Read Tethered (The Avenlore Series) Page 19

  Chapter 16

  Liam looked from me to Nikolas, then down at our joined hands and arms. Nikolas let go of my hand and we untwined our arms. I stepped forward, heading toward Liam but stopped short. I just wasn’t really sure what to do.

  But, Liam was.

  When I hesitated, he crossed the space between us, reaching out to cup my face with his hands. Thumbs stroking my cheeks, he smiled at me. Confusion was the order of the day as feelings warred inside me. I was happy to see Liam, relieved he was safe, nervous about walking through those doors. Most of all though, I was angry at myself. These feelings were churning inside of me for Liam, but also and absolutely for Nikolas. And I had no idea how I’d gotten here, I had no idea what to do with them.

  For the sake of my sanity, I decided to chalk the feelings up to extenuating circumstances. I mean really, who wouldn’t feel a little lost and confused after the past few days? I was just overly emotional, that was all. We were all overly emotional.

  Besides, no one had professed their undying love to anyone else. No one was married or engaged or even dating…or courting…whatever it was called here. No one had made any promises. So, that made us good, right? I was in the clear…nothing to feel guilty for. And yet, I did.

  I tried to hide my angst from Liam, offering him the best smile I could conjure. But, our little reunion was cut short when the tip of a blade was laid against Liam’s throat. I sucked in a sharp breath, and turned to scold Nikolas for his behavior. But Nikolas hadn’t moved and by the expression on his face, he was as surprised as anyone by the blade pressing against Liam’s skin.

  My head snapped back to find the person responsible and the answer surprised me. Sir Luther stood with his arm outstretched, wielding the blade, eyes filled with a half-crazed look. “You will remove your hands from the princess.” The words were delivered through clenched teeth, low and severe, more a growl than anything.

  Blood beaded beneath the tip of the blade and began to slide down Liam’s neck like morbid red tears. He hadn’t moved an inch other than to slide his eyes to the right to look at the man who held the blade.

  “Stop it! You’re hurting him!” I screamed. Unsure of what to do, my hands fluttered uselessly in the air.

  Nikolas was beside me then. “Luther, this is an honored guest at Castle Lux.” His tone was calm, but deliberate.

  “With respect, Sir, he is not.” Luther replied, twisting the blade slightly and more beads of blood ran down Liam’s neck.

  “Sir Luther, you will remove your blade. That was not a suggestion.” Nikolas’ voice rang with finality. Sir Luther looked to Nikolas and nodded, then dropped the blade.

  Liam rubbed his throat, then examined the blood on the tips of his fingers.

  “Do you know who he is, Sir?” Luther demanded.

  Nikolas looked from Liam to Sir Luther. “He has named himself Liam of Shirebrook.”

  Luther cocked his head to one side and took a step closer to Liam. “Has he now?” Liam did not look to Sir Luther, he locked his eyes onto mine and held them there. Luther studied Liam as he spoke to Nikolas. “Well Sir, allow me to introduce you. Before you stands William of Castle Knox. Second born son of Lord Soren of the House of Raythen.”

  No. Uh uh, nope.

  I recoiled like I’d been slapped, feet shuffling backward. Feeling my eyes widen in my head, I searched Liam’s face, waiting for him to contradict this revelation. But he didn’t. On the contrary, his eyes confirmed Sir Luther’s words.

  Without a word, Nikolas reached over and grabbed my hand, stepping forward, he placed himself between Liam and me. Aside from that, Nikolas said nothing, did nothing but stand there, studying Liam intently.

  That shocked the baby pigmy’s out of me.

  Sir Luther blinked rapidly, apparently surprised by Nikolas’ response as well. “Sir, what will you have done with him?” His tone pled for some sort of action.

  Nikolas raised his chin by an inch, eyes never leaving Liam. “We will hear his reasons for misleading us.”

  “But, Sir…he is of House Raythen! I remember his face. He is the enemy.” Sir Luther argued, words thick with contempt.

  I stepped forward, coming parallel with Nikolas, but he put up and arm as barrier, allowing me no further. I did not argue.

  “His silence does indeed seem to verify he is a Raythen. Whether or not he is the enemy, remains to be seen. I will hear his explanation.” Nikolas said as his eyes shifted to the left, toward the doorway.

  My father stood there at the top of the stairs, flanked by a woman on each side.

  The woman on his right was fair of hair, pale golden locks falling to her waist in thick, loose curls. She was slim and tall, commanding a measure of respect by the way she held herself. Her round face was pixie-like, delicate with high cheekbones and a round, full pout of a mouth. Veiled eyes the color of honey studied me and me alone, their depths filled with warmth. She seemed completely at ease and unbothered by the tense situation in the yard.

  The woman on his left stood shorter, but still had a few inches on me. Her hair hung straight down her back, soft curls turning up its ends. Its color was dark brown, tinged with red. Auburn, just like mine. Her features were lovely, full pink lips slightly parted beneath a perfect nose, cheeks flushed, and wide, blue eyes surrounded by thick, dark lashes. She studied me as well, but like I was precious and new and…loved. I knew instantly who she was, I could feel it down to my bones.

  She was my mother.

  My father broke through my thoughts and brought me back to the matter at hand. “My queen and I have come to welcome our daughter home, and here stands a guest of our home, bleeding on his shirt in our daughter’s very presence.” His tone was completely serious, eyes sparking as he looked to the faces of each man.

  Sir Luther looked to Nikolas, who provided the explanation. “Sir Luther has named our…guest…as William Raythen. We await his explanation.”

  Liam’s eyes were on the King now, awaiting his fate. I searched his eyes for fear, but found only resignation.

  Shock fluttered across my father’s face, then anger. “Is it true boy? Are you the Son of Soren Raythen?” He snapped.

  Liam stared straight into my father’s eyes, chin high. “It is true, Sire.”

  “I find myself at a loss, I cannot imagine what your intentions are here.” My father said, shaking his head and running his hands through his hair.

  “My intentions are as they ever were, Sire.” Liam’s gaze shifted to me. “I intend to protect my princess.”

  The calm mask slipped from Nikolas’ face. “Your princess?”

  Liam’s head whipped around to Nikolas. “She is the people’s princess, is she not?” He paused, running his hand over his face. “And, I gave you the name my mother called me, and her homeland, I did not lie.” He looked meaningfully at my father.

  The woman to his left sucked in a sharp breath and she and my father shared a long look as another silent conversation was had.

  Looking back to Nikolas, Liam continued. “You have spent your life as the golden boy of the Valley of Light. Your very name commands respect. People see you and they see goodness and hope and life. People look at a Raythen and they see evil and fear and death. But you would only see me as a Raythen if I told you my name.” He paused to rake his fingers through his dark locks. “I am not my father, and do not wish to be judged as such. So I did not tell you my given name, because I have spent my life having people look upon me as you do now. My name does not make me who I am, my actions do.”

  Nikolas looked to the ground, hands opening and closing at his sides. He spoke under his breath, seemingly to himself but I was close enough to hear. “She told you the prophecy…that’s how you…she told it to you.”

  My father looked back and forth between Nikolas and Liam and I felt like I was really missing something.

  “Wh-what’s go
ing on here? Who told him the prophecy? Why do you all look like that?” I blurted out in my frustration.

  Nikolas, my father, and the woman I was pretty sure was my mother all turned to look at Liam. No one said a word, waiting on Liam, because this was obviously his story to tell.

  Liam was peering down at the ground, seeing some distant memory there. When he finally looked at me from beneath his lashes, the pain there was difficult to witness. “I know about the prophecy because my…my mother was the seer. Alec overheard her, but did not listen to the prophecy in its entirety. That is why they did not know of the mark on your skin.” He glanced to Nikolas. “She did not tell me the prophecy, she did not have to. I was there when the vision came on her.” His eyes scanned the group, then tracked back to me, voice pleading that I believe his next words. “My mother was nothing like my father. She was all things good and pure and kind, she was betrothed to my father, it was never a choice she made.”

  Every soul in the vicinity hung on his every word as he continued.

  “She did not tell my father of the vision, but soon learned that Alec already had. When she realized the danger you were in, she sent word to your father and mother, knowing what it could mean for her.” He drew in a shaky breath, eyes downcast. “When my father learned of what she had done…he…he slit her throat.” He said, voice cracking. Then almost in a whisper, “I was there for that as well. As I sat crying by her side, begging her to wake up…” Another shaky breath as a tear rolled down his cheek. “He told me…he said this was the price for betrayal.” He looked at each face again. “That is when I decided I would be nothing like my father. When I learned they had located the princess, I set off in hopes of joining the Knights of Castle Lux. I never dreamed I would be the one to find her and when I did, I knew I must safely see her here.” He looked at me now. “I will do anything to protect you, I will do anything in my power to ensure that mother did not lose her life in vain.”

  I blinked and the tears that had pooled in my eyes spilled over. “I am so sorry, what…what can I do?”

  He smiled sadly and his answer was simple. “You can keep breathing for me.”

  Nikolas turned to face me, a knowing look in his eyes since he had had a similar conversation with me. Twice. I could see that his cheeks glistened as well. I looked around and there wasn’t a dry eye to be had.

  My mother walked swiftly over to Liam, taking his face in her hands. I realized she had the sweetest voice when she spoke. “Sweet boy, I can never repay you for what you have done, or replace what you have lost, but you have a home here now, always…if you wish it.”

  Relief washed over Liam’s face as he smiled. “Thank you.”

  My father walked up and clasped Liam on the shoulder then. “Well, son. If it’s a knighthood you still wish to have, say the word and it is yours.”

  Liam looked to Nikolas, a silent question in his eyes. Nikolas nodded as he looked back at Liam. “I would be honored to serve beside you, Sir.” Nikolas extended a hand, and Liam took it.

  My father patted Liam on the back again. “It seems you require a new wardrobe, my boy.”

  A golden blur whipped past me then, launching itself into Nikolas’ arms. “Nikolas, my love. They said you had returned. I am so glad you are safe!” Her voice was high pitched and sounded childlike as she rained kisses over his face.

  Nikolas looked like you could’ve bought him for a penny. He patted her on the back uncomfortably and shot me a pleading look.

  My stomach twisted in knots and blood rushed to my cheeks. That look did not bode well.

  The girl on Nikolas’ face climbed down and turned to look at me for the first time. She smiled sweetly, but it didn’t match her eyes. “Oh! This must be the princess! I am so happy you’ve made it back safely. But, of course my Nikolas would deliver you unharmed.” She laughed, a sound that hit my ears like nails on a chalkboard. “But, then, he doesn’t know how to fail.” She trailed a hand down his arm.

  Nikolas stared at nothing, face pale like he may be sick at any moment.

  The girl tossed her thick blonde curls over her slim shoulder and wrinkled her perfect, demure nose. “So sorry, I am Brigitte!” She turned to look adoringly at Nikolas. “I am Nikolas’ betrothed.”

  My heart dropped to my toes and my stomach twisted tighter as I forced a smile that required an unbelievable amount of effort. And then I thought…

  Maybe some of us have made promises.