Read Tears Of Angels Page 2

found making drugs more satisfying?”

  “No, I found the money more satisfying. I tried to take a shortcut, but not all shortcuts lead to a garden, some lead to a swamp. I could have stopped, but didn’t, was so seduced by the prospects of being rich without sweating that I forgot to put the full stop.”

  Paul finished his coffee and looked at Dr. Sen with curiosity. It often baffled him how stupid could people be to get trapped in all of this even after spending so many years educating themselves. They all seemed robots of the same make- go to school, study hard and chase money all your life. He had been chasing money since childhood, this way he was different, didn’t waste time on damn education that taught nothing but to be slaves.

  “A week ago, Drago approached me with a concept for a new drug that would be too strong and addictive. Before I could say anything he handed me a suitcase with five million dollars cash in it.”

  “So, what happened next?”

  “I started my work with full rigor but two days ago I realized the consequences of my actions. I went to Drago and returned his money. He instead kidnapped my wife and threatened to kill her if I failed to obey his commands.”

  “What of your son?”

  “I don’t know. I have no freaking idea of the whereabouts of my wife and son.”

  Dr. Sen controlled his tears for he knew it would weaken his resolve. He stood and looked at Paul. “We need to put an end to this.”

  “The drug has already been dispatched to the shop and shall be distributed thereon. Once they are out from the shop it would be impossible to trace the trail.”

  Dr. Sen fell back into the chair and his tensed face showed clear signs of defeat. His thoughts then shifted to his family, whatever happened to my family?

  “Lee, don’t go near the cactus, you will hurt yourself,” Drago said. He watched his six year old son examining the plant with curiosity. Lee reminded him of his own childhood when he would spend an entire day watching the port, admiring the beauty of the infinite ocean and observing various characters.

  “How can you be so amused by looking at a port?” his loving mother would ask with a smile. She would then hug him.

  “It’s like a classroom, mom. So many people with so many stories.”

  He had been quite an observant and that helped him in his later years to climb the ladder of power. He now controlled the drug trade and was richer than he had ever dreamed of. The only absence that he felt was of his mother.

  “I will take you on a world tour in one of those ships,” he would say pointing to a distant cruise and she would gently stroke his hair with teary eyes knowing well she wouldn’t be there long.

  As the evening drew near, the fear would set in them. His dreaded father would return home drunk and beat his wife with such brutality that Drago could never forget and shivered at the thought of it even now after so many years.

  One night his mother succumbed to the injuries. She lay dead on the floor as his father sat beside her expressionless. However, he was a rich man and was never convicted for his gore crime. He was let loose and remarried soon enough. Drago’s rage erupted like a volcano and one fine morning he picked up a hammer and smashed the pulp out of his sleeping father’s head. He continued to strike until his step-mother ran out of the house screaming.

  That day he left his house and with that he left something else, his soul. He realized it then that money could buy anything, and his animosity towards the society grew stronger with each passing day. He failed to understand that he too was a part of that same society.

  “This world runs on and for money. He had constituted his own declaration that day: I will destroy this society which failed to punish my father, this world is nothing but wretched and hollow.”

  Years of pain, anguish and hardships molded him into Drago, a soulless beast who killed for money and bought his way into everything that would draw his attention. “We all are rats, some are big but some are small. It all depends on your capability to snatch and grow big.”

  He caught his son watching him cry. Wiping his tears he forced a smile and took a deep breath. There was still some good left deep inside him which would resurface whenever he missed his poor mother. He was interrupted by Rohan, his right hand.

  “Sir, the package is at the shop. All we need to do is sit back and mint money,” he said with an evil grin.

  “What about the doctor’s son?”

  “He’s ours. Our lads have him by the collar.”

  “Good. And his wife?”

  Rohan hesitated for a moment and then coming close he whispered, “she tried to escape and we had no other choice….”

  Drago raised his hand and Rohan said no more. He knew Drago hated talking business with his son in the room.

  “I want to see the doctor now. And yes drag his assistant along.”

  Rohan left.

  Drago turned to his son, “Lee, son, go to your mother now, I shall tell you an interesting bedtime story tonight.”

  His son merrily hopped off.

  Ron along with his friends reached the deserted street, his mother following in silence. She wanted to stop him and drag him home, but for some unknown reason she just followed them.

  “How did you meet Jack?” One of the junkies asked.

  “He is my school mate. He provided me with shelter whenever I needed it. My father was away most of the time and mom never had the time for me, for she was busy with her boutique. I got used to their absence and searched for a friend. That’s when I met Jack, and now I have you guys.”

  “You seem to come from a nice household. It’s surprising.”

  “I needed money for amusements, Jack promised good money and it doesn’t matter if I have some grass once in a while, clears the mind.” Ron winked and his mate winked back. “Right.”

  Martha wanted to tell her son everything and fly away, far away but she couldn’t. The boutique was just an excuse to avoid the constant fights at home with her husband. She knew he was upto something fishy. Her husband seemed to have become a Midas all of a sudden, money pouring in from everywhere. However, she never was satisfied by his answer, dejected she found solace in drinking. Initially she drank to fill her husband’s absence from their lives but over the days it became an addiction. She had gradually drowned herself in despair until a few days ago when she was called to her husband’s office.

  “We have reached the street buddy.” Jack turned to Ron, “you see that hotdog stall over there?”

  Ron craned his neck and blinked twice trying to focus, “yes.”

  “You go there and say ‘tasty hotdog’. Repeat it for me.”

  “Tasty hotdog,” Ron said.

  “Good. Then he will give you a package. Take that and your job is done.”

  “That’s it? You’re paying so much for such a simple task?” Ron said with wide eyes. Its so easy.


  Ron walked slowly toward the hotdog stall. With each step that he took his mother’s pulse rose but she stood there watching him walk into the fire.

  Aryan took out his pistol and readied himself, the moment was here.

  Ron reached the stall and coughed softly, “excuse me.”

  A tall man with stubble stood up and lowered his glance. He stared at him like a corpse and asked in a hoarse voice, “What do you want kid?”

  “Tasty hotdog.”

  “Really? When did they start sending cubs for hunting?” he laughed to himself and bent down to take the package out of the box.

  Aryan got out of the car and sprinted towards the stall with the gun held firmly. Ron’s mother ran towards him. Noticing a stranger moving towards Ron, Jack marched forward.

  “Here it is.” The man extended the package to Ron.

  “Stop Ron.” Ron turned back recognizing the voice of his mother.

  “Mom? How did you co-come here?”

  “Son, don’t do this. I’m here now. Run away. Don’t do this.” He stared at her in utter bafflement.

??What are you doing kid? Take the package and leave you stupid.” The man grunted from behind. Aryan held his pistol in position, “stop right there, police are here.”

  Ron felt the ground move, everything around him was happening so fast that his brain stopped registering the surroundings. All of a sudden he heard Jack’s voice, “Ron take the package and run.” He was pointing a gun at Aryan.

  Ron was standing in the middle of all this, his heart pounding hard. He closed his eyes and heard his mother’s whisper, “run away Ron, run away.”

  Without looking at anyone present around he dashed forward in Aryan’s direction. Jack yelled, “stop.” He turned his gun at Ron who was running as fast as he could.

  “Drop your weapon,” Aryan shouted. Jack was about to fire when Aryan pulled his trigger and the next moment Jack dropped dead. Ron had disappeared by now and so had the tall man with stubble. Aryan stared at Jack in horror. There was just him and the dead body left.

  Drago looked in Dr.Sen’s eyes and shook his hand.

  “You have done your job well, Dr. Sen.” Rohan grinned while Paul frowned.

  “Where is my family?”

  “Oh, don’t you worry about them. They are safe.” Just then Rohan received a call and started sweating profusely.

  “Sir,” he came up to Drago, “cops have seized the package and killed Jack. They will be here in no time.”

  Drago’s rage erupted like it had the day he had killed his father. “You informed the cops, you scum” he yelled at Dr. Sen.

  Dr. Sen stared back at him in astonishment, but then he turned his gaze to Paul who stood there beaming.

  “I did,”