Read The Awakening (Book 1 The Destiny Chronicles) Page 16

  Dusk began to descend and Rozanne lit the little fire to cook a thick beef stew. It smelled delicious and Aislinn looked forward to dinner. It wouldn’t be quite as delicious as the food they had eaten in Lionsgate, but it would be wholesome, tasty and filling. Aislinn heard the horse outside the cottage and she tensed her shoulders in anticipation. This was the moment of truth. Morelock would either recognize her or she would be safe. This was the riskiest part of the whole plan and she had no way of knowing how it would end. She sent up a prayer to the Great One and readied herself for the encounter. Morelock entered the cottage looking tired and distracted. His wife embraced him and helped him remove his coat. She gave him no opportunity to speak as she chatted away animatedly of the day’s events.

  ‘We have a guest with us for a while,’ she said waving at Aislinn. ‘This young lady is the girl I’ve selected to help me with Mitch. They get along so well and already today he has been more settled and of a happier disposition.’ Morelock glanced briefly at Aislinn, a flicker of recognition in his eyes, but then it was gone just as fast.

  ‘Pleased to meet you miss,’ he greeted her. ‘Anyone who helps Rozanne is a friend of mine – I hope you will be comfortable here.’

  ‘Thank you sir,’ she replied, relief flooding her heart. For just a moment she thought he had placed her and she was terrified.

  ‘Dinner’s ready,’ Rozanne called to them both.


  Later that night, as she lay in bed, she could hear Morelock and Rozanne moving around their living room, the paper-thin walls hardly concealing their conversation.

  ‘It’s been a tough few days at the castle,’ he muttered to his wife. ‘I don’t know how much longer we can tolerate the Dark Lord’s wrath and bad temper. Ever since the Great One’s son and the Hamilton children disappeared, he has been impossible. He hates to lose and this has been a bitter pill for him to swallow. He takes it out on us continually.’

  ‘Come sit by the fire. I’ll get you a little wine to help you relax,’ she coaxed. ‘The things you do for that man – he doesn’t know how lucky he is to have someone as loyal as you working for him.’

  ‘Yes, and now we are forever indebted to him since he’s given us the little one as our own. I have no choice but to remain loyal if we want to keep Mitch.’ The gift of the child came at a great price – they were not even aware how much they had sold themselves to the Dark Lord and the burden it would become. This was one gift that would haunt them in the days to come.


  Aislinn lay in her bed looking out the little window at the starry sky. Guilt had made her impulsive in her decision to find Mitchell. She had to admit that she was afraid. She was afraid of being found out by the Dark Lord, but mostly of disappointing and failing her parents. What if she could not succeed at this mission? She hoped her parents would forgive her for running off but there was no other plan. This was their only hope of getting Mitchell back. She had not protected him and now it was her responsibility to get him back. She could not fail – it was not an option!

  ‘Help me Great One,’ she whispered to the night sky. ‘Please give me an opportunity to make this right. Give me favour in this household.’ She watched as a shooting star whizzed across the inky black night and she smiled feeling that he had heard her plea. It would be all right - it had to be.


  The Great One smiled – this girl had more courage than she knew. She would learn much about herself on this journey and it would make her stronger. She may feel guilty about not protecting Mitchell right now but this would soon be ancient history. Aislinn Hamilton had a great future in store for her. Of that he had no doubt.


  Legion’s mood did not improve as the days following Aislinn’s betrayal passed. He felt a mixture of fury, hopelessness, frustration and powerlessness at being defeated by the Great One and that slip of a girl again. He could not understand how his foolproof plan had gone wrong - it had seemed so perfect. He had nothing left to bargain with – no keys, no scroll, no Ziah and no Hamilton children. What was he going to do?

  ‘There must be something I can use as a bargaining chip,’ he muttered to himself. A voice spoke from the doorway of his chamber. ‘What about the little one Master?’ Legion looked up surprised to see a little goblin eavesdropping. ‘Who are you?’ he asked.

  ‘Gossip,’ he said, smiling at the Dark Lord, mischief in his eyes. ‘I’ve been in the village and I have heard that one of your wizards has acquired a new child in the family – a gift from you I believe?’

  ‘Yes, what is your point Gossip?’ Legion asked, irritation creeping into his voice.

  ‘Well Master, isn’t the child a Hamilton?’

  ‘Well what of it?’ he snapped, becoming incensed at this annoying little creature.

  ‘If you take the child back and use him to bargain with the Great One, you could get whatever you wanted,’ he replied.

  ‘Ah yes I see what you mean,’ Legion said thoughtfully.

  ‘There is just one problem with that idea. Morelock is one of my up and coming wizards with great talent and he has the ability to do great things for me. If I take away his heart’s desire then I will not only alienate and anger him, I will lose out on two great wizards. I see the young Mitchell Hamilton becoming well trained in the art of magic – sometimes one has to delay instant gratification for the greater picture to be fulfilled. It will be equally painful for the Great One to see Mitchell Hamilton fighting for the dark side.’ The thought of that made him smile maliciously. Yes, he would have to be very patient – this could take years to work out in his favour, but he had waited a long time for the taste of victory and he was quite happy to wait for as long as it took. Yes, this was the solution and it would take time, but the victory would be so sweet when it came!


  Regent checked in daily at the cottage. He was careful never to be seen, but he had to make certain that the red ribbon was not hanging from the window latch. Each day he was relieved to find the latch free of the ribbon. It was all working out splendidly – Aislinn was able to be with Mitchell and to help care for him. As yet, she still did not have the freedom to take him outdoors unaccompanied by Rozanne, but she was biding her time, waiting for the young woman to trust her implicitly. She was both grateful for the time with Mitchell but also apprehensive at being discovered and eager to get back to her family. She looked forward to the time they would be reunited and would be able to make a new life for themselves, far away from Griswold. As she helped to cook the dinner and ready Mitchell for his evening bath, she chatted to Rozanne.

  ‘We have a guest coming for dinner tonight,’ Rozanne said suddenly. Aislinn felt alarmed and a little fearful.

  ‘I’ll put Mitch to bed for you and retire early then,’ she said as nonchalantly as she could. ‘That will give you time with your guest,’ she added.

  ‘Nonsense child, you are part of the family now. You will stay up and meet our guest.’ Rozanne said adamantly and the matter was settled. Aislinn prayed that it was someone who hadn’t met her. She excused herself for a while and headed to her bedroom. She had an uneasy feeling about dinner tonight and she wanted to be ready if it all came tumbling down. She pulled out the red ribbon and tied it in a bow, ready to slip onto the latch if need be. Then she made her way back to the kitchen.

  Wizard Falstaff knocked at the door of the little cottage. He did not often come to Morelock’s home – most of their dealings were at the Dark Lord’s castle when they were working on spells and potions and poring over new books that would teach them amazing new wizardry skills. Deep down he was jealous of Morelock. The young man certainly had a gift for wizardry and as his favour with the Dark Lord increased, so did Falstaff’s unease that his days as the chief wizard may be coming to a swift end. Nonetheless, Morelock had invited him for dinner – he wanted him to meet Mitch and to talk over a few new spell ideas that he had. Falstaff had decided to come, as he felt more secure k
eeping Morelock close by, knowing what the young man was up to. Rozanne opened the door and welcomed him in.

  ‘Good evening Wizard Falstaff. Come in and warm yourself by the fire,’ she invited. ‘I will get you some wine.’

  ‘Thank you,’ he mumbled looking around the little cottage with keen interest. It was a humble little dwelling but the love and attention to detail made it homely and comfortable. He noticed Aislinn sitting on the floor, little Mitch curled up in her lap. Aislinn kept her head bent down over the little boy. The hair on her neck prickled in fear and dread. She had recognized Falstaff’s voice as he greeted Rozanne. Many times she had been in the Dark Lord’s chamber when Falstaff had come to see him. Although they had never spoken, she was certain he had seen her. Again she sent up a prayer to the Great One.

  ‘This must be the new addition to the family?’ Wizard Falstaff asked moving over to where Aislinn was sitting.

  ‘Yes,’ Rozanne answered, ‘and this is Linnie our helper. She’s helping me with Mitch for a while until her father returns from trading and what a godsend she has been. ‘ He glanced at Aislinn and sensed something very familiar about her. What was it? He could not quite put his finger on it, and it bothered him immensely. Never mind, it would come to him – he was sure.

  ‘Good evening,’ Aislinn said politely. She wished the evening were over. She would have to be very careful not to arouse his suspicions. She had pulled her hair back hoping that her appearance would be a little different to when she was a prisoner in the Dark Lord’s castle. Falstaff smiled at her then turned to receive the wine goblet Rozanne held out to him. The dinner went off very well and eventually Falstaff made his excuses of too much wine and a full belly to retire for the evening. Aislinn heaved a sigh of relief as she flopped down on her bed. It had been a stressful evening but she was sure everything would be okay now. He had not indicated that he recognized her. She closed her eyes, thanked the Great One and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

  Wizard Falstaff was not as fortunate. The combination of too much wine and too much food left him tossing and turning in a dream filled state that was half awake and half asleep. His mind grappled with the face of a sweet young girl while trying to grasp at sleep. His memory was trying to place that face. When he did sleep he dreamed of the Dark Lord and trying to win his favour, intermingled with Morelock being elected as the next chief wizard. In his dream the Master promoted Morelock while he was left in a dark corner of the chamber watching on. Morelock and the other wizards looked at him, contempt on their faces and he felt small and afraid. Then he noticed someone else looking on – a young girl in the Dark Lord’s chamber. She was cleaning his things and when his eyes met hers, he knew who she was – she was Aislinn Hamilton – the same young girl living in Morelock’s home!



  Wizard Falstaff was restless but excited as well. He had the trump card up his sleeve and he planned to use it for his own benefit. He had woken from his fitful sleep with the realization that Aislinn Hamilton was living right here in the village under the Dark Lord’s nose. Linnie and Aislinn were one and the same! He wondered if Morelock was aware of it. Somehow he didn’t think so and he didn’t really care as he smiled to himself. Oh how fortune had smiled upon him today. The Master would be very pleased with his discovery and may even reward him for it. He knocked on Legion’s chamber door and waited to be ushered in.

  ‘What is it Falstaff?’ Legion asked glancing up from his breakfast tray.

  ‘Good morning Master. I have some good news for you.’

  ‘I could certainly use good news Falstaff. What is it?’

  ‘I had dinner at Morelock’s home last night and made a startling discovery,’ he continued, seeing curiosity in the Master’s eyes. ‘They have young lass helping them with the little Hamilton boy, and I thought I recognized her, but I couldn’t place her all evening. Then it came to me during the night. I had seen her before – right here in your chamber Master.’

  ‘Well, what of it? I have a number of young chambermaids that come in here to clean and tidy. Perhaps Morelock asked one of them to help his wife in her spare time. I don’t have a problem with that Falstaff. What is this really about? Why are you trying to get Morelock into trouble – are you perhaps jealous of him?’ Falstaff flushed deep crimson at the truth of these words, but he continued nevertheless. ‘No Master, I’m not trying to get Morelock into trouble. In fact I don’t think he knows who she really is,’ he ventured.

  ‘I’m not following you Falstaff – you’re speaking in riddles,’ Legion said annoyed. ‘Could you please just get it out, whatever it is.’

  ‘It’s the Hamilton girl, Master – Aislinn. She’s the one caring for her little brother.’ Legion went rigid. His arm stopped in mid-air, the spoon that held his porridge dripping the sticky mess back into the bowl. His icy demeanour spoke volumes and Falstaff felt fear tickle him gently like a feather. Had he gone too far?

  ‘Are you sure about this Falstaff?’ he asked coldly.

  ‘Yes Master, I am certain.’

  ‘Leave me, I need to think.’

  Morelock was unaware of the drama unfolding. He arrived at the castle in a good mood – his wife was content, their home had turned into a peaceful place again with the help of Linnie there. He pottered away in his spell chamber adjusting spells in his book and concocting new spells, humming away to himself. His solitude was interrupted by a goblin with a cheeky face. ‘The Master wants you in his chamber now.’ The goblin had a smirk on his face. Morelock had no idea what the Dark Lord wanted, but one didn’t keep him waiting when he summoned. He quickly removed the concoction from the heat and stored away his spell book safely in the chest. It wouldn’t do to have others sneaking a look at the spells he was working on.

  ‘Come in Morelock,’ Legion said slowly in answer to his knock on the door. He needed to keep his temper in check to verify Falstaff’s accusations. He found it hard to believe that Morelock would deliberately deceive him – especially after seeing how Ziah was executed – traitors were dealt with severely in Griswold and Morelock knew that. Besides the young wizard and his wife had been so elated at receiving the Hamilton boy – surely that alone would keep them loyal to his service forever. They knew the risk of crossing him would mean losing the little boy and crushing their dreams of having a family of their own ever again.

  ‘What can I do for you Master?’

  ‘I believe you have found someone to help with your new young son?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes Master. Rozanne found a young girl to help her. She’s waiting for her father to return from trading. We are providing a bed and meals in return for her help with the young lad. It has been a godsend I might add.’

  ‘And how does she get along with the little man?’ he asked feigning interest. ‘I seem to remember he was quite strong willed?’

  ‘Yes he is, but for some reason he really has become attached to her and it is working very well, thank you Master,’ he replied, pleased that the Master was interested in his family’s welfare. It seemed out of character for the Dark Lord to concern himself with others welfare and Morelock was a little confused as to where this conversation was going. Perhaps he was in a better mood after his defeat and things would be different around the castle. Morelock hoped so. The next question shattered any illusions he may have had.

  ‘Could he be so attached to her because she is his sister?’ he asked, studying Morelock’s face for his reaction to the question. Morelock cocked his head to one side as though he had heard incorrectly. He looked confounded at what the Master was implying. It was written all over his face and the Dark Lord was convinced that he did not know who the young girl was.

  ‘I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean Master.’

  ‘The young girl in your home is none other than Aislinn Hamilton posing as someone else. She has deceived you and Rozanne, probably in the hope of stealing the young boy back. Falstaff has confirmed her identity.’ Mor
elock looked shocked and bewildered. ‘I…I... I don’t know what to say Master. I had no idea! I did not deal with her when she was in the castle and so I guess it never entered my head it could be her.’ Cold dread hit Morelock. His Master may well kill him for this mistake if he did not believe his story.

  ‘Relax Morelock, I believe you – I know you always see the best in people – that is actually what I like about you. However we need to make this right and unfortunately it will require you to make a choice. You can keep the little Hamilton boy in return for his sister, or you can choose to keep the girl in your home and I will take the little boy back. One thing is certain though. You may not keep them both. What’s it to be?’ Morelock felt the blood drain from his face. They could not lose Mitch – it would devastate Rozanne and his dreams of a son and heir to follow in his footsteps would be shattered. He was angry at how Falstaff had gone over his head straight to the Master. He could have told Morelock what he had discovered but it was clear now to him that Falstaff only had his own interests at heart. He did not want to think about the fate of the girl, even though he should be angry at her deception. He knew the Dark Lord had been played so cunningly by Aislinn and that he would show no mercy to her, but he was left with no choice in the matter – her or Mitch – there was no choice.


  Aislinn saw Morelock returning home through the window of the cottage. It was unusual for him to be home in the middle of the day. She saw his face, fearful and angry, and knew that something was wrong. Her heart lurched in her chest, a knot forming in her stomach.

  ‘Rozanne, we need to talk now,’ he barked at his wife as he marched through the door. The alarm on her face was visible as she jumped to her feet and followed him to their room. Aislinn scooped up Mitch and carried him to her room. Should she flee with the child now while they were busy? She strained to hear what was being spoken in the next room. They were talking in hushed, urgent voices. She caught the words ‘Dark Lord knows’ and ‘Falstaff’ and ‘Hamilton girl’. It didn’t take long for her to figure out that she had been discovered. So Falstaff had recognized her after all. Fear gripped her so intensely that she felt as though she would vomit. Quickly, with shaking hands she tied the red ribbon onto the window latch praying that Regent would see it soon. That was all she had time for as she noticed four horsemen arriving at the cottage, Falstaff at the front, a victorious smirk on his face. There was no time to flee with Mitchell after all. Once again, her life was being ripped from her control. She watched Mitchell crying as she was bound and scooped up onto the horse of the cloaked man. He had started this nightmare for their family and again he was the one the Dark Lord had called upon to sever her freedom. She still felt that flicker of recognition but she could not place him. Her feeling of loathing showed in her brilliant blue eyes. He looked away unable to hold her gaze.