did not notice Will’s change as they traveled the distance to Tara.

  Wade continued to ask questions then rambled endlessly about everything that had happened over the last six months while he was away. As they neared the road to Tara, Will stopped the wagon slowly then turned to Wade demanding his attention. He did not want to hamper Wade’s spirit of enthusiasm, but he needed to be warned of the situation and the surprises he would face in a few moments. “Wade, you are going to be quite surprised when you get home.”

  Wade ceased his conversation immediately, waiting for Will to continue, but he remained silent for a few minutes. When he could not stand the suspense for a moment longer, her asked, “What are you talking about? Has something happened?”

  Gathering his courage, Will continued, “Your mother is at Tara.”

  Wade dropped his head, considering the affects this news would have on visit. He would not have as much time to spend with Emily, and he would have to face his mother again. Although he had been able to prove himself in Athens, he had not been able to forget his mother’s actions. In fact, he had become increasingly bitter in his quiet times thinking about his current predicament and how she had maneuvered the situation in her favor. Anger welled in his heart as he thought about how she would negatively affect his vacation, for she still could not find out about Emily.

  “How long does she plan to stay,” Wade asked quietly, trying desperately to maintain calmness.

  “I honestly don’t know, but that is not the only thing. Rhett is here with her. They have reconciled.”

  “Oh, good, then it will not be so bad. She will be happy again, and Rhett will take up most of her time. She will not have time to delve into my life, and I will be able to escape.” Suddenly Wade’s eyes darted to Will’s face, “Nobody has mentioned Emily to her have they?”

  Will shook his head, “No, they have not, but I am afraid you cannot hide her for long. You will eventually have to present her to your mother, and make known your intentions unabashedly and sternly. The ramifications of keeping your secret would be far worse than getting it out in the open.” Will stuttered, “That is not all, I am not sure that I should be the one to tell you this, and I may be making a mistake, but you have another little sister. She is beautiful, and you mother dotes on her.”

  Wade was not sure how to react to this last bit of information. His heart had broken when they lost Bonnie, and he knew how it had affected his mother and Rhett. He was happy for them, and still it seemed as if things were not quite right. He knew that another child would not change the way his mother felt about him or Ella because she had never really liked either one of them, and he had long ago let go of that resentment, but the old wounds were suddenly being opened again, subconsciously. His heart began to ache although he had no idea why, and once again his anger raged deep inside. No one had let him know that they had returned or any of these changes had taken place, and the realization that he had been kept in the dark and disregarded once again was utterly painful.

  He knew they could not postpone the inevitable for much longer. He steadied himself, took a deep breath, straightened his shoulders then spoke strongly. “Let’s head on, Will.” He looked forward to the house, poising himself for battle.

  As soon as the family heard the dogs barking wildly at the wagon and the wheels on the driveway, everyone gathered on the porch, happy to see Wade return, each waiting their turn to rush to him with hugs. He greeted Aunt Suellen first. It amazed him each time he returned to see how much she had aged. He face showed lines of worry and laughter, and in her hair, thin streaks of grey had begun to show. She smiled at him warmly as she held out her arms to him, and he hugged her tightly, realizing how he missed her lovely voice and soothing embrace. She had replaced his mother at an early age, and he would always regard her with deep love and respect, as she had loved him like no other mother could.

  He went next to his sister, who had outgrown her gangly features, and had grown to be a beautiful young woman, tall and graceful. He held her back to look at her more closely, then pulled her in again. Although they had not been very close as children, he longed to know her better, for they had shared the same heartache. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly, and he could feel her let go of some of her frustration and the stress she had obviously felt over the past few days in the presence of her mother. They could not speak now, but he would manage to make ample time with her before he left. He felt a deep sense of responsibility for this young girl, and he felt the need to protect her from further distress that his mother would assuredly cause.

  He quickly hugged his three younger cousins, astonished at how they had grown as well. They had each become pretty young ladies, and their mother had obviously taught to behave as such, for they were well-mannered and soft-spoken. They were surrounded with an air of gentility, and though they had learned the hard work necessary on a large plantation, they assumed the air of southern belles, learning to run a plantation as a lady of the house and a southern gentleman’s wife.

  He shook hands with Rhett who maintained the same charming manner Wade had always envied. He looked as though he had not a care in the world, a look of amusement, and he wondered what he had found amusing about this event. A look of contentment rested in his black eyes, yet creases at the corners gave Wade the feeling that Rhett knew something, and he waited patiently to discuss it in private. They exchanged momentary pleasantries about the weather and Rhett disclosed that he had taken Silver on a few outings just to keep him in shape, and Wade responded with smiles, handshakes, and gentlemanly echoes.

  Finally, Scarlett slipped from behind Rhett, catching Wade’s eyes, and standing solemnly quiet until she had gathered a response from Wade, gauging her reaction to his. Wade went to her directly, and hugged her stiffly. She looked as though she had aged, as well, but she was still magnificently beautiful. She looked happy and relaxed, and Wade could tell that she had finally rested from her long hours of worry and work, exchanging them for rest and peace. She was dressed comfortably and appropriately, without the normal flair that she had so often chosen to flaunt. He looked at her for a long time, trying to recognize the look that she held in her eyes, yet he had never seen her perfectly happy, and so it was foreign to him, and he spied her with distrust, wondering what scheme she was planning. Hopping beside her and holding her hand was a small child with cunningly green eyes, waiting impatiently to be addressed.

  “And who is this charming
young lady? Have you come to steal my heart forever?” Wade knelt on one knee, addressing his youngest sister affectionately.

  “My name is Cat, and I know you are Wade. We have never met.” She held out her hand politely, not a hint of shyness could be found, and when Wade took her hand to kiss it, she raced to him and wrapped her arms around his neck as she had seen every other member of the family greet him. Though he did not want to love her, she immediately enchanted him. She looked so much like her mother, and her personality was just as passionate so that you could never predict her actions, and he pictured Scarlett like this at her age, and wondered if things might have been different, if his mother could have loved him as well. He only hoped that Scarlett would not spoil this child, encouraging her to become selfish and overbearing, hateful and apathetic. “I have had a sister for several days, now and we have done girl things,” Cat chattered happily. “Now that I have a brother, we have to do boy things. Will you take me for a ride on Silver, please?” She smiled at him, and his heart immediately melted, and he promptly promised to take her with him the next time he went for a ride, which pleased her immensely.

  “Girls, go finish your chores while I prepare supper,” Suellen directed, pushing the girls inside the door. Everyone else followed them inside. Scarlett and Suellen went to the kitchen to finish cooking while the men retired to the library for brandy.

  Will sat quietly, whittling while Rhett and Wade discussed school. Wade relayed the details of his academic progress and his banking ventures as well as his social affairs while Rhett listened intently, asking questions and congratulating him on his success. Wade stopped every once in a while to listen for bickering from the kitchen, but he heard none. It was interesting to find that Scarlett and Suellen were not squabbling fiercely as they had in the past, but Wade expected that it would start anytime, and so he continued conversing with Rhett until they were called for supper.

  The entire family sat around the table with pleasant conversation, constant chattering from Cat and the girls, and delicious food. Wade found that he was truly enjoying himself, and had almost forgotten the rift between them. Scarlett had become rather tranquil, and Wade marveled at her new found freedom. She no longer worried and fretted, and her words were no longer sharp and bitter, but rather calm. She ate slowly, enjoying each bite, watching Cat intently with a warm smile on her face. Every so often, she would reach over and pat Rhett’s hand lovingly then would begin a conversation with Wade without stinging ridicule or biting intuition. She no longer looked on him with antagonism, and her clear green eyes showed pride, and Wade wondered how he had managed to finally win her approval.

  “We will be visiting the Fontaine’s tomorrow, Wade. They found out that you were coming home, and they planned a barbeque for the county in your honor. Isn’t that lovely?”

  Wade’s heart stopped beating momentarily, and he looked at his mother, searching for signs of deception, but he saw none. “That sounds nice, mother.” He raised the corners of his mouth, slightly, hiding his misgivings about the event.

  Apparently, she noticed nothing, and she continued chattering happily, “There won’t be many people in attendance, and barbeques never will be the same as before the war.” Her eyes floated downward for a moment as she remembered the old days, “Suellen, do you remember the last barbeque at Twelve Oaks? Everyone was dressed so beautifully. That was before we lost most of our young men, but do you remember how lovely Twelve Oaks was, Rhett? That was the day we first met.” She looked at Rhett lovingly, then she blushed slightly, “I still think you were a fox, scaring me like that and then insulting me,” she smiled and giggled like a young girl, then she moved closer to him and whispered something in his ear which made him roar with laughter which exploded throughout the rest of the table, though nobody else knew what they were laughing about. The bliss was contagious and everyone basked in Scarlett’s happiness.

  Wade watched her flirting with Rhett, yet in this scene, her ardor was sincere. She laughed genuinely, asked questions as though she wanted to know the answers, and earnestly listened to everyone at the table. She paid close attention to Cat, making sure she had everything she needed, cutting her food, answering her questions, and encouraging her to speak. Scarlett tried to start many conversations with Ella, but she was unsuccessful. Wade watched Ella closely, noticing that she was the only person at the table who was not laughing or conversing. She sat there quietly, intently chewing her food with her back straight and her delicate hands placed gently in her lap. Scarlett watched her as well, hoping that she would respond, and understanding that the wounds that cut the child were far too deep. In her heart, she wept bitterly for the mistakes she had made with her middle child, and she feared that they could never repair the damage that had been done so long ago.

  That night after a long evening of talking and reminiscing, Wade retired to his room, for it had been a long day, and he needed time to consider the events of the day and plan for tomorrow. It had been easy to forget the pain of the past with Scarlett’s charming smile and pleasant voice, but he remained suspicious. This could possibly be another scheme, but there was no telling what she wanted. How could he be sure of her intentions or her current conspiracy? So many times, he wanted to trust her and let her be his mother, but too much time had passed, and it was if he regarded her as just another female acquaintance. He enumerated her past sins in order to maintain his anger and protect himself from any trap she might be weaving, and within just a few minutes, he was fuming again.

  They woke early the next morning to ready themselves for the barbeque at Mimosa. They would have to head over there early to help cook. Many things had changed since the days of old where ladies were waited on and cavaliers rode swiftly over the fields to be handed food prepared by slaves. Now, the ladies rose early to prepare the much less elegant menu, debating the expense, yet with the same grace as if they were preparing food for kings. Conversations had shifted from war to planting and harvest and the devastated economy. Even in their finest attire, their dresses were delicately patched and the men’s suits showed signs of wear, but their spirits were high. The children played freely in the open lawn, and laughter could be heard from every corner of the house. This was a time of celebration, daily work could be delayed for a day, and families had gathered for a time of rest.

  Wade found Emily quickly and led her to a secluded corner. He held her closely, as she wrapped her arms around him, and they embraced each other as if they were holding on to their lives. He kissed her tenderly, and held her hand, turning the ring she wore on her finger. Remembering the situation at hand, he whispered, “My mother is her.”

  Emily dropped her head, unwilling to look at Wade’s face, fearful of the influence that Scarlett could have on him. “I know,” she replied.

  Wade lifted her face to his, “Have you spoken with her at all? Does she know?” He feared her answer, yet it was imperative to his plan that he know all of the details. He searched her face for a sign. He saw her eyes divert from his, and his throat tightened.

  Small lines of tears traveled to the corner of her eyes as she answered, “I have not spoken to her at all, and I have listened to their conversations, but nothing has been said. I am just so afraid. Sally has described her to me, and I am sure that she will forbid you to marry me.”

  Wade lifted his hand to wipe the tears from her face and held her even closer, whispering, “Nothing will change, my darling. You are mine, and I have promised you my life. There is no person in the world that can take you from me. I will not allow it.” He held her back so that he could meet her eyes, showing his sincerity. Slowly, she nodded then wrapped her arms around him again, unable to believe that he was actually here. She never wanted to let him go again, and planned to beg him to stay rather than return to Athens. She could not stand the separation any longer, and she only hoped that she could convince him to stay.

  He breathed in the fragrance of her hair, nestling in the curve of her neck, then raising her li
ps to his, meeting them slowly, running his fingers along her back, and then tightening his hold on her waist with her head lying in his other arm, he began kissing her passionately, pressing her to him. His kisses traveled down, laying his head on her bosom, he breathed deeply, pulling himself away before he lost control. He watched her closely as she opened her eyes slowly, dizzied by his fervor, desiring him to continue, knowing they could be found at any moment.

  He regained his composure and continued, “I am going to make an announcement this afternoon, my love. My mother would never make a scene in public, and I cannot wait to tell the world that you are mine.”

  Still flustered, she nodded, “I trust your judgment.” She touched his face once more then slid from his grasp, “We must get out of here. We cannot be found here.” She reached up to kiss him quickly then ran quickly from the room, leaving Wade to recuperate and finalize his plans. He would have to memorize his words perfectly, and consider reactions from the present guests. He would have to rely on the element of surprise and social grace to protect Emily from scorn, and if there were repercussions in dealing with his mother, he would face them at home, without Emily’s presence.

  Throughout the day, Wade spent time with the other men, discussing their crops and the price of cotton, but his eyes often remained on Emily as she helped prepare food and serve the guests. Most of the families present were new to Clayton County, and he was surrounded by unfamiliar faces. However, several gentlemen seemed to be quite familiar with Emily. One such young man, who was obviously single, returned to Emily’s side several times, lingering a little too long, edging a little too close to her side, and managing to touch her hand a few too many times. Wade watched this gentleman closely then asked Will who he was.

  “Oh, you have not met him. He is new to the county, coming from up north, from Virginia I think. He got some land real cheap, and is planning a large plantation with plenty of houses. I believe he is a lien holder and has renters already in place. Mr. Hayes, I believe is his name.”

  “Is he married?” Wade tried to ask calmly, though his hands trembled with ravenous jealousy.

  Will sensed Wade’s anger. He replied sternly, “No, he is not, and it would seem that he has eyes for Emily, but I wouldn’t worry. Every other girl in the county has her eyes on him.”

  “Hmm,” was Wade’s only reply. He could not help but notice Emily’s reaction to Mr. Hayes, and he burned with anger. He could feel every muscle in his body trembling as he thanked Will and tromped to Emily’s side. “Have fun?” Wade glared at her.

  She looked at him and smiled, blushingly. She could only think of their earlier meeting, and hoped desperately that they could steal away again. “I have to admit that I would much rather be spending time with you, darling, but Sally asked me to help her serve.”

  Wade suddenly felt guilty, for he had no reason to distrust Emily, and it was silly to even think that she might be unfaithful, but he would definitely keep an eye on Mr. Hayes. Besides, everything would be settled in a few minutes when he announced their engagement. He quickly kissed her hand then strode off to find Mr. Fontaine. He found him speaking among a group of gentlemen, and Wade asked him to give him a moment in private. When they had reached the library, Wade asked him to beckon everyone’s attention so that they could announce his engagement to Emily.

  Mr. Fontaine considered the request. He had been rather frustrated over the past year, for he had brought every suitable gentleman in the county to meet Emily, and though the men were immediately entranced by her beauty and charm, she showed no signs of interest. It was apparent that she had devoted her life to Wade and his meddling would not change her mind. He had also spent time with Scarlett over the past few days and had noticed the change in her, noting that possibly she would not fight Wade’s marriage prospects. At any rate, the public announcement would certainly refute any further gentleman callers.

  He turned to Wade to ask, “Have you discussed this with your mother, and do you have her approval?”

  Wade swallowed, knowing he would have to lie in order to convince Mr. Fontaine to honor his request, “Yes, sir.” He immediately felt humiliated to be the bearer of untruth when he had never told a lie, but under the current circumstances, he had no other choice.

  “Fine, then gather Emily and meet me on the terrace.” Mr. Fontaine went directly to gather the crowd of families under the terrace, and Wade held Emily closely with his hand around her waist as the crowd gathered around them. Wade searched for his mother and Rhett and found them right in the front with Cat holding Scarlett’s skirts, tugging them gently, begging to know what would be said. Mr. Fontaine handed Wade and Emily each a glass then raised his own, “Let’s raise our glasses in a toast to Wade and Emily. Wade has asked for Emily’s hand in marriage. The wedding will transpire as soon as he has finished his degree at the University of Georgia. May they live long, enjoying each moment they have together, prospering, loving, and holding on to the important aspects of life.”

  Wade kept his eyes on his mother throughout the announcement as the color drained from her face. Then as the onlookers began to applaud, she applauded with them, looking slightly bewildered. Wade held his arm around the small of Emily’s back as they made their way through the multitude of guests on the way to his mother, shaking hands and accepting congratulations on every side. When they finally faced his mother, she shook Emily’s hand gracefully, congratulating them through tight lips trying to smile. She looked at Wade slyly with green slits flaring with anger then turned her back to him, refusing to further the conversation. As Wade had predicted, she did not make a scene in public, but she was obviously angry, and Wade was grateful that he had protected Emily from her wrath. His only objective now was to make sure that he did not abandon Emily to be alone with his mother, ever. Hopefully, by the time they were married, the three of them would have spent enough time together that she would come to love Emily just as he did. Until that time, she would remain under his watchful eye.

  No words were spoken that evening on the ride home to Tara or even the next morning during breakfast. Scarlett hardly spoke at all other than to pass the gravy, and Wade began to feel injured by her silence, far worse than if she had obliterated him with her spiteful tongue. He knew that she had not truly changed, and the facade that she had played two nights ago was a theatrical show. Her true demeanor was shining now, as she quietly ignored Wade, scheming her vengeful plot to tear Wade and Emily apart.

  Wade left the breakfast table and headed toward the barn to saddle Silver for an early morning ride. He wanted to ride through the fields, checking the crops and the pasture, hoping to find cattle that had successfully mated and would be calving during the spring. When he reached the barn he found Rhett already there saddling his own horse, and they decided to ride together to oversee the land. They rode for a few yards in silence, but Wade knew Rhett had something to say and being impatient, he called him out.

  Rhett continued riding, detecting ire in Wade’s tone of voice, and decided to approach the subject delicately. “Your mother is quite unhappy with you.”

  “How is that any different from any other moment in my life?” Wade cocked his head, rather furious with Rhett for taking her side although he knew the torture she had put him through since the day he was conceived.

  “I cannot speak for that, but I can say that in this instance, she has the right to be upset. Now, Wade, don’t ruffle your feathers until I have finished.” Rhett shook his head, and laughed roughly, “That was quite a production yesterday. I might say that I am disappointed that you lied to Mr. Fontaine. Don’t worry, he doesn’t know, your mother covered for you quite easily, but I thought more highly of you.”

  Wade felt even more shame now that Rhett knew about his lie, and he could hardly face him. “Is that why Mother is angry?”

  “Well, actually, I think she is kind of proud that you went to so much trouble to mastermind a plan that she would obviously dislike, and you were able to orchestr
ate that plan without a hitch, disregarding your scruples to accomplish the task. However, it was mighty cruel to disarm her in public, so that she was unaware of the situation.”

  “Kind of like I was unaware for several years that I had a new little sister and the two of you had reconciled? Like discovering that my father had died of pneumonia before he had ever reached the battlefield from a complete stranger? Or is it more like the knowledge that I had been abandoned by her for years while she chased after you?” Wade was raging now, and he hated to speak to Rhett like this for he had never shown anything but kindness, and had protected him from his mother’s wrath for many years. However, just like Scarlett, Rhett had abandoned him just when he was most vulnerable, and his subconscious resentment towards both of them had reached a boiling point. “Can you honestly say that I have done her any injustice? Do you think that I would purposely antagonize her so that she could torment Emily the way she has tormented me for years? That show was nothing more than protection for Emily. I certainly would never have released that information in the privacy of our home so that Mother could abuse her with cutting words and sarcastic diplomacy.”

  Rhett raised his eyebrows, questioning, “Why would she do that?”

  “Because Emily has no family name to speak of, she has no money or inheritance. Her father has left and her mother is dead, and quite frankly, I don’t believe that Mother would approve of any girl that she had not chosen for me.”

  “I see,” Rhett replied.

  “Whether here or not, that woman has manipulated every event in my life, and I will not be part of her performance any longer. No matter what she has to say, I will marry Emily, and if Mother intends to stay at Tara, Emily and I will make our home elsewhere.” Wade continued to ride, wishing to end the conversation.

  “Just out of curiosity, Wade, I have to ask if you are marrying Emily just to spite your mother.” Rhett held his tongue firmly against his cheek, for although he knew Wade would never admit this bit of information, he knew he had to plant the seed, urging Wade to examine his motives.

  “I most assuredly am not,” Wade flared with anger once again that Rhett could even suggest such an improper deed, then he remembered Alice and her plan to return to Georgia, and his face reddened with indignation. He was not like Alice. His motives were pure. “I will return later.” Wade stated flatly then rode away.

  He raced through the pasture, leapt over the fence then trotted slowly toward the Fontaine plantation. He was not quite sure what to say, for the only thing he wanted to do was flee, but he knew that he would be leaving Emily to the enemy. He was sure that the moment he left would be the moment that Scarlett lit on Emily like a vulture ready to prey, and he was unwilling to desert her to defend herself. He turned back and rode slowly towards Jonesboro, willing himself to leave, wishing he could forsake all of these strenuous relations behind, forgetting everyone, yet unwilling to hand over the love of his life.

  As he rode through the county, the details of his life started flashing through his mind, and he remembered every time he saw Emily and every conversation and every kiss. He remembered the few times he had seen his mother and the influence she had on his life. Was he really willing to allow that woman to exile him from this land that he loved? Although the heat of the day was beginning to set in, he rested under a large magnolia tree, breathing in the aroma of the honeysuckle growing wildly along the road, and he looked across the open fields, green with growing cotton roots running deeply into the deep, rich soil, and he knew where he was rooted also.

  He stood and mounted Silver, spurring him gently to prod him into motion as he leapt across fields and streams then down the road to Tara. He raced up the front steps and into the house. Scarlett looked up from her sewing, stunned at Wade’s frightfully loud entrance, but as soon as she recognized him, she returned to her sewing without speaking a word, refusing to acknowledge his presence.

  “I must have a word with you, Mother,” Wade waltzed into the sitting room and stood in front of her, demanding her attention. She still refused to address him, so he strengthened his voice until it was booming through the house. “You cannot continue to ignore me.”

  Scarlett did not look up from her sewing, but calmly replied, “When you decide to take a seat and use an acceptable tone of voice with me, I will address you.”

  Wade sat down across from her, lowering his voice, yet still trembling with anger. “Let us discuss this matter, for your silence is far worse than your words, so let me hear what you have to say, Mother.”

  Scarlett set her sewing on the table beside her and politely folded her hands in her lap then looked at him with spitting anger flaring in her eyes. “You should have warned me before making that announcement at the barbeque. I have never even met this girl you plan to marry, and although she may seem very nice, she is not an appropriate match for you.”

  “You cannot make such a judgment. As you have already pointed out, you do not know her. Quite frankly, I believe that the moment you dropped me on this doorstep, you gave up any right you had in choosing my wife.” Wade’s eyes flashed, hoping to bait her into the change of subject.

  Scarlett ignored his last comment and continued speaking calmly, “You need a nice girl from Savannah with a good name and an inheritance. I can tell you from experience that once you have married into the wrong family and ruined your reputation, it is very hard to regain.”

  Wade smiled, slyly believing he had the upper hand. “Technically, she is a nice girl from Savannah. Her mother was Miss Kellecee from Savannah before she was married.”

  Scarlett squinted her eyes, trying to remember the name then widened quickly as she recognized the name from scandalous talk. “Her mother may have been socially acceptable at one time until she married that outcast who eventually killed her. Now in order for Emily to regain her social favor, it would take more work than either one of you are willing to do.”

  “I have won Emily’s favor, and that’s all I need. I have courted her since the first time you left us here. I liberated her from her abusive father and have given her my heart. You did not know that I followed her to Texas and rescued her from her uncle’s ranch did you?”

  Scarlett’s face immediately twisted in horror, “Oh no, Wade Hampton, you didn’t. Please tell me that it was not you!”

  Wade glanced at her, worriedly, “I don’t know what you are speaking of.”

  “Oh Wade, please tell me you did not go to the Kellecee ranch, Wade please! Aunt Eulalie said it was you, but I could not believe you would do such a thing.” Scarlett began to ring her hands, worried that Wade had already ruined his reputation by committing the most horrendous social faux pas.

  “Tell me what you are talking about, Mother. I have done nothing wrong,” he stared at her, waiting impatiently for her to catch her breath.

  “Aunt Eulalie is very good friends with the widow sisters whose maiden name is Kellecee. They recently received a letter asking them to take in their niece, Alice, the daughter of Mr. Kellecee in Texas. Apparently, Alice had a beau in Texas, a nice young man from Georgia, named after his father’s commander in the Civil War, who compromised her. He asked for her hand in marriage then supposedly went on the cattle drive but never returned. Now, unless she finds the man who left her, she is ruined, and will never be married.” Scarlett turned her head to close her eyes, silently pleading with him, “Wade, please tell me that it wasn’t you who did that.”

  Wade stood, roaring with anger, “I never compromised her! Never did I touch her in any way or commit any social sin with that girl. I had to push her away from me several times.”

  “So, it was you,” Scarlett’s face turned crimson.

  “I did propose, however, I never asked her father for permission because I had no intention of fulfilling the proposition. Mother, the conniving wench threatened me and Emily if I did not kneel to her and bring her back here as my wife. At that time, Emily and I had already promised ourselves to each other. I had to protect Emi
ly just as I am protecting her now from your conniving plans to sabotage our relationship.”

  Scarlett was speechless. Emily had obviously enchanted Wade so that he had committed the most treacherous act of deception. She had to do something to retrieve him from Emily’s grasp then convince him to marry Alice, fulfilling his obligation to her and reclaiming his position in Savannah society. They would have to deal with explanations of his absence at a later date. The only thing she could concentrate on at this moment was getting rid of Emily, and direct confrontation no longer worked with Wade. He had inherited her flaming temper and had outgrown his fear of her. She would have to deal with this issue indirectly.

  Scarlett took a deep breath, realigning her strategy. “It is fine, darling, you did the right thing, keeping your promise to Emily.” She paused, reaching for the gumption it would take to continue, “If Emily is worth that to you then I would like to spend some time with her, and learn to love her as well. The other issues are insignificant if you are devoted to her so deeply.”

  Wade glanced at her, unconvinced of her sincerity. Her sudden change in disposition was transparent, but he did not know her plan, so was left unable to defend himself. “I am glad you understand and are willing to accept Emily. I hope we can enjoy the remainder of my visit.”

  “Of course, darling,” Scarlett rose to kneel beside him and kissed him on the cheek, “You’ll invite Emily soon, won’t you dear?”

  Wade nodded, still struck dumb by Scarlett’s sudden change. He really did not know whether he should invite Emily into Scarlett’s lair. He was incredibly distrustful of her, knowing her past lack of virtue and skeptical of her shift in opinion of his future marriage. However the only way he could uncover her plan would be to expose himself to her. Once again, he had no other choice than to play into her hands and hope for the best.

  Over the next several days, Emily spent time at Tara visiting with Scarlett, Rhett, and the family. They ate dinners together and entertained her quite lavishly so that Emily felt right at home immediately. Wade watched Scarlett’s every move, hoping to catch her in some moment of indiscretion, but true to her word, she was perfectly amiable, treating Emily with grace and style as is she were royalty.

  Emily returned the invitation, and the family visited Mimosa on a regular basis, where they would dine with other families in the county, and at each visit, Mr. Hayes became a regular guest. Scarlett admired his business sense, and probed him for information about lien holding, hoping that Wade could gain insight and possibly engage in the same business prospects. Wade could not stand the presence of Mr. Hayes. He watched the man’s every move, as he charmed each woman in the room with his caressing voice and handsome magnetism. Wade cringed with jealousy each time he touched Emily’s hand or gazed at her from across the room. However, she never returned his sentiment, and she placed herself strategically at Wade’s side throughout each evening, and Wade settled himself contentedly.

  Not once did Scarlett reveal herself or her plan, and Wade began to doubt his intuition. She was polite and lovable to both of them, almost as agreeable as she had been on the first night of his return, and he began to forget that he had been scrutinizing her every move. He began to enjoy her presence, and everyone seemed quite genial, the way he had dreamed his family could be. After becoming accustomed to her cordial nature, he did not want to believe that she could possibly be manipulating anything, and he relaxed, happy to be part of such good-natured family, dreading the moment he would have to say good-bye and return to Athens.

  He tried to spend as much time as possible with Ella, for he had noticed her changes as well. She had become quiet and distant, even when the rest of the family was quite jolly. Although she never did reveal some great secret, he had the feeling that she was hiding something. She was terribly upset that Scarlett had returned, disturbing her peaceful life and she was plagued by jealousy that Scarlett loved Cat that way that she could never love either of them. Wade tried to console her, lovingly, hoping to appease her sadness, yet remaining unsuccessful. No matter how much they talked, walked, or teased, she never lost that look of sadness in the corner of her eyes, and Wade could only hope that some other issue plagued her mind. He would speak with Suellen about her before he left, for he knew that Suellen could soothe the most aching soul.

  The month passed quickly, and before he was ready, it was time for him to return to Athens. He made arrangements to spend some time alone with Emily, and they picnicked alone beside the river, listening to the brook washing over the rocks, laughing and talking.

  Suddenly, Emily turned serious, fearing that his departure was inevitable. “Wade, you cannot leave again. You must stay.”

  “Darling, you know that I can not. I have to fulfill my promise to Uncle Ashley so that I am free to fulfill my promise to you.” Wade took her hand and held it close to his heart, searching her face for understanding.

  Tears began to fall on her cheeks, and his heart ached for her. She pleaded with him, “Please, Wade, I cannot bear another year without you. I will go insane with agony. It is simply torturous being here without you, for my heart aches, I think of you every night, and I long for you.”

  “As I long for you, my love,” Wade replied remorsefully.

  “If nothing else, can we not wed now, and I will go with you.” Emily voice was beginning to rise, and Wade could sense the anguish in her voice, but he could not concede.

  He lowered her hand and wrapped his arms around her. He breathed deeply then placed his hands on her shoulders, facing her, soothing her, strengthening her. “Listen, my apartment in Athens is far too small, and I promised Mr. Fontaine that we would wait until I had completed my degree. Sweetheart, we have waited so long. What is just a little longer when we have our entire lives ahead of us?”

  “Promises!” Emily stood and stomped her foot angrily. “Always keeping promises to everyone but me. When am I going to come first? When am I going to get my promises? Never mind, Wade Hampton, when you decide that you are ready for me then come get me. Until that time, I will not cry again, and you had better hope that I am still waiting.” With that, she marched off, leaving Wade thunderstruck by her sudden anger. He considered following her, but he had seen her react like this before, and he knew it was no use trying to calm her until she had settled down. He watched her walk away, his heart aching.