Read Tau the Legend Page 1

  This story is of a man who was so strong and courageous, whose deeds were so mighty he would be remembered as one of the greatest demigods that have ever lived.

  The offspring of Zeus the king of the Greek gods and a Greek woman named Electra. To begin our journey we have to understand the reason and how this mighty demigod came to birth.

  Zeus was the most powerful ruler of all the gods of Olympia that meant he could do pretty much what he wanted and no one stood in his way. It all started when Zeus fell in love with a beautiful Greek woman named Electra she was a mortal, he loved all women as he was married to his own sister Hera the queen of the gods, Zeus was very unfaithful and not a very good husband to his wife. Zeus had many children with many different women but he had only three children with Hera. He knew he could never be with Electra as Hera was a very jealous Goddess and she knew the love that Zeus had for women. So he waited patiently for a chance with Electra. He kept an eye on her always making sure she was safe from harms way. She believed in the gods and worshipped, her husband Amphitryon not a believer of the gods he was a ruthless man always seeking battles to expand his kings kingdom he was not merciful and not a good man he wanted to overthrow the king from his Throne and rule the kingdom he worked with the other countries gathering their trust and allowing their men to live if they vowed to serve him once he was the King of Greece. Electra loved him but also at the same time afraid of him so she prayed to her gods be saved from her nightmare, she could see the end coming as her husband was planning his victory. She knew that he would kill her should she go against his decisions, he was the commander and general in the army one day the king called for him, they had to go to Rome there was rebels trying to overthrow the kingdom. Amphitryon set sail the following day with 5000 solders, Electra was alone but Hera was near and time was running out as Electra’s husband was on his way back to Greece and he would not get a chance while she was near him, so he arranged for their brother Demeter to be killed he knew Hera would attend the passing of their brother so she left to attend, Zeus knew this would be his only chance to act, so he changed himself into Electra’s husband’s life form and entered the bedroom late in the night. She could not believe her husband was back from Rome, she grabbed him around the neck kissing and hugging him, he whispered into her ear to relax as this will be a long night of passion. Zeus started to undress her and himself he pleasured her for more than 8 hours non stop, he saw that se liked it so he made it prolonged as far as he could he then whispered into her ear before she fell asleep “Tau the saviour you will bear”. He left early in the morning not to wake Electra, as she woke up after an exhilarating night of passion her husband returned and relieved to be finding her still in bed, as he started to kiss Electra she pushed him away as she was still sore from last night, Amphitryon was confused but proceeded onwards he made love to her, she was surprised at what just happened. He never came home directly after a battle as they would normally first torture the prisoners.

  Nine months passed and the healers was astounded by the size of Electra’s stomach the baby was to big for a normal child, the conspiracy started as people started to talk the streets was filled with the message that Electra was baring the son of the god Zeus, the word quickly spread that she was bearing a child of a god, Hera found out of the baby and was devastated at Zeus for his actions she could never withstand a child of Zeus with another woman. So she wanted to kill it without Zeus knowing. She waited for 9 months, as the time grew closer she started to get irritated of the sight of Electra as the birth of the children started she intervened but allowed Amphitryon’s son to be born she made it impossible for Zeus’s son to be born as she pushed him back, it lasted for 5hours, one healers suspected something to be wrong and shouted out loud, another son born, as he said it Hera was shocked and stopped preventing the child to be born the healers quickly helped Electra to get her other son out of her. She had two sons they were twins but did not look anything like each other, The one was called Iphicles the first born son, the other son she named Tau son of Amphitryon, he was the size of a 6months old baby having blue eyes and he having black hair growing already, Iphicles was small and bald as a normal baby should be. Amphitryon was not very pleased with this event Hera smuggled with his mind and made a promise to Amphitryon should the child be killed she would help him become king, he instructed the healers to kill Tau, the healers followed the order given by the king army general. As the healers took Tau out he placed the umbilical cord around the baby’s neck as to suffocate it, Electra could not see this being done as the cloth was still covering his private area. She could feel the struggle happening “what is going on?” she asked the healers did not respond as he was wrestling with the very strong baby, Tau managed to untangle the cord around his neck ending up with it covering his face, he took one bite and the cord was loose, he then grabbed the healers by the neck barely having a grip on the healer’s neck, Tau squeezed so hard on his tiny hands and ripped out the healer’s throat, Tau did not let go until there was no more life in the healer. Iphicles cried as he came out of his mother but Tau did not once he killed the healer he turned around and crawled over the cloth to his mother’s breast and started to suck on her nipple to drink her milk he stared with his blue eyes straight into his mothers eyes and gave a small grin, everyone was amazed by the unfolding of the birth of Tau. Amphitryon was so mad due to this he refused to call the son his, he called him a killer and demanded that the child be killed, but Electra stepped in and told Amphitryon that she would kill him as it was her son and no one would have the right to take his life but the one that gave life to him. Amphitryon agreed on this and told her as soon as she was able to walk that se would have to kill him and get rid of the body and if she should go against his decision that he would kill them both, she agreed to his request. It took her 5 days to recover, she could not get it over her heart to kill her own son, she took him to the river where she would drown him, as she arrived at the river bank she fell to her knees crying she looked up and started to pray and ask for guidance “Please Zeus help me, what must I do?” as she held Tau tightly in her arms as Tau stared as her smiling she could not so she decided to take her own life with her son’s, she started to walk into the river deeper and deeper, as she reached the water level with her elbows touching the water a slight breeze picked up and the wind blew, making whistling sounds as it passed through the branches of the trees. She could feel the climate changing Poseidon was the god of all the elements that was fire, water, wind and earth. She called to him, “Poseidon help me save your brothers child” as Poseidon was the brother of Zeus along with Hades the god of the underworld. She saw a small basket filled with straw and a letter with the name Tau written on it.

  She placed him inside the basked and covered his body with the straw so that the sun would not burn him. She let go and the stream took him away, Electra stood there crying vigorously as she looked at the basked being taken away. After almost half a day staring at the water seeing nothing as her son was swept away she knew her son was gone and that she would never see him again. The general Amphitryon send troops to the river to see what was taking her so long, the instruction was to make sure the child was killed and if not to kill both the mother and child. As the troops arrived at the river they asked her where the child was, she sniffed and wiped the tears off her face and pointed to the river saying “the water took him away”. The troops took Electra to the kingdom straight to their general. On her arrival she grabbed Iphicles and held him firmly in her arms, Amphitryon was pleased at the sight of Electra wanting her other son, his son. He called for his second in command that he send to the river and asked him where the other baby was his second in command called Promus told him that the son was drowned by Electra in the river and th
e body was washed away in the stream when they arrived at Electra. He was pleased to hear that his wife followed his instruction so he spared her life. Amphitryon became king as Hera promised. The king was assassinated by Promus on Amphitryon’s command; this meant that Iphicles was his successor. Baby Tau was at water for 30 days, Poseidon looked after the child as he send birds to feed the child water and food. Zeus god of the sky and the father of Tau send a falcon to fly over Tau providing shade to prevent the sun from burning him. When the rain came Poseidon removed the cloud over Tau so that he would not rain wet. The birds made music for him and the fish directed the basket when the wind was tired. On the 30th day Tau washed out on the river bed where a woman was busy collecting water for her and her husband, she was busy filling the bucket when she saw the basket and heard a slight noise coming from it the sound of a child laughing. As she came closer she could see his hands and legs moving as the birds tickled the child,