Read The Billionaire Princess Page 22


  With one arm lying across his waist and her head resting on his chest, Sara remained perfectly still, content to stay in bed while Christopher slept. During their time together she'd learned just how busy his life was. He wasn't a CEO who sat behind his desk all day while others took care of everything. He thought nothing of flying to two or three different states in a day for meetings. If he slept now his body must need it. Dinner wouldn't be served for another hour. As long as they left themselves enough time to dress, there was no need to rush now.

  Then again maybe they could skip dinner. The idea held merit. If her parents were around, she wouldn't consider it. While her mother assumed she'd been intimate with men, she didn't like it flaunted in her face. She'd felt the same way with Jake and Dylan.

  How much of a hard time would Jake and Dylan give me in the morning if we don't show up for dinner tonight? Jake would be the worst. He'd always been the one to tease her unmercifully. Most of the time she tried to avoid it. This time, however, it might be worth it.

  Glancing up, she expected Christopher to still be asleep. Instead she found a pair of eyes staring back at her. “You're awake.” Sara pushed herself up on one elbow.

  Christopher’s finger traced a path along her jaw. “Your powers of observation are outstanding.” He tried to keep from smiling, but the corner of his mouth inched upward.

  Without a second thought she stuck her tongue out at him.

  “I wouldn't do that unless you plan on using it.” This time a devilish smile spread across his face.

  “We don't have time. Dinner is in an hour, unless you want to skip it,” she said hopefully.

  His eyes scanned her face and she wondered what he hoped to find. “I'm fine with either, but I'm guessing you'd rather skip dinner with the family tonight.” Christopher's expression turned serious.

  She felt him place a light kiss on the top of her head and lost another piece of her heart to him.

  “I'd be happy right here all weekend.” He tightened his hold around her. “I don't think I'm the reason you want to stay up here though. You looked pretty uncomfortable in the library.”

  Damn. She thought she'd done a good job of not showing how she felt today. “You know about my relationship with Callie.” The hand gliding down her arm left a path of heat in its wake, which started to spread through the rest of her.

  “Have you tried apologizing? Maybe if you sit down with her and explain everything, you can clear the air between you.” His tone contained a degree of warmth and concern.

  Not him too. Did her brother and Christopher realize what they were asking? Sara sat up, the heat she'd felt moments before gone. Sure she could apologize, but what if it didn't matter to Callie? Then not only would she have made a fool of herself, but one more person would know how stupid she'd been. Who would want to open themselves up like that?

  “Now you sound like Jake.”

  Christopher moved so he sat alongside her, his back leaning against the headboard. “Don't tell him I said this, but sometimes he has a good idea. Not often of course, maybe once a year.”

  Suddenly the blanket on the bed became the most fascinating thing she'd ever seen. “What if she doesn't forgive me? That would be humiliating.”

  “It's possible. But what if she does? What do you have to lose by trying? A lifetime of afternoons like today?”

  What she wouldn't give for a smart reply. “I'll think about it. I'm not promising anything.”

  “I won't mention it again unless you bring it up.” Christopher covered her hand with his.

  Sara breathed a mental sigh of relief, once again appreciative that he never pushed his views or desires on her. While he may voice both so far he always left it at that—a rare quality in successful, powerful men. Or at least the ones she knew.

  “So what do you say? Should we skip dinner or not?” he asked, his index finger slowly drawing a line up her arm.

  For a moment she paused and again considered the hard time her brothers would likely give her in the morning. In this case anything they dished out would be worth it for more alone time with Christopher. “Let’s skip it. Why don't we relax here for a little longer and you can tell me what Jake said. Then later we can head out somewhere for dinner—maybe The Spiced Pear.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Christopher agreed before recounting his conversation.

  Chapter 10