Read Tau the Legend Page 2

she also saw the largest falcon she has ever seen flying over the child making shade for him. She knew this was a gift from the gods as she and her husband wanted children but was unable to have any due to complications. She knew that the falcon was associated by the god Zeus. She saw a note next to the child with the name Tau written on it. She picked the child up and held him towards the sky and said “you are Tau”, as she said it a large thunderbolt struck. She almost fainted as it happened, but Tau grabbed her arms and smiled at her she could feel he was strong as he had a firm grip on her. She was so happy she ran home forgetting the water she went to fetched, her husband saw her running towards the house holding Tau up high shouting “a baby, dear we have a baby!” he looked at his wife when she arrived at the house but was worried as he knew how mush his wife wanted a child that he thought she had stolen him from someone. He instructed her to go and give him back to who ever she took him from, but she continuously explained to him that it was a gift from the gods, but he refused to believe her, he said to her if this was a real gift from the gods then they must show a sign to prove it, so she asked for a sign, Zeus with the help of Poseidon made it rain very hard with not one rain drop touching the house, but her husband did not believe this so Poseidon made the wind blow the rain to form a ‘T’ in the sky. Then her husband believed her, looking at the ‘T’ and then it was over the rain stopped and the wind settled down. She new that Tau would not be with them forever as she knew he had a purpose in life of which he had to fulfil. They were poor and did not have enough sleeping place for the baby so they made a straw bed for him next to their bed. Hera was under the impression that Tau was dead when she overheard Zeus and Poseidon talking about Tau. She was enraged at Amphitryon as he assured her that Tau was dead. She confronted Poseidon about Tau and manipulated him into helping her to kill Tau, she made him send two serpents to kill him in his bed. Tau’s new mother and father was fast asleep when the serpents entered through the window and slit onto the bed where Tau was sleeping, as they were on their way to struck him he grabbed a snake in each hand and killed them by squeezing them by his hands. Tau’s parents woke up as they heard their baby was awake, to their amazement they saw Tau has killed two snakes and now playing with them. Hera was mad and knew she would not win without a fight. As Tau grew up his parents told him how they found him and that he was a gift from the gods to mankind, Tau was bigger than the other children and stronger than the rest, at the age of 10 he was as big as a 16 year old boy, having "Sullen", "Smouldering" and "volcanic" blue eyes with a black hair in a "square-cut mane”, Hera send an army of soldiers to invade the village where Tau was growing up, they had to kill every boy child in the village and everyone that stood in their way, as the missionaries invaded the village the word quickly spread that they were killing every boy child in the village, Tau’s mother dressed him up as a lady, it was one of her dresses. As Tau’s hair was relatively long touching his shoulders she disguised him and send him to fetch water, she explained to him if anyone should dare touch him he should run as fast as he can and get away from danger. He did as his mother said he took the bucket and went to the water river where his mother found him the first time. Dressed as a woman, 3 missionary men approached him they wanted to rape this woman as she was alone, but this was no woman, he threw down the bucket and started to run into the woods as he was running he noticed that the men were following him, then he heard his mother screaming “mother!” he shouted and stopped dead in his tracks and turned around, he started to run towards them out of puzzled the men did not know what was going on then Tau struck one of them it was as loud as thunder the skull splitting into two, he grabbed the other and threw him into the waterfall rocks breaking his back, he pulled the sword out of the on missionary and struck the last man cutting him in two with one blow. Tau started to run towards the village where his parents were, at his arrival he found his mother and father killed, they sacrificed their life for him, he threw down the sword and kneeled down beside them holding them in his arms. As the missionaries tried to take him he killed them one by one, just by sitting next to his deceased family. The militant commander saw the raw talent of the boy so he instructed for this one to be captured and not slaughtered. Tau was captured by the missionaries and sold for a handsome sum of money to slave seekers.

  Tau was slashed and marked as a slave and forced to do hard labour, Hera wanted to kill Tau by working him into the ground to his death, but he was the strongest and biggest, getting bigger and bigger standing 6 feet tall and weighing 180 pounds at the age of 15, he developed wide legs and a strong back and chest, he was very muscular. His wore a loincloth and sandals. The spirit of Tau was broken and he did not fight to escape till one day, on his 18th birthday a storm erupted, a storm so bad and strong that every one except Tau lost their footing and got dragged away for hundreds of meters by the storm.

  Then Zeus appeared in front of him “Tau, I am your father”, Tau looked at Zeus and out of anger replied “you are not my father, my father and mother was killed” Zeus saw that Tau was devastated and felt that this was not the right time to convince Tau of who his parents were, instead he told Tau of the purpose of his existence and why he was still alive, he explained to Tau that he possessed the strength of Zeus. But Tau was not amused by Zeus’s accusations and turned his back on him; Zeus vanished leaving Tau to find his own path to his destiny. Hera was pleased as Tau was heading into a certain death, he was on his way into the land of the dead, a land crawling with dead souls, some say the land was so haunted only the dead was brave enough to enter it. Tau was fighting with himself confused and angry he was a slave for 8 years and did not know anything but work day in and night out. As he entered the land of the dead he had his first encounter a ghost reaper came to him wanting to scare Tau, but his mind was elsewhere, he just pushed the reaper one side, but no one could touch a ghost, but Tau did. He pushed him one side, the rest of the dead souls was astounded by the event that they fled, scared not knowing what Tau was. He turned around looking at the souls; he just shook his head and continued onwards. Hera was mad they were suppose to take Tau’s soul, she waited for sunset as she knew he would want to find resting place, he was heading into the caves where he would find shelter. Hera went to Poseidon and asked of him to send the most fearsome creature to the cave and end Tau’s life, so he did, Tau was hungry and cold as he did not eat for the entire day and only wearing a loincloth and sandals on his feet. Poseidon waited until Tau was fast asleep when he send the Nemean Lion to kill Tau, as the Lion approached he was breathing shallow as to hunt his prey, but Zeus saw this and made the lightning struck waking up Tau to find himself trapped in a cave with the most feared Nemean Lion.

  Tau stood up and looked at the lion each other staring at one another, then the lion jumped up in the air to Tau, out of pure instinct Tau grabbed the lion by the mouth forcing the lion’s mouth to open but the lion was strong as equal as 10 men, but Tau was stronger he got a firm grip on the lion’s upper and lower jaw, he started to pull the lion’s mouth open until he broke the jaw of the lion. The most feared Nemean Lion was killed, but Tau was still hungry and cold so he cut the lion open and skinned it, he made a mantel to cover his body from the cold, the meat he ate raw as he did not have anything to make a fire with. Hera was furious as nothing could kill Tau. So she decided to be patient and wait for another way to get to Tau, she left him and kept an eye on him where ever he went.

  Tau had no money and his meat was finished so he set out to find something to eat, the sun was blistering hot and the Nemean Lion’s skin would provide protection against the sun rays. So he left the cave with noting but his dagger and his lion skin, he walked and walked until he could see a large village, he knew he would find food there so he rushed to the village, only to find that this was where the richest people came to bet on their favourite fighters to win in the pits. Tau entered the competition to earn some money, he was unknown but was quickly spotted by his appearance the people pointed out to him as being as bi
g as a giant and massive, his skin was bronzed from constant exposure to the sun, a tall man standing 6.5 feet tall, mightily shouldered and deep hairy chest, with a massive corded neck and heavily muscled dangerous lines of limbs. His brow was low and broad, his eyes a volcanic blue that smouldered as if with some inner fire. His dark, scarred, almost sinister face was that of a fighting-man. The people wanted to see the big man fight so he was up first against a slave from the north he was unbeaten in 5 fights, The two fighters were introduced and the fight started, Tau grabbed the slave and bashed his head in with a nearby rock lying in the pit, the people was amazed and liked the barbaric look of this fighter. The people noticed the Nemean Lion skin he was wearing and asked him where he got it, “I killed it with my bare hands” he replied, the people laughed at him “you killed the most feared Nemean Lion with your bare hands!” the presenter turned around and out of sarcasm shouted at the people “I give to you, Tau the lion