Read Tau the Legend Page 3

slayer” the people laughed. Tau started to get uncomfortable and requested him to be paid for his victory, but the presenter told him that the slaves do not get paid only the people betting get money at this event. So Tau made a deal with the people to win all their money from them if he won all 5 his matches, the people found this extreme and agreed to this deal, he would not last more than 2 fights was the general discussion among the people. To make it interesting and ensure Tau would not win they improvised and placed al 5 fighters in with him, some was missionaries’ captured and some were slaves fighting just to survive.

  Tau grabbed two fighters each in one hand and threw them to their death against the wall of the pits, he showed inhuman strength and the dealers started to get worried, Tau had the upper hand against the rest of the prisoners, he smashed them killing his opponents by the score. The dealers saw this being an unwinnable bet and started to run away leaving Tau in the pits. There was no way out as the pits was made deep as to prevent the slaves from escaping, so he started to pile the bodies on top of each other as to form a step to get out of the pits. Tau set out after the dealers and killed the ones he could get his hands on, taking all his money. He set out on his journey and his name spread quickly as the escaped dealers spread his name “Tau, son of the gods”. Everywhere Tau set his foot the people was scared of him he had a barbaric look to him, and his massive size scared the people.

  Tau later found himself wondering into a city called Belverus in Nemedia the people were driven into slavery, as once being a slave as well Tau did not like this, he wanted the madness to stop so he went straight to the King of the land called Garian. The king laughed at Tau at the request to stop his madness and turned his back onto him. Walking out of the kings Temple Tau saw two pillars on each side of the entrance holding up the scaffolding, he stood between the pillars and placed his hands on the pillars and pushed them outwards causing the entrance to collapse shut, no way in or out, the kings men tried to free their king but the stones covering the entrance was to big to move. The people were happy and wanted to follow Tau where he went, but he stopped them saying “I am a troubled man seeking my path, it would be unwise to follow me” they must take back their land. He was given a horse by one of the horsemen for his help in taking back their land. The people chanted his name calling him “Tau the defender”.

  Tau set out with his journey but one man wanted to follow him where ever he was going, he was called Shadizar he was a blacksmith and well trained in combat. Tau wanted to send him home but knew his journey would be long and some company would be appreciated. Shadizar did not talk much. They travelled 7 days before reaching the Kezankian Mountains, where Amanar the Necromancer hid with his demonic patrons for protection against the black ring, a league of militants he has betrayed. On arrival Tau noticed gold coins being guarded by the patrons, Tau mulled over prospects for his next theft, but in between his theft he accidentally fell into a quarrel with a woman who also was busy with stealing the gold, they soon got spotted by making a noise and apprehended by the patrons, they were placed in a deep pit where they were hanged by their hands tied with a strong woven rope, but as all seemed lost Shadizar showed up freeing Tau and the woman called Bêlit she was a Viking from the land Zamora. On their way from escaping a large two headed snake appeared out of the shade, it was 9 feet high with a circumference of 4.9 feet, wrestling with the snake Tau was not making any progress as the snake was to much to handle Shadizar saw Tau struggle and offered his help by throwing the snake with stones, but the one head of the snake struck and killed Shadizar instantly, this made Tau so furious as he felt it was his fault cause he could not protect his friends, he shouted like a lion and squeezed the snake by placing his arms around the one head of the snake so hard that he eventually strangled it. In the pit was a sword that was embedded in the concrete, it was said that the gods have placed this sword there for only one worthy warrior, that was the conspiracy. Tau grabbed the sword and pulled it out of the concrete and sliced the snake in two. Amanar was shocked to see Tau with the sword in his hands, no one could pull the sword from the concrete for thousands of years, he fell to the ground kneeling before Tau, pleading for his life, but Tau was not amused by this and demanded all the gold coins to be given to him or he would kill every one in the Kezankian Mountains. Amanar did as Tau requested, Tau split the Gold between himself Bêlit and Shadizar, but Bêlit could not understand why he divided the gold coins between three because his friend was dead, but before she could ask why, he told Bêlit to take Shadizar’s gold coins to his family at Belverus in Nemedia as this was his share.

  Tau left the Kezankian Mountains with a handsome amount of gold coins and Bêlit went to Belverus in Nemedia to give Shadizar’s family his share of the gold, as she arrived at Nemedia she asked for the family of Shadizar, his family was shocked and sad to hear of their sons death, Bêlit assured them that their son died with honour as he was protecting the mighty Tau, she told them the story about the pit and the snake, how their son saved them by cutting them loose. She placed the bag with gold coins in front of them and said “Tau sends Shadizar’s share of the gold coins” they were confused and asked where they got it, but Bêlit assured them that this was a team effort and that Tau wanted them to have it on Shadizar’s behalf. They were so happy and they had enough money to be a more productive farm for the town. They took Bêlit’s hands and said “thank you, please tell Tau we appreciate what he has done for them”. Bêlit acknowledged and she left the city, she went to her own land Zamora where she would live like only kings can. Tau set out with his journey but Hera was mad as she could not kill Tau so she planned it carefully, she would plan his death in the next city. Tau arrived at Belverus after 10 days of travel, he still had the sword he pulled from the concrete in the Kezankian Mountains, he used the sword for cutting bushes and branches and killing wild animals for food on his way to Belverus, the sword did not turn blunt and also did not stain, it was as lights as air with a firm grip on the handle, it was truly one of a kind. Tau was not used to having so much money that he spend it all on woman and alcohol and betting on fights, it took Tau 12 days to spend all his money, Tau placed a bet on a local fight and lost, when Tau had to pay 50 coins he realised that he had no more money left, so Tau sold his sword and the skin of Nemean Lion he wore to Melius telling him that this sword will never get blunt and never stain no matter what, Tau received 100 coins for the sword, he used the money to pay for his bet and buy food and a place to sleep. After 5 days Melius came to Tau and asked for his money back as the sword had developed stains and became blunt. But Tau refused, he had no money as he spend it all, he knew from first hand experience that the sword never became blunt or developed any stains so Tau ‘shushed’ Melius away and went on with his going. Melius was furious and planned for Tau’s capture with the help of Hera, she send the black ring the feared league of militants to consult with Melius, they planned the capture, they would drug Tau and capture him while he was sleeping as he was extremely strong to capture. Melius went to Tau and told him that he was wrong and saw the sword was still sharp as a razor, he invited Tau to his feast he was holding to ask for forgiveness, Tau accepted the invitation, Melius spiked Tau’s drink, it was not long when Tau felt tired so he left to his shelter to go and sleep. The black ring entered his shelter when Tau was fast asleep; they took him to a deserted area and bound him with his arms stretched out and legs pulled apart between two trees. Standing not able to do anything Tau woke up and helpless, when Melius stepped forward from behind the masked black ring militants, he had the sword in his hand showing it to Tau “you see Tau, the blade is blunt” then he sliced the blade over Tau’s chest, but the sword was to blunt to cut the skin of Tau, Melius was telling the truth but it never became blunt when he had it, Melius turned around and threw the sword on the ground, he turned his head to look at the black league militants and said “he is al yours” and walked away. Hera knew she had him now this would be the end of Tau, son of Zeus. The black ring militants t
ortured Tau for 2 days by hitting him with a whip, the blood were flowing out of the cuts on his back, when out of rage Tau saw red pulling his arms together bending the trees until the rope binding him to the trees snapped. He grabbed on of the militants and bashed him against the trees, he untied his legs while the other militants kept on whipping him all over his body, but he freed himself, the only weapon close to him was the blunt sword, it was all he could get to so he picked up the sword and swung the sword to the closest militant to him cutting him in half with one blow. Everyone was amazed even Tau could not believe the blunt sword could do this, as Tau touched the sword’s blade he found that it was as sharp as a razor again. The sword was meant for him and no other, he killed every one of the militants ending the black rings reign without leaving even one stain on the blade. Tau went back to Belverus where he would confront with Melius but he was gone, he never came back to Belverus. So Tau vowed to himself to find Melius