Read The Carrier - Episode Five Page 4

Empe opened her eyes; she was in one of the cells beneath the mother temple. She was very familiar with these rooms, having spent many a time locked in them. The feeling of familiarity didn’t ease the uneasiness she felt being here again – she swore under her breath as she sat up – she was getting too old for this.

  ‘Empe?' She turned to face the opposite wall, ‘Empe?' Crawling to the opposite wall she leant her head against it hoping she wasn’t hearing things.

  ‘Who’s there’?

  ‘It’s Alexander’ Empe almost wept with relief as she hugged the wall,

  ‘Oh praise be child. Are you well?'

  ‘I’m fine Em, but we need to get out of here’

  Empe sighed as she clung to the wall, a small tear fell down her cheek, ‘I’m too old for this Alexander. I only returned because they have the message runes, that woman cannot read them – everything we have worked for…’ Alexander sensing her distraught tried to quiet her, ‘Empe, don’t give up we can work this out – first things first, we need to get out of the cells – do you think you can get through the doors?'

  ‘I’ll try Alexander, but I don’t know if I can – something the mother sovereign did to me in the study has left me weak.’ Empe heard Alexander shuffle around his cell, shifting things, looking for something? She turned to the cell door and extended her arm willing the door to open. It didn’t move. She tried harder, and her arm fell to her lap exhausted.

  Breathless Empe turned back to the wall, 'It’s no use, I cannot summon any power.’ Alexander didn’t respond, and she moved closer to the wall trying to hear what he was doing – a loud crash came from the other side of the wall, ‘Alexander?’

  ‘Empe keep trying, I’ll see if there is something I can do on this side.’

  Taking a deep breath, Empe raised her arm and willed the power to come. Nothing. She sat back dejected. It was no use. Empe jumped and shielded her eyes as the cell door suddenly burst into flames and then flew to the opposite side. Shielding her eyes from the intensity of the flames, Empe looked up.

  Standing in the doorway was Kera, or rather Teanne – who smiled and in a cheeky tone asked, ‘Are you ready to get out of here?’

  Luia -Night

  Crouching low behind a carriage Empe looked at Teanne – she wanted to ask how she had managed to destroy the door and how she even knew they were there? But however it had happened she was grateful to have Alexander and her out of those cells.

  Teanne looked over her shoulder and motioned that all was clear. They made their way past a guard station, and slowly moved into the surrounding desert plains and quickly headed toward the forest. Creeping and bending under low hanging vines made Empe grunt – she was definitely too old for this. Teanne finally stopped and stood straight; she looked around and then turned back to Empe and Alexander, her smile was infectious,

  ‘I bet the Mother Sovereign won’t see that coming’ she said.

  Alexander chuckled and patted Empe on the shoulder. Empe couldn’t bring herself to smile; she was still in a state of shock at the preceding events,

  ‘Em, are you all right?’ Alexander asked as Empe attempted a smile but could only nod her head, ‘So miss full of surprises. What now?’ Alexander asked, and Teanne smiled,

  ‘I’m not too sure – I didn’t actually think that would work.’ They both laughed out loud, and Empe sank to her knees and lowered her head. Alexander and Teanne quickly came to her side, and crouched next to her, ‘Em what’s wrong’? Empe looked up. She sighed and looked at Teannes wrist.

  ‘How did you do that Teanne, How did you know we were there’?

  ‘I heard you and Alexander as I was moving through the corridors trying to get out. The part about the door, I don’t know Em, uh I guess the Estrus did it.’

  ‘No child, the Estrus is a stone, it cannot wield what you did, you are the carrier. That… that was something else’ Teanne simply smiled and shook her head

  ‘I’m not too sure about that, it’s very reactive to my moods and I guess just bettered what I wanted.’

  Empe looked up again, that was not what she had expected Teanne to say. The words were exactly as her mother had written them when she discovered the truth of the Estrus. Teanne crouched down and took Empes hand, her eyes were focused and alive, the aura that had once blinded Empe now surrounded Teanne like a second skin. Things were not as she had expected. ‘Come on we need to get out of here.’ Teanne said softly.

  Empe moved to follow then remembered ‘No we must get the message runes’

  ‘What do you mean we have to get the message runes’?

  ‘The Mother Sovereign has her set, that’s why Empe came back’ Alexander added

  Teanne stood up straight and looked around then looked down at Empe and then to Alexander, ‘Well I guess we better go and get them’.

  Teanne could feel the intensity of the Estrus grow as they moved through the long hallway, and she was almost craving the feeling now, craving to find the extent by which she could wield its power. She motioned the two following to stay within the shadows close to the walls. This was risky but she loved the feeling that at any moment they could get caught. Arriving at the sovereigns’ garden, Teanne scouted the area. Her mood hardened.

  Sitting alone was Lin, her head bowed low.

  ‘Is that Lin’? Empe whispered, Teanne nodded ‘Let’s get her, maybe she can help.’ Teanne pushed Empe back against the wall,

  ‘She has helped enough, come on let’s try and go around.’ Teanne ignored the questioning gazes moved to the opposite pillar, ‘Are you sure they are in her chamber?’ she asked,

  Empe looked toward the Mother Sovereigns chamber and nodded her head. Teanne froze when she heard the voice of her mother approaching.

  ‘Sister Lin, you have done well. You’re duty is fulfilled; you are free to go, but please remain close. I might need you again.’ Teanne watched as Lin rose and bowed ‘is there anything else I should know Lin, before you leave?’

  Lin stopped and looked up, meeting Teanne’s gaze. Lin looked toward the opposite wall and spotted Empe and Alexander. Teanne lifted her hand ready to strike, and saw Lin take a quick breath, and turn back to the Mother Sovereign ‘No Mother Sovereign, there is nothing more.’

  Lin walked toward the pillars and smiled meekly as she passed Teanne’s venomous gaze.

  ‘Mother Sovereign!’ Teanne turned back to the garden as two guards approached the sovereign, ‘the prisoners have escaped, and they have taken your daughter.’ Teanne smiled as she watched the Mother Sovereign rush off behind the guards, her face filled with anger. Teanne waited until no one was in the garden and waved the two behind to follow.

  As she approached the surrounding area of the crypt, a surge of electricity filled her, she stopped. Empe and Alexander came up behind and attempted to pull her along, she resisted and turned facing the rotunda. Moving to the edge of the rotunda she traced her fingers along the edge. The urgency for her to move to the crypt was a little startling, and she couldn’t ignore the pounding of her heart as she approached.

  ‘Teanne we need to get to the Mother Sovereigns chamber.’ Teanne looked up into Alexander’s eyes, he needed her to follow.

  ‘Empe?’ Teanne paused caressing the platform ‘the message runes, you can feel them, can you sense their exact whereabouts at all?’

  Empe moved to Teannes side, ‘I can sense a general area, not specifically, why?’

  Teanne jumped onto the platform and looked down at her two friends, ‘I think you need to come with me’ Alexander, without question joined Teanne on the rotunda, but Empe was hesitant. She watched as Teanne moved around the edge of the well structure, and noticed a gleam in her eyes. Empe was finding it unsettling seeing the surge of power filling Teanne; she looked down at her wrist, and it was glowing brightly. Teanne seemed to almost dance as she circled the structure; her hair rising in short bursts as if she was being hit by electricity. She finally stopped and looked up. She smiled and gest
ured to Empe to take her hand, Alexander the other. Empe tentatively grabbed Teannes hand. The surge of power through her arm almost left her panting for breath and she closed her eyes to the vibrant light, almost loosing her footing as a swirling wind encircled her. Everything went black.

  ‘Where are we’? Empe asked straining to control the fear in her voice.

  The room was dark, but Teanne knew exactly where they were. Ignoring Empes question she moved feeling for the wall, and called the power and waited until a small flame sparked at the edge of her finger, she recalled Chev sniffing the wall, and smiled. There was no need for that.

  The sparking sound echoed throughout the room, and within seconds the room filled with a bright luminous light. She heard Alexander gasp, and saw Empe fall to her knees. It was a wondrous sight, it looked exactly the same as it did the first time she was here; but the feeling of awe she once had was no longer, it felt like home. Teanne giggled as she watched Alexander look around and then turn to her, his eyes pleading for an explanation, she merely shrugged her shoulders, and moved toward the altar. She looked up to the small hole in the ceiling, basking in the daylight that was filtering in warming her face. She looked back down at the altar and smiled.

  At the centre of the altar between the four triangles sat the message runes, she grabbed them and turned to Empe, her hand outstretched.

  Empe rose clumsily and wiped the tears from her eyes and crossed toward her, and took the message runes ‘These are not my set.’ Teanne looked at them recalling the stones the woman previously had thrown on the altar. They were obviously the same set. She looked at Empe, ‘Does it matter?’

  Empe looked at the runes and smiled. She shook her head, ‘I am grateful Teanne, and how did you know they were here?’

  ‘A guess’ Teanne said.

  Empe looked around, ‘This place, my mother described it as the chaos to the order. I don’t know what she meant, but it is truly a beautiful place. I thought it no longer existed. And to think it was below temple surrounds the whole time.’

  ‘Yes, yes it is beautiful. Do you know much about it’? Teanne asked as she moved toward one of four doors off to the side.

  ‘It’s where the four roots communicate.’ The voice echoed from behind, and everyone turned quickly toward the voice. Lin stood at the bottom of the stairway.

  ‘Have you come to spy on us again Lin?’ Teanne asked unable to control the venom in her voice. She stared at Lin until she lowered her eyes,

  ‘No Teanne, I have come to ask for your forgiveness, from all of you.’

  Teanne turned her back on Lin and crossed her arms. She was not ready to forgive, cocking her head to the side she turned back to Lin, ‘How did you get in here?’

  Lin looked up the spiral stairway, ‘I doubled back and saw the three of you standing on the rotunda, and then you disappeared. I ran to the platform and the cover to the well was open.’

  ‘Well someone wants you here I guess.’ Teanne replied more to herself than the group.

  ‘Can someone please tell us what’s going on’ Empe pleaded.

  ‘Lin was spying for the Mother Sovereign, she was the reason we were thrown into those cells.’ Teanne spat out.

  ‘Child. No!’ Empe moved to face Lin and lifted her chin, ‘is she telling the truth?’ Lin could only nod ‘well now!’ Teanne couldn’t help but laugh at Empes reply. It was both scornful and motherly at the same time.

  ‘I’m sorry Empe, but my duty was to Luia’

  ‘Was?’ Teanne asked.

  ‘I don’t know anymore. I believe in you Teanne, but I just can’t bring myself to believe that uniting the lands will bring harmony. Look what I did in your time. It destroyed your home.’

  Teanne realised suddenly why Lin had betrayed them. She had guilt for what the older version of her had done in breaking the treaty. She sighed.

  ‘Well forgive me if I don’t trust you anytime soon.’

  Lin lowered her head, ‘Of course’ she whispered.

  ‘So. What now?’ Alexander asked as he walked toward the altar and looked down at the four triangles. Lin smiled sheepishly at Alexander, grateful for his attempt to change the direction of the conversation. Teanne looked at Lin harshly and asked.

  ‘What did you mean it was where the four roots communicate?’

  ‘I overheard the Mother Sovereign and the four sisters talking about this chamber during their discussions about the Estrus. It is apparently where the four lands communicated after the roots were separated’ she paused,

  ‘In secret.’

  ‘Does the Mother Sovereign know you overheard this?’ Empe asked,

  ‘No, I don’t think I much matter to those women. I am merely a lowly servant’. Ignoring Lin’s obvious hurt, Empe continued ‘does the journal tell you of any of this Teanne’?

  Teanne pulled the journal from under her shirt where she had it tucked into her trousers, and began thumbing through the pages. Like before the blank pages begun filling with writing. ‘This is merely your mother writing her thoughts Em. I don’t think there is anything about how to do anything, but she did mention another book. Do you know of one?’

  Empe searched her memories and sadly shook her head. Teanne continued ‘you know how to read the message runes, surely that is something?’

  Empe shrugged her shoulders ‘I can read them for guidance but not initiate contact with another land. I don’t know how to do that. Lin was always the one to do that part.’

  Teanne moved around the room tracing her fingertips along the walls, and smiled to herself as she felt the Estrus dance under her skin. She moved toward the four doorways. Above each doorway, etched in a stone tablet were symbols. She recognised them from the staircase and from the runes. Teanne tried one of the doorknobs, and was surprised when it opened. Pushing it completely open, she stepped through, but found herself simply on the other side. She walked back through and closed the door. She did the same to the others. After closing the final door she moved back toward the others. Teanne turned to Lin. She felt a sense of sadness as she looked at her friends face, and purposefully softened her voice to ask, ‘did you happen to hear how they proposed to use these?’

  Lin shook her head ‘No. I think they are at a loss too. The practise has been long lost, somewhere around the time the Mother died.’ Lin looked confused as Empe and Alexander made a circle motion in front of their chests, and Teanne ignoring everyone turned back and looked at the doorways, and then looked at the message runes. She smiled at a sudden realisation. ‘May I’? She held her open palm to Empe who hesitantly handed the stones to Teanne. She cradled them in her hand and closed her eyes, and quietly whispered.

  ‘Well teach me then.’

  Empe and Alexander shared a confused look. Teanne waited, and waited for the man in black to guide her. Flashes of alight runes and doors opening into large grand chambers flashed in her mind’s eye. She turned and looked at the altar, and knew what to do.

  Feeling a surge of power throughout her body from the Estrus, Teanne threw the stones down onto the altar.

  The runes moved in a circle and then moved and settled to form a diamond shape.

  Teanne gently touched the one toward the top. The North.


  Matthew almost fell off his chair when the rune toward the bottom, the south, Luia, and the rune toward the top, the north, Aelia, began to glow. He hurried as quickly as he could to the large banquet table – rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn’t seeing things.

  The runes were glowing. But that was impossible; this is the last set in existence.

  Leaning over the stones, he hesitated and gently pressed the rune to the bottom, the South, Luia.