Read The Carrier - Episode Two Page 6

The mood was festive. The Queen was true to her word. The goodwill of Aelia was in full swing and the city below was engulfed in celebrations. The lanterns on each corner blazed, lighting the streets while the people danced with each other, sharing tales, laughing, and passing flagons of wine. It was a joyous sight.

  High above in the Aelian palace, Jacob gazed down. The lights looked like pinpricks in the earth, so far away, but he could still feel the festivities below. He turned as a servant presented a tray and as he took a glass of wine looked out over the room. The chamber was filled with Sisters of the Flame, members of the emissary, a select few high-ranked soldiers, and many Aelian dignitaries—they too seemed awed by the grandeur of the palace. Very few were invited to the palace these days. The destruction of Luia had led to this exception.

  ‘A penny, for your thoughts?’ Justin approached with a huge grin on his face. Jacob simply tipped his glass, not in the mood for conversation.

  ‘What a night aye Jacob? What a palace. Oh and, what a woman!’

  Jacob followed Justin’s gaze towards the Queen. She had exchanged her uniform and chain mail for a simple white flowing gown, corseted to her waist, and her contrasting black hair was worn in two loose braids. Jacob’s chest heaved at the sight of her.

  Did I not tell you she was a sight?’ Justin nudged Jacob in the ribs suggestively. A call from another member of the emissary diverted his attention, as Jacob met the Queen’s gaze. He bowed his head and turned back to the window, looking eagerly toward Luia, and thought of Teanne, Where are you?

  'You are not enjoying the festivities, Commander?’ Her voice was soft.

  Jacob turned. There she was in front of him. He felt his face warm.

  ‘I do not feel much like celebrating, your Majesty.’

  Jacob suddenly felt like a child. She moved to stand beside him. He caught her scent and tried to ignore the sensations growing inside him.

  ‘It’s a beautiful city, is it not?’ She looked up towards him, her eyes once again searching for his soul.

  ‘It is magnificent, Majesty.’ It truly was.

  ‘And your home? I have unfortunately never seen Luia, but I am told it is a beautiful land.’

  ‘Was. Your Majesty, was.’ Jacob did not like small talk. He did not like being this close to her, his mind was racing to find an excuse to leave her side, but he stopped himself. She had openly welcomed his people, and possibly brought the threat of the Order Lords to her doorstep.

  ‘Commander?’ Jacob had missed the question, and he watched a glimpse of anger flash across her face.

  ‘I asked if you knew what you planned to do next.’

  The question he had been avoiding. He did not know what to do next, the Head Elder was dead, his people outcasts from their own land, no one to govern apart from him. Teanne no longer his strength - the weight was heavy on his shoulders. He shrugged.

  'No your majesty, I do not know...'

  ‘It must be an interesting time to take command’ Jacob smiled, she had no idea how much he was struggling with his new position, or maybe she did.

  The smile made Iszalie pause for breath; she did not understand why she was so enraptured by this man. She was not wanting for any type of affection, be it emotional or physical. But being in his presence made her feel like a young girl, experiencing a first love.

  Deciding to change the subject she looked over the gathered crowd, ‘It has been a long time since we have had an opportunity to hold a celebration in this room’.

  ‘It is a magnificent room your majesty – the architects knew exactly what they were doing when they designed it’

  Iszalie smiled triumphantly and replied with pride ‘my father designed it, he knew how to make a statement without the use of words’ Jacob nodded, thankful for the direction of the conversation.

  ‘So Commander, who is here from Luia?’ Jacob thought he heard a playful tone in the Queens voice but dismissed it, and pointed to a small group in the corner,

  ‘They are some of the higher ranking officers, and those are a few of the Sisters of the Flame’ Jacob flinched as he met Alliva’s eye, and she waved. He nodded his head.

  ‘She seems to be rather taken by you. She has been stalking you around the room all evening’ the Queen laughed at Jacobs look. Flabbergasted, Jacob felt his face heat.

  ‘Yes, she has a way about her... always...’


  The scream from across the room was filled with fear. Jacob turned towards the voice. There, supported between two Aelian guards, hung Chev, her head flopping forward. He raced towards her and grabbed her in his arms as they both fell to the floor. Slowly wiping the sweat soaked ringlets away from her face, he whispered,


  Her eyes slowly opened, and recognising Jacob a tear ran down her cheek, ‘Jacob! . . . Teanne’

  ‘Teanne? Chev? Where is she?’

  Chev closed her eyes. Jacob roughly shook her until her eyes opened.

  ‘Gone …Teanne is gone.’

  Chev fainted. Jacob pulled her against his chest. His world crashed in on him.

  Aelia - Morning