Read The Au Naturel Girls Page 7

  “I did warn you,” Natalie told him with a smirk and dropped the carrot into the pan. “I got no sympathy for ya.”

  “Ahh fuck, shit, bollocks, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Adam swore, his hands clasped to the end of abused member and Natalie stirred the vegetables in the sizzling pan and then turned down the heat.

  “Let's see it,” she asked and Adam shook his head. She knelt down in front of him and prised his hands away.

  “It's burned red raw,” he moaned. “Fucking cooking in the buff. Fuckin' stupid.”

  Natalie rolled her eyes and turned his cock over in her hand. “Fuckin' stupid cookin' in the buff,” she mimicked. “You mean, fuckin' stupid cookin' in the buff with no apron on. And honestly there's nothing there.”

  “It's burnt off,” he cried and looked down as Natalie stared at his member.

  “It's fine. Now will you wear the apron?”

  “Huhn,” he grunted nasally. Adam scowled and then smiled. “Hey love, while you are down there ...”

  “Natalie looked up. “Sure. But like every animal in the zoo. I bite.” Adam backed away and took the spare apron, wrapping it around him. “Much better,” Natalie cooed and added a splash of water to the pan. “Open those, please.”

  Adam picked up the four cans and shrugged. “These aren't beans,” he said. “These are …”

  “They are Cannellini Beans and lentils,” she told him. “And two tins of tinned tomatoes.”

  “What the fuck are Canny-what-not beans? Can ya have these on toast 'cause there's no sauce?”

  Natalie sighed. “No.”

  “Then they aren't beans, are they?”

  “There is more to beans than just baked beans ya know,” she told him and added the opened cans to the large pan. “Your diet is awful.” Adam watched as she stirred in some chilli powder and then passed him a small block of cheese and told him to add a handful to a small pot of natural yoghurt from the fridge. Natalie allowed the sauce to thicken and glanced over at him. “You don't seem to be too disturbed by us being naked.”

  Adam smiled at her, looking at her breasts easily visible from the side of the apron. “Well I ain't really. I still think this might be a joke. I mean girls never want to get their tits out unless they're tanked up on Baccardi Breezers or owt, ya know, so to have three of ya wandering 'round all day starkers … well it ain't normal is it? But I ain't complaining.”

  Natalie turned to him with a grin. “I ain't got my tits out.”

  Adam smiled and pulled her apron away from her body. “Really,” he said with a mischievous smirk. “Is that so?”

  “Do you mind?” Natalie licked her lips and raised her eyebrows. “So what if I like wandering around naked?”

  “I ain't complaining.”

  Natalie snorted. “I'm not naked for you to get off on.”

  Adam smiled. “Yeah, but it's good. I mean I dain't like stick thin girls. Need to have a bit of flesh on the bone. Sarah's nice but she needs a couple of burgers in her 'cos ya can see 'er ribcage and that ain't right. Tabitha's a bit big really, but ya nice. A few extra pounds but cuddly.”

  Natalie sighed. “I guess I should take that as a compliment. I think.”

  Adam nodded and watched as she took a tortilla and filled it full of the vegetarian chilli and placed it on an oven-proof dish. She filled a second and then encouraged Adam to do the same as they filled the brown ceramic container with their dinner. She spooned over the last of the chilli over the eight tortillas and then put the yoghurt-cheese mixture on top.

  “I'll just go tell Sarah and Tab they got two minutes,” she told him as she placed the meal under the grill and asked him to put some rocket, cucumber and tomatoes on the plates.

  Natalie returned sixty seconds later to find Adam rummaging around in the fridge. “There is so much green stuff in here,” he moaned and Natalie reached past him to pick out a small bag.

  “This is rocket,” she told him and took out four plates. She cut up a tomato each and watched as Adam chopped up the cucumber and she added a small amount of red onion and then a small handful of rocket.

  “These'll be done now,” she told him and pulled out the oven gloves to remove the sizzling enchiladas from the grill. “Mind out.”

  Adam swung his body out of the way and Natalie dished up the first two enchiladas to the first plate and added another two to the second. “Take them to Sarah and Tab,” she told him and Adam happily took the two plates next door to the small dining room.

  Sarah and Tabitha, sat on the wooden chairs with a small towel on the seat, smiled as he came in. “Pink suits him, doesn't it Tab,” Sarah teased. “Exploring his inner feminine side.”

  “Ahh well,” Adam said as he put the plates down. “Natalie made me fry up some stuff and I didn't have it on.”

  “Ouch,” Sarah cried. “Ya can't do cooking without an apron,” she warned him and raised her eyebrows. “Can you?”

  “No,” Adam admitted and returned to the kitchen to get the other two plates as Natalie poured four glasses of squash that she carried in on a tray.

  “Cheers Nat,” Tabitha said as she shovelled a mouthful of her dinner into her mouth. “T'is nice as ever.”

  “Ahh well, I had help,” the Scottish girl replied and passed Adam a small towel from the side table. “I get 'em from work when they over-ordered,” she explained and watched as Adam happily slipped out of the apron.

  Adam put the towel over the seat and thanked her, taking a gulp of the tropical squash and then cut off a bite of the Mexican dinner. “Needs more chilli,” he muttered and Sarah shook her head.

  “I'll be sweating cobs tonight with this.”

  Tabitha laughed and put her hand on Sarah's. “Ya always sweat loads at night as ya have a blanket and a duvet.”

  “It's November. It's Lancaster. Of course I want a blanket,” Sarah replied with a smile. “My bits'll get cold.”

  Tabitha smirked. “Should cuddle up to someone then.” Sarah groaned took a sip of her drink.

  “Where've you been today?” Sarah asked Adam, changing the subject.

  “Been working at me Dad's,” Adam replied airily. “He needed an extra pair of hands.”

  Natalie smiled. “Dirty work? You came in filthy.”

  Adam nodded. “Was under cars all day. Course I'm gonna be dirty. Worse ways to spend a Saturday though. Earned enough to pay the rent this week in one day. And it's all cash-in-'and. And I like messin' with the cars.”

  Natalie looked at him. “So why ain't you got a car then if you like working with 'em?”

  “'Cause I like my bike. In Summer I go everywhere on it. Normally I'd go to work but I only work up top of the road so it ain't worth it while I'm here.”

  “Dangerous though, ain't it?” Natalie asked and Sarah nodded.

  “I'd hate to be on a bike,” Tabitha agreed. “So easy to get killed.”

  “I've only come off once. Last December, but that's what the leathers are for. Bike needed some work on it after it ended up on it's side and I needed new bike gear but that was it; no broken bones. I wasn't going fast mind but it was icy.”

  “See,” Tabitha told him. “If you were in a car.”

  “Cars cost so much more,” Adam answered. “And no sense of freedom on the open road.”

  Natalie smiled. “My car costs a small fortune,” she told him. “Always stuff needs doing. MOT after Christmas and I know it's gonna be expensive.”

  The girls conversed quite freely with the young man and for the first time since he had arrived, Adam was beginning to feel at home. The nakedness was no longer an issue and he almost didn't notice Tabitha's pendulous, big breasts or Natalie's shaved mons when she got up; he had stopped looking.

  He was certainly at ease with his nudity and had forgotten about his sense of dress when some enchilada dropped off of his fork and landed in his pubic hair. He squealed in pain and Natalie told him to lean over with a grin. “Shall we get him a bib?”

  Tabitha laughed heartily at Ad
am's embarrassment but he shrugged it off, and even offered to wash up as they finished. “Cheers,” Sarah replied and Natalie watched their two house mates quickly left the room.

  “Normally those that cook don't do the washing up,” she told him with a grin.

  “But …”

  “But you offered. And Sarah and Tabitha are awful at getting away with it.”

  “Ah right. Well, it don't matter,” he told her and got up with the dishes.

  “Hey,” Natalie called and jumped up. “You wash, I'll put away.”

  Adam smiled and walked into the kitchen running the hot water and filling the plastic bowl in the sink with hot water, adding a generous squirt of lemon washing-up liquid to the swirling and steaming liquid.

  He shook his hands in the water and allowed a copious amounts of bubbles to form as Natalie brought in glasses and cups from the lounge. She cocked her head and glanced out of the window as she pulled up the rubbish sack from the bin. “Need to get something on,” she told him.

  “What to preserve your modesty,” he taunted and she nodded. Adam took a handful of bubbles and placed the first one on her left nipple. Natalie laughed as he repeated it and then put another set on her mons. “See, perfect.”

  She rolled her eyes and looked up at the window. “We aren't overlooked here, but next door can see our back door if he is up at the window and I don't like him seeing us. He is just fourteen and a right horny little shit.”

  Adam watched as Natalie unlocked the back door and wandered into the yard to deposit the rubbish in the outside bin with a grin; she was walking around the garden naked.

  “The bubbles blew away,” Natalie moaned as she hopped back inside the house and ran her cold hands over Adam's buttocks. “Like the imagination though,” she told him and picked up some bubbles and ran her hands over his ass cheeks.

  Adam raised his eyebrows; a playful Natalie was a definite improvement on the short-tempered bitchiness he had seen in the previous few days and smiled at her. “Happy now?”

  “Oh yes,” she told him as she picked up the first washed glass and dried it on the tea-towel before putting it away in a cupboard. “You don't seem that freaked out by us.”

  Adam shrugged. “I like naked women,” he said with a grin and Natalie flicked his back with the tartan tea-towel. He was certainly enjoying the company of Natalie and happily talked as he washed and she dried.

  Natalie put the last plate away and watched as Adam put the washing up cloth away on the side. She smiled and held out her hands, hugging the young man and pushed her body close to his.

  He gave a sharp intake of breath as her firm bosom brushed against his chest hair and his expanding manhood rubbed against her shaved mons. “Thank you,” she whispered in her ear. “Nice having someone to help.”

  “Ya know, we could go out. It is a Saturday night. Go for a drink, onto a club. Some dancin' an' all.”

  Natalie smiled and looked into his eyes as she broke their hug but held onto his hands. “I've warmed to you, but not that much,” she told him with a grin.

  “Oh OK, sure.” Adam muttered at his second rejection of the day. “But I just thought …”

  “We are very touchy-feely,” Natalie answered his unsaid question. “Like hugs and the like. But I am not going to be easy to seduce just 'cause I ain't got my clothes on.”

  Adam nodded and let go of Natalie's hands. “Sure. But I …”

  “I would love to cuddle up and watch a film,” she told him with a smile. “Might even open a bottle of wine, Sarah and Tab have gone upstairs so we got the lounge to ourselves. What d'ya reckon?”

  Adam nodded. “Sure.”

  * * * * *

  Adam's eyes barely left the screen; he was the first one up and had set up his games console but he heard footsteps outside. The lounge door opened and he was aware that someone was in his peripheral vision but his eyes remained glued to the cross-hairs. “They're right,” the voice said.

  “Eh?” Adam grunted as his gun fired off towards the terrorists and he darted back behind the cargo box he was using as shelter.

  “A naked girl comes into the room and the gamer just ignores her.” Adam glanced over to see Tabitha with her arms crossed over her bosom and he turned his attention back to the screen, swearing as he did.

  “Been fuckin' shot,” he moaned. Tabitha sat down in the chair and picked up the laptop, turning it on as Sarah walked into the room. Adam's eyes darted away from the burning buildings and watched as the attractive girl with the shaven crotch walked past him.

  “Stop smirking,” she told him and clipped him over the back the head. His attention turned back to the screen just in time to see his character shot and some taunting words appearing on the screen.

  “What ya do that for?” Adam moaned and Sarah grinned.

  “Do what?”

  “Make me lose.”

  Sarah snorted. “And why aren't you naked?”

  Adam looked down at his shorts and shrugged. “It seemed, well weird.”

  “Get 'em off,” Sarah told him and rubbed her hands. Adam felt his member stiffen in his shorts and blushed.

  “I'd … um. Well I'd rather not.”

  “Fucking get 'em off,” Sarah taunted. “Or are you shy?”

  “I'm not shy,” Adam retorted. “I just, well, would rather wait a few moments.

  “It means he's got a stiffy,” Tabitha told her and Sarah peered over her shoulder, ignoring her clothed house mate.

  “The dirty floosie,” she muttered as she scanned Tabitha's screen. “You wouldn't think it to look at her, but those legs must have been opened more times than a porn stars.”

  Tabitha looked over at her. “D'ya have to read my private conversations on Facebook?”

  “Oh, it's just Mary,” Sarah replied. “I want to know what she is up to as well.”

  “She is being Mary,” came the terse response.

  “Who's Mary?” Adam asked as he turned off his game.

  Sarah and Tabitha looked at each other but Sarah was the first to speak. “The girl who used to live in your room. She was a bit adventurous.”

  Tabitha took a deep breath and typed onto the screen. “She was, well is, my best friend.”

  Adam looked up at Sarah wince and stretched his arms out. “Is Natalie in the kitchen?”


  “I wanna see if she wants to go to the pub,” he asked and got up. “Give you some peace and quiet.”

  “Err … Adam. Shorts?”

  Adam groaned and looked at her; it was certainly a less daunting proposition that the night before – he had been naked and it was OK then so why was he being reluctant now?

  He sighed and slid down his shorts, his erection catching on the waistband and bobbing free. He threw the navy shorts at Sarah who smirked and left the room. Natalie smiled when Adam came into the kitchen, stirring her hot chocolate as she gently poured the hot milk into the powder.

  “You were asleep,” Adam told her. “When I got up. I didn't want to knock on and wake you.”

  Natalie's eyes narrowed. “How do you know I was asleep?”

  “You snore,” came the response and Natalie gasped in faux-annoyance and flicked the spoon at his naked body. “I thought we might go out for lunch. If you aren't doing anything,” Adam asked with a nervous tinge to his voice.

  She smiled again, and looked up at him, staring at her breasts. “OK,” she told him. “Where to?”

  Adam hummed. “Well I thought the little Irish pub, go get some breakfast and then a drink, maybe.”

  The big-breasted girl gave a nervous laugh and smiled, touching him on the arm. “That'll be cool. I'll just go and get ready.”

  “Don't be too long; it's 11am already,” he gave her in response and Natalie's smile disappeared and she leant into his personal space.

  “I've got all day,” she whispered and took her drink from the side, swinging her hips as she walked into the corridor that ran the length of the house, past the d
ining room. She turned when she got alongside the lounge door and looked back at Adam admiring her body. “Adam,” she called. “You need to get ready too.”

  Adam shrugged his head and looked down. “Oh … sh … yeah!”

  “Easy to forget you are naked, isn't it?” Natalie teased with a smile and then looked into the lounge. “Girls, do you want anything from town?”

  It took Natalie ten minutes longer than Adam to get ready but by midday, they were both walking down the road their little house stood on. She looked over at him and Adam smiled, holding out his hand.

  “Errr … I am not a little girl who needs help crossing the road,” Natalie told him and he grunted.

  “Yeah, sorry. Just thought it would be, ya know.”

  Natalie sniffed and took his offered hand with a grin. “You seem happy to be living with us now that we are naked.”

  Adam gave a nervous laugh. “You ain't been getting at me. I left a beer can in the room last night after we watched the film and Sarah dain't shout at me when she came down. And ya smiling at me. Not shouting at me for owt.”

  Natalie sniffed. “We feel at home without clothes on. We can be … free!”

  “Well take it from me, ya a fuckin' moody bitch with 'em on.”

  Natalie squeezed his hand. “Are you always this much of a charmer?”

  “I'm just sayin' that ya nice when ya got ya keks off. But that's fine, 'cos you wander round in the buff. Just don't get dressed.” Natalie squeezed his hand harder causing Adam to squeal in pain. “That fuckin' hurts,” he moaned and Natalie grunted an approval in return. “Did anyone tell you that ya fuckin' crazy?”

  “All the time,” Natalie told him with a smile. “But I thought we were here to have a drink and something to eat?”

  “We are.”

  “Good. So it doesn't matter if your luncheon companion is a bit crazy 'cause it ain't a date, right?”

  Adam nodded and smiled. “No.”

  “Good,” Natalie told him. “I've just come out of a long relationship and I don't want another. And you most definitely ain't my type.”

  Chapter VII

  Adam hesitated in the doorway as Natalie crossed her arms. “Well get 'em off then.”

  “I've only just got in,” he muttered as he looked around the room of naked girls watching him. Sarah was tapping away on her phone and looked up at him.

  “Well? I'm not answering you until I see skin.”