Read The Awakening (Book 1 The Destiny Chronicles) Page 18


  Aislinn was tired and hungry. Her dreams left her disturbed, her mind reeling. She felt weak and cold and she hugged her knees to her chest.

  ‘I can’t do this anymore. I’m so tired and the silence in this place is killing me. I feel as though I’m going mad. Great One, Ziah – please help me. I know you can,’ she pleaded. She felt her cold body warm up as though someone had wrapped her in giant arms. She even glanced around to see if Ryder had entered the cell – so thick was the presence. Then it came to her. The man in her dream was Ziah. Of course! He was the Key Keeper - she remembered how important the recovery of those keys was to him and she would recognize them anywhere. The keys for the door in her dream were Ziah’s keys – the very keys she helped him rescue. She giggled in sheer relief. He needed to bring them to her. Papa had told her that the Great One could always hear the cries of his followers. He never let them down. More than ever she hoped this were true. The Great One had helped her many times over the last couple of weeks and deep in her heart she believed that he would hear her and pass her message on to Ziah.

  ‘Great One,’ she began tentatively, her whispers echoing around the stony walls, ‘I’m sorry I just disappeared to get Mitchell without consulting you first. It was a stupid mistake to make and now I am paying for it. I do believe though that you can hear me and that you love me enough to help me. I need Ziah to bring me the keys. I know somehow that they are my way out of here. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was you speaking to me in my dream last night. Thank you – you’re the best,’ she finished feeling peaceful and hopeful.


  ‘She did it Father,’ he yelled triumphantly. ‘She’s called for the keys!’ He grabbed hold of his father’s arms, dancing in a circle with childlike delight. The old man and his son beamed at each other.

  ‘Of course she did, Ziah,’ he laughed. ‘Get Nuada, Regent, Serena and Ryder ready. I’ll find Aedan – he won’t want to miss this adventure,’ he chuckled. Ziah rushed off to find the team who would be a part of Aislinn’s freedom. They had all been looking over her in some way or another and this would be the final triumph. Things were beginning to look up on all fronts. He skipped off like a little boy who had some exciting news to share and his father watched him lovingly as he went. That boy was a joy and had accomplished more in his life than many realized. News spread quickly of Aislinn’s call for the keys. The air was electric with excitement and Mac and Imogene quickly headed to the Great One’s court. They too had heard the news, but they felt a little more anxious as they did not yet realize the significance of the keys.

  ‘At last the moment we have all been waiting for,’ they heard Aedan saying as they entered the court. ‘Finally that miserable old creature will be taken down and we will have the opportunity to relax for a bit. I feel we deserve a sabbatical after all his plots and ploys,’ Everyone chuckled at Aedan’s sense of humour. They would all be glad when this was over. A knock at the door changed their focus briefly as a tall warrior dressed in a purple robe entered the court.

  ‘There’s a man and a woman at the gate,’ he said quickly. ‘They have a little boy with them. They claim its Mitchell Hamilton.’ Imogene felt weak at the knees and she gasped aloud. She dared not hope too much – they had been so disappointed over the last few weeks and each time she thought there was nothing left of her heart to break, another little piece would be torn off again.

  ‘Well what are you waiting for,’ the Great One replied. ‘Bring them in – I’ve been expecting them.’ Morelock and Rozanne entered the court with a mixture of trepidation and awe. They had never seen a more beautiful place and they gazed in wonder at all they saw. As they approached the Great One their eyes became downcast and all they had done for the Dark Lord seemed magnified in this place. Would they be punished for Ziah’s death? Was this a trick to get them here? They could not bring themselves to look at the people who would surely accuse them. Rozanne held out her arms, barely able to hold a squirming Mitchell, waiting for someone to take him. Imogene rushed forward and clasped the little boy as though she would never let him go. His sweet scent pervaded her nostrils and she breathed deeply taking in the smell she had missed so severely.

  ‘Mama,’ the little boy said as though she hadn’t been gone for more than a day, and he nuzzled his head into her neck. It was too much for Imogene – she sobbed in relief and pent up emotion. Rozanne watched, feeling worse than before, but also glad they had made the decision to come. No matter what happened now, it was worth it to see mother and son reunited. How she wished she could experience love like that.


  Legion waited for word on Morelock. Falstaff had informed him that he had not been into his chamber that morning. This was uncharacteristic behaviour for Morelock and it made him uneasy. Morelock was extremely dedicated to his work and took great pride in all he did. He had high hopes for the young wizard – many new spells would come from his chamber that would benefit the Dark Lord. Where was he? A knock at the door dragged him from his reverie.

  ‘Enter,’ he growled.

  ‘There is no further news Master,’ Falstaff stated flatly. ‘It’s as if they have vanished into thin air. Someone has been out to their cottage but there is no sign of them.’

  ‘Send out some scouts and keep looking. I want to know when they are found,’ he said tersely.


  Down in the dungeon Aislinn sang softly to herself. Since calling out to the Great One and Ziah, she felt completely different. She felt calm and curiously courageous. It seemed ridiculous in the circumstances, but she even felt joyful. It was as though she knew deep down that everything was going to be all right. That sickly fear she felt for the Dark Lord had even disappeared. Now she only felt angry, determined never to be intimidated by him again. She had allowed herself to feel weak and manipulated but that was the past and this was now. She would never surrender to him and she vowed to show no fear no matter what he did to her. As she sang her spirits lifted and her courage multiplied.


  Rozanne and Imogene sat together in the dining hall drinking a hot, sweet drink they called ‘nectar tea’ in Lionsgate. Rozanne felt ashamed and waited for Imogene to vent her anger at having her child given away like a disposable commodity.

  ‘Firstly,’ Imogene said slowly, ‘I want to thank you for taking such good care of Mitchell.’ Rozanne looked surprised– she was caught completely off guard.

  ‘I suppose,’ Imogene continued ‘that if he had to be anywhere I can be grateful it was not in the Dark Lord’s castle. Secondly, thank you for bringing him back to us. I can imagine it was one of the hardest decisions for you to make.’ Rozanne had no words. Large tears traced their way down her cheeks at the gracious response of this woman. She expected anger and loathing and instead she was receiving love and forgiveness.

  ‘Why aren’t you angry with us?’

  ‘I have no right to judge you Rozanne. All of us have facets of our personality that aren’t perfect. I too have had to journey to this place to learn that our mistakes do not have to define us. They can be the very things that propel us forward to greater heights in the future. The Great One loves us despite our mistakes and so I will always endeavour to love others the same way. That is what I have learned here in Lionsgate. Love is a most powerful thing. It conquers every other emotion and most of all, it never fails. We each have our own challenges in life –it’s how we respond to them and the choices we make that count; but once you have experienced this kind of love, you can never be the same again.’ Rozanne looked at Imogene with gratitude and admiration. ‘I hope I learn to love this way too.’


  ‘News has come at last Master,’ Falstaff said, a hint of glee in his voice. Finally his competition was gone and he felt delighted that Morelock would never fill his shoes.

  ‘Morelock and Rozanne have left Griswold. They were seen by some families crossing the border.’

  ‘Where were
they going?’ Legion asked, dread curling itself around his spine in a vice-like grip. The reply stabbed Legion’s heart with final, humiliating betrayal.



  Aislinn realized as she wrung her hands that she was wearing the truth ring. She had forgotten that she had placed it on her hand so as not to lose it. The glasses had been left in the little cottage in her room, but the ring had come with her. It gave her some comfort to know that a part of the Great One was with her. Her musings were interrupted by the lock of the door being opened. As the door creaked on its hinges, she waited in anticipation for the one who would come through that door. She had prepared herself for this moment mentally, but the reality of it was quite something else. He stood there, a menacing black vulture. His eyes cold and furious stared at her expecting to see her cringe and cower before him. She did not.

  ‘So dear Aislinn, you have abused my hospitality and now you find yourself here in this place. You will never get out of here alive, my dear.’ Aislinn twisted the ring noticing it change from its neutral colour to a deep yellow. It gave her hope. The Dark Lord’s words were not true. She ignored his jibe.

  ‘Is Mitchell okay?’

  Legion looked surprised at her gall and sneered. ‘You won’t ever see him again. He’s been sent to wizardry school. The younger they take them the easier it is for them to learn the dark side.’ Again the ring turned a deep yellow and Aislinn sighed in relief.

  ‘You won’t get away with this,’ she challenged. ‘I have called Ziah and he is coming for me.’ Legion laughed but his eyes held a measure of surprise and fear.

  ‘There’s nothing Ziah can do for you but I have a proposition for you. You may redeem yourself by becoming my wife and working alongside me to make Griswold the most powerful kingdom, or you can choose to die as a traitor. I will not be mocked among my own people and you have made a fool of me Aislinn. Nonetheless I will give you an opportunity to redeem yourself.’ She looked surprised at his offer. She had expected death as her only choice.

  ‘I’ll give you time to think,’ he said, walking out the door. Aislinn slumped down on the hard floor. It was cold, but she felt good. She had stood her ground without fear and she had learned that Mitchell was safe and that she was not going to die here from the truth ring. She closed her eyes and thanked the Great One for being with her.


  Legion paced up and down his chamber. He had expected her to cower in fear from him and yet she had shown courage. He did not understand why she had so much confidence. Surely she didn’t believe that Ziah was really coming for her? That was absurd. It infuriated him that he still wanted her so badly and more so that she would not be coerced into marrying him with the threat of death. It irked him that she was a thorn in his flesh – a weakness he could not control. He had to have her and the more she resisted the greater his desire to tame her became. Legion was used to getting his own way. He wanted her and he would have her – no matter what.


  The rattling dungeon door and shaking walls woke Aislinn from deep sleep. What was happening? It felt as though the earth were moving. Was it an earth rumble as they were commonly known? It would be ironic if she were to die in a rumble, crushed by these stony dungeon walls. The dungeon door popped open like a cork from a bottle with a whooshing sound and Aislinn expected guards to come running in to prevent her escape. The door remained eerily empty. As she stood staring at the open door unable to believe her good fortune, a silhouette appeared in the doorway. ‘Come on Aislinn, you called for the keys and I’ve come.’

  ‘Ziah!’ She rushed to him and wrapped her arms around him. ‘I knew you would come.’

  ‘Can we leave the reunion till later?’ another voice chipped in. ‘Somehow I don’t think our arrival will go unnoticed.’ There stood Aedan, beaming at Aislinn with Nuada, Regent, Ryder and Serena all close behind. They all looked delighted to see her unharmed and in good spirits.

  ‘Oh my goodness, what have you done to the guards?’ she asked giggling. They were frozen like statues, unable to move. The one guard was scratching his rear end and they all chuckled at how ridiculous he looked.

  ‘They are a little stuck for now,’ Aedan added giggling with her, ‘but they will be okay in about an hour or two.’

  ‘Come,’ said Ziah ‘let’s make our way back to Lionsgate.’ As they turned to move up the dungeon stairs, they felt, rather than perceived the presence of evil that flowed into the icy corridor where they were standing. Their presence had not gone unnoticed in the Dark Lord’s castle.

  ‘So you dared to come back here did you?’ They all knew that voice. He sounded confident, yet his eyes held uncertainty and his fear was not lost on Ziah or his companions. Aislinn felt no fear now, as she had endured much over the past weeks and she felt safer with them than she had in a long while.

  ‘So we meet again.’ Ziah smiled at his discomfort. ‘I’ve come to get back something that does not belong to you,’ he stated indicating Aislinn. She looked at the Dark Lord, pity in her eyes mixed with anger for the evil he had done. It was not the anger that bothered Legion as he fed off it, but the pity felt like a knife wound. He could not tolerate being pitied by anyone – pity was for weak people who had nothing. He did not want to be perceived that way by anyone.

  ‘You’re a sad person,’ Aislinn blurted out. ‘Why do you allow your heart to be like stone? All of us have experienced pain in life, yet not all of us choose to be crippled by it. But you - you not only became crippled, you try to cripple as many others as you can and that is just pathetic.’ Legion could barely contain his fury at the girl’s words. He pulled Ziah aside whispering maliciously. ‘Coming back here is rather a brave move, don’t you think?’

  ‘There’s nothing more you can do to me. I’ve beaten death. After all, you agreed to trade her and her siblings for me and I overcame the hardest obstacle you put before me. I did as you asked– you have no right over them now.’

  ‘Yes you did. Sacrifice is part of your weakness. It will be your undoing now.’

  ‘It wasn’t about sacrifice. It was about love,’ Ziah countered.

  Legion scoffed. ‘Love – is for the weak.’

  ‘Love is more powerful than fear will ever be,’ Ziah challenged.

  ‘If that is the case then prove it. Give me permission Ziah to put your team to the test, to show everyone in Griswold that what you believe is a lie.’

  ‘We don’t have to pass a test to leave. I don’t really see how you can stop us Sephtis,’ Ziah countered.

  ‘I may not be able to stop you but we will certainly try. Do you want to take the chance of some of your people getting hurt or killed? I give you my word that if they overcome the challenges, I will let you go.’ Ziah was confident his team could fight them off but keeping Aislinn safe was his first priority. He needed to buy them some time. He also wanted the people of Griswold to see that love never failed – that goodness triumphed over evil and what better opportunity to do it than showing up the Dark Lord in front of those he deceived.

  ‘I will allow this test – I’m confident we can overcome the obstacles you throw our way. Be warned though, if you go back on your word you will reap destruction in Griswold and that will be your undoing.’ Legion turned back to the others who were curiously watching the heated exchange between the two rivals.

  ‘We’ll take this up to the courtyard,’ he announced to them with confidence, ‘where your team will compete in a series of challenges. If you are able to conquer the challenges set before you by my witches and wizards, before the hour glass empties out, then you may leave with Aislinn Hamilton and I will never bother the Hamilton family again.’

  ‘So be it,’ said Ziah with steely determination. Maybe this would finally teach this arrogant creature a lesson and humiliate him in front of the whole of Griswold. After today everyone would see him for who he really was.

  ‘Why are we doing this Ziah?’ Aedan a
sked incredulous. ‘We could fight our way out of here right now. He is toying with us, making us look like fools.’

  ‘That is true my friend,’ he responded. ‘Just trust me with this. If we leave now his wizards and goblins will try to stop us and we will have a battle to wage before we get Aislinn out of here. If we defeat him at his own game then his people will see him for who he really is. I want love to win this war, not bloodshed.’ Aedan nodded.

  News of Ziah’s magical escape from death travelled fast in the Dark Lord’s ranks. Entering the courtyard they found it teeming with evil goblins and creatures of every kind, curious to see the two teams pitted against one another. The air was electric with anticipation and excitement. Never had the people of Griswold seen the Dark Lord in direct battle with the Great One’s forces. This would be talked about for generations. Goblins wagered with one another as to the outcome.

  ‘The rules are such,’ declared Legion. ‘Three of you will complete a challenge I select and every challenge has to be mastered to win Aislinn’s freedom.’

  ‘That’s fine with us,’ Ziah responded.

  ‘I choose the golden haired woman to complete challenge number one,’ the Dark Lord announced looking at Serena. ‘You will attempt to solve this riddle.’ Ziah smiled. It should be a fairly simple challenge for Serena. She was known for her great wisdom in Lionsgate. The riddle was read from an old, weathered parchment that had seen better days.

  An eye that can never see

  The beauty of the world to be

  Pass through it to the other side

  And find the crystal it will hide

  Treasure that is hard to see

  Unless you look so carefully