Read The Bar Page 10

  College was a good time, I was enjoying learning again. Getting the exam results that I need for teacher training college was never in doubt. I left home and started my career path towards becoming a teacher. I shared a small house with three others, one girl and two boys. It was a great time of my life, we were young and reckless sometimes. Going to the pub and getting drunk and sleeping with a member of the opposite sex at weekends, never got in the way of the serious business of qualifying to be a teacher. I will always remember the day I got my certificate, I was so proud, so were my parents. I will remember even more the finishing party we had. Fifteen of us enjoyed the day at a lake, we stripped naked and plunged ourselves into the cold water. The girls like us had no inhibitions, perhaps that was the drink. One girl was a friend of one of the other girls, she was not at the college with us. We hooked up for the night and we slept together. When I woke up the next morning she was gone, I never met her again, in fact I didn't even know her name.

  Now I was in the real world, the grown-ups world. I started work at a school near Liverpool, I hated it. I started to look for positions abroad, if the school I was working at was anything to go by I didn't want to be here. I found a placement in Asia, I loved it but it was only a one year contract. I was very sad when it ended, but I knew for sure I was not going to work in those English schools. My next placement was just like the school in Asia, I wanted to be there, I wanted to teacher, and the children wanted to learn. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would stay for thirty or more years.

  I suppose the only thing I regret is not having children. The person that would have had those children with me was tragically taken from me. Her name was Jenny, she was a teacher like me, we were working at the same school. I remember the first day she came, she looked so nervous. I introduced myself to her and put her at ease. Over the coming years we became very close. We started to live together, this was going to be my wife. One day she came to me, she told me there was a small family problem back in England she needed to attend to. I told her I would miss her lots but to do what she needed to do. The day arrived, that morning I remember waking up, she was lying by my side staring at me. I looked at her and she said, “I am going to miss you,” then she started to cry. I hugged her and told her it was only for a few weeks, slowly the tears dried up. I carried her bag out to the car; the car belonged to another teacher who just happened to be going to the capital on the same day. We hugged and kissed each other before she got into the front passenger seat. The car pulled away, she hung out of the window waving to me, I waved back until the car was out of sight. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would never see her again. That evening I got news of the accident, they were both killed instantly. Her family arranged to have her body flown back to England where she was buried, I never went to her funeral, I was a mess.

  Jenny's death devastated me, my work suffered, I started to drink heavily. It wasn't long before I gave up my job and found a new classroom, the bar. I also found a new companion, alcohol.


  Chapter 27


  Everything is settling down, I hear the rain still but not heavy. The electricity seems stable, there is light and television. I wonder how long that's going to last.

  This is the final leg or that's what I call it. I start to drink whiskey for the next two to three hours and slowly watch my troubles drift away. By the time I leave this bar I will be on auto pilot, my senses will direct me home. Then in the morning I will wonder how I got back to my bed.

  Looking back over to the bar I see Barbara working hard to get another client. She has her hand down a man's trousers trying to arouse him. I think it's working because he is getting a key from Joseph. Yes I was right, off they go out into the back.

  Now the whole day of drinking alcohol is starting to affect me, my head is spinning a little. What a waste, I have been sat in here since early this morning, but what else is there for me to do?

  There goes Brenda with a plate of chips, I watch her remove one and put it in her mouth before she gets to the client. I would miss all of this, it's a crazy place this bar.

  I hear the sound of breaking glass, Brenda has dropped the tray she was carrying. A few broken glasses and bottles litter the floor. Looking at Sam's face he doesn't look too pleased. That's money to him, profit gone, less money to buy the girl for sex. Greengage bends down with Brenda and they start to pick up the broken shards of glass. She tells him to go away but he is persistent. When everything is cleared up he will ask her for some money.

  Two girls walk into the bar, they look so young. The skirts they are wearing barely cover their bottoms. Their tops are so low, most of their breasts are on show. If they bend down I am sure everything would fall out. They look about fifteen years old and they have already chosen their path in life. Mind the girls at university sell themselves in order to pay for their studies. They look around the room, they see nothing in here for them so they go back out the way they came in.

  Greengage is arguing with Brenda, he wants his money for cleaning up. She is firing lots of bad words at him, finally Sam comes from behind the bar and escorts Greengage to the door.

  In the far corner the local darts team is practicing, there are some good players here. I used to play, but now I just sit and watch and take note of what goes on around me. If I ever get the time I will sit down and write a story about this place.

  Shit, the Pastor has walked in. I hope he doesn't see me, that's the last person I want to have a conversation with. No he's not going to come to me, a girl has followed him into the bar. God, she looks so young, he collects a key from Joseph and goes through to the back, the girl follows him.

  I feel a tap on my shoulder, turning around I see Richard, he is also from England. He was working with me at the school here, but found a better job in the capital. “Richard, well, well, well, what a surprise,” “how are you?” “I'm good Ben, how about you?” “ah, life is ok for me, what are you doing here?” He looks very well, keeping himself in good condition, but he is a young man. “Came this morning for a meeting of school heads, they picked this town for some reason.” He must have got promotion since I last saw him, “are you a headmaster now?” “yes, last two years.” He deserves it, he was always a good conscientious hard working teacher. “You have done well Richard; let me buy you a drink.” I call Brenda, she comes over to the table, “do you recognise this man?” “yes, it is Richard, oh how are you?” She puts her arms around is neck and starts squeezing him tight to her body, he looks in my direction and pulls a face. “Have you two got form?” “what do you mean Ben?” “have you slept with him Brenda?” “no, he is my friend,” “ok, get him a beer.” “So what are your plans Richard?” “I have to leave early tomorrow morning, I had to come and see you before I went back.” He knew where to find me, mind he could ask anyone in this town and they would tell him where I would be, well almost anyone. “Where are you staying?” “Paradise,” “that's a nice place, no girls hanging around there,” “no that's right Ben.” Brenda returns with his beer, she is all over him like a rash, “leave him alone, go away.” Brenda finally releases her grip on poor Richard and goes back to her job. “I think she likes you Richard,” “ha-ha, I am happily married Ben, wife and child.” I thought this guy would always remain a bachelor, he loved the women. “I want to go back to England, my child has a British passport but my wife needs a visa, so I am trying to process that at the present time.” He surprises me, he loved living here but his circumstances have changed. Having a wife and child you want security for them. “Ok, why do you want to leave Richard?” “I think things are getting worse here Ben, there is so much unrest in the capital these days. Every other day there is a street protest that turns violent.” I must be out of touch with the news, also living here you see no problems. “Do best for your family Richard,” “that's it Ben, I need security for them both.” “What about you Ben, ever think about returning to England?” “no this is home; there
is nothing in England for me.” For the next hour we drink and talk until Richard needs to go and get some sleep. Standing up we shake hands and bid each other well for the future. Richard walks away, on route to the exit he is accosted by Brenda. He finally manages to free himself from her grasp and disappears through the doorway. That was a nice surprise, I am not sure when I last saw him, months, maybe years, time is not my strong point anymore.

  Talking to Richard, I hadn't noticed how full the bar is becoming. I think it will be a good night for the football followers.


  Chapter 28

  United or Spurs

  The countdown has started, the pundits are talking about the game, Manchester United against Tottenham Hotspurs. Well most people here follow Manchester or Arsenal, so the Arsenal people will support Tottenham I think. I am not a great football fan so for me I will just sit here and drink.

  Maria joins me at my table, “Ben are you watching football?” “no Maria, it's not my game I prefer rugby.” She hasn't found a client, or maybe she is happy with the money she has made. She is still missing her bra, but she does look nice, my thoughts are wandering I have to stop. She holds her glass up, “cheers Ben,” “cheers Maria.” She tells me that she is going home to bed soon, she is tired. I am not surprised, her little body has taken a pounding. I feel her hand stroking my thigh, slowly she moves higher towards my manhood. “Maria, can you stop please?” “sorry Ben, I just like you, why can't I come back to your house tonight?” She looks at me with big sad eyes, such a temptress. “Maria, you are very beautiful, but my days of sex are finished,” “Ben I don't want you to pay me.” This girl is stupid or what, I really can't get through to her. “Maria, it's a kind offer but I can not accept it, thank you anyway.”

  I see the pastor come back into the bar minus the young girl, this time he does see me. He comes over to my table, “hi Ben how are you? you have a beautiful lady with you.” I watch him drool over Maria, I would really like to hit him hard. “She is a friend Pastor,” “I would like her to be my friend,” a dirty little laugh comes out of his mouth. Maria sits upright, she has forgotten about me and has a new target. “I will see you later, bye Ben,” Maria gets up and goes to stand at the bar. The pastor takes her seat, “where is the young girl you came in with Pastor?” “she is in the room Ben, I have to go back, I just came for a drink.” “What are you doing here with her?” “her parents want me to give her some Bible studies, she is giving them problems, God will release the Demon inside her.” “But why here, why not the church?” “The church is being used tonight, so I thought I would rent a room here.” This man needs hanging up and left for the wild animals to eat. “Ok Ben I must go,” he gets from his seat and walks away. He stops when he gets to the bar and starts to talk with Maria, they laugh together. After a few minutes she follows him through the door to the courtyard. Surely she's not going to join him in that room with the other girl, maybe she's just going to the pit.

  The men are starting to shout more, they are very vocal when it comes to their football. One will shout above the other, which makes the other shout louder, so it will become very noisy. A lot of them wear Manchester United shirts, some have Arsenal, I can even see a Newcastle United shirt. These shirts are all fakes, made by the Chinese. If you go to the market you can buy one for the equivalent of £10, that's cheap compared to the Adidas or Nike shirts which are four times that amount and still made in China probably.

  I hear the sound of the rain on the roof again, Brenda will be back inside shortly. Looking at the television screen there is a dialogue box, it reads, NO SATELLITE SIGNAL. That is the problem when it rains, the cloud cover seems to affect the signal. Everyone waits patiently for its return, which will happen, just not sure when.

  I see Brenda has come inside, I raise my empty glass to attract her attention, she holds her hand up to acknowledge. Waiting for my drink my mind goes back to the Pastor. I have not seen Maria come back into the bar, I think she has gone to the room with him. Brenda arrives with my whiskey, “here you are Ben, one whiskey,” “thank you my girl, are you busy out there tonight?” “no, not really, the rain is keeping people away I think.” She walks back towards the bar, her arm is grabbed tightly by a man. She tries to pull away, but he is strong, his other hand is all over her. The girls who do this type of work are treated like a piece of meat, they never complain to the men or tell them to stop, it's part of the job. Finally she breaks away, she readjusts her top which he had tried to pull open.

  The television has a picture again, everyone is happy. In walks Peter, he makes his way to his favourite seat at the bar. He is wet, is it the rain or is it his sweat? He spots me and gives me a wave, I wave back to him, I hope that doesn't make him think I want him to sit here with me.

  Finally the teams are out on the pitch, everyone is getting excited, the volume of the men's voices is very loud. The banter is non-stop, I think we have mostly Manchester United support.

  I see the two young girls who came in earlier are back inside looking around, this time they take a seat and order drinks. I think the men are more interested in football right now than having sex with a prostitute. I notice Barbara is back in the bar, she goes over and sits with the two young girls. The debate looks a bit heated, Barbara does not look happy. She gets up and leaves the girls, she notices me and comes over. “Hi Mr Ben,” “hi Barbara, you have problems?" “where?” “with the two girls over there." She turns and looks at them and turns back to me. “Yes and no, the one is my best friends daughter, she is only fourteen,” “oh, that's not good, she is too young to be in here Barbara.” Barbara knows only to well how prostitution can spoil a girl's life. “I have told them that they must finish their drinks and leave.” I wonder if Barbara is concerned over the welfare of the girls or is it that they offer competition. “If they leave here Barbara they will find another place or someone in the street, at least you can keep an eye on them here.” She looks at me for a moment; she rubs her eyes with her hands and says, “no Mr Ben, they can not stay here.” She gets up from her seat and walks back to the bar. Maybe she is worried about the competition, the men will take them that is for certain.

  There is a mighty roar, people are jumping up and down, Manchester United have scored. This is what Sam wants, keep everyone happy and keep filling their glasses, or bottles in this case.


  Chapter 29

  The Cut

  The noise diminishes, they have finished celebrating the goal. One thing that does stand out is a live commentary. The man responsible is James, he talks along to any game. If you didn't know him or were new to the bar you would think someone had a radio and was listening to the game, he is that good.

  I cannot hear the rain now it must have stopped, that means I can get home dry tonight. Another big shout, I think it's Tottenham this time. Yes it's a penalty, everything goes silent. GOAL, the commentator at the bar shouts and the bar erupts into noise again. The cheering must be coming from the Arsenal supporters in here. It was as loud as the first cheer, mind they cheer every goal I think.

  Well, well, well, here comes Maria, “Ben are you watching football?” Now I will find out where she has been, “not really Maria.” “I see you go outside with the Pastor, was it business?" There is a pause, “yes I went to his room, he had another girl in there, she was already in bed.” “Did you join them?” “yes, he is like an animal Ben, the other girl was young but he still had sex with her. He changed from me to her and back to me again. The poor girl was hurting I think.” This makes me so angry, why doesn't someone do something about this evil man. “You know this man is not a good man Maria, be careful,” “Ben I have no options open to me, if it is there tonight I have to take it, maybe tomorrow there is nothing.” I shake my head, but what she is saying is right, she needs to live. I see she has her bra on now, at least she is dressed again. “Can I buy you a drink Ben?” “no thanks Maria, I am getting close to finishing the evening.” She stands up, “ok B
en enjoy the rest of your evening, I am going to my bed I am tired.” She walks towards the door and is gone. Home? maybe, it depends if she meets anyone on route I suppose. Like she said, she needs to take every chance when it comes.

  Another big roar and another goal, I think Tottenham have scored again. Slowly the din dies down, the arguments keep going, yes Tottenham have taken the lead.

  There is a local boy, maybe he is mid-twenties, he walks around the town just wearing a blanket. Usually his bottom is on show, sometimes the blanket is over his shoulder and he is completely naked. It amazes me how everyone just ignores him. People have different versions for his problem, some say he is just mad, others say he was taking drugs, that's why he went mad. The final reason was witchcraft, he owed someone money and did not pay it back. The person who was owed the money went to the witch doctor and had a spell put on him. Supposedly if he pays the money the spell will be lifted. Anyway he has just walked into the bar naked, his manhood is swing from side to side. Finally Sam comes from behind the bar and ushers him out through the door. This poor guy has no one to help him, but he always looks happy enough.

  Suddenly we are plunged into darkness, the electricity is cut by the powers that be, or maybe storm damage. Candles are lit, everyone goes into their pockets for their mobile phones. The moans echo around the bar, the evening maybe spoilt yet again. Now we have a waiting game, maybe it will come on straight away, maybe one hour, maybe not tonight. Looks like the almighty is on the side of football tonight, the electricity is back. Everyone cheers, the candles are extinguished and the television is looking for a signal. First there is sound, then the picture appears, the score is still the same, they have not missed anything.

  I feel my phone vibrating, I fumble about in my pocket until I find it. Looking at the screen it's telling me my old friend Bill is calling. He lives back in England, we were teaching together in Asia, it's a long-time since I have seen him. “Hello Bill, how are you?” “fine Ben, are you still in the same town?” “yes, why?” The phone goes quiet, we have lost the signal. The phone rings again, “is that you Ben?” “yes it's me Bill.” “Ben I am coming over next week from England, can we catch up?” “that would be great Bill,” it would be so nice to see him again; it must be ten years ago we last met. “Ok, I will call you next week to let you know what is happening. Ok goodnight Bill,” “goodnight Ben.” Well that was a surprise, a long lost friend.