Read The Au Naturel Girls Page 6

  Stuart popped out at lunchtime and returned with four meals from the local fast food restaurant that drew scorn from Diane as they came into her reception. “It's not healthy,” she moaned as Stuart passed her a large burger, chips and fizzy drink.

  “Ahh well. We've been working hard,” Adam said truthfully and took a giant gulp of the cool lemonade. “When are we gonna get you to do something on the cars?”

  Diane shrieked and looked at the owner of the garage. “I can't do mechanic stuff,” she moaned in a high pitched voice and showed her perfectly manicured nails. “I'd break a nail.”

  Adam suppressed a smile. “Ahhh,” he goaded and took a bite of his burger with his dirty hands. “They'll grow back.”

  Danny stretched and idly flicked on the television, looking at the fixtures on Ceefax. “Ahh shit. We're at Stoke,” he moaned.

  “Well you will support a rubbish team,” Adam replied and Danny raised eyebrows.

  “Hey, when you are in the top flight,” he started, to a sneer in response from the young man.

  “Not for long. Ya going down,” Adam taunted. “Hell I reckon Preston'll beat Blackburn now.”

  “You guys never change,” Stuart said with a smile and looked at Diane. “That OK? You didn't say what you wanted.”

  Diane looked at her half-eaten chicken burger and nodded. “It's just a lot for me.”

  “A lot?” Adam cried. “It's tiny.”

  “Well it's a lot. I don't want to put on weight.” Adam bit his lip as he looked down at his slight paunch and then finished the last of his meal.

  “I got an old lady coming in to say that her wheels need checking and Mr Graham said he was going to come in for a new exhaust this afternoon. Are you OK with the exhaust?” Stuart looked towards his son who muttered as he stretched his legs out in front of him.

  “Yeah. That's fine. I changed Carl's in the Summer.”

  “Hey, what's this all about you being shacked up with a house of birds?” Danny asked with a grin.

  Adam took a deep breath and hummed. “Yeah well. That's not my choice. My new digs burnt down before I moved in so it's that or sharing a room with Ivy and her boyfriend.”

  “Yeah. We are having words with her about him,” Stuart told him. “They both needs to get jobs. I ain't supporting both of 'em while she tries to get knocked up.”

  Adam looked at Danny who shrugged; he had clearly heard most of the familial trouble first-hand over the previous few months. “I got a floor,” Danny offered. “It can't be worse than living with an 'ouse full.”

  Diane sniffed. “I don't reckon they want to live with Adam any more than he wants to live with them,” she suggested to howls of derision from the three men.

  “I ain't a problem to me,” Adam told her. “It's them with a problem.” Stuart marked the end of the discussion by calling time on their lunch break and ushering his employees back to work. It took them all afternoon, but by four all the cars been collected and Stuart suggested that they close up for the day. He gave four banknotes to his son and a slightly bigger bundles to Danny and Diane for their weekly employment and locked up.

  “I'd love to take you out one night. A film, a meal, whatever you fancy,” Adam offered to Diane as she walked down the row of parked cars to her scooter at the end.

  Diane licked her lips and gave a brief smile. “That's so sweet, but you aren't really my type.”

  “Oh OK, no problem,” Adam said instantly and she touched him on the arm.

  “I mean, you're a nice guy but you aren't my type and you are a bit old for me, really.”

  Adam sniffed; he was 23. When did that become too old to date an eighteen year old?

  * * * * *

  “Dad,” Sarah said sweetly as she entered his small offices in the town centre.

  “The answer is no,” he told her, not looking up from his computer.

  “You don't know what I was going to ask,” Sarah replied with an annoyed tone to her voice.

  George pressed a button on his keyboard and put both hands behind his head, leaning back on the chair. “Sorry love.”

  Sarah's scowl left her face and she put down one of the two coffee cups in her hand as well as a muffin in front of her father. “Vanilla latte, extra shot plus a blueberry muffin.”

  “My favourite,” he said with a smirk. “You must be really serious.”

  Sarah sat down in her chair and rubbed her hands together. “The girls,” she started. “They are worried.”

  “The answer is no.”

  “I haven't finished,” Sarah snapped and stared at the desk for a moment. “Tabitha is scared. Her friend was subject to a racist attack a couple of weeks ago and Adam was with the attacker. She doesn't feel comfortable in her own home. And she is pregnant so her being nervous is no good for the baby.”

  George shook his head and sighed. “I've known the Hodsons for a long time. Stuart keeps my cars on the road and Adam is a good lad. Now if his friend got caught up in it all then that's his friend but there is no problem with Adam. And anyway, all the minorities are always claiming discrimination or racism for everything. I wouldn't read too much into it.”

  Sarah puffed and sipped at her coffee. “But listen. We don't want him there. They have begged me to come and talk to you but we don't know what to do. I mean, he even cooked a Roast Beef dinner for two vegetarians.”

  George laughed. “He's tried to be nice then. And anyway I've told you to stop that before. You aren't even a proper vegetarian as you eat fish.”

  Sarah glared at him. “Oh don't start this again. I am a pescetarian but vegetarian is easier to explain.” He threw up his hands and she grinned. “Anyway, it's my choice. I just don't feel comfortable eating something that was once a farm animal. But Adam isn't right for us.”

  “Because he eats meat. Now listen Sarah, you are a grown woman now, but I think teaching all those kids has meant you are acting silly. You need to grow up and just get on with him. He isn't that bad.”

  Sarah interjected. “But …”

  “But I am a very busy man, I have two properties to look at, as well as getting more quotes for restoring a fire-wrecked house, I will not discuss Adam living with you anymore.”

  Sarah pursed her lips together and tapped the side of her head with her fingers. “Right,” she muttered and pushed her chair away with the backs of her legs as she stood up, grabbing the coffee and then the uneaten Blueberry muffin. “I'll 'ave that back then.”

  “Oi,” he cried. “I was looking forward to that.” Sarah didn't reply and stormed out of the first floor office and out into Lancaster throwing the drink and cake into a nearby bin; why wouldn't her father just listen to her?

  She stormed off towards her car parked in the supermarket car park. “What did he say?” Natalie asked the moment Sarah opened the door to the lounge.

  “Nothing. He said no.”

  Natalie wiped her mouth. “If he can't go then I vote we just be ourselves. This was a Nudist house last week and it can be a Nudist house next week.”

  “But …” Sarah started and Natalie folded her arms.

  “Why should we be the ones to change? I don't like wearing clothes around my own house. I want to be like it used to be.”

  “She's right,” Tabitha said instantly. “We worried about what he would think but we shouldn't. We should be ourselves.”

  “I am worried about his reaction. I don't want to be a freak show. I don't want him watching us, or bringing his mates 'round,” Sarah muttered. “Can you imagine that, every day different blokes drooling over us?”

  “Maybe we could try talking to him?” Natalie suggested but Sarah shook her head. “No seriously. Explain to him why we go naked. At home, and, well whenever we can. And tell him we want him to do it, or at least respect our choice to do so.”

  Sarah shook her head. “No. We dain't need to explain anything to him. This is our house. We live our life as we want to. He needs to live by our rules. If we are naturist then he need
s to be as well.” Natalie shrugged and then with a smile, Sarah took her T-Shirt off to reveal her lacy bra.

  “Turn the heating up,” she asked Natalie who leant over to touch the thermostat up to where it was the week before.

  Tabitha, still in her pyjamas, hooked her hands underneath her rotund belly and took her pink top off, throwing it onto the floor. “Ya better be right about this,” she asked Sarah who had just finished getting naked and she looked up at the undressing girls.

  “I hope so,” she replied and leant back with her legs outstretched. “Fresh air to all of me. Shall we watch a film?”

  Natalie smiled and watched as Sarah and Tabitha settled down on the large couch and she got up to get everyone a drink.

  They watched the television in almost silence, it was a powerful film that they had all seen before many times and although it was several years old it still brought tears to their eyes.

  The door slammed shut as the film finished and Sarah shivered in shock. She felt her heart quicken and she nodded towards Natalie, spread out on the chair, her vivacious body on display. “Stay calm,” she whispered and watched the door as a body opened it.

  “What the fuck?”

  Chapter VI

  “I knew it. A bunch of dykes.” The was silence as Adam looked all three of them. “Well I don't mind watch—”

  “We're naturists,” Natalie interrupted sharply with a scowl.


  Natalie looked at the confused man and shook her head. “We are naturists. We like to live without clothes.”

  Adam gulped. “You mean ...” He started and his throat felt dry. “All the time?”

  The naked Sarah coughed and he tore his eyes away from her pert breasts and radiant skin, covering his crotch with his hands. “All the time. That's the reason we didn't want you here.”

  “As well as the bathroom habits, the farting, the mates, leaving the kitchen in a mess, the racism, sexism—”

  “Tabs,” Natalie cooed gently and put her hand on the thigh of the ranting woman. “Ssssh.”

  “But why?” Adam asked and Sarah looked at both of her female house mates.

  “All over tan works for me, and it is so much freer and nicer.”

  “Freer and nicer,” parroted the bemused man and Sarah grinned.

  “Yeah, freer and nicer. Air gets everywhere. Clothes are so restricting.”

  Natalie licked her lips and rubbed her hands together. “Clothes are a barrier to be assembled when you are frightened of the people you meet. Society demands it out of religious intolerance and I reject that being imposed upon me. We want freedom.”

  Sarah waited for Natalie to finish and then sighed. “Yeah, and we hate washing. And ironing. It's shit.”

  Tabitha laughed and stroked the leg of her friend. “She can't iron. But then I've seen ya shirt ya did the other day. Ya shit at it as well.”

  “But why were you dressed when I came?” Adam pressed against the stiffening member in his trousers as he looked at the three naked women before him. “Have you been lez-ing up?”

  Natalie groaned. “Naturism isn't a sexual thing. And we were dressed as we didn't know you but we aren't suppressing it anymore.”

  Adam. “No, I can see that,” he muttered as he looked directly between Natalie's outstretched legs.

  “And we aren't naked for you to ogle us every day,” she warned him as she watched his eyes move about her body. “I ain't gonna watch ya licking ya lips and stroking ya-self.”

  “No,” Adam replied and shook his head. “I mean, sure. I don't get it. I mean, I don't care. Fuckin' birds wandering around without any keks on, I ain't gonna mind.” He looked at Sarah's model-like figure and smiled. “If ya want to.”

  Sarah looked over at Natalie and grinned. “Well if we are naked,” Sarah said coyly. “And this is a naturist house. Then so should you be.”

  Adam's heart raced and his mind whirred. “Ahh well ... it's a bit ... I don't fookin' … what?” He stammered and spluttered in shock.

  Natalie looked at her companions. “He doesn't think he will measure up,” she told him, her thumb and her finger an inch apart and raised her eyebrows. “No wonder he is embarrassed.”

  Adam scowled and shook his head. “Ahh well … there is no doubt about that now, is there?”

  “Really?” Natalie said with a sultry look and watched as Adam's eyes barely left her large bosom and slightly overweight body. He stared at the curvy girl and then snapped out of his trance.

  “No,” he replied quickly. “I am not scared of it, I just … oh God,” he snapped and rubbed his eyes. “I think I am dreaming. I have moved into a house of nudist girls and they ...” he trailed off and the girls looked at each other. “That's it. This is a dream.”

  Sarah laughed. “You aren't. But this is our house, it was a naked house before and we are making it so. If you want to live with us then live like us please and leave your dressing gown by the door and live with our rules.”

  “I ain't wandering around starkers!” Adam cried. “And what about visitors?” Adam squeaked.

  “Some of our visitors join us when they come, others don't. But we do warn each other when people are coming and sometimes we have to cover up.”

  Natalie's eyes bored into Adam who sat there and sniffed. “It'd mean that we'd be happier if you joined us,” she told him and cocked her head to one side. “I'd be happier.”

  “I am going to have a shower,” he told them. “And I am sure this is an April's Fools Joke.”

  The girls watched the dirty mechanic leave the room in a trance and strip off in the small bathroom as the water went tepid and then hot in the cubicle. He stepped in and closed his eyes, allowing the warm water to wash away the dirt from the day.

  His mint shower gel tingled as he ran it over his body and he groaned as he stretched his legs. It was manual work in the garage and his muscles needed to rest. What he wanted was a takeaway and a few beers in front of his games console.

  A few minutes in the shower, Adam returned to the bright pink bathroom and slippery wooden floor, grabbing one of his four towels and rubbing it over his body, flicking drops of water onto the wooden panelling.

  What were the motives of the girls' behaviour? Were they trying to get him embarrassed and move out, as if that was the case then they were not going to succeed; putting three sexy women naked in a house with him was a lot more pleasant than three bitchy, nagging women who the smiling, giggling naked girls seemed to have replaced.

  Maybe it was a hidden camera stunt or that he was going to go downstairs naked and they all be dressed and then they use that as proof he needed to go. He sighed and walked up to his room; his towel wrapped around his waist and rubbed between his legs to dry his thighs.

  Of course there was a nervousness there. Not a single girl had seen him naked for months and his dates of late had fizzled into apathy and rejection. He needed to stop worrying; three girls wanted him to be naked and he reached for his dressing gown.

  He would play them at their game, but on his terms, he thought as he swung the gown over his shoulders and walked towards his bedroom door.

  * * * * *

  Sarah looked up as Adam entered the room, dressed in his blue dressing gown. “That better be coming off,” she told him with a smirk. “And you better be naked.”

  “Only if you take it off,” he replied with a grin, his heart fluttering. Tabitha's eyes widened and she gripped Sarah's hand.

  “I'll do it,” Natalie offered, got up from her small couch and walked over to Adam, running her hands around his fleecy garment and untying the knot while maintaining eye contact with him. She licked her lips and slid her hands inside and gripped his waist, while she allowed his dressing gown to slip off his shoulders.

  Adam gasped as the garment came free, and he felt his knees wobble slightly; Adam was not a prude but he wasn't comfortable with being completely naked in front of the three baying girls – at least not in a non-sexual sense. Natalie
ran her hands back around his waist and smiled at him, catching the navy gown and turned to Sarah. “Yep, he's properly attired now.”

  “See, I said I had nothing to be afraid of,” he told them, his cock slightly engorged and Natalie glanced down with a wry grin at it quickly filled and rose to it's six inch length. He instinctively put his hands across his crotch; he had never been naked with so many women before and his cheeks went red.

  Her hands glided across his waist and she whispered into her ear. “I'm sure you don't, but naturism isn't about boasting.” She touched his hands and moved them to one side. “Or about being embarrassed about your body.”

  “OK can we get something to eat now,” Adam pleaded. “I'm starving. Been at work all day. I was thinking of a takeout.”

  Natalie gave a wry grin. “Sure, I was thinkin' of enchiladas. Tab? Sarah?”

  Tabitha nodded. “Go easy on the chilli,” Sarah begged and Natalie smiled.


  “Hey, aren't enchil-whatnot. They got beef or chicken in 'em.”

  Natalie rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Not with beans in them, they don't. You don't have to get protein from meat.”

  “Ahh right.”

  “You can come and help me,” Natalie suggested and Adam waited, but Natalie pinched his buttocks and pushed him towards the door. “I'll show you how to do make a proper vegetarian meal. One day, you might actually date someone who is a veggie.”

  Adam sighed. “But you aren't a vegetarian.”

  Natalie turned in the doorway with raised eyebrows. “Who said anything about me?” She licked her lips and gestured him towards her, as she walked into the kitchen. Adam took the hint and joined her a few moments later. She passed him a pink apron and he hesitated.

  “It's pink. I ain't one of t'ose nancy boy cross dressing faggots.”

  “Suit yourself.” Natalie sighed and wiped her nose, before washing her hands and taking an onion, four carrots, four cans and some chilli powder out of the cupboard. “Get a frying pan out,” she told him as she tied a pink apron around her body and passed him the oil.

  As the oil heated in the pan she cut the onion into slices and began grating the carrot. Adam cried out as the onion dropped into the pan, the oil spitting and catching him on his extended cock and he turned away in agony.