Read The Carrier - Episode Five Page 5

‘Oh praise be child, how…’ Teanne looked up smiling at Empe and then back down at the runes. The stones that represented Luia and Aelia were glowing brightly.

  ‘I guess there is another set in existence.’ Teanne replied happily. Alexander moved behind Empe just in case she suddenly fell over. Empe steadied herself, and lifted the runes throwing them down. They formed another circle of sorts, and she moved them into a straight line – she knew how to read them, and hoped that whoever or whatever was on the other side knew the practice. Empe gasped as the runes began moving, the three runes that represented the north, south and east moved together, the one rune that represented the west stood alone.

  ‘What does that mean?’ Alexander asked.

  ‘I guess it means that these three have an alliance of sorts and this one stands alone.’ Empe rearranged them removing the west rune that represented the land of Kale, and pushed it to join the east rune -the land of Mesi. The four watched wide-eyed as the rune moved away from the west and joined the other two. Empe looked up.

  ‘I guess there is no argument then.’

  Teanne smiled and lifted the two runes still glowing and moved them to the side. She touched the east and west. Nothing.

  ‘So no trusting the east then’ Alexander and Teanne laughed, Empe smiled. Lin stood silent. Teanne looked around the chamber and followed the veins of fire as they moved around the room, and looked at the four doors,

  ‘Well there are four of us. Four doors. Four runes. Shall we see what’s behind them’?

  Teanne touched all four runes, and moved toward the door with the symbol of Aelia above it, she looked behind her. The three moved hesitantly, and then moved to stand before the other three doors. Teanne nodded, and in unison they turned the doorknobs and pushed open the doors, stepping through.

  Matthew looked up. His jaw fell open. There standing in the middle of the great chamber was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen; she looked around and seemed startled with what she saw. Her long flowing white hair blew across her face, her beauty was captivating; but it was her eyes, black as night. They seemed to suck in everything she looked upon. She turned to him and went to speak. Then she was gone.