Read The Billionaire Princess Page 21


  Now that was fun. Sara removed her silk bathrobe from her suitcase and hung it up in the closet. Her parents acted as a bit of a buffer when they all got together. Without them, the strained relationship between her and Callie seemed more visible. Even Christopher's presence hadn't helped. He'd been preoccupied talking sports and business with her brothers.

  Dinner tonight would be similar. Wonderful. Tomorrow should be a different story though. Her parents and other family members and friends would make it easier to hide the fact that she and Callie rarely spoke. Then on Saturday none of it would matter because they'd be off to Martha's Vineyard. Even though the island was a short boat ride from Newport, she hadn't visited in a long time. Before Christopher suggested the trip, she hadn't thought about the island at all. Now thinking about it lightened her mood.

  Dropping her empty suitcase inside her closet, she closed the door and turned her thoughts to a more pleasing topic, Christopher. Although work kept her busy during the week, he was never far from her mind. When something important occurred the first person she thought about calling was him. She looked forward to their daily conversations because he always managed to cheer her up, even when she was having a bad day. No matter what they had scheduled, they talked everyday since that first trip to California. And while she filled up her fair share of the conversation, Christopher talked about his day too. Sara found that a novel experience. Men that she'd dated in the past had either wanted to do nothing but talk about themselves or had shared nothing.

  If only they'd tried this sooner. Who knew where they might be now? Maybe they'd be married and living in California.

  Sara froze halfway to the bathroom. They'd been a couple less than two months. She shouldn't be thinking about marriage or anything close to it. Their relationship was too new. True she enjoyed his company and they had fun together but that was no reason to rush anything. Besides who knew how deeply his feelings ran? Over the past few years his name had been paired with several women, so she knew he did his fair share of dating. She didn't think he was a confirmed bachelor like Dylan had been before Callie, but that didn't mean he saw marriage in his immediate future either.

  Take it slow. Don't lose your head like before. Phillip’s image came to mind and a shudder passed through her body. No, this time she'd be extra cautious. She didn't need a repeat of her last relationship.

  “Okay, if I come in?” Christopher called through the closed door. At the sound of his voice the mental image of Phillip evaporated.

  Perfect timing. Sara crossed the room and opened the door for him. “You're done visiting already?”

  “You've been gone a while and I got lonely without you,” he said, placing a quick kiss on her lips. “You okay?” He studied her face, the concern visible in his eyes.

  Sara turned partially away from him before she answered, “I wanted to unpack. I know we're only staying two nights but I don't like having my clothes in a suitcase.”

  “You didn't seem like yourself downstairs.” Grabbing her hand he gently pulled her back toward him so they again faced each other.

  Not a conversation she wanted to have, Sara wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned into him. She knew just how to distract him. “Just a little uncomfortable, but I'm fine now.” She placed a kiss at the base of his neck then started to make a path upward.

  “I could tell. Have you ever...” Christopher stopped and a low groan escaped from his mouth as Sara reached his ear lobe and sucked on it.

  Empowerment surged through her when he couldn't finish his sentence. Pulling back, she looked up at him with a coy smile on her face. “Have I ever what?” She reached for the first button on his shirt and undid it.

  By the time he answered she had three more buttons undone. “We can talk about it later.” Christopher tried to undo the top button on her blouse, but the tiny buttons wouldn't cooperate with his large hands. “I give up. Either you do it, or I'm ripping the damn thing off.”

  As if she hadn't heard him, she pushed his shirt open and placed a hand on his chest. Through the cotton fabric of his undershirt, she could feel the rapid beat of his heart.

  “Sara.” His voice came out as a half groan when she kissed his neck.

  “You're impatient. Do you know that?” She'd worn the blouse enough times to know exactly how to work the annoying little buttons free. For a second she contemplated doing it slowly to see how he'd react. She dismissed the idea almost right away. Sara wanted to feel his skin against hers probably as much as he did.

  In moments their clothes were in a pile at their feet. Inch by inch Christopher's eyes traveled down her body, making it throb. At the same time his hands caressed her breasts then traveled down her stomach to her waist. “Perfection,” he said, his voice low and purposefully seductive.

  Sara opened her mouth to say the same thing about him, but didn't get the opportunity. Instead Christopher pulled her against him, then set out to turn her brain to mush as he worshiped her mouth, all the while moving them back toward the comfort of her bed.