Read The Carrier - Episode One Page 1

  The Carrier – Episode One

  Willan Ellis

  Copyright 2014 Willan Ellis

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  Cover Image: Original art by Kate Sallai

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  Lin looked out the window at the flickering lights of the approaching army. They were still a way off in the distance, but they would be here soon, too soon. Lin sighed and picked up the quill, How could there be no time? She needed more time.

  'Head Elder?' Lin turned and looked at the girl standing at the door, and nodded.

  'I know Alliva; I won’t be too much longer.' The young girl nodded and closed the door, Lin looked down at the paper and sighed rereading her words.

  Dear Teanne,

  If you are reading this, it means I have run out of time, and failed. Failed to guide you and teach you. You will have so many questions, but please whatever you do, have faith. Have faith that I know you are truly the one that will unite the roots, that you are the Carrier! I only wish that I had sought you out sooner, but in my lack of faith and pride, I waited, and now, as I watch on at the impending end of everything that I love so much, I am filled with regret.

  Let the stone guide you, and use this journal to help you follow the path set before you.

  Forgive me.

  Your servant

  Lin felt her hand shake as she scrawled her name at the end, folded the letter and placed it inside the journal. She lightly kissed the cover, wound the gold thread around it and walked to her bookshelf. Reaching behind she pushed open a concealed compartment, and laid the journal inside. Closing it she turned and looked around her study. There were many memories in this room, some good and some bad. She smiled as she ran her fingertips along the thin silver chain around her neck and lightly touched the stone at the end; it glowed in response.

  'I pray I am not wrong' she whispered softly as she crossed the room and taking one final look around, closed the door behind her.


  Jacob pulled his land-walker to a stop, and looked up toward the cave. He remembered the times he had played there as a child, often at the prompting of Teanne, and he smiled as he recalled the number of adventures she managed to convince him to be involved in and how they nearly always ended in either Chev or he getting into trouble. Teanne, he hoped she was safe.

  Dropping from the saddle he walked swiftly toward the entrance. It had been several days since the Head Elder was last seen, and he prayed to the mother she was well, well enough to retake command of Luia.

  The men standing guard saluted. Jacob sighed, that was going to take some getting used to. He nodded his head for the guard to proceed.

  ‘The Head Elder Elite is inside, Commander. She is awake, and being attended to by a healer.’ Jacob waited, prompting the guard for more information, ‘she is not good sir’.

  Another guard drew back the flap covering the entrance to the cave. Jacob entered. The cave was not ideal, not for such an important person. There were no furnishings apart from a small table and a stool, and a makeshift cot where she lay. The small candle near the cot flickered in the breeze. Jacob promptly closed the flap. It would have to do, for now.

  ‘Commander, praise be.’ The woman was covered in seeping wounds, and Jacob had not hidden his reaction to her wounds well, noting the small smile on her lips. The healer nodded and returned to attending the injuries, unravelling bloodied bandages which she placed upon an ever increasing pile on the ground.

  ‘Head Elder praise be you are safe!’ Jacob kneeled before her.

  'There is no need for formalities today Jacob, and please call me Lin. Come, sit.’ Jacob looked on, there was no way he could call the Head Elder by her given name. He jumped when the Head Elder flinched from the healer applying milky lotion to a deep wound.

  ‘Thank you child, could you please excuse us for a moment?’ The healer left the cave, and the Head Elder turned to Jacob, ‘how are you coming to terms with being the Commander?’

  Jacob sighed, ‘It will take some getting used to, but I still have my doubts that you made the right choice, there are many better suited.’

  The old woman attempted a smile, ‘No you are the right choice, even if you do not agree. There has not been a commander in many, many turns Jacob, it is an honour – wear it well’

  Jacob fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, and shifted on the uncomfortable stool. He heard her chuckle at his reaction, and then wince.

  ‘Do you need anything, Head Elder? Shall I call back the healer?’ She smiled and shook her head, ‘I’ll be fine child, and I have felt worse before.’

  Jacob doubted that.

  ‘Have you discovered how they broke our defences?’ The Head Elders voice was suddenly authoritative.

  ‘No, but many of the city guards have speculated that they breached our defences when we changed our watch, but we cannot be sure of anything.'

  The Head Elders eyes darkened. ‘I fear we have a traitor amongst us Jacob. The severity of this attack can only be accounted to Water-bearers. They are a vicious silent creature.’

  ‘That’s not possible; no water can pass into the surrounds.’ Jacob angrily replied. The Head Elder closed her eyes; her voice came slow and weak, 'not unless they were invited in...’ her voice trailed off, Jacob watched her chest slowly rise and fall.

  ‘Head Elder. Lin?’ Jacob rose and crouched at her side,

  'I’m so very tired Jacob. I'm sorry what was I saying?'

  'Water bearers and a traitor' Jacob replied quickly. Elder Lin nodded and a smile crept to the corners of her mouth. 'I'm getting too old for this' she added. Jacob thought he heard her chuckle to herself.

  'Elder Lin, this is important. Please tell me what you know.'

  'There is so much to learn child, and we are running out of time. So much has happened, and so quickly. I'm fearful that we are destined to follow our ancestors and fail once more.' Jacob went to press the elder for more, he was confused by what she had just said, but before he could she interrupted,

  'Has your training allowed you to study the old law commander?' the steadiness in Elder Lin’s voice made Jacob nervous.

  'A little yes, but I do not understand what relevance it has.'

  Jacob noticed the cave brighten; he then looked down at the elder. There was serenity to her, and a glow emanating from her chest. She reached out and touched his hand. Jacob instantly relaxed. As she tightened her grip on his hand Jacob felt a surge of electricity move up his arm.

  'What is the one law, Commander?'

  Jacob hesitated but finally answered, 'That no land is to enter another.'

  Elder Lin nodded, 'why was this law created?' Jacob shuddered when another surge of electricity ran through his body. He closed his eyes trying to settle his nerves, and opened them. He moved back suddenly when he found the elder sitting upright and looking at him sternly. Elder Lin slowly asked again. 'Why was this law created?'

  'Elder Lin I don't know. My job is only to follow the law, not question it.'

  'A good answer. But not a correct one. Remember a true leader will always question that which tries to bind him.' Jacob watched as Elder Lin took her hand away – the calmness he felt instantly disappeared.

  'The one law was created to stop another land crossing into another. Why would the Order Lords want to stop the lands meeting? Why would there be such a need to keep us separated?'

  Jacob was growing frustrated, and looked intently at the old woman, who waited f
or an answer. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, 'I don't know Head Elder.'

  'Neither do I.' Elder Lin smirked then shook her head. She chuckled at the bewildered look on Jacobs’s face, 'my question, Jacob, is why if the Order Lords are so determined to follow this law, they would attack Luia?' Jacob knew instantly that the Head Elder knew the answer, but wanted him to work it out. There could only be one answer, and Jacob did not want to admit its truth. Finally he replied, 'because Luia has something the Order Lords want.'

  'Yes Commander. I wish I could tell you what that might be, but...' Elder Lin winced in pain, Jacob needed her to continue, but he couldn’t bring himself to force her further. He shuddered as the cave fell back into shadows and watched as the elder closed her eyes and gently rocked her head from side to side. Jacob shifted closer, and took her hand.

  Suddenly fixing her gaze on him, Elder Lin almost shouted, ‘you are the Commander of Luia, and I am the Head Elder, I am yours to command' Jacob nodded nervously. She continued, 'I must ask you one more thing, and you must do as I ask.'

  'Head Elder?' He asked cautiously,

  'Find me Teanne, bring her here at once.

  ‘Elder Lin, why would you want to see Teanne?’ The woman turned her head towards the wall of the cave. Her breathing was laboured. ‘Elder Lin. Lin. Please tell me why you need Teanne?’

  Slowly turning to Jacob, she met his stare, ‘It is time.’

  LUIA – mid-afternoon