Read The Awakening (Book 1 The Destiny Chronicles) Page 17

  Their arrival at the castle caused some speculation and curious faces peered at Aislinn. Some had pity in their eyes and others had malice and glee. All knew she would receive no mercy from the Dark Lord. The one thing he despised more than anything was being made a fool of and she certainly had done that. She was dragged from the courtyard and thrown into the very same dungeon that Ziah had been in. She cowered in the corner away from the vermin that shared her cell.


  Legion smiled. He had decided not to see her yet. His fury bubbled deep in his evil heart and he did not want his emotion to dictate his decisions. He wanted to think carefully about how to best utilize her capture. As much as he wanted to see her die a slow and painful death, he needed to work out how this could gain him power and victory. He determined not to act hastily in his anger – that had gotten him in trouble before. How could she help him to overcome the Great One? It was no use trying to kill Ziah again – that was impossible when the Great One just raised him to life. No, he had to find a way to kill the old man himself. If he could remove him then his powers would be obsolete. There must be a way. In the meantime he had a bargaining chip again.


  Regent looked up at the window, noticing the red ribbon fluttering in the breeze. He had hoped it would not come to this and a dreadful feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. He turned away and made his way back to Lionsgate. This was not good news – Mac and Imogene would not receive it well.

  Mac and Imogene looked gravely concerned as Regent told them of Aislinn’s capture and the Dark Lord’s discovery. They feared for her life and of ever seeing her again. Ziah was equally distressed. He felt responsible in some way and headed out into the garden to think. As he walked, his father joined him and wrapped his arm around his son.

  ‘How will we rescue her father?’ he asked? ‘If I have to go through all that torture again even just for her, I can do it,’ he declared passionately. His Father smiled, pride and overwhelming love in his eyes.

  ‘No Ziah, it is not necessary for you to die again or to pay any price,’ he said gently.

  ‘Everything was accomplished when you returned to us. Sephtis knows that you have defeated death and that he will not achieve victory that way.’

  ‘But how do we help Aislinn?’ Ziah asked urgently.

  ‘You have the keys of life and death and you know how they can be used,’ the Great One continued. ‘Aislinn knows she can trust us – she will call for those keys and when she does, she will have the power that comes from them and from the Key Keeper.’

  ‘What if she doesn’t call for them father?’

  ‘She will. Have a little faith son. She knows how to trust – it won’t let her down.’

  ‘Is there some way we can show her what to do?’

  ‘There are always ways to speak to our people – they need to understand what they experience and interpret it - we can speak to Aislinn through her dreams Ziah. I will help her to unlock the mystery – if she believes it, she has the ability to receive it.’


  Aislinn sat in the dungeon, thinking over all that had happened to their family in just a few short weeks. It seemed unbelievable to think that only seventeen days ago they were carefree and living each day the same as any other. Who could conceive that life could change so radically in one moment and that all one’s values, beliefs and mindsets could be challenged with the twinkling of an eye?

  ‘What are you thinking so deeply about?’ a voice echoed around the hollow dungeon. Aislinn looked up startled and then smiled seeing Ryder leaning against the cold stone wall.

  ‘Ryder, it’s good to see you.’ She half laughed and half sobbed in relief.

  ‘Well, I did say I would protect you, and you do seem to get yourself into some pretty awful situations young lady,’ he said humorously.

  Aislinn smiled, her face flushing crimson. She felt a little foolish for not thinking through her actions. She had followed her heart and had not used wisdom in planning Mitchell’s rescue but worst of all she had been independent in her actions. She could not blame Regent – it was his job to protect her and he had done it well. She should have sought counsel from Ziah or the Great One before she disappeared.

  ‘How am I going to get out of here Ryder?’ she asked.

  ‘You’ll figure it out Aislinn, and when you do, you will be free in more ways than one. I must go now, but remember I am always close by.’ Aislinn was a little confused. Ryder was talking in riddles and she had no idea what he meant. How was she going to figure it out? She had no idea how to escape this awful place. She was hoping he would give her a solution. She felt frustrated and fearful and a lonely tear rolled down her cheek. She brushed it away angrily. The last thing she needed now was a riddle to solve. She knew he was close by yet she felt so alone. She thought of Ziah and how he must have felt when he was locked in this place. Had he felt lonely and helpless too? She shook herself slightly. She could not allow her courage to desert her now. Whatever happened, she needed to be brave and face the consequences of her actions. Self-pity was a destroying thing. It would lead to despair which would lead to further self-pity. It was a never-ending cycle and she determined in her heart not to go there.

  ‘Great One, Ziah,’ she quietly called. ‘Can you hear me?’ The walls remained eerily silent and the gloomy dungeon stared back at her coldly. The Great One and Ziah had indeed heard Aislinn. They saw her lonely figure in the cavernous dungeon through the Mirror of Time. Ziah paced, up and down, like a prowling lion, his brow creased in concern. When would she call for the keys? Would she know what to do and what would happen if she didn’t call for them? He didn’t want to think about it. He felt like he was waiting in anticipation and wished he could just go to her, but he knew the keys only worked if people called for them.

  Mac and Imogene retreated to their room as the news of Aislinn’s capture had been a devastating blow to them. Mac kept seeing Ziah’s broken and tortured body and the thought of Aislinn suffering the same fate made him feel sick and afraid. Imogene sat staring into space – she had shut herself away to prevent her heart from breaking any more. When would this nightmare end?


  Legion smiled to himself. He had Aislinn back in his castle and Morelock had proved his allegiance to him by choosing to hand over the girl. He had known it was a wise move to give the young boy to the young wizard and his wife. What Morelock hadn’t realized yet was that it was a strategic move on his part to keep him bound forever. The young man would always feel indebted and that was the way he intended to keep it. Things were working out rather nicely after all.


  ‘What are you doing Rozanne?’ Morelock shrieked. His wife ignored him as she loaded the little boy into the wagon and climbed up next to him. He reached out and grabbed her arm, panic knotting his stomach into a ball. He was still trying to get his head around the young girl being forcefully removed from his home. His conscience was accusing him constantly as Rozanne had yelled at him to stop them, to do something. He had just stood by and allowed Cillian to take her. Rozanne didn’t understand but she would – he would make sure of it.

  ‘Where are you going Roz?’

  ‘I don’t care anymore about the Dark Lord’s approval or tiptoeing around him. Sometimes things are glaringly wrong and need to be righted,’ she said stubbornly shaking his arm off.

  ‘Keep your voice down Roz,’ Morelock glanced nervously about him. ‘The walls have ears in Griswold - if this gets back to the Dark Lord, both of us will be strung up for the birds to peck. Let’s go inside and discuss this rationally. I will explain it all to you.’ His sweet, imploring tone had no effect on her steely resolve.

  ‘There’s nothing to explain. You did nothing when they took that girl – I don’t know you anymore. You are the one who needs to decide,’ she continued, fierce determination in her voice, ‘it’s him or it’s me. You have such talent and are so gifted and he overlooks you all t
he time. He keeps you on a string and now with Mitch as the pawn he has you right where he wants. Well no more! This little boy is going back to his parents and if the Great One will have us, I think we should seek his counsel and help. I will not have that girl’s death on my conscience.’ Morelock paled at her suggestion. It was not the idea of returning Mitch that did it. Firstly, he imagined the Dark Lord’s fury if he found out what they were planning and then he imagined what the Great One would do to them if they went to him. They had been part of killing his son – not directly of course, but he was still working for the Dark Lord. However he knew that she was speaking the truth. Aislinn would not receive a pardon the second time around – she would certainly be killed for her treachery. Why did everyone feel the need to make him choose? The fear in his eyes was not lost on his wife. She too felt caught between the Dark Lord and the Great One and each scenario was equally terrifying, but somehow facing the Great One seemed less daunting. She had heard stories in Griswold of the Great One’s goodness and His marvellous sense of humour. Those qualities she knew did not exist in the Dark Lord. She sincerely hoped that the stories she had heard were true. The thing she was most afraid of though, was losing her husband – already he was turning a blind eye to evil – the Dark Lord was changing his character. If they did not get away from here he would be lost to her forever.

  ‘Morelock, I know you are afraid. Aren’t you tired of looking over your shoulder every five minutes? We will never be free if we stay here. Please come with me. I need you,’ she pleaded.


  Aislinn closed her eyes and drifted into a restless sleep. She was tired as the stress of the last few hours caught up with her. Her dreams were vivid and muddled. They were filled with mocking eyes and evil creatures closing in around her. She felt panic and desperation as she tried to escape their rancid breath and their sharp claws scratching at her garments. In her dreamy haze she saw a door that would provide escape. She ran toward it, hearing footsteps hounding her. The beating of her heart was deafening – time was running out, she would be caught and torn to shreds. She clawed the door handle, pulling with all her might but it would not budge. She noticed a key hole but there was no key. ‘I need a key, I need a key,’ she screamed. ‘Where is it?’

  ‘Everything is possible Aislinn if you only believe.’ Regent floated through her dreams, his words echoing. The last thing she saw, before jolting awake, was a silhouette of a man holding keys in his hands as she stretched out her arm trying to reach for them. Sweat ran off her brow. The dream was so vivid and her heart raced in fear, her body trembling. It left her shaken and she wondered what it meant. Papa always said that dreams were your imagination’s way of communicating things. He said it was also the way the Great One sometimes communicated with you. Did the dream mean something and if so, what was the message? She didn’t like the feeling of being hunted in her dream, her way of escape blocked. It was frightening. She mulled it over and over in her mind, seeking answers. The man with the keys seemed familiar and yet she couldn’t place him. Perhaps it would come to her.


  Rozanne and Morelock continued to argue in angry, whispered tones. There was no way Rozanne was going to change her mind and Morelock knew it was futile trying to convince her otherwise. This woman could be as stubborn as a mule when she wanted to be. Mitchell looked at them, uncertain, his bottom lip quivering at their angry raised voices, his big eyes beginning to fill with tears.

  ‘I don’t want a child this way,’ she blurted out eventually. ‘It feels as though we have him illegitimately and I will always feel as though his sister’s blood will be on our hands. I can’t live this way anymore. As much as I love you Morelock, I have to do what I feel in my heart. If I don’t, it will destroy me. I’ll understand if you can’t come with me.’ Morelock frowned. He had not really thought how this turn of events would affect her. All he had wanted was to make her happy – to give her the child she so longed for. Seems he had failed once again in that department.

  ‘What do you suppose we do Rozanne? Where would we go? You’re not thinking clearly. We can’t go to the Great One.’ He needed to think without her nagging – he longed for the quiet of his spell chamber.

  ‘Roz, I need to think about this awhile. I’m already late for work. We’ll talk about this later. Please don’t leave until I come home. Promise me…’ he said gathering up his cloak and heading for the door.

  ‘Don’t think you can escape. I won’t let this go,’ she warned. ‘You’ll have to face reality sometime,’ she yelled at his receding back. ‘I won’t wait much longer!’

  Morelock rode his faithful old steed down the road, the clip-clopping of its hooves like a steady metronome. His mind was far off as he thought through all their options and the repercussions should they flee Griswold. The Dark Lord would hunt them – of that he was certain. That’s if the Great One didn’t finish them off first. He did not see the shaft of light that exploded from the sky, so deep in thought was he. His horse reared in fright and threw him onto his back, galloping off leaving the startled man in the dust. As he lay there, winded, he tried to make sense of the dazzling light that blinded him. He covered his eyes with his arm, his heart beating fearfully in his chest. Had one of the Dark Lord’s goblins somehow overheard his and Rozanne’s conversation?

  ‘Who are you?’ he asked the radiant light. He didn’t feel as confident as his voice sounded. ‘What do you want?’

  ‘Morelock, why are you running from the truth? You are being blind to what is going on around you.’

  ‘No I’m not,’ Morelock defended. As the words escaped his lips so his eyes clouded over – glassy and unseeing. ‘I can’t see – I can’t see… what have you done to me?’ He felt the ground around him, panic engulfing him, suffocating him. Fear gripped his heart. ‘What do you want from me?’ he shrieked feeling completely vulnerable now.

  ‘I want you to see what I see in you. You have a gift and how you choose to use it will determine the path you take in this life. Seems to me you have taken the road of fear and bondage. Do you want to spend the rest of your days in debt to someone like the Dark Lord?’ The voice was gentle – not mocking or harsh and he realized that this was not someone sent by the Dark Lord. Relief flooded him momentarily.‘I don’t know how to escape from him. I am afraid to stay but I am equally afraid to go. What should I do?’ he asked dropping his head in his hands.

  ‘Take Rozanne and the child and go to Lionsgate to the Great One – he will help you.’

  ‘Why would he help me? I was there when they killed his son. I did nothing to help him – I just looked away and justified his death in my mind and now I have done the same with Aislinn Hamilton – I turned a blind eye.’ The irony of his statement was not lost on him.

  ‘It’s okay Morelock. The Great One sees more than appearances – he sees right into your heart and it is not as evil as you believe. Everyone is redeemable.’ The voice let out a shrill whistle that startled Morelock and soon he heard horse hooves approaching.

  ‘I will help you onto your horse – he will take you back home. When you get home and tell Rozanne that you are going, your sight will return. Leave as soon as you can. Follow the emerald dove – it will take you safely to Lionsgate.’

  ‘Who are you?’ he asked again.


  Morelock gasped, his colour fading. ‘That’s not possible –Ziah’s dead. I saw his body myself.’

  ‘And yet you have just spoken to me Morelock. The Dark Lord is not as powerful as he wants you to believe. Now go – time is moving on and you need to escape before someone comes looking for you.’ The horse stood patiently as Ziah helped the young man into the saddle.

  ‘Why are you helping me? I don’t understand! You could just kill me right now.’

  ‘Because love never fails – as you will discover Morelock. I’m asking you to trust me. Can you do that? He nodded. He was out of choices.

  ‘Take him home boy,’ Ziah whispered to
the horse. Rozanne heard the horse coming up the path. She had not expected Morelock back so soon. Maybe he had come to his senses after all, or maybe something bad had happened. She opened the door tentatively and stepped out into the sunshine, squinting her eyes against the glare. ‘You’re home already,’ she stated. She noticed his blank eyes and how he fumbled with the reins. ‘Morelock,’ she cried alarmed, ‘what’s happened? What has the Dark Lord done to you?’

  ‘It’s okay Rozanne, I’m fine. This is not the work of the Dark Lord but the Great One’s way of helping me to see more clearly. Get packed – we’re leaving.’ As the words rolled from his tongue so his eyes cleared, his vision returning. ‘I’ve been so blind Roz but I can see clearly now for the first time. It’s going to be okay. We’re going to Lionsgate. The Great One is expecting us.’ She squealed in delight and threw her arms around him, kissing his cheek. They knew they were risking their lives. This could be a trap but it was a risk they were willing to take. They had to trust the Great One to rescue them. No one else could.