Read The Bar Page 11

  It's half-time in the football, I need to visit the pit. It's amazing how the bar clears so quickly, everyone has gone outside for some fresh air. Walking across the courtyard I notice the water has subsided, but it's very quiet, no girls. I open the door and go inside, there is another man emptying his bladder and two women squatting down by his side emptying their bladders too. I feel a little drunk now so I keep a distance from the edge, I don't want to fall down into this hole. Undoing my zip, I feel the relief in my bladder when the urine starts to flow. The women stand up in unison, pulling up the pants together almost like a synchronised team. They leave, the other man is not far behind them. Finally the pressure is removed from my bladder and I am able to cover myself up. Coming back out into the courtyard I get a glimpse of Maria going into one of the rooms, she never made it home obviously.

  Back in the bar I get my glass filled up with a Red Label, Sam tells me that I have finished the Black Label. Walking back to my seat, I sit down and watch the people come back in from outside. The bar is full again, everyone waiting for the second half to begin. The phone call from Bill makes me think back to my time in Asia.


  Chapter 30

  The Past

  I climbed the steps and entered the aircraft, my flight was bound for Asia. After my baptism of the English school system I could not wait to get out of here. The plane left Heathrow at seven in the morning, I reached my destination at nine the following morning. The school was in a small town with a population of twenty thousand people. There were five hundred pupils in my school, they were mixed and ages ranged from seven to sixteen years.

  I soon got into the stride of things, the children were so attentive, not like it had been in Liverpool. Everyday I got out of bed and wanted to go to work. The sun always seem to be shining, even during the monsoon period. My life felt so meaningful, I was so happy.

  There was another teacher from England working at the school, his name was Bill. He had arrived a year before me, we soon became good friends. His humour was sometimes bordering on edge, he never worried about offending people, be it their religion, body size or colour.

  Weekends we would go into the town and enjoy the bars, for him the women also. A different girl every weekend, I think he was paying for them. On one of my weekend excursions I met a beautiful girl, her hair long and black, her skin soft and brown. Unlike Bill it was one month before we slept together, she was such a loving girl. Now my world seemed complete.

  One day pupils came running out of their classroom screaming, I think the teacher was first out of the room. The panic was due to a snake being in the room, a cobra they said. I slowly opened the door, poking my head inside I could see a very large cobra with its hood fully expanded. It looked in my direction and gave a big hiss, I was back through the door closing it behind me. After what seemed like hours of deliberation, the two gardeners went in armed with tools. There was a lot of shouting and banging from inside the room. Finally the two men appeared with one very long dead snake. It seemed such a shame to kill the beautiful animal, but there was no other option. During my time at the school there were a few other encounters with snakes. One was a small python in my lounge one day when I arrived home. This one was handled with care, I think he kept it as a pet.

  I was getting more attached to my dusky maiden, she was so beautiful. I had met the parents, there was talk of marriage. One day everything changed, she came to me and told me she was leaving the town and going to the capital to train has a nurse. The capital was too far to travel for just a weekend, so seeing each other could only be done during the school holidays. Because of this we slowly drifted apart, also my contract was nearing completion.

  Finally the day came to leave the school, the teacher I had replaced was fit to come back and resume her employment. Bill was staying, his contract was for five years, he like me did not want to go back to England. We spent one last weekend in the town and I said goodbye to Asia.

  I spent the next two months back in England with family and friends until I found my next placement. I never realised it would keep me living and working outside of England for so many years.


  Chapter 31

  Battle Commence

  The bar is full the football resumes, the noise level goes up and then back down again. That was some nice thoughts about my time teaching in Asia, they were good times. I really am looking forward to seeing Bill, it's been a long-time.

  “Are you ok Ben?” I look up to see Sam, “yes I am good Sam, business is good tonight?” “yes Ben, thank God for the English Premier.” Sam walks away, he looks happy with the night he has had.

  Another young lady walks into the bar, she looks around, I think she is hunting. She starts to walk towards my table, a big smiles crosses her face. “Hi, how are you?” I just nod my head. “Can I join you?” “the seats are free,” “my name is Rose,” “hello Rose, I'm Ben.” She starts to laugh, “I know who you are, but you don't remember me?” “why, should I?” I am presuming that she is a prostitute and looking for a customer, which isn't going to be me. “I am the sister of Lucy, your ex-girlfriend.” Lucy was a one night stand, never a girlfriend, “ok, I was talking to your sister earlier today.” She stares at me, waiting for me to speak, “so what are you doing here tonight?” “just bored sitting at home, so I thought I would come out and get some fresh air.” Is this really true, I think she is looking for a trick. “Ok that's good, are you at school?” “yes, I am only fourteen.” These girls mature so young, by eighteen she will probably have a child. “So where is Lucy?” “oh she is sat in the house, why do you want me to go and get her?” “ha-ha, no thank you.” “Ok Ben, it was nice meeting you, enjoy your evening,” “thank you Rose, goodnight.” Rose walks back towards the bar and starts talking to Fredrick, he will try to get her into a bed.

  The bar explodes into life again, there has been a goal. “Hi Mr Ben,” I see Greengage stood in front of me, I just nod my head. I really don't want to get into conversation with him, I just look ahead towards the television and say nothing. He stands there for a while then moves back over to the bar, mission accomplished.

  Tottenham have scored again to the dismay of the United supporters, 3-1. There is still a good commentary being done by James. He will talk for the whole game, except for the half-time break. If you don't know him you would think he is crazy, but he has his own computer business, very successful man.

  I rest my head on the table and close my eyes, the noise from the bar gets less and less. I am walking towards the darkness, should I go inside or stay here in the light? I keep walking until I can see nothing, I walk more and more, I have no idea where I am going. There are two lights in the distance, they get closer and closer to me. Finally they are upon me, I am blinded with the glare. I feel a pain in my head, something wet is slowly swallowing me, it's blood. The blood becomes more and more, slowly my face is submerged and I am in total darkness again.

  Goal!!! I am woken by the cheering of the people in the bar, the noise is deafening me. I slowly regain my vision and my hearing adjusts to the din. That was another dream, always the same, I think it must be getting close to bedtime.

  James shouts over to me, he tells me United have levelled the game. That was two quick goals, there can't be long left, so a draw would be a good result for everyone. I lift my aching body from the seat and go outside. The cool breeze hits my face, bring my mind back to life. I take a seat and look around me, it's quiet. Brenda comes over, “are you ok Ben?” “yes Brenda, I just wanted some fresh air.” She sits down by my side, “have you been busy my girl?” “yes, I really want to go home now.” Poor girl must be tired, she has been here all day, now it's close to midnight. “Soon you will be able to go, the game is nearly finished, then everyone will be gone.” “Except you Ben, ha-ha.” She is wrong, tonight I will be in my bed early. Another man calls her over for service, “I have to go Ben.” I see the fires are almost out, just a small glow in the dark. Smoke
hangs low in the sky, another evening is finished for these people who are trying to make a small living. Tomorrow it is the same again, survival is the name of the game.

  Another big cheer comes from inside the bar, another goal perhaps. I don't really care who scores or who wins, football was once a sport of the working classes, now it is corrupted by money. I see rugby is going the same way. Once an amateur game played by people from all walks of life, they would go back to their professions during the week. I suppose things can't stand still.

  I think the game is finished, people are leaving. Everyone looks pleased with the result, I hear that it was all even, so no last minute goal. People say goodnight to me, I acknowledge them, I think they have had a good night. At least the electricity stayed on. Out of the bar walks Fredrick with the young fourteen year old holding his hand. They walk over to his car, she gets in the passenger seat. Well it can't be a lift home, she only lives a few minutes walk away from here.

  I go back into the bar, the last few people remain finishing their drinks. Taking a seat I have a difficult choice to make, should I have another drink? I have decided not to, I think this will be my last one. Slowly the last few people finish what's left in the bottom of their glasses and bottles. Now there are just three of us left inside, Joseph, Brenda and me, just like the day started. Even Sam has gone, these poor kids have another hour in front of them.

  I go over to the bar and take a stool, I am joined by Joseph. “Do you want another whiskey Mr Ben?” “no thank you Joseph, I am finished.” There is pain in my ribs, I straighten up, turning I see Brenda. This girl is coming back to life, me, I am dead, well almost. “Come here you,” I put my arm around her shoulder and give her a big hug. These two are like my family, they are my children, the children I never had. I put my glass to my mouth and drain the last drop of whiskey. Getting down from the stool I bid them goodnight, “are you walking?” Brenda asks. I always walk, my house is out of town, but only half an hour to walk. “Yes Brenda, the walk will sober me up,” “ok see you tomorrow Ben, take care,” “goodnight Mr Ben,” “goodnight to both of you.” I walk to the door and out into the night, I hear the bar door being locked behind me.

  Tonight it's dark, there is no moon because of the cloud cover, and all of the lights are out. I walk past the traders, their fires glowing giving them a little warmth. People wish me goodnight, some of them I know, others are just strangers. A dog comes charging towards me, it barks trying to intimidate me. I bend down and pick up a stone, I hurl the stone and hear the dog yelp, lucky shot. I finally reach the edge of town, walking along the potholed road I see two lights in the distance. They get closer and closer, they are so close they blind me. The lorry passes me, the breeze almost knocking me over. I stand still and let my eyes regain some vision after being blinded by the headlamps. I carry on walking, my foot goes into one of the potholes and I fall on my face. It is so dark I did not see the hole, I get to my feet and brush myself down. I start to walk again, I feel a stinging sensation on my face, I feel blood running from a cut on my cheek. Walking, walking, I make my way along this potholed road, I see little. Again two lights appear in the distance, they get closer and closer. I put my hand to my eyes to stop the lights blinding me, the darkness disappears, light is all around me. There is a bang, the lights are gone, I am back in the darkness again. The blood from my face is becoming more and more, slowly I am being submerged, now it is total darkness and silence.


  Chapter 32

  The Morning

  I wake up and look to the ceiling, the fan is still. Rising from my bed I go to the bathroom for a shower. Thirty minutes pass and I come out feeling refreshed. I go to the kitchen and take a seat; I put my head into my hands. Last night was another strange dream, I am starting to worry. Always the same dream, but never an ending, why don't I see the ending? I start to think about today, another day in the bar I suppose. I should go to the capital for a few days; it would do me good to take a break from here.

  I walk from room to room trying to make myself busy, but the only thing on my mind is getting to the bar and drinking some local brew. I really must be addicted to the stuff, dare I say it, I am an alcoholic. Everybody tells me I drink too much; they have my well-being at heart. I am fortunate to be surrounded by a lot of good people. Whatever they say does little to stop me drinking, it gives me peace. Without the drink I would think too much about Jenny, which would make me so depressed.

  I sit down again with a book, I hear a knock at the door, I ignore it. Whoever it is will come back or I will see them in the town. My mind wanders again, tears start to roll down my cheeks, today is not a good day. I have just remembered that Jenny died on this day, I only remember the day not the year. Was it four years or five years, maybe more. I need my drink more than ever now. Collecting my shoes I put them on, I don't have the time to bother with socks. Why do I need socks, it's bloody hot here.

  Opening the door I am blinded by the bright morning sunshine. Slowly my eyes focus, I step outside. I feel something touching my feet, looking down I see two small bunches of flowers. People are remembering Jenny, that's so thoughtful. Locking the door behind me I start to walk towards the bar.

  I see lots of people going about their daily lives, I say hello to a few but they ignore me. Perhaps they don't hear me, the place is noisy this time of the morning. I see Peace talking on the other side of the road with Lucy, they are both crying. Should I go over and see if they are ok, no I will see them later. They will talk to me about their problems when they come to the bar.

  Two children are fighting, a man comes out with a cane and starts to beat them. The children stop and defend themselves from the man's cane. He stops hitting them and gives them a lecture; they look at him and nod their heads in agreement.

  A bitch is lying on the path; she is surrounded by five male dogs, all taking turns to sniff her. When she gets up they attempt to mount her, she quickly lies back down. I walk around them; they are too preoccupied to notice me.

  Finally I reach my destination, the bar, I really need that drink. I walk through the door into a barren landscape, nobody is here. I take a stool at the bar and wait, someone will come in soon.

  There is a noise in the courtyard, should I go and investigate, no need, here is Joseph. “Good morning Joseph, how are you?” there is silence, nothing comes from his mouth, he is blanking me. Did I do something wrong last night, I hope not. “Joseph give me my usual,” he is still ignoring me. More noise, in walks Brenda, she has been crying. “Good morning my girl,” again nothing comes from her mouth. Why are they both blanking me, did I say some bad things last night.

  “Hi Joseph,” “hi Brenda, are you ok?” “not really, I have not stopped crying since I heard the news this morning.” What news have they heard that I haven't, “you two, what news are you talking about?” still they blank me. “Yes it is sad day Brenda, we will miss him.” Miss who, who the bloody hell has died, who are they talking about. “They said he died instantly, he felt no pain,” “it still doesn't make it any easier Joseph; it will never be the same without Ben.” Ben, they are talking about me, I am dead, I can't be. “Joseph, Brenda, look I am here, can you see me?” They don't hear me or see me, which would explain why other people didn't acknowledge me this morning. So if I am dead what do I do?


  About the Author

  Terry Minett was born in Cheltenham England. He has been married three times and has five children. He is much travelled, having circumnavigated the globe twice and visited many countries. He has lived in Zimbabwe, Senegal, Uganda and France.


  Other books by this Author

  One man's thoughts on Africa

  Also available at major ebook retailers.

  A Lonely Man

  Also available at major ebook retailers.

  A Lonely Man in Africa

  Also available at major ebook retailers.

  A Lonely Man Returns to Africa


  Also available at major ebook retailers

  Contact the Author

  [email protected]




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