Read The Best Collection of Motivational Moments, Can you imagine...? Volume V Page 1

  Can You Imagine…?

  by Bobbi G

  The Best Collection of Motivational Moments

  Volume V

  Copyright 2013

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  Books written by Bobbi G can be obtained either through the author’s official website: or through select, online book retailers.

  Bobbi G columns are also available for your reading pleasure at:

  Table of Contents

  Note to Self

  The Journey

  Accept Yourself

  Size Matters

  The Three F’s

  Destination NOW!

  Good Day, Bad Day

  Kindness Reflex

  Get Out!

  Final Score

  I Thought About You Today

  Good Seed, Bad Seed

  What If…

  Two Monks

  In or Out of Control?

  When I Grow Up

  Erroneous Zones

  Garbage Free Living

  Thought for the Day

  Finding Utopia

  The Bucket List

  Losing It

  Choose Carefully


  The Voice

  Pay Kindness Forward

  Note to Self

  Column # 119, Published 10-16-08

  Note to self…love myself first so that I may love others…love them, even when they don’t act lovable…breathe deep the freshness of morning air full of gratitude to be alive…laugh as often as possible at myself and all the joys of living…be honest, because it really does feel better to tell the truth…forgive quickly...because I can.

  Note to self…absorb the beauty of a sunset knowing it’s just ‘goodnight’ to an awesome day…count blessing in the small things that make up my life because they add up…never judge another person, because I do not walk on their humble during times of conflict, because I don’t always have to be right…write down one thing I am grateful for every day; then read it out loud ten times…because I can.

  Note to self…treat everyone who crosses my path with respect and kindness…be grateful when taking out the trash, because it’s a luxury some don’t have…remember to let my inner child play as often as possible…be thankful at each meal that I have a meal to eat…sit and observe the wonders of the world for a few minutes every day…be faithful to the one I love, because they don’t have to love me…let go of grudges and past hurts…because I can.

  Note to self…be a friend I would want a friend to be…happily pay my bills because I am fortunate to have a home and car…say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ at every opportunity…smile at everyone, knowing it just might brighten their day…be thoughtful and remember birthdays and anniversaries of those I call family and friends…never pass up an opportunity to do a random act of kindness…because I can.

  Note to self…hug my children every day, even when they don’t act huggable…avoid negative reactions in favor of positive responses…remember the ‘lesson’ is in the lemon and make lemonade…practice patience in stressful situations because things have a way of working themselves out…accept others for who they are…treat others better than I like to be treated and feel great about it…because I can.

  Note to self…be tolerant of those who anger quickly…enjoy who I am, because I do ‘me’ better than anybody...ask someone today, “What can I do for you?”...never intentionally say things to hurt anyone’s feelings and always say “I’m sorry” when I have…ask myself “What can I learn from this?” when life throws me a curve…start each day with a smile on my face and a song in my heart...because I can.

  Note to self…look for the silver lining, because there is always a silver lining…face adversity with courage and the desire to overcome…never stop seeking knowledge and learning new things…stop and smell the roses in the middle of a dessert…keep positive, feel good thoughts in my mind at all times…take a leap of faith on a great adventure…do all the things I’ve always wanted to do…because I can.

  Note to self…keep ears closed when others gossip…remember, each moment, of every day, is a chance to make positive decisions which enhance my life…speak softly with kindness to those who are hurting…listen when someone needs to talk…hold the hand of a child and remember what it was like to be childish…create happiness wherever my path through life leads me…love…because I can.

  Note to self...always remember, life is supposed to be fun…because I can.

  Can you imagine…your ‘note to self’ list?

  The Journey

  Column #131, Published 01-08-09

  A woman entered the gymnasium…slowly…painfully. On her face a frown was etched as she tried desperately to remember where she was supposed to be going; not certain she was in the right room. Hunched over, she took a small step forward with her left foot. Then as she leaned left to adjust her weight, her right foot was thrust outward by heaving her right leg forward in an awkward stepping motion. It was quite an exaggerated limp, making the right side of her body appear completely useless. Even her right arm was in an unnatural position at her side and swung stiffly with each thrust of her leg.

  Her hair a shapeless, stringy mop hung in clumps around her bowed head. Lifeless eyes were dressed in dark circles on her pale completion. Stooping as if she were fifty years older than her age she continued her journey to the front of the room. She wanted to be anywhere but here. If only she could disappear forever and not have eyes watching every labored step.

  Onlookers couldn’t help but notice her, her gait was so askew. Some gazed in pity, others in judgment. And under hooded eyes she could sense the ones looking at her with disgust. She felt their repulsive stares stabbing into her heart. Wasn’t it enough that she was in constant pain? Did they have to stare? Ashamed, she cried a silent tear.

  Thankfully, after several agonizing minutes she made it to a seat and painfully lowered herself into it. The chair was hard metal, not padded, and soon she dreaded her hips would be screaming in protest. The only thought running through her mind was, “When this is all over I have to get up and walk again,” a task she dreaded.

  Listening to the Sunday school teacher she was trying to concentrate but her brain couldn’t connect the dots anymore. Occasionally someone would glance her way and offer a ‘poor dear’ smile. She smiled back weakly but silently prayed it would be over soon. She couldn’t endure anymore pitying glances. As class ended, with much effort she raised herself out of the chair as someone asked how she was getting along. “Okay” was her meek response.

  But it was far from okay. It had been far from okay for years. And as she made her way out of the room her mind drifted…daydreaming of how life used to be, before the illness. Tears welled in her eyes as she recalled a time before the pain…a time that somehow seemed like someone else’s life now…a time when she was too busy to be in one place for very long…when there were so many things yet to be accomplished…

  My dear readers, why have I started my column this way? Because I would like to ask you to consider embarking on a journey with me and I don’t feel right asking you to take this journey with me until you know where I have been. I, on the other hand, am at a loss as to where you have been. But this year let’s take an amazing journey of self-discovery. And hopefully by the end, we can look back and say we learned something about
ourselves. Something that made us feel, think, react or love differently…something that hopefully made us grow inside. But most of all, changes us for the better!

  Some of you have been with me from the beginning and I thank you. Others have come in along the way and I thank you also. Then there are still more of you who only read this paper randomly, again, thank you. Whichever the case may be, I encourage you to stay with me each week. As you can see by the above story, things happen, not always appearing for the best at first. But I promise you, if you stick with me this year, you may learn something about yourself.

  You see, that woman who could barely make it to her seat…was me. The pain I suffered was so intense I wanted to end my life. Only through grace, and a very timely phone call, am I here today. I have been on a journey of self-discovery ever since I lost everything that I ‘thought’ defined who I was. And can honestly tell you I enjoy life more than I ever did before. Yes, my life changed dramatically, but change can be for the better as you will see if you take this journey. Please ask family and friends to follow along too. Let’s take each other by the hand and embark on our quest…a life changing journey!

  Can you imagine…being happier than you’ve ever been?

  Accept Yourself

  Column #133, Published